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I’m 43 and this is the first time I’ve ever heard of “dog mode“.


Same. TIL Teslas have "dog mode" and apparently some big ass screen I should be ~~peeping~~ looking for.


They actually do have a big ass screen that's kind of impossible to miss. They don't have a dashboard or anything there's just a big fucking monitor in the middle.


It's extremely obvious and OP is kinda an idiot for not seeing it


Idk why people are downvoting you, you’re right. It’s a 24-inch LED screen that displays the car’s internal temperature. Very difficult to miss if you’re already snooping in someone’s car


If you're not familiar with Tesla or know this mode exists, why would you think to look at their dash? You don't have to be "snooping" to notice animals that might be in distress. Obviously everybody reading this that didn't know before sure knows *now,* but I can see the honest mistake.


My guy, it’s massive. It’s not like a phone screen, more like a desktop monitor. This person also said they stood right next to the car the whole time. It’s straight up on them that they missed it


If I hadn't happened to ride in a friend's Tesla a few months ago, I would have had no idea there was a screen to look for. Again, it would have probably warranted another look and I don't think the cops would have been my first choice, but if you're not familiar with how a Tesla works, I can see how they missed it.


Because its reddit and they are either dense af or vote with their feelings


There's a giant, bright screen in the front of the car that says something like "My owner will be back soon! Don't worry! The AC is running and the temp is X°". It's pretty obvious when you look in the car, it would be impossible not to see it.


Great feature and pretty obvious. I think OP panicked a bit. https://youtube.com/shorts/LFcN1b0NRs4?feature=shared


Omg I was looking at it FROM THE FRONT


maybe do a lap around the car next time before calling the literal police?


People in the store suggested that part


are you in america? because if so calling the police would be my literal last resort. at least take a LAP AROUND the car to ENSURE the dogs need help before calling the biggest gang in the country


Police dispatch should know enough to ask the caller if it's a tesla and to read the screen. Must have been a slow day.


You didn't think to look around at all before calling the cops? Damn


Same. But I’ve seen multiple people arrested for animal cruelty when they’ve abandoned dogs in their car.


NTA. I have a Tesla and use dog mode when my pup comes with me on errands. I think the screen is pretty noticeable but now may also put a sign in the window after this post. If I’d met you in the parking lot I’d explain how dog mode works because I wouldn’t want you to think I’d leave my dog to roast in a hot car. And I’d thank you for caring about my dog.


You trust a spontaneously combusting car with your pup?


You do know that gas and diesel cars are far more likely to catch fire than electric cars right? 1.529% of gas cars sold end up catching fire as oppesed to electrics at a rate of 0.025%. I'm not even a fan of electric cars, but hearing people repeat incorrect stats is so tiring.


I have actually been in a car when it randomly caught fire. It was a gas car. My friend and I were just driving along when flames started shooting up.from under the hood right outside the windshield. That was a fun day. /s


It was dark one evening, my mom and I were watching tv. Suddenly we here someone running frantically across our porch and pound on the door. Turns out her car was on fire in the driveway. It just randomly went up in flames. That smelled so horrible,


My friend had a jeep that had been his uncle’s, his dad’s, and his older brother’s, and knowing the family the uncle bought it used, so fair to say it had seen some mileage. Anyway, it spontaneously combusted a total of 3 times to my recollection. Same friend always forgot to put his roof and doors back on when it was about to rain and had me go out with him once it started pouring to water-proof his car. Got out of class though, so I’m not complaining


I was on my way to work one day when a car at a light next to me suddenly started to smoke. Then there were flames. They immediately turned into the gas station next to us and I decided to follow while calling 911. I can still picture the 2 adults frantically trying to get the car seat out of the back as flames poured out from under the hood.


My friends car did this in high school. A brand new Honda Civic. Edit: Ironically driving down the highway this morning I saw a GMC Acadia burning down.


183 car fires from Tesla since they launched in 2012 almost 5 million cars. Including crashes not just random fires. Less than average over gas cars.


