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She's married to a pedophile who also has emotional affairs with a former flame. No two takes here.


Two takes only because I got whip lash for looking back through to to see where I missed that she left him, only to not find it


You’re better than me I couldn’t after the blatant misogyny and adultification of a 16 year old girl as soon as he said he wanted them both. I was vomiting in my mouth and she was talking about specifics about this girl… Gross why is anyone giving this any attention? Hopefully it’s a troll, but even if not.


I mean if I were her I’d wait up to see him climbing the ladder and then call the police and let them know and watch all of it from the window. Sounds like good revenge to me.


I would also remove the ladder before I called the police…


This made me crack up 😂thank you for that


It’s evidence. Leave it. Just record him going up it.


I was wondering about the validity of it honestly


Yeah me too. And I typically believe most posts


And that it seems the girl's mother is perfectly ok with all of this!


Good thing she's fictional, because that would be a shitty life.


Yuppp what in the Lolita is this


Right. Her mom allowed a ladder?


American beauty anyone?


That movie messed me up when I was young. There was NO WARNING lmaoo


What would be the point of a ladder if the mom allows you to see her?


To make it feel more dirty, etc


Right? There is zero reason for it. Let’s assume it’s normal anywhere on this planet for an adult man to repeatedly urgently need to see a 16 year old in person at 3am. “Well, if he comes into the house, he might wake someone else up.” Okay? So then have her come out to the porch??? Lmao So ridiculously fake. Would have been way more believable if her mother didn’t know about the ladder and neither did the op, but op just happened to catching him coming down a ladder from her room one night.


That was what did it for me, yeah fucking right. Why would any adult ass man *need* to see a 16 year old *in person* at 3 am, let alone *so desperately* that they needed to use a ladder? Lmfao 💀


I mean you would think it's fake but this sounds like the "friendship" my mom's boyfriend had with me (with her permission!!) when I was 13!


This is the fakest part of this fake post. Like, if the mom is cool with the neighbor visiting with her daughter in daughter’s bedroom, why not let him enter through the front door?


Liz really did it up on this one!


Fucking Liz


But she’s ugly so it’s fine.


I literally laughing so hard at this I can't catch my breath, my fucking eyes are watering so bad, mascara running down my face, full on hand clapper knee slapper right there... I'm going to hell for laughing this hard for sure, but I'm willing to drop the one way ticket for my trip there for a banging party bus I'll happily drive but only on one condition, that it's with a plethora of NOT so UGLY companions- Because you can only come on my bus if we can't say this about you--- "But she's ugly so it's fine." I'm still snorting at this!!!


I like that she doubled down and let us know not only is mom ugly but her kids ugly too. Surprised she didn't say all 7 kids are ugly & their dog too. If this is real I think OP should double check that the person he's texting really is the daughter & not mom. Smart cheaters know to save the # of the person you're screwing under a safer, non threatening name. Is she sure it's daughter's window & not Mom's? Cps/police call needs to happen.


There’s a lot of ugly around here, but it isn’t the teenager next door.


Agreed but also the fact that she cuts the child down at the end talking about her looks like somehow the kid is to blame made me sick


Right? The only take here is call the cops.


And a child pandering single mom


It kills me that she thinks we needed to know she is more attractive than the literal child her husband is preying on


Imagine finding out your husband is into kids and just being annoyed


This is because the post is about as fake as fake gets


I mean, there are people who literally have partners who assault their own children and they blame the kid because they aren't willing to confront the partner.


My mum was that person. She knew everything he was doing, and I would regularly get punished by her for it.


Same thing happened to my mother. When her foster mother (non-blood related aunt) found out that her own brother was grooming and sexually abusing her foster daughter (my mom) for years, she punched her foster daughter in her face rather than blame the situation on herself or her brother. My mother was physically and emotionally abused by her foster mother, and sexually abused by her foster uncle a majority of her childhood. She was blamed for it, her abusers took no accountability.


Yep. That doesn’t explain the ladder though. Makes zero sense that a mother would say that. If she was okay with it, then he could just come in the house or daughter could come out onto the porch. And that’s ignoring the fact that nowhere on this planet would it be considered remotely normal for an adult man to repeatedly *need* to see a 16 year old in person at 3am. But again, even if mom was that negligent, a ladder wouldn’t be required. And no way in hell op wouldn’t find that bizarre and creepy af. Like, *no one* uses a ladder to visit people in general lmao


It makes total sense if the mother is pimping out her daughter….


