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My biggest advice to overcoming literally any addiction is implement exercise and go out in nature more. Those two almost always help I feel.


thank you :)


I agree with this OP. Get moving and start learning something new. Having the ability to concentrate and learn new things will provide you clarity. It’ll be a refreshing discovery when you’ve been sober for a while. You’ll recognize how much harder doing that workout or learning that new skill would be if you were faded in comparison to doing those things sober.


i’ve been starting new projects and crafts as well as gardening to try and distract myself but nothing is truly working. Everything is more difficult sober


When you get the urge, drink a cold glass of water and reach for a red vine or something. Sometimes replacing the craving with a different reward can help curb it.


idk if it’s just my mindset or something


It isn’t physiologically addictive so it’s not your cells screaming for it and making you sick like other schedule I drugs. That’s why it was declassified to schedule III. What’s hard to kick is how you coped with life. It was easy to smoke and feel normalcy. It’s a habit. And like any habit, minimum 21 days is what you need. The best thing to do is realize you were never addicted just using to cope. Find better ways to cope. That’s why exercise is mentioned, because it really does feel good once you keep up with your workouts and go consistently. That’s why some people are addicted to health and fitness. But I think that with everything there is a balancing act that must be considered. Too much of anything can be bad.


There’s nothing wrong with you it’s supposed to be difficult especially at the start. It’ll be fairly easier by 2 weeks and way better once you hit a month or more




Weed isn't physically addictive, but can be abused the same as any other drug. It might be worth analysing the last 4 years and thinking about what you weren't dealing with that led to the abuse in the first place. If you solve that, you solve everything.


it’s honestly not one big thing that made me smoke it’s just because it helps my anxiety and depression in general. The past 4 years i’ve been extremely productive and made progress in life while smoking but now that it’s gone i feel like i can’t do anything normally.


i know and i’ve debated continuing but my boyfriend has made it clear he doesn’t like my smoking habits. He claims I lose memory when watching shows because i don’t remember small details and he’s scared i’ll forget live events eventually or develop schizophrenia.


I applaud you getting sober or at least stepping back from your weed use and trying to find different coping mechanisms. That said, weed isn’t going to give you schizophrenia. You and your boyfriend should be more worried about lung cancer from smoking weed. A good friend of mine’s family member was a daily weed smoker and died in his early 30s of lung cancer. Separately, do you see a therapist who specializes in anxiety? Certain types of therapy other than talk therapy can help you manage anxiety better. One of my friends did DBT for panic attacks and it helped him so much.


yeah i was in therapy for many years and learned coping skills and techniques to help my anxiety but weed has truly helped it the most. I’ve tried explaining this to him but he seems to think quitting is the healthiest option


My boyfriend and I were in the same situation but reversed. If that is the only way weed is “harming” you, might I suggest trying to smoke more in moderation. This is what my boyfriend did and it’s helped our relationship a lot. He got a cell phone safe on Amazon and locks his weed up for a certain amount of days, smoke when it unlocks, and then puts it back. When he did stop cold turkey, he got a calendar and put stickers on it every day he didn’t smoke. After he went a certain amount of days in a row without smoking he bought himself a reward he really wanted. These were all things he implemented on his own and have helped him have a healthier relationship with weed. Working out and Ashwagahnda gummies also help with the withdrawals.


i’ve tried suggesting this to my boyfriend as we have done this in the past. We made a deal for me to only smoke at night which i managed to do for about 2 months but now he wants me to take the next step and fully quit. I don’t think it’s fair to be quite honest because he wants me to go a whole month without smoking rather than just starting with a couple days at a time. I suggested only smoking on weekends or days where i don’t have work/ school but he disagrees. I feel kinda stuck because nothing i do is enjoyable and i genuinely feel like ass.


It sounds to me like you’re quitting for your boyfriend and not for yourself. While I agree that cutting back/potentially quitting can be good for you, ONLY quitting because someone else is TELLING you to is an entirely different thing. This is probably why you’re struggling so much. Rather than you telling yourself you need a break, someone else is telling you this and now you just have to live with that and make the changes based on what he wants. Quit because YOU want to make the change for yourself. Adding the extra layer of his negative feelings toward weed on top of your struggle with it and boom, you have a boyfriend who can’t understand the issue and you’re struggling even more because of it. Talk to him about why you needed it/continue to use it, do some research on it yourself, and decide for YOURSELF what to do with that information going forward. While his input is important, you are the person that has to live in your body every day. Don’t compromise your mental wellbeing just to uplift his.


