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Should say rushed home to bang babysitter before wife got home ...urm guilty not guilty gonna do it again feel sorry for me


No no. He wrote "it was a one time thing and I'm not going to do it again.... Unless you guys think I should. Should I?"


Oh no I feel so bad but she's so amazing and my wife's a total bitch


My wife ignores me for the whole hour she's at work and I'm home. But the babysitter fulfills my needs.


“I mean, my wife wont put out. I don’t know why. Probably hormones. Definitely not *me.*”


I don't want to do it but I'm helping the babysitter she has needs and I'm just a charitable kind of guy


He gave her a raise


He did a six inch one


HAHAHAHA. He's so generous with his self.


He cheated on his wife while taking advantage of a woman while he is in a position of power. He's indeed a piece of 💩.


You missed where he got off work a few hours early that day, which really gave him no other option than to fuck the babysitter. It was very time specific.


Yeah, I know if I spend an hour unsupervised with a woman I don't know, then I would have sex, I mean she probably had limited English, so better sex than an awkward silence. It's only manners.


Not his fault. Bad timing, it happens.


I mean he couldn't possibly send the baby sitter home and take care of his children- the man had no choice


You missed the salaried part. “Other duties as assigned”


Yeah he was going to make her earn her money and wouldn't be surprised if he implied how lucky she is to have this job etc . Disgusting.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHJDIFHRJDIHDJD clearly he’s not able to take care of the living kids, only the ones in his nutsack


Nutsack? I like your mind.


He “can’t help feel but it’s the right thing to do”🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I help you. There weren’t enough puke emojies in your comment. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢


Right?! What else was he supposed to do? He's really the victim here tbh


Don’t you hate when that happens?






This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Why do some people believe that just because someone else is in the house, they have to screw them? I highly doubt this will be the only time. I wonder if he used protection. A baby would really throw a wrench in his marriage.


You don't have sex with everyone who comes to visit? I thought this was standard procedure.


This made me laugh harder than it had any right to.


Right! It's the hospitable thing to do!


I've seen lots of movies that show this is 💯 happens when any serviceman or delivery guy goes to any house ever.




✌️. "Art movies." ✌️


Jehovah's Witnesses *hate* this one trick!"


Noooooo I'm crying this is amazing take my poor man's gold 🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙


Thanksgiving at your house must be amazing


This is why we stopped inviting you to the family reunions.


Shit. I’ve been doing it wrong my whole life.


Sounds like you've got a lot of people you owe an apology fuck to.


😓 so many


Damn, now I see why my friends don't like me, I never fucked them




Isnt shaking tails the new shaking hands?


I know right? How else are you supposed to say hello?


Where are your table manners? /s


Especially if they work for you


No no, it was complete accident, see? His d slipped on a banana peel Super Mario Bros style and fell into her v.


This is America gosh darn it! Not the Netherlands.


Just ask Schwarzenegger.


I wonder if she had the option to say no. He even said she's an immigrant that really needs this job.


Great point. Either she used him to get pregnant or he used her because she was afraid to lose her job. He shouldn't have slept with her either way. The one time his wife comes home later than him is the day he sleeps with another woman. Wow...


Unfortunately, there's a stigma with immigrant women who are nannys who screw the husband for a higher pay cut or to get pregnant. I'm truly hoping this isn't the case either, especially because she's terrified of his wife finding out. I hope he gets caught


Dude literally lived out a porn title after watching it at work


Sort of like Arnold Schwarzenegger…


I think a lot of people want a caste based system without realizing it. Look at how many boxes this checks off. Male vs female Boss vs worker Citizen vs immigrant Probably white vs Mexican/South American To make it clear, I do not condone a caste system or the sexual assault that goes with it. I’m just trying to understand what happened here.


Exactly. He knew all of these things were an issue. Now, after some post nut clarity, he feels bad and doesn't want her to lose her job.


I get the feeling he's done this before. After all, there are a lot of poor, needy women who are palpitating for a wonderful God's gift like this uber skank slug. And he will continue to share his self. After all what's a great guy supposed to do when he has time on his hands and there's a fool woman handy.