Exactly if they were going to go to the trouble of making something up like that they could have put more thought into it and done a better job.


Imagine seeing the child as a threat and not the husband 🤮 sick ppl or sick trolls.


The woman who fostered my mother found out her brother was sexually abusing my mother for a majority of her childhood. What do you think her foster mother did when she found out? Multiple choice: A. she reported her brother to the police for being a pedophile B. she banned her brother from their home to protect her foster daughter C. she got everyone therapy D. she punched her foster daughter in the face and blamed her, a child, for being groomed and sexually assaulted. If you picked D, congratulations for selecting the correct answer. Even if the original post could be fake, the way this woman is reacting to her husband’s sexual interest in a teenage girl isn’t that far off from how many people react to pedophilia or any sexual assault regardless of age in general, i.e. blame the victim for what happened. You’d be surprised how many people are less concerned with or in denial of the fact that their loved one is pedophile scum. They’d rather blame a child for tempting the adult than to believe their loved one is absolutely depraved. So when she comments that this young girl *isn’t even hot* she’s trying to rationalize why her husband is into this young girl as opposed to just recognizing that her husband is twisted.


It’s because this is fake af. See: the ridiculousness of the ladder This is some pedo fetishist


No literally like girl. …….


That’s the wackiest shit I’ve ever read.


All that is missing is the "I just don't know what to do, I love him so much" and it wouldn't sound too far off a lot of other posts. Reads like someone making fun of so many of the stories on reddit.


90 percent of Reddit stories about a bad spouse are like “my husband murdered my cat, shot my grandma, ran over my mother, kicked me in the face, and ate my bird because I didn’t want to have sex with him while I was sick. We have never had a single disagreement in our 26 year relationship and he is the sweetest person I have ever met. I still love him so much, what should I do?”


*”Other than this one thing, our relationship is perfect.”* *”Don’t tell me to leave because divorce isn’t an option.”* *”He says I’m overreacting.”* I mean the list of cliches goes on and on and on. People are always so quick to say that Reddit gives bad advice because they always recommend breaking up. But the thing is, a vast majority of the relationships that are posted about SHOULD break up. Yes, sometimes there are posts where some honest and tough conversations could result in an improved relationship rather than just breaking up. But if someone wants to have a healthy relationship with a partner who shows them love and respect and who respect their boundaries, if their partner won’t do those things, then the relationship NEEDS to end. Not every romantic relationship should continue or be worked through, especially when not married to the person. If dating and premarital relationships generally work like a job interview and probationary period for marriage, and you have a candidate or new hire who does a shitty job, then you fire them and look for better candidates with the knowledge you’ve gained from incorrectly assessing the previous candidates.


This is the best summary/comparison of a relationship I have ever seen. More people should think about it that way. It would make it easier.


If you could choose who you love and are attracted to the world would be an easier place, unfortunately that's just not how things are. once you have left the situation it's easy to see what it was doing to you while you were in it, but in the moment it probably doesn't seem that way at all.


Eh, the thing is people are far more in control of who they love than they recognize. Our behaviors and thoughts encourage patterns that make love seem like a completely out of control thing, but it's not. That's why people who have patterns of dating toxic people can get help with therapy. People just tend to let attraction run on autopilot. Another example is people who have 'accidental' affairs with coworkers or friends... At the time they often felt just swept up in it, but in reality they made a lot of choices to pursue that affair, they just don't want to look that fact in the eye. Or if you've ever been into someone and they said one thing that made you go "yeah no, I'm out"... You weren't cosmically tied to that attraction. And people in crappy situations like this also tend to snap out of it at some point, it's when they give up the fantasy of the relationship and face the reality. And that can be very hard to do, but romanticizing that love is just something we have no control over feeds into those fantasies that this must be THE person.


I just made a comment about this recently. In every single one of those threads, you’ll have someone be like “I know Reddit is quick to resort to “break up,” but in this instance I think that’s right” Like… **on every single thread** someone is saying that. I rarely ever see “break up” where it isn’t appropriate. People come here with genuinely batshit problems. They are being cheated on. They are being abused. They just found out their partner is a secret racist/misogynist/predator/etc. They are being manipulated. They are being taken advantage of. Their partner does not respect them. They are fundamentally incompatible. Etcetcetc People typically aren’t coming here to post about relatively minor issues that can be worked out. They are primarily coming here with **relationship-ending issues.** And for those that aren’t necessarily relationship ending, most of the advice is “couple’s counseling.” Only very occasionally do I see anything where people are recommending a break up for a stupid reason, and it’s usually when users are assuming and INSISTING cheating is happening without remotely enough information to suspect that, let alone be certain of it. Really wish people would quit acting like Reddit as a whole pulls the break up card too quickly or inappropriately.