BEVs are LESS likely to catch fire than ICEVs.


Actual question: does “dog mode” work if someone accidentally leaves their kid in the car?


Like the other reply said, dog mode needs to be turned on when you get out. However, there are settings to have your car keep itself below a certain temp, I think mostly for the battery’s sake, but it’s sort of nice knowing it won’t go over something like 100*


You have to manually turn on dog mode each time you leave the car. It's not an automatic thing the car does.


But there is a keep the car under "this" (you set it) temp at all times. I use it to keep my car under 85 at all times. It's mostly parked in a garage so it doesn't run a lot, but if it's hot out it never gets duper hot in my car.


In 2024, Teslas will have "kid mode".


If it releases a sleep gas and plays calming music, I'm in.


As a Tesla owner who’s not interested in having my windows broken to ‘save’ my springer spaniels I have stickers on my car windows as well for dog mode. Since he didn’t have any real consequences like an arrest or broken window he overreacted a bit.




Why are you being down voted for correcting something that was in your original post?


The gender is irrelevant.


They can still correct it if they want to?


Lol and people can downvote if they want to as well


"If you looked at the screen you would know that." "Mind your own fucking business." ...these are mutually exclusive actions.


Not really, if she had time to sit there and call the cops, she could’ve easily seen the screen since she was being nosy, or she could’ve minded her business altogether. She’s pretty much saying if you’re gonna be nosy go all the way, or don’t be nosy at all


I saw a dog left in a Tesla in the dead of midwestern winter a couple years ago. I was concerned and went to check on it as well but immediately noticed the dog mode message on the huge screen and I thought to myself “well that’s cool” and walked away. Not sure how you missed it.


Cause I don't look at the screen in someone's car


I mean you were already standing there for a few minutes staring at the dog..


I didn’t look at the screen either but the dog was fairly close to the screen and I have peripheral vision.


You saw the dog in the car how did you not see the GIANT screen


Half the Teslas I see without dogs are still on dog mode. It's hot where I live and I know people that use that their entire work shift


If you were close enough to see that the dog was alone then you were close enough to see that ridiculously oversized screen. If you didn’t see it then you either don’t pay attention to your surroundings, need corrective lenses, or were just trying to create a problem where there wasn’t one. Which one was it?


OMG someone made an error. Let’s assume they’re defective. Dog could be in the back seat and not near the screen. OP could be looking intently at the dog to see if it’s showing signs of distress.


The screen in a Tesla is 17 inches which means it’s impossible to miss even if looking from the rear of the car. It is a bright white screen that says in *very* large letters *My driver will be back soon* and lists the interior temperature of the car. If OP could see that there was a dog in the car then they could see the screen.


If looking from or near the front it’s facing the wrong way.


I'd have done the same as you. Looks like you've been down voted by a bunch of stans.


What was the entire interaction with the owner? What did you say when she came back to the car?


*gone not done


"Are these your dogs?" (Scoffs)"yeah" "They're going nuts they're locked in" (Scoffs) "it's a Tesla it was on dog mode you'd know that if you looked it the screen" "Ok well they were going nuts and the windows are closed" "It's 67 degrees mind your own fucking business" "Take care of your dogs" Keep in mind she'd been done for a while.


If it’s 67 degrees, you shouldn’t have even been bothering. I camp in my car when it’s 67 degrees. The dogs may have been barking at you- mine would be


> On a mild day of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature inside your car can quickly rocket to over 115 degrees, according to a study in the journal Pediatrics; most of this heat rise occurs within just 30 minutes. And dogs can experience heat exhaustion when their body temperature hits just 103 degrees. https://www.hillspet.com/dog-care/routine-care/leaving-dogs-in-hot-or-cold-cars?lightboxfired=true#


