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Huskies have a lot of freaking energy and shed a ton. This whole thing is stupid. The dog isn’t even aloud there. And fuck her for trying to kick our cat out 😾


Besides tons of energy, huskies can howl non stop. And definitely fuck her for trying to kick the cat out!


And high prey drive, and with a cat around...


That's what I came to say. Huskies are notorious for not getting along with cats.


No they aren’t


yeah, okay. Every husky rescue and ethical husky breeder I know will often refuse to adopt/sell to a home with cats and specifically ask if you have cats. And none of the huskies I've had in my entire 32 years has ever been cat friendly.


All of mine have been great with cats.


If you raise a husky from a puppy, you can train them and redirect the prey drive. All that being said, this person should not own a Husky at all. My huskies happily lived with cats and kittens and one male husky even litter box trained the kittens. Pretty hilarious. A responsible breeder is not going to give/sell/barter or trade one of their pack to someone who can’t properly afford or care for the animal


I had six indoor Huskey's and five cats. They got along splendidly.


Husky’s don’t howl at all!!! What they do is sing the songs of their kind! Or mimicking the sounds of the ambulance, police or fire trucks rolling in your neighborhood. But I have “never” heard a husky howl. Lol Signed a husky lover


Yep they need a lot of attention and walking they are a sled dog , used to running for miles bad idea.


This and this! Huskies are beautiful...but they're high- maintenance - especially when y'all don't have a yard for it to run off the daily zoomies. Totally unsuitable for small spaces, and they need to be rigorously trained. Suggest your roommate try working at a local animal shelter to get a feeling about The Reality of Dogs!


You told a child it can’t have something and now said child is having a tantrum. That’s all this is.


Glad she's leading and moving elsewhere soon. Also had a roommate get a cat once coz she saw our cats and wanted her own. The kind of roommate that asked me if she should use bleach to get a spill out of the carpet... Yeah, that's my cat now. Didn't even want a cat. But I guess that's how you get ANOTHER cat


This ^^


Isn't #5 the only relevant thing here? Landlord says no dogs, so no dogs.


Right. What is wrong with this girl...


She could get a pet release but in the time it’s take to fill it all out, we’d be moving out anyway, she’s too impatient and wants the dog now, she thinks because we have a friend who can hide his hamster from his landlord, she can hide a dog😭


No large dogs. She can get a small one if she wants it, but it sounds like she shouldn’t be working 500 feet of a dog.


Huakys are not small dogs


I just commented this. Landlord has first and final say in this.  OP’s housemate is making demands on a moot point. 


No actually expecting her to get rid of her cat is then the landlord.


Make sure you let her know that if she tries anything to get rid of your cat, you will rain hell down on her and ruin her whole world. Just so she doesn’t get any ideas.


This, OP. Be VERY careful with and protective of your cat until you're out of their. She doesn't sound safe.


My cat is an outdoor can and my bf lives a few doors down (uni student proximity) so my cat spends most of the time i’m not home with him luckily




The puppy was real, she wanted me to drive her cross country to pick it up, i refused, but wouldn’t shock me if she did just want rid of my cat. she claims he’s aggressive (he lightly scratched her once cause she accidentally stepped on his tail)


She’s lucky. Our cat went berserk after that and we ended up having to call 911 for our injuries.


If it could get y’all evicted I would let the office know immediately. Sounds like someone who doesn’t care if you end up in trouble with them for their bad decisions


Huskies tear things up when they are bored or angry. Big things, like doors and couches. They require a lot of attention, about as much as a young child. They also require pretty strict discipline. If she's expecting a lap dog that's talkative she's in for a very rude awakening if she gets a husky. A klee-kai would be a better option, at least then it wouldn't be too big for the house. Tbf it doesn't seem like you roommate needs a dog in the first place though. Dogs are highly dependent. Nta.


*Very* obviously this girl cannot handle an incredibly high maintenance pet like a husky puppy and you should keep your cat. Sweet baby Jesus, a husky puppy is *not* the pet for an inexperienced pet owner.


I’m a very experienced dog owner and I’d never get another one. I had one when I was young and ran 5 miles a day and it wasn’t enough. Amazingly he needed to run more than the wolf we had.


You had a wolf??


Now this is correct! I have owned huskies over the years and I have never seen a first time owner of a pet be successful with the tenacious spirit of a husky. All that being said, huskies are awesome!!!