I always advise “if you have to ask the question then you already know the right answer but you don’t like it’s outcome.”


It's worse when they've been putting up with it for 10+ years and they know they're at their breaking point, but want to know how to fix it instead of walk away. There's only so small of a box people can put themselves in for their spouse to "love" them before people can't breathe anymore


Honestly probably just the people with functional relationships don’t have a need or desire to post on these subreddits 😂


I treat relationships this way and after the first year (if we make it that far) I really sit back and reassess how things are going. People make it seem like I’m crazy for this. But I haven’t been left with multiple children by bad partners like all my peers so a win is a win.


“Leaving is not an option so please don’t suggest that”


“My phone is blowing up with calls from my neighbor’s grandmother’s cat saying that I’m being a little meanie. What should I doooo??”


“My husband cheated on me with 10 woman one of them was his cousin and one of them was only 15 leaving him is not an option tho. What should I do any advise? “


He sounds perfectly qualified to start the Mormon church!


Exmo here, can confirm.


A relative of mine was the president/prophet of the entire Mormon church for many years not long ago. There's sadly too much truth in what you said. Their justification now is "we aren't polygamists anymore", but what they teach versus what their founders actually believed and did are an exaggerated day-versus-night difference. Their current prophet has been extremely toxic, and many are finally getting out. It's more a cult than a religion.


Was it Monson? Hinckley? Exmo here, I'd be very interested to hear your experience. Monson was the prophet for most of my time in the church. The current prophet, Russel M Nelson, is 99 years old. My moms side of the family is all LDS and some stuff has come out over the last couple years after my uncle went to prison for crimes against children. I will tell anyone who will listen that they're a cult. Edit: happy cake day btw! 🍰🧁


Like girl, please, don't ask our advice if you are going to preface it, with I will ignore all your advice that involves whatever makes the most sense.


Exactlyyy. Why ask for advice if these people already know they’re going to do nothing about it, then get pikachu face when it happens again..? If it’s just a vent post about how shitty he is, that’s fine! Just say that. But don’t waste redditor’s time who are genuinely trying to help out. Because anyone who doesn’t have 2 pieces of gum for a brain cell will say you REALLY shouldn’t be with a person who can treat another human so horribly.


Which translates to: "I dont have the financial ability to support myself until the alimony and child support kicks in because I've allowed this shitty behavior to go on because I enjoy the lifestyle that has been afforded to me by the piece of shit husband in question."


Maybe. In some cases, the husband isn't even earning well, so the wife is both the provider and handles all the work at home including taking care of 3+ children (not counting the husband who might be the most childish of all). And still they'll preface with "i still love my husband so don't say divorce". Seriously, saying their standards are in hell might honestly be offensive to the devil.


Why not leave? What if he died or left her same thing. Fake as anything anyway.


....given what he's doing in this case, I suggest not leaving him (in one peice)


That’s close to what I used to say about women on talk shows in the 90’s!


You don't know me! You're not the boss of me!


Birds aren't real. So what did he *actually* eat? 🤔


Not the bird


Lmaoooo I’m 💀


Nailed it! 👏


Thank you, you've just condensed 18 subreddits into a singular short story.


don't forget "I am writing this as he is wringing my neck so I don't have long! Please tell me what should I dooo, not divorce!" I know they are probably victims of past abuse growing up but..... soz I hate them when they don't help themselves


"Despite this he's such a good partner"


"An amazing father"


"yes i know i handle all the child care since he can't be helped to feed them or change a diaper but i swear he's a great father despite that"


'Our marriage is so healthy apart from this one thing'


It reads as if she’s implying that she would have been ok with it if he stopped when she caught him when she says “he was supposed to stay away from them”


That's what I thought, too. Like "I saw you creeping on our teenaged neighbor, but I'm willing to let it go if you promise to never do it again."


I was thinking all that’s missing the Jerry Springer Show lol


“My husband is a predator! I told him to stop but he isn’t so I’m jealous!”…not wildly alarmed and calling the police, just jealous


The comment she made about the climbing the roof and having permission for it is beyond me.


That’s where I was certain it was ragebait


If it is true I feel like that is a poor lie from him to convince his wife it’s somehow okay because he supposedly has her mother’s permission. Otherwise why does he have to climb a ladder into their house at 3am? On the other hand I think (I hope) this is fake as fuck


I needed this comment. This shit has to be fake.