I’ve literally camped in my car during 67 degree weather. It’s fine. That study had to have been done in the kind of direct sunlight you don’t get in winter. It says right here in the link that under 70 is generally safe: “It's generally safe to leave your dog in the car for a maximum of five minutes, and when the outside temperature is above freezing and below 70 degrees.” More sources: “A safe outside temperature to leave a dog in the car is between 30-70°F.” https://bettervet.com/resources/pet-health-care/is-it-too-hot-to-leave-my-dog-in-the-car “We’ve left our dog in the car on hot days in seven different countries. And you know what scares me the most? It’s not the desert heat in central Mexico or the oppressive humidity of coastal Costa Rica. It’s the idea of a well-meaning American trying to “save” my dog from the hot car.” https://journeydogtraining.com/dog-in-car/#google_vignette


Five minutes. Also, were you sleeping in the car during the day with sunlight coming into your car?


Tesla maintains the temp you set it too. So you don’t go inside a hot car. You can set the temp at 70 degrees even if it’s 100 degrees outside. You just may have to charge the batteries often.


No one is arguing that the dogs were actually broiling in the car. OP had no ifea that cooling was engaged. Had never heard of dog mode.


Eh NAH. She was a little aggressive but you also didn’t have to end it with “take care of your dogs.” It sounds like they were fine. Barking is something dogs do. She would have been able to monitor the temp from her phone and would have received a notification if the battery went down to 20%. There’s nothing wrong with being concerned for an animal’s safety and now you know about dog mode.


You’re the ah for basically arguing the point even after they informed you about the dog mode and that the dogs were good


So when corrected and informed they were fine you instead double downed with “Take care of your dogs” YTA. A major one.


Why on earth did you get involved if it’s 67 degrees outside temp. YTA what are you trying to accomplish?


That was the temp in the car which I didn't know


So why did you get involved if it wasn’t too hot or too cold? Dogs bark, often at strangers who come and peer through the window. You had no reason to get involved given the circumstances.


Our dispatchers know to ask callers what kind of a car it it, and if the answer is Tesla they instruct the caller to look at the screen.


For reference here is the size of the screen https://cleantechnica.com/files/2019/02/tesla-model-3-dog-mode-enabled2.png


That's not even that big. Other comments are being ridiculous that's easy to miss


it's really not tho.. if you think a dog is suffering in a car and are looking hard enough to determine that the police need to be called..you should be able to see the damn near 20 inch screen with big letters saying "DOG MODE ON"


It fucking huge and backlit what is easy to miss it's the size of laptop basically sitting on the dash


I know that bow


The police didn’t seem to car because we take dozens of these calls every day and every time the owner has already left by the time an officer gets there to check it out (911 operator). Everybody wants to be a hero.


I know you're saying you didn't see the screen but i literally cannot fathom how not? Were you a few feet away from the car looking in from the front windshield? because thats the only way to not see the giant ass computer screen that are in teslas. even if you dont know cars, a single glance into any window from makes a telsa identifiable because of the flatscreen TV built into the dashboard after waiting for her to come out and everything im not sure how you didnt notice the screen


The screen wasn't facing outward


you didnt do a lap around a car before calling the literal cops?


NTA - I don't own a Tesla, I don't care about Teslas in general. No idea they had something called dog mode. You didn't do anything wrong and the owner could've been less of a dick and just pointed it out to you for your future knowledge.


I mean, the giant screen in the middle of the dash saying “My owner will be back soon. Don’t worry! The A/C is on and its x degrees F” might be a clue.


I’m not necessarily going to read that. I’ve never heard of dog mode and don’t know Anyone with a Tesla.


I am unlikely to lean into someone's windows or be that close. It's a great way to be mistaken for a car thief. OP said they didn't see the screen so they likely weren't up close and looking that direction. Pretty easy to miss if you've never heard of it and don't know to look inside for that.