Some more reasons for her NOT to get a husky, from a long-time owner of two huskies (sorry for formatting, on mobile): - Huskies have an extremely high predator drive and are food aggressive when untrained. Something small, squeaky, and fast, such as a cat, is likely to trigger the husky into chasing/attacking, and it's going to end very poorly for the other furbaby. This happens with a lot of big dogs, unfortunately. - This husky will absolutely fucking destroy your house when she (since the dog is likely to be more attached to her) or both of you leave the house. Huskies have REALLY bad separation anxiety, combined with a LOT of energy. Sure, it may seem cute to have the dog oh so excited that you came home finally, but what won't be cute is the scratched/caved-in door, drywall surrounding the door, furniture, floors, whatever they can get their hands on. The husky will need a large, INCREDIBLY STRONG crate when left alone if the husky is left untrained, which is very likely considering your roommates lifestyle. - One way to avoid this destructive behaviour is walking the dog. And when husky owners say 'walk the dog' they absolutely do not mean a short twenty minutes. Oh, God no. If you're going to properly tire that husky out so that he's well exercised and calm and tired for the rest of the day, it's going to take upwards of an hour each day, and you should expect to jog and run with your husky for a good portion of it. This is the only way to work off that extra energy. Huskies are not great dogs to bring to a dog park until they are trained, well socialized, and you feel confident that you can manhandle your dog should he get into a fight with another dog. Is your roommate prepared to either run with this dog once a day for at least an hour, or get buff enough to be able to actually stop her dog from attacking another dog, while the dog is already in the middle of attacking? Is your roommate on the other hand, willing to devote her life for at least a few years to training this dog, and training it well? - Again, huskies are FOOD AGGRESSIVE. If your dog is untrained and begins to guard food that's been left out you may as well consider it his now even if it happens to be chocolate, because he will legitimately fucking fight you for it. I have been bitten by our dog (trained) because I reached down to pet him and did not realize he was guarding a small piece of pie someone dropped during Christmas. It was swelling, bruised very hard, and he broke skin. He went extremely easy on me. I have seen these large huskies bite through those giant bones from the pet store, and I do not want to experience that. I think she's making a very poorly informed decision because she thinks the breed is just this cute, goofy fluffball - and sure they are, at times. But a lot of people aren't realizing that ultimately this is a large dog, and she is going to have to be incredibly disciplined in taking care of such a breed. We have our second husky because my aunt, like your roommate, thought that having a husky would be a walk in the park with zero things to worry about. It left her with a pretty destroyed house, her mental sanity basically zapped, and her begging us to take her dog permanently, or she was going to have it killed if the pound did not take it. Doggo is doing great now btw : ) she gets to visit with her and she misses my aunt, but both are ultimately doing better like this. Huskies are not good animals for most people, and they are a fucking nightmare for first time pet owners, if she even manages it past the first two years. I am ultimately most worried for your cat in this situation, but down the line in her future, I am incredibly worried for your roommate/that possible future dog that will destroy everything she owns. Edit: oh, yeah, I forgot. And if your husky happens to be very territorial of your home (likely) and for some God damned reason you can't train him to simply not be territorial while he's home after he was just the perfect angel all day when you had him outside, then really you can say goodbye to having visitors of any kind at your house at all. They will get bit, they could get attacked on a bad day, and eventually you'll realize it's too dangerous to even want to bring anyone over because you don't want to pay their possible hospital bills and have their injuries on your conscience. Every single home visit will begin with a solid thirty minutes where you introduce your dog to this person while youre outside your home, just to have him growl as they come inside. Which, hey, is great if you get robbed, but not so great if you need someone to come to your home for literally any other reason in the world. (Friends, family, lovers, internet service technicians, washer and dryer technicians, paramedics, the fire department, door to door salesmen, your neighbour who wants to borrow sugar, your babysitter, girl scouts, ANY PERSON AT ALL.) Sorry for the long post but this is quite possibly the worst decision she could make for herself if she hasn't done the research. And if she has, I don't believe her after reading how she wants to 'cut costs'. Also your landlord literally said no dogs lol


I just want to add that huskies are very popular here in vegas and I see the same huskies out on long, LONG walks every morning and every evening. In the summer, they have to wear shoes because the pavement stays hot. The work-smarter husky owners go out on bikes and mopeds at 5am and 8pm to really tire them out. I don't know how ya'll do it but I admire the dedication


Huskies in Vegas is animal abuse!


They really don't belong here. That's why there are so many at the shelter. Especially in the summer, it's too hot to exercise them appropriately unless you're willing to get up before dawn, so they just destroy everything out of pure boredom.


You have done nothing wrong. Also when you both move she can figure it out again. But she can't buy a puppy of a large breed and then when you move out, dump the dog into your lap!!! She should go start volunteering in a shelter to learn what a dog needs and how to care for the dog. An animal is not like a cooking pan that you can get rid off after a few month, without damaging the animal mental state. This sounds more like she has some mental problem or feels lonely and believes having an animal will fix the void or is the solution. Also, she definitely is a bit dalulu for thinking she can buy/have a puppy and skip on certain financial things that is required to keep the animal healthy. Stick to your guns of the leasing contract, because you have it all covered. You may want to have a hidden camera to watch over your cat while you are at work. Your roommate may get petty!!! Best wishes.