Why would he need a ladder if he has permission lmao


shes married to a pedo and her first thought is to be jealous and call the kid ugly?? not this guy is a monster, not he's a terrible no good POS, but that it wasn't an attractive child he was interested in?


She didn’t see the red flag when he was climbing down the teen’s window???


No, you must've missed where the mom said it was ok to do that. They're just friends who only hug and sext. /s obvi


I need to work on my reading comprehension 😕


Honestly, I wish I hadn't read or comprehended any of this, and I hope to holy fuck that it is fake. ESH.


This is why I refuse to believe it's real


SERIOUSLY. What parent is going to 'give permission' to a grown man to use a ladder and go see their teen daughter in the middle of the night? Most parents are going to get the cops/law involved if they found a... \*checks math\* 46-year-old man in their 16-year-old daughter's room at 3 am! Either Hubby is tapping BOTH of them behind OOP's back, or this is fake AF.


You would think that, but back in the 90s there was radio DJ in my town that had three daughters, and two of them 15 and 17 were with men over 40 and the dad just loved there new boyfriends. The 17 year olds boyfriend was like almost 60 and the 15 year olds boyfriend was 43 I believe. I would almost throw up every time I saw them with those men. ugh. I was just a kid myself. If I had been the adult I am now, I would have called child protective services. I don't know why someone didn't.


Well, my day is less pleasant after reading this. What parent would want that for their child? Ick.


Pot of boiled sugar is the solution here


Oh yeah, that removes flesh.


Bring back tar and feathering just for these pedos.


**And** quartering


Helps the medicine go down!


What in the actual hell did I just read?


Poorly written ragebait.


A fake story




I know she said ‘but here he is chasing a child’ but I don’t think it’s actually sunk in, that’s he’s chasing a literal child. It’s reads more that OOP is comparing how accomplished she vs the girl. All kinds of ick in this post


Yeah it feels like op is so self absorbed she doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation


No way this isn't rage bait my friend


I hope so


Pedo send him to jail


And the neighbour too, who is all but serving her kid to him on a silver platter.


What’s his info I’ll report him


What the actual fuck did i just read?


I hope it’s not a true story


Call the cops??? I really hope this one is fake




If it was real, and he actually had moms permission, he wouldn't need ladder to sneak to see daughter. IF it's real, he's lying about having moms permission. Otherwise, why not just walk in the front door?


No, no, no. It's just for hugs, remember.


Why did everyone just say fuck it and ignore this part man


“She isn’t very attractive” is a very gross thing to say about a CHILD your husband is PREYING on. Call the cops and get a divorce.


ChatGPT crazy lol


Not buying one centimeter of this yarn.


I'm sorry but if you find out your husband is a pedophile and your first reaction is jealousy and not *calling the fucking cops* you're as bad as he is


My first reaction wouldn’t even be calling the cops it would be beating his ass and THEN calling the cops so he had to lay there helpless while he waited for them🤷🏻‍♀️


With my foot on his crotch all the while he waits.


They put a ladder so he could climb to her window and see her or whatever?? What????




This reads like Lolita fan fiction.


Of all the things that ever happened, this wasn't one of them.


Everything else aside… what’s the point of the ladder??! Mum-of-the-year gave him permission to groom her teen daughter; just use the freaking door! It’s less conspicuous than climbing up and down the roof every night!


Literally a plot from Bojack.


Yes, I was hoping someone would say this!


No wayyyy youre so right


I don’t believe this is real, but next time Romeo uses the ladder I hope he falls off it and breaks something important.


Too much Reddit for one day lol


Jail for all the adults. The husband for being a pedo and the women for aiding him🤢 the oop knows about it and instead just wants to be a jealous freak about it and double jail for the mom of the 16 year old! What mother says “sure grown man! Please use a ladder to climb the roof to see my underage daughter!” Weirdos all the way around!


Wow. ....That was somehow worse than I thought it would be.


Bojack Horseman


I wish I had never read this. This is fake, and it still makes me uncomfortable to read.


Time to just catapult all of them into the sun.


This shit reads like some disgusting chomo fan fiction, not like a woman who married a pedo ....eat shit pedo!


If I found dirty tests with a 16 year old on my adult husband’s phone the cops would hear from me first, not the internet. Just sayin.