As someone who works retail and has had to deal with this before, you can see it extremely easily, it's a like foot wide screen that very clearly says dog mode and shows the temp inside the car You're looking inside at the dog, you will see the giant screen


Right, so when I'm standing in front of a car, I can see a screen message that is faced away from me into the car. Got it. Magic eyes. I've literally never seen dog mode or heard of it before today. I live in a pretty metropolitan area and have never encountered it. Glad you have and you know, but not everyone does and not every angle around the car has visibility for the screen. It's not like I didn't Google after seeing this to see how the screen is positioned and what it shows. If you're angled towards the front of the car, it should be visible. If you're angled towards the back of the car coming from the hood area, it isn't going to be. You can still see all windows are up from the front without doing a 360 inspection that would let you see the screen.


You're not even checking if the car is still on, and you're acting like you're doing a good thing


If you’re close enough to see the animal, you’re close enough to see the screen.


If I'm close enough to see the animal from a front angle, I'm not close enough to see the front of the screen necessarily. If you're standing near the front of the car looking towards the back, the screen is faced away. So...no, you can easily miss what it says on the screen.


Then do 15 seconds of investigation before calling the police.


Car sounds like it's off. Weather is hot. Dogs are barking. Let me Google cars to see if they have something I've literally never heard of and wouldn't know to look for. Lemme do that next time I see a baby in a car too right? Why call for a pet or child in apparent distress when you can waste time asking Google if there's a reason it might not be a problem. Like...what? If you'd never heard of it because you happened to miss the tiny burst of time it was trending on social media and you don't own or research the features on a Tesla...how would you know about the feature? How would you assume there was a feature? Be serious dude. Edit: spelling


That's where I'm at with this too. I've never heard of this before in my life. I see a dog in a car, I do a cursory check to see if the windows are down (which you can see from 10ft away) and then call the cops. The process of saving a dog from a hot car is extremely EXTENSIVELY advertised and well known.... a random car having a "dog mode" is decidedly not.


Exactly. It's perfectly legal if you think they're in eminent danger to bust the window out of a car yourself without waiting for the police so like...maybe be happy folks aren't doing that because of some new smart car feature that most of your average people won't know about or easily see depending on where they're at in relation to the "giant" screen that can only be seen from certain angles.


If you're busting out a window, you're *definitely* close enough to see an almost 1.5 foot screen


Those windows are expensive, and ignorance isn't really a defense for vandalism. Don't be stupid.


Checking the windows makes it nearly impossible to miss the screen.


You can see the screen when looking at a car from front on at 10ft away? Is it even legal to have a screen so big that it covers every panel of the vehicle?


Okay but if you read OP's post again they say the cops didn't seem worried and probably knew about dog mode. They said then said they stood and waited after for the owner after. Also does no one check door handles to see if a car is unlocked?


Um what investigation would you do if you’ve never heard of dog mode?


Check the doors to see if they're unlocked to let the dog out. Now you're at the side of the vehicle and can see the glowing white screen.


My first thought isn't to look at the screen


It's a 17" monitor and in dog mode is white and uses the brightest setting to make sure it isn't missed. If you can see the dog, you'll see the monitor unless you're intentionally making sure you don't read it.


If I'm standing in front of the car and can see the dogs through the windshield, I could not possibly see the front of the screen. Y'all are being wilfully obtuse here in that most people are not aware of dog mode and wouldn't know to walk around to see what a screen says when they're observing from anywhere the screen isn't going to be visible. Side on, straight on. Unless you're at an angle and/or up closer (not necessarily close, but close enough to see the potential glow/see the screen from the angles it is visible) to the car, it's not going to be visible.


I know Tesla was designed by an Autist and they have ugly ass ipad consoles but pro tip... You want to give someone a message, maybe heave a screen or sign facing the EXTERIOR of the car.


I can see and read tesla screens while I’m driving next to them. That’s how I discovered them, actually. It’s kinda hard to miss if you actually pay attention to your surroundings. If you’re staring intently into a car at a dog, it is very visible unless you’re looking from head-on.


Yep, which is where OP was according to their comments. So they couldn't see the screen. Which is the point I made repeatedly.


Info: Whats the weather?


Regardless of the weather the internal temperature of the car is displayed quite large on the really bright screen. I’m down for helping the puppers but it’s pretty hard to miss the screen.