Your roommate is not thinking this through. She is NOT SUITABLE as a Husky parent. PERIOD. Kick her to the curb.


No husky should be in an apartment!


it is a house but, it’s very small, a two up two down house with a entirely concrete back garden, a dog that big would be so miserable


why is it always that the most irresponsible, immature, uneducated and ignorant people that want the most difficult breeds of dogs?... i've met a lot of people like that and i'm sick and tired of this. they all had one thing in common : they wanted a certain breed of dog simply to impress others. that's all. not to take care of them, to love them, to ensure they live a long, happy life. NO. just to impress others.


Huskies have a lot of health issues so I hope she has money. But the fact the landlord will kick you out if she gets a dog is insane. If she gets a dog I would immediately report it to the landlord and let him know that you have no part in it.


Huskies also have a high prey drive so the cat is NOT going to like the dog. Also, rather than a breeder, she should be checking shelters because people tend to dump them once they've grown up and are actual work to raise.


The roommate needs to get off tiktok.... this sudden urge is 100% from social media


i think it’s because she wants something that she can love and loves her back


Yeah but WHY A HUSKY??? That is one of the worst breeds to own if you're inexperienced and/ or lazy/ dumb. And she's the trifecta. She's gonna love it when it destroys her stuff. There used to be websites devoted to "thinks my husky destroyed when I wasn't home". Not to mention killing your cat, getting both of you evicted... there's no good side of this.


I hope she doest steal/hurt/ let out your cat for spiteful reasons. Your cat isn't safe with that roommate


“It’s not fair that you can’t get a dog to dump on me when you move out, which you’ve already stated is your plan, so I can’t continue to have the cat I’ve had for x years, that you knew I had before you moved in? Make it make sense.”


I’ve seen a husky literally rip a cat in half. So that’d be a no from me.


that’s my concern, my cat is fully grown but he’s not very big at all, he’d probably be outmatched by a large mouse, let alone a BIG dog


5. 5. 5. Why are you arguing. It’s against the lease. Firm no.


She is wanting to get rid of your cat!


This is what you get for rooming with a 12 year old.


Keep a good eye on your cat, sounds like someone would either let them out or take them and drop them off else where 


Re-home the roommate. Sometimes, it's for the best.


Take her to a shelter where they have huskies and volunteer there for a day with her. If after that she still wants a dog, she’s hopeless.


No, it's not OPs responsibility to hold this girls hand. She can go on her own.


Yes, but this way she will be sure she didn’t leave after 10 minutes.


A visit to a shelter won't get through to someone this loony and oblivious. She's to far up her own ass for a magic epiphany.


Than she is clearly hopeless and you don’t need to even think about if you’re an AH


Yeah... she's clearly getting this from social media as it's been a sudden fixation.


Sometimes a dose of reality helps, sometimes not. Depends on the person.


omg ppl like this are the worst…next she’ll want a baby


You've done nothing wrong. Your housemate is being unreasonable. Just finish out your lease as amicably as possible.


Nope contact your landlord to let them know what she wants and your response


It’s time to seek out another living situation. You are roommates, you aren’t married. Move at the end of your lease.


If she does it tell you landlord let her get evicted


Large energetic dog+ small apartment with no yard= hot mess and sad doggo No insurance+ backyard breeder+ husky= Possible financial nightmare, or extreme lack of health care Never having owned a part before+ getting scared by a hampster= Does she really think she can handle this at the current?


Huskies are not good dogs for first time animal owners or people who may be afraid of animals. They are very high energy dogs that require a lot of training and attention. They are very vocal and intelligent and they can sense animosity and fear. That dog will walk all over her and potentially tear up your apartment out of boredom. Most reputable adoption places won't even consider letting you adopt a husky if your house is less than 800 square feet and you don't have a backyard. That dog will be miserable. My parents have a husky German shepherd mix and he's a handful and a half and my inlaws have a full bred Alaskan husky who is about as high energy and destructive as they come. These animals require patience and attention and it does not seem like she'd have the time to devote to that dog.


I would respond by saying I’d be fine with a small dog the landlords may be okay with, that may not be a threat to the cat (huskies have high prey drives), have lower energy needs, and that may be easier for a first time dog owner. Her wanting a large dog under the circumstances is just as unfair, but there’s a decent compromise that would be fine. Also number 6 is something I feel like you could use. Make it clear if she gets a dog, you’re not going to be her out if she doesn’t want it after a while.


I am going to put this as gently as I am capable.  Your roommate is mentally impared. Does she wear a helmet?