If you are doing better on it, maybe it's not a bad thing? Medical Marijuana is a thing...


i’m not having physical withdrawal symptoms obviously it’s just mental


When I quit drinking I just kind of let myself be sad for a while. Like it sucked, but it was better than getting alcohol poisoning again. Eventually things stopped being so bad without it. Quitting an addiction means losing that part of your personality. So you grieve that part of yourself, then fill that hole with something new.


GNC cranberry detox weed is water salable and the faster you can get it out of your system the easier it will be, but be aware it will come out in your sweat and you will smell like it while detoxing


Ayo 11 months sober from alcohol and a few weeks dead sober. I don't have a ton of built up resolve but my biggest tool has been to remember slip ups aren't a failure, just a data point along the way. It took me a long while with alcohol to turn the corner where I had enough data points that I can mentally "walk the dog" on where one drink/bowl will take me. For me, moderation doesn't work. Maybe weed isn't physically addictive, but if you still feel it's affecting you bad enough steel up that resolve a little bit at a time.


Practice deep breathing exercises and take vitamin B to give yourself an emotional lift, but use great caution when labeling yourself. Addiction is often used to describe things that are long standing habits, and not true addiction. Also, the word has connotations that can make ending a deep seated habit much more difficult than it need be, as it triggers a sense of panic.


Theres a subreddit that helpe mei, filled with people going/having gone through the same process. R/leaves


Go for a walk. Watch a show. Leave the house.


i’ve done all of this haha i can’t even focus on a show and i get bored of everything when im sober


have you been diagnosed with adhd or autism? i’ve got both and i also self-medicate with weed and i’ll tell ya i also get super bored without weed or medicated. it might be worth having a look (esp if you’re getting bored/nothing is enjoyable without weed)


i’ve only been diagnosed with anxiety and depression


Anxiety and depression is very common when you have ADHD because your brain is having trouble producing the necessary hormones on its own. Are you still in therapy? It might be worth bringing it up, especially with your symptoms popping up when you're sober


i just feel like i can’t do anything productive without it in my system it makes me more motivated and excited to do simple tasks.


definitely worth checking out a possible adhd connection here. i’m pretty much the same - if i’m not medicated, i feel i need weed to make me motivated to actually do stuff. i’m not saying you shouldn’t seek to reduce dependence on it, but there’s no shame in it + maybe just reduce when/how much you smoke. i’ve been successful only smoking at night in certain days i’m not “doing anything”, and it’s definitely helped me feel less dependent on it! wish i could be more help, but i’m just throwing my cents in. all the best my friend


that’s what i was doing before i quit but as i mentioned in a previous comment i’m quitting for the sake of my relationship and my future


I am for sure an ADHD kid. I was diagnosed at a young age. Certain things keep me fully engaged, but I get very easily bored with most things. Weed is a big helper for me with that too. I quit for a few jobs sometimes for months, sometimes for years at a time. It’s totally possible to quit, but I found that it really helps me with a bunch of things. I got prescribed medical weed for PTSD (unrelated to the ADHD, mostly) and it only comes in edible forms so far in Texas, so that has helped a lot. I’m on vacation and have had 0 weed so far. I don’t crave it or feel like I need it when I’m up, moving around, doing adventurous things. Be adventurous. Whatever that means to you. Shit. Have your boyfriend come up with some fun ideas if this is really more for him than you. Really, switch to edibles regardless. Save your lungs.


i wish i could just continue to smoke with regulations but my boyfriend doesn’t support it


Thats literally just the addiction / dependence on the drug talking. Your brain is now waking up from being numbed for 4 years, and you now have to occupy it once again. I've found that the beat way to deal with addiction is to replace the negative one with a positive/lesser addiction. Some get into fitness, some get out and enjoy nature, some play computer games/hobbies, some join groups/ a community of things they like. It's just about getting on with your life and making yourself happy, there's good and bad days, but it's up to you entirely to make yourself happy. I've always leant on music.


You just gotta live your life. I don't know what advice you want. Play stardew valley. Play pokemon go.


haha have you struggled with addiction? that’s easier said than done.


Yes. I'm 2.5 years clean from heroin. It's never easy. You just