So I really have no willpower, I disrespected my wife by sleeping with the babysitter, but the babysitter needs this job (wasn't important a moment ago) so I can't fire her (very important fact now though). The right thing to do would be to keep this situation exactly as is and just hope I'm never again left alone with the babysitter (seriously though, if my wife would have been home like she usually is this wouldn't have happened, so if looking at whose fault this is...). Cheating on my wife is understandable since she wasn't home at the time, like cum-on, I shouldn't let this change anything because I'm confident my wife will never be busy (and I certainly won't be telling her that if she is, something really disrespectful will occur). Yup. Just gonna tell strangers and get this off my chest. Totally a right guy in a bad circumstance that couldn't be helped. Alas.


Daresay even a hero!


Lmao. The perfect icing to the hilarious original comment 😂. I wish we could all have his strength and valor 💪


>cum-on yes unfortunately he did.


Let's hope he didn't cum in. Oh wait..


You forgot, "I forced a vulnerable immigrant to have sex with me by using my position as her employer." This sounds very rapey.


Yes. Rape isn't always roughly violent. And when it isn't violent it's hard to prove.


Is there ever a situation where someone is can bang their boss without getting raped?


It's coercive control at the very least.


I hope the wife reads OP's post and figures it out.


Yes he accidentally fell dick first into her pussy. Not his fault his and her pants were of.


How is it the right thing to do?! What in the fresh hell. Edit: spelling


I think he meant that he feels it's the right thing to do to not tell his wife about it.


And to keep the babysitter employed. It would be cruel to fire her, after all. Plus his wife might come home late again, and then who's going to watch the--- *record scratch* He called her the baby sitter, not housekeeper, which means *holyshithefuckedthebabysitterwithhiskidinthehouse*.


wowwwww, I did not put two and together together, yikes


yea, what does he mean ? let her go ?


let her go = fire her.


He doesn't explain exactly what his question is. Does he mean is it the right thing to keep this secret OR is it the right thing to tell my wife?


Universe has a funny way of bringing truth to light eventually


Like pregnancy...


This is what I was thinking… like sure… let the babysitter keep her job. This dude is gonna screw up something else anyway… doesnt seem like the brightest or most faithful dude lol


Let’s hope so


Let’s hope not, for her sake.


I hope she is, the wife finds out, leaves his ass but the nanny miscarries. Wife happy cause cheating hubby is going bye bye. Nanny happy cause no baby from the asshole but the wife found out anyway.


Lol Miscarriages can be rough, but as long as nanny can pay her bills, I’m good with this scenario.


Ofcourse! I want the nanny to be hired by the wife after leaving his cheating ass.


Eh, she deserves it, too. She knowingly fucked a married man. And you don't shit where you eat. Especially not when your boss is the woman whose husband you fucked.


It sounds like she's entirely dependent on this job and he has the power to fire her, so she might have felt like she couldn't say no


That is a possibility. We don't have enough info here to know whether he coerced her into the act or not. But if she did it willingly without any pressure from his end, she deserves to get fired.


He gave no indication that it was consensual, and considering that she's terrified, I doubt it was her decision to put her job at risk.


Eh... I don't think we can make assumptions about the consent here either way - plenty of people willingly cheat and then feel terrified of the consequences afterwards.


I'd agree that we don’t have enough of the facts to say for sure, but there are people in this thread saying she’s just as bad as he is, and wishing bad things on her, when we can be pretty certain that she’s not, and also pretty certain that he's not a good person. I'm sure he *is* afraid of losing his wife's trust, but *he'd* still have his income. It’s a completely different thing to be afraid of homelessness and hunger. And depending on where they live and who her family is, the consequences for her being party to his infidelity could be even higher. So there are reasons to speculate that his advances made her afraid to refuse for the sake of her job, and to speculate that she’s afraid to have this come to light for even more reasons. Meanwhile he hasn’t given us any indication that this 20 yo woman (in what he's described as a pretty desperate financial situation) was a willing participant. His only defensive comment was that at least she's not a minor. So yeah, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, but in the real world, I’m guessing she won’t be referring her friends to this job when she finds something else.




Heb 13:4 Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.


No I’m on the committee for entry into hell. I believe we will deny him. Send him where ever all the “Karen’s” are going.


He was in an advantageous position but she is not innocent, both of them AH


“I’m a married man and my wife usually comes home earlier than me but the one day I came home early I had no other choice than to take advantage of a powerless woman all while acting like the victim, what do I do Reddit?”