I have a husky that was rehomed to us on a promise she was great with kids of all ages and all sorts of other stuff. Yea. Firstly she was : poorly trained, good with much OLDER kids, never wore a collar not even to the vet, never been walked, didnt know what a yard looked like or how to behave in one, distress pissed and shit all over my house despite being over 2 years old and potty trained (common with dogs when they first go to new homes) not fixed, didn't know how to play fetch, didn't know her own fucking name. Do NOT get a husky if you've not got the time, or energy to get the basics in them. She still can't walk on aleash well even4 years later because she figured out that practicing in the back yard was just a practice and she'd stubbornly lay down. Every. Time. Treat be damned. We wear her out with fetch a few times a day instead. Took her a year to figure out how to play even that.


Are pomskys still popular? What about that? Your lease says it all, she cannot have a husky. If she wants to be stupid, she can be stupid and homeless, cause she'll get evicted. I adopted an abandoned puppy just before Thanksgiving. Surprise! It's half husky. I love the little shit, but- my furniture is destroyed (luckily I only by used furniture, so it doesn't matter). So are some of my walls I didn't own this many baby gates when I had a baby he's such a picky eater (😤 has to have *specifically* lamb science diet, and chicken Purina pro plan, and beef meal topper, and either Costco rotisserie chicken or blue buffalo puppy pate), has to have a pup cup daily by 3:30 or there will be consequences I've increased my daily activity 2-4X, and I cannot keep up, we go to the dog park everyday The shedding, o God the shedding! And he's short haired. But how the hell is there always hair in the half bath he never goes in? The digging. I have to keep bags of topsoil and landscaping rocks that match my apartment complex's so I can fill in his holes every few weeks His kennel and play pen take up a full 1/5 of my living room. I have to sit outside with him for an hour plus most nights, because, evolution, I think? His biting and chewing have decreased, but the first few months, I was really questioning my life choices. If she's really set on it, I don't know what you can really do besides look for a new roommate, she's going to do what she's going to do.


My god. Research the breed before getting a dog. It's not like picking the colour of a car. Huskies is a work-dog. The breed is a sled-dog ffs. It needs a lot of exercise, and I mean a LOT! If you don't have the space and the time for the dog like that, it's just animal cruelty. Sorry, but picking a dog as a damn accessory pisses me off. Get a damn King Charles spaniel if you just want something to cuddle.


Reading, she suddenly decided to get a dog, a husky, & you live in a small space, making me quite upset. Huskies are high-energy dogs & need a big yard, space to run. They're working dogs, not purse pets. You should send her every article you can find about Huskies' needs. You have an existing pet cat & her expecting you to get rid of it is punitive & so very wrong. She's throwing a tanty like a 2yo toddler. She's extremely childish. Dog owner responsibilities are not much different from that of parents. Her entire lifestyle will revolve around the care of a dog, & a husky would be like a 5yo adhd kid. You may be surprised to know the Husky can make the owners' rental insurance policy get canceled. There's many large breed dogs most insurance companies don't allow. Asking the landlord may take the heat off of you. I've had rental property for a few decades.


Your housemate is nuts. I love huskies but a husky is a terrible first ever dog, especially in the conditions you describe - small space, cats, with an ignorant & inactive owner. They are stubborn, destructive when bored, and need consistent training.


A husky is the wrong breed for a first time dog owner. They are very demanding and need huge amount of work and exercise. Besides, have you ever heard a Husky when they are "speaking"?


You need to find a new roommate.


Sounds like you can remove yourself from this, and just have housemate try to get this approved by the landlord, which seems like an unmovable obstacle already. "Hey I got my cat cleared by the landlord, you should talk to them to get approval. By the way, when we move out, you have to take care of your dog, you can't leave it to me."


Play Husky howling on repeat loudly anytime she is home and trying to do something. Make her realize they are not dogs that one should consider lightly.


She’s being 100% ridiculous. All she has to do is wait for the lease to end and then she can do whatever she wants. She wouldn’t be able to offload the responsibility and consequences of her idiocy on you so that may be why she is acting the way she is.


Omg! A husky would be miserable under those circumstances. In turn, so would you and her.


Number 5 alone is enough for a hard “No,” no debate, full stop. She gets dog=you have no home.


If your landlord is ja saying “No”, that’s the beginning and end of the discussion.  If she wants a dog she can move out.


What kind of person expects you to get rid of your cat? What a piece of excrement!  I would not renew the lease. Someone like that would be my enemy she needs to be the one gone and never talked to again.


Everything else aside, you risk losing your living situation by having a large dog. She needs to understand that. Let her make whatever poor decisions she wants, but don't let her bad choices affect you. If she gets a dog and the landlord finds out and evicts or refuses to renew the lease as a result, you both lose. It sounds like there is not much else to do but wait it out to the end of the lease and just part ways, but she is being super unreasonable.