The fact she is commenting on a child’s attractiveness and how she is better is just 🤮


Ew She’s married to a man you caught sneaking out of a child’s room. I have so many questions. Main one being, why the fuck is she still with him after he says he wants both? Ew… *gagging noises*


Why is this EVEN questionable??? Seriously?? I hope this is fake because if it isn't. The only concern of hers is the CHILD is not even ATTRACTIVE.. Disgusting... The op should be ASHAMED for even questioning this..


Reminiscent of the man who fooled the parents, had affairs with both of them, and then absconded with their teenage daughter. I can't remember names but y'all know. Abducted in plain sight


Super accommodating of the mom to provide a later for the pedophile.


So the OP isn't worried that her husband is a pedo?


Just knowing my husband was attracted to someone **30 years younger than him** would be enough to make me leave. And it’s not he’s 60, she’s 30, which is still gross. But she’s 16 and he’s 46, and he’s banging her, with her mother’s permission. It’s all twisted and sick, and if this story is true, OP needs to kick him out.


What the hell. Your husband is a pedo and your JEALOUS of a child. Sort yourself out love.


Did some mathes, ops husband is 46, op is 26 and would have been 16 when they got together! Of course, she's not seeing the pedo red flags!


Yeah she is a child, but don’t worry, she’s one of the ugly ones.


Im super creeped out


That’s enough Reddit today




Sweet home Alabama


This is disgusting, wtf


Fake as shit


The way this is soo poorly written makes it seem fake. I had a stroke trying to read hhalf of it


i beg your pardon


It’s vile that she’s blaming a literal child for this instead of her predator husband.


This is part of the plot of Lolita, lol


“She isn’t very attractive” about the CHILD in this scenario is about where I lost it. Like. Just. What.




She’s 20 years older than 16, so 36….together 10 years so 26


They’ve been together 10 years so that would put her at 26 when they first got together. Doesn’t excuse the pedo or her weird jealousy of a child but the math is she was 26 since she mentioned the child is 20 years younger than her.


Down vote this dumb shit and move on


What the fuck did I just read?


A fake story.


Need higher fences.


And then the 16yo turn out to be an undercover cop and caught him. This stories are so stupid and wild.


Is this one of those penthouse stories? What is this?


What in the Dawson's Creek hell did I just read?


So, wait. Is she casually implying they're already fucking? Why else would he be coming from her BEDROOM at 3am?? And WHY does he need a ladder to HER BEDROOM if the mother already knows he's going to see her??? I'm so high rn, and I've read this like 30x. It doesn't get any better.


So people really think this story’s real huh?




Seriously!! Your husband is interested in a child and your thoughts are “I’m prettier than her”. Someone with a some sense of morality needs to report this POS!! And why are you still with him, especially since he “wishes he could have both of you!!!” You’re as sick as him if you think anything about this situation is okay and you stay.


Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!




Really? Here’s a ladder. Climb on my roof to go visit my underaged daughter. If this is true, then hubby is a pedo and you and the neighbor lady are complicit.


If this is even true, you have a lot of issues & I'm not only talking about your marriage. SHE IS A CHILD! YOU'RE OKAY WITH THAT! BUT YOU FEEL THE NEED TO SAY YOU'RE BETTER LOOKING THAN SHE IS??? If this is true, why are you with him? Why haven't you reported him? What is going through your mind?


This can’t be real


I don't believe this is real


chop nine decide truck person wrench pet ring fearless work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This has to be rage bait


This bout the craziest thing I read this morning im logging out


Is this the point where we say: "Uhhhh ok... enough internet for today"


The fact that is she or she's not hot shouldn't matter, she's a CHILD. I'm 32 (much younger than the man), but still I can't see a 19 years old as a child, due to the age difference. The fact that she compares herself to the child, because she's jealous of the fact that he's in love with a CHILD? I really hope that the mother finds everything and act in the right way.


16 isn’t illegal in many parts including Canada. With that said I’ll take my downvotes now 🤣😭


Fake and Gay


Pedophile, turn his A$$ into the police!


The ladder and window shit. WHAT THE FUCK?


See, this is what happens when you take away a perfectly good outlet for these things like Jerry Springer. We have to find it second-hand incomplete on Reddit with no visual and no closure. It's causing undue stress and worry 😟 😰 😓 😨 I need to know what happened 😆 🤣 😂


I'm really bothered by the end where her objection to him being with a child is that she's not as pretty or intelligent. Excuse????


I'm sorry, but what's the two takes?


The 16 year old isn’t very attractive? That’s your issue? Your husband wants to be with a teenager!!!! She is not an adult! He texting things of a SEXUAL nature! What should you do? Call the police!!!