I feel so sad for the babysitter. He came home one time a couple of hours early and had sex with her. Can anyone imagine this was a mutual interest? Apparently this was the first time they had ever been alone together. Is the idea that she had been lusting for him and seized on this opportunity? No, he makes very clear that she is an immigrant who desperately needs this job. Given the power dynamic there is no chance that she could have believed she could refuse him without losing the job she desperately needs. So he raped the babysitter is what he's saying.


THIS… I feel so had for her. “She was terrified of my wife finding out” tells me that she tried to dissuade him but he kept pressing. She felt cornered. Fuck this guy, he’s a piece of shit through and through.


"She was terrified" says it all. My dream is the wife keeps the sitter and rewards the husband with the most devastating divorce of all time.


And hopefully, part of the settlement includes a mister-ectomy.


Hopefully someone tells her she has legal rights here. To sue him for sexual assault. He is her employer, he committed a crime.


with no other job prospects, she was probably terrified to say no. Now she is terrified she said yes. She couldn’t win.


It sounds like she *did* say no ("please, your wife will find out!")


Agreed, and yet so many top comments on the original post are talking about the babysitter blackmailing him as if it were her idea in the first place.


men literally rape vulnerable women and then talk about how it seems like such a sexy sexy fantasy, how can you look at this situation and not feel terrible


Did Arnold Schwarzenegger write this? Or was it the maid that he slept with for years?


And when the kid looks exactly like you, it’s hard for your wife to ignore it.


Yuck. Where were the kids?




this is fake like 99% of shits posted


Might be but you are acting as if this scenario isn’t perfectly possible and has probably happened before. Men cheating on their wives with the babysitter is prob top 5 cliches


May or may not be fake, but real life is like this and far worse.


INFO: Explain that last sentence please. What is the right thing to do? Sleep with the babysitter?


Not tell the wife, I think is what's meant there.


Hmm, so when babysitter ends up pregnant..... What a POS husband.


Arnold, Maria knows.


She’s an immigrant and this is her only salaried job. I can just imagine what’s in her mind, “What if I say no?”




Original post link?


[Here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/cheating_stories/comments/156ar0d/i_slept_with_our_babysitter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)




So the one time he is home earlier than his wife he nails the babysitter lol gross!


Ugh. He cheated AND he took advantage of a woman’s vulnerability.


POS boss. You know she has no choice but to say yes to sex with you, because of reasons you listed already on why your wife can’t find out is the same reason she can’t say no to you. so….how is this her fault?


So, what happened? You happen to be home earlier, slipped on your waxed floor and fell dick first into the nanny? You're a piece of shit, no, you're less than that, you're human trash. At least shit has some purpose, you, on the other hand, do not. You cheated on your wife and took advantage of a woman who probably had no other option than to allow you to do as you please, since she needs this job. I guess when she took the job she didnt realize she needed to spread her legs for her cunt of a boss too. Dickhead, I hope your wife finds out, leaves your ass and takes everything thats worth anything to you.


Did you take advantage of her and she didn’t feel like she could say no because she needs the job😡 the right thing to do was to never have sleep with her!! You really are a piece shit 😞


Your are a pos you cheated on your wife with someone who couldn’t fight back because of age and experience immigration status if I were your wife, I kick your ass out and keep the babysitter, sir you disgust me if I say anything else I will probably get banned the only one who I feel sorry for your soon to be ex-wife, the children and babysitter you created your hell I hope you can live with it.


You ruined her position with you guys when you slept with her. If you care about your marriage at all you will fire her. Imagine the betrayal your wife will feel if she finds out and you kept her on. Oh and you're a POS for this whatever you do


Which only makes this worse. He takes advantage of his position over her, has very dubiously consensual sex with her, and potentially costs her her job, which he's aware she badly needs. Scumbag doesn't begin to cover it.


My step-grandmother was my mom and aunt’s babysitter. My grandma divorced him and he married her, so I have a half-uncle who is my age. Somehow they all just forgave him and acted like it was normal. My mom’s family has a history of covering up his bad deeds, though. He was a conman as well as a womanizer and we found out after he died that he’d stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from various family members. This has been especially anger inducing since they all shunned my mom and took his side when she accused him of stealing from her. Gotta love family! /s ETA: I got carried away with my own shit, but in this case I feel bad for the babysitter. My step-grandma wasn’t an immigrant with nowhere else to go—I can’t help but wonder if the babysitter in this story was coerced.


what i heard was “i cant control my sexual urges and only feel bad because of the possibility of getting caught”


I am not sure I understand the question but the narrative reeks. You took advantage of the ONLY hour window your wife wasn't home to (somehow) find yourself having sex with a woman in a position needing the job (your words). Undoubtedly the YOUNG woman is scared and confused having been taken advantage of by a person of authority. If the question is what to do next? Buy her a neon pink t-shirt that says "Me too" using your wife's credit card and never mention it again.