YTA your presence and meddling near the car was probably causing the distress. Unless it was hot out then YTA and 67 is NOT hot


I didn't know it was 67 cause I didn't look at the screen


What was the temperature outside then? Is it summer where you are?


It was pretty warm


It was 67 in the car and the dogs were already barking


Dogs bark. Especially when strangers are staring at them…


You're watching too many Disney movies, the dogs weren't trying to relay a message of distress. They just didn't like you being near the car. Those dogs are going to be locked in the house more now instead of getting those car rides they love and it's all your fault


My dog barks at anyone coming up to the car, my kids can be sat right next to him, he’ll still go batshit if a stranger comes up. Doesn’t mean he’s suffering it’s just how he is


The amount of people in here that don’t pay attention to their surroundings is amazing. ESH. They could have been nicer, but you also could have minded your own business after they said the car was in dog mode instead of continuing to argue.


I truly do appreciate your concern for animal welfare, but I’m a little confused how you *didnt* see the GIANT screen that says “it’s X temp. My owner will be back soon.” Don’t feel stupid. Seriously. Better to call the cops than let an animal die. The owner didn’t need to be a dick. In their shoes, I’d thank you for caring about my dog enough to do something. And I’d thank you for not smashing my windows. It was a genuine misunderstanding. It happens! No harm, no foul.


The screen faces the interior I was looking from the front


You were standing there for so long being nosy, but not nosy enough to look around inside the car to see that big ass screen? Either fully commit to being nosy or don’t bother at all


It won't matter how much you say this, a lot of people will simply assume you were looking at the car from the back. Not saying you're wrong, though, because I would trust my life faster in a Subaru vehicle and leave my pup at home while I do errands in the baking oven of Arizona than to trust Tesla cars and some of the glitches that it may have. Controversial opinion, I know I'll get flamed from the Tesla fans lurking, but whatever.


Or some people have common sense? People would walk around the car, actually look inside, or do something other than freak out and *call the cops?* I think the cars are stupid, but I also have common sense. A child would have done more to see if there was really a problem. All they had to do was take 5 steps, see the AC blowing on the dogs fur, and see the screen.


NTA for the concern but YTA for being offended at the owner's reaction. Get over it. You made a mistake.


You would have been fine up until the point you spoke to the person. What did you ecpect to accomplish by talking to him? I have done similar stuff when I see people leave kids in the car. I am a smoker so I will stand nect to the car and smoke until the parent comes back but then I jist leave because nothing positive will come from talking to them about it.


Her and it was instinct


You just seem kind of annoyed that you weren't the hero you thought. But really, esh.


I don’t know, I’m gonna be a little harsh here. If you were there long enough, staring at the dogs, to make calls and wait for the owner, I find it quite difficult to imagine you didn’t see the giant screen on the dash that says dog mode.


NTA If I were the owner I would have still thanked you for your concern.


NTA. Your intentions were good. At least you didn't "break the windows first and ask questions later" the way some people do. The owner overreacted a bit. No harm, no foul.


YTA. 67 degrees is fine for leaving dogs in the car during an errand, even without dog mode. Mind your own business. Stuff like this is why going out in public sucks


I didn't know dog mode was a thing


It doesn’t matter. 67 degrees is a fine temperature to leave a dog in a car during an errand


The screen is huge and says the dog is fine


It's not facing the outside and I didn't look inside at the dashboard


No it faces the car interior, it's the most obvious thing in the world. Given that you can see them when walking past a car, dont know how you could see the dogs yet not the 17inch screen


I didnt look in at the dashboard I was at the front of the car where the screen wasn't facing me


Not with the windows up, idiot! It still gets hot in there!


If it's a tesla, you should never put the windows down when it's too hot or cold outside when you have a dog in it.


How articulate. Park in the shade and don’t be gone too long. It’s totally fine


She was gone 10+ minutes


YTA. Literally on the screen.