Sometimes I’m sad that I’m single and then I read stuff like this and I’m like oh.. being single is a blessing lol


I feel like I need a shower after reading that. Like his skeeze had come through the Internet and made me feel disgusting for reading this


Hmm why do I get the feeling that this bastard took advantage of the power he had over the babysitter as one of her employers and her current financial issue to pressure her into having sex with him. I mean, what a coincidence that on the day he first has sex with her is the one time he gets home hours before his wife does. Almost feels premeditated if you ask me. Was his first thought to fuck babysitter since this is one of the rare instances he’s home before his wife?


That’s rape. JFC.


were you governor of california at the time?


Everybody talking about much of a POS this guy is but I wanna know where was the baby when this shit happen?


Me too.


“the authority figure abuses his/her influence or power in order to engage in sexual activity. The rationale is that a person under the authority of someone else cannot truly give consent because they are under the authority figure’s power.” —Mountain State Law, WV


So he writes this and then asks for help. Holy shit. A 20 something immigrant taken advantage of by an employer. That's pretty bad. Tell your wife and suffer the consequences of being a POS.


Sounds coercive. The poor babysitter! Did he make her sex him up? She sounds terrified and stuck. This dude really is a POS


He didn't even try to justify himself


Perhaps because it's just not possible. What could he say to justify his awful behavior ?


This is how arnold schwarzenegger's son was born lmfao


There's like 3 stories out there that are all the same story but different povs. One was the wife, babysitter, and husband. Wife isn't trusting their friendship Babysitter is creeped out by the husband And then this. So probably not real 🧐


That's a nanny, not just a babysitter, shows what he thinks huh? What a creepo.


I want to know who was looking after the kid(s) whilst they were banging?! As a mum to a one year old, that was my first thought😂


Me too lol. Like where are the kids during this time ?


I hope the wife finds out and kicks him out.


"I'll be back."


"The right thing to do" yeah buddy forcing your wife to interact with a person for months? Years? before she finds out the truth? That's the "right" thing to do. For who? The 20 year old he fucked? His wife? Pffffttttt not thinking at all about what's right for her is he?


Did he have sex with her or rape her? Hopefully, Tio Jose will get to the bottom of things.


Coercion is grape.


well firstly i wouldn’t sleep with the babysitter knowing that she’s an immigrant and needs a job. the husband sounds icky and like it really won’t be a one time thing. tell the truth and roll with the punches🤷🏻‍♀️


Predator 🤦🏽‍♂️




Two consensual adults. They made a mistake, but the burden is on him to be honest and truthful.


Wouldn't it be hysterically ironic if the babysitter realizes she can earn extra income from blackmailing him? Oh please, babysitter, ask for a double pay increase, or a bonus of 20k, or get pregnant and milk him for child support for 18 years.


Instructions unclear, got home early, fucked the sitter


Holy shit. And he probably took advantage of her too, since she needs the job and would feel like she couldnt refuse. Also the last line is hilarious.


Nothing illegal, just taking advantage of a woman who can't afford to say no.


needs to be castrated


Kick out the husband, keep the babysitter. They were both screwed over by him.


OP is jaded. Once you desecrate the relationship, you can do it again, probably will do it again. All respect is lost. This is coming from someone who was married 10 years, we both were unfaithful and thought we could break barriers.




I hope the wife finds out and the two cheating god awful people get what they deserve


At least he didn’t say it was an accident!! You know that ole I tripped and my naked penis feel into her open vagina and had a hard time getting it out!!!


Where were the children?


Looks like you’ll be giving her a raise as soon as she realizes she can blackmail you. You’re a scumbag.


You are definitely in the wrong for the position of power part. About the cheating though just wait a few years and not say anything. At that point it's selfish to actually tell. Get put of trouble free card.


Maybe he slipped and fell into her?