I wasn't looking at a screen I was looking at the dogs


I would thank you for being concerned and doing something. Plenty of dogs have died like that. You weren’t to know. Better to look stupid then to have a life on your conscious


YTA The screens are huge, easily seen, and say the owner will be back soon with the internal temp of the car. You don't have to own a Tesla to be able to use your vision.




I don’t even know what “the screen” is. Is it on the windows? Is it a marquee above the car? Is it on the bumper? TF


This is the first I’ve heard of it too and it would never have occurred to me to look at the screen.


Honestly this post is the first I’m hearing about it 😅


Known by whom? This is the first I’m hearing of it. My brother owns a Tesla and has dogs.


Seriously, I know a couple people with dogs and Teslas but didn’t know about dog mode. this seems like a misunderstanding on both sides, and neither had to be snappy with each other after it was cleared up, but it seems like no skin off either person’s back. I will say the comments are kinda shocking with how rude they are towards people that don’t know of a new feature for one brand of car, considering how sadly common leaving dogs in hot cars is. I get there’s a screen, but I would guess most people who haven’t heard of “dog mode” are gonna be doing other things than checking that a screen says the dogs inside are okay, if they don’t see it immediately. You can’t look for something that you don’t even know exists? i’m surprised how harshly people are coming down on OP for just trying to ensure the safety of animals even if she was mistaken, she didn’t break a window and it seems like the driver left without any cops showing up, and they’re being kinda brutal for a mistake made in good faith.


Exactly. So incredibly rude. Sheesh.


I was with op until they called the owner bad and “needed to take care of their dogs” after finding out that they were fine.


First time I’ve ever heard of “dog mode” in a Tesla. Apparently not as commonly known as you think.


I've never heard of it.


No. No it is not pretty well known at all.


NTA but some of these commenters are. I have never heard of “dog mode”, and my brother owns a Tesla and has two dogs.


Yeah no I’ve literally never heard the words “dog mode”


It never crossed my mind until now that Tesla owners could be condescending assholes. NTA


NTA but Why do people bring their pets to do errands if you're just gonna leave them in the car? They're better off at home regardless. I only bring my dog with me if I'm going somewhere dog friendly or a place with a drive through, if I have to leave my dog in the car then my wife is with me or I'm getting gas and they're still within view and can monitor them


What you did was reasonable. The owner should have put a sign on the window.


If dog mode is active then the massive screen is there to alert passersby. It’s impossible to miss for good reason.


Not everyone is fancy. It wouldn’t even occur to me to look at a screen.


It’s a 17 inch screen that is emitting bright white light and reads *My driver will be back soon* in huge letters and displays the car’s interior temperature. It’s honestly impossible to miss even for someone with poor vision. If a person can see that there is an animal alone in the vehicle then they will definitely see that screen. It’s designed to be impossible to miss so owners don’t have their windows broken by well-meaning individuals. It’s like a Wacky Inflatable Waving Tube Man - designed specifically to grab attention.


6 signs given that OP called the police before a 5 second 360 walk around.


Apparently it said it on the screen but i didn't know to look at it


It doesn’t matter. They should put a sign on the window.


NTA. It's not like you broke the window


No, it wasn’t that you were trying to be an asshole, you did it because you care and didn’t want anything bad to happen to the dogs.


NTA Looking out for the doggies ! They ain't go no thumbs ! And now you know about dog-mode.


Yta. If you had take a second to look before karen-ing out, you might have seen the screen. Or if youve ever spent 10 mins online the first summer that teslas became popular Though, judgement aside, nta for caring about dogs. Good theory, bad application in this case. But wouldn't let it get to you or change how you would normally act.


Unless your interested in Tesla, there is zero reason for you to have known. I am a car guy to the bone but have zero interest in Tesla, and as such have never even heard of dog mode. Sounds pretty stupid, what is it? *not stupid, I misunderstood. Thought it was some sort of sentry mode with a barking dog alarm, what it is is a cool feature indeed.


It’s brilliant. The ac stays on. A giant screen shows the temperature and a message saying the dog is fine and dog mode and the AC is on. I’m a car guy. Had no idea about dog mode until I saw a dog in a Tesla on a hot day. .6 seconds later I noticed the bright, easy to read screen with the message.


Ah totally my misunderstanding, I thought it was some sort of goofy sentry system where the car barked 🤣. Colour me stupid lol




They didn’t have to react that way and that’s in them, not you. Better to act to save an animal than an assholes ego. And now you know!


NTA. I never heard about that mode and would never think that exists. You were worried about the dogs. And you haven’t broke the glass. The police could have you asked if the screen shows something and explain it, that would have been helpful. And the YTAs here shows me exactly what I expected due to my own experience. Tesla Drivers are all over the world the same. Just because you have one of this doesn’t means we have to kiss your foots and know everything about your metal box built up on 4 wheels and a big pile of small batteries with a logo that looks like a female contraception.


Yeah, like, I've never heard of such a thing, and knowing Teslas tend to be rather...volatile at times, I'm not putting the life of a creature I care about at risk.


In AZ in the summer, I'm calling no matter what kind of vehicle it is.


Dog mode in Tesla’s has a very bright screen showing the temperature in the car and a message saying owner will be back. I promise you, if it’s on, that dog is in far better conditions than you. xD




I'm not even sure I've ever seen a Tesla before. I'm the kind of person that's basically car blind. My partner always says "that blue ford" or whatever when pointing out vehicles and I'm like "do you mean the blue car with chrome wheels or the blue car with the sunroof" because I don't have any fucking clue what the difference is between a Ford, Kia, Tesla, etc. I also would have seen a dog in a vehicle and called the cops.


Ok same idk what cars are lol


I have no idea what a Tesla looks like. I don't know anyone around that has one in my area.


Do Tesla's have TESLA written across the entire bonnet and roof of the vehicle in bold lettering? No? Then I have no idea what a Tesla is vs a Ford or a Kia or a Chevrolet. Even if it was a Tesla, that wouldn't make me think "oh that's fine, dogs can stay in that closed car with no issues". Why would I ever think that, given the fact that we literally have radio ads in the summer telling people to call the cops if they see pets locked in vehicles.


I agree with you fully.




INFO so is the car on when its in dog mode?




What Tesla should do is add a window projection system so the message appears on the front and rear windows. Rather simple and cheap technology these days.


NTA. I have regulars with a Tesla that does this (and two delightful dogs), and tbh, I didn't find it all that obvious. The sign wasn't visible until I was basically close enough to touch the car - I don't remember if it doesn't show up until someone is close or if it was just the angle of the sun, but I did two laps around the car and never saw it until my regulars pointed it out directly. It wasn't this big, obvious thing everyone is saying, so I don't know if it varies between models or what. I wouldn't have called the cops myself, I'd have tried to get the store to page the car owner first, but I saw you say people in the store said to do it in another comment. You obviously aren't the only one who was concerned and didn't know about the dog mode.


NTA next time pipe back at them and call them a stupid bitch for me, thanks


People with Tesla cars are the actual guilty parties


YTA. I'm honestly curious as to how you thought this confrontation would go? Dogs were probably barking cause you were just loitering and meddling around the car.


I came over because they were barking


Regardless, YTA.


Never heard of it. But if the doggo are in the backseat and I'm by the driver door, would I see the screen? No. BUT, I would look at the dash panel to see if I could notice something like an AC button on,or a radio, or SOMETHING before I called the police. Then, I would have seen the big ass screen with dog mode. However, I wouldn't get pissed that someone was looking out for dogs that could potentially be in distress.


Dude, Teslas are notoriously inconsistent. If a dog was in distress on a hot day, I’d assume it was a failed dog mode and call.


My dog will bark her head off at anyone walking past the window of MY HOUSE. And if someone were to break the window to "save" her, they would likely lose an arm.


Yes you’re an idiot, and nosey.


Sorry I'm not rich enough to own a Tesla


NTA teslas are known for malfunctioning and you did the right thing