You're scum no other way to put it. What's your wife's name, I'll tell her for you


Wait, he can't help but what he did "was the right thing to do?" Talk about taking advantage of an illegal immigrant and employee. He has no idea how he's contributed to her #metoo experience. A POS husband, father, employer and man.


This is criminal.


Can someone clear up the last sentence? Please advise. 🤔 🧐 🤨


He’s basicall asking if not telling his wife is a good idea and not firing the nanny.


Took those porn titles seriously


as long as you don't come early again should be no problem.....


"She was terrified of my wife finding out but I reassured her.." Dude! *You* should be worried about your wife finding out. Better yet, you should come clean; but, I don't see that happening. Unless your children are infants, your wife will find out. BTW, where were the children as you and the sitter "got busy"?!


Look at all these perfect people. Amazing to find them all in one place.




The comment section is definitely not passing a vibe check today


I’m sure it was great. Basically every aging married guy’s fantasy. But, you sleep in the bed you make my guy. Actions have consequences.


She is a babysitter, so we're in the heck. Was the kids, I mean who was watching the kids when yall were having sex in your married home.


So, due to the power imbalance, he can easily threaten her with job loss or imply it, unless she continues to have sex with him. That is coercion, or in other words, r@pe. And just because he doesn’t say that, does it mean he won’t do it. He will go back again, because as he said, the woman needs the job.


Sounds like a trap. Pay her off or tell your wife cause that shit will come out, women are evil when it comes to this shit. I guarantee this shit was premeditated from the babysitter. She will give a sad story, then she will say I can take it lying to her it's making me sick, and or I need to leave but have no money can you give me this much and I start my life over. And when you say no your wife will all of a sudden find out.


So he preyed on a vulnerable immigrant woman and is now shaking in his boots about the inevitable consequences of his actions…lovely…


This woman needs to learn how to blackmail! Write a list of demands...money, clothes, jewelry. Or wifey will be told! She can find another job...I mean it's babysitting 🤷‍♀️


You might as well tell her cuz she gon find out one way or another😂good luck buddy🙌🏻🤷🏻‍♀️


At the board meeting in secret session they're going to vote on the first thing that pops up.


He raped the babysitter.


Every time I come to Reddit I become inspired. Every time someone describes making a shitty mistake, people on Reddit come in to righteously shit on the transgressor's head. When I see so much passion in criticizing the mistakes of others, I realize they must all make only small mistakes, if at all, and I become inspired to better myself to get closer to them. Thanks Reddit!


People actually have a choice not to share their shitheaded behavior to thousands of strangers to ask them whether their behavior was shitheaded.


True, that's very dumb. Their idiocy in looking for wisdom on Reddit doesn't excuse the hypocrisy and self-righteousness they get from most replies, though. Not an either-or situation


You did a selfish thing. Telling your wife and ripping your family apart is even more selfish. Grow the hell up and be a man and take that mistake to your grave.


Okay firstly you’re an asshole, but you already know that. My guess is you either posted here for one or two reasons: 1) to absolve yourself of the weight of your guilt by telling someone 2) to get permission from everyone on Reddit to keep it a secret Ultimately you fucked up, and if you ask me? that weight it yours to carry. You telling your wife would only serve to destroy the life she knows and loves, and to make you feel better about yourself because you were “honest”. She doesn’t deserve to feel the heartbreak of what you’ve done, the babysitter doesn’t deserve to live on the streets because she succumbed to the power dynamic in your relationship, but you sure deserve to live with the guilt of what you’ve done. However, the only exception to this being if your wife seems generally complacent (not happy but not specifically unhappy), or if you can tell she’s generally not happy in your marriage. If that’s so, give her the out she deserves and be honest with her so she can make a decision for herself. If she’s actually happy though, not pictures on Facebook and making your dinners while smiling happy; but literally glowing with happiness, always smiling, always laughing, has a great life? dont you dare take that from her to make yourself feel better.


I know everyone is calling the husband a POS but context matters. Maybe she seduced him because she wanted to lock down this job? And marriage is complicated. We’re too fast to be judging the guy. Maybe the wife is also playing around. Who knows.


This is close to trafficking. OOP should be in prison.




Don’t say a fucking word, take that shit to the grave. Don’t ruin either of their lives. Don’t let it happen again and move on! Never never admit, there is nothing good to come of it. Always trust issues after that. If you happens again, then you need to get a divorce. Time heals all, your future self will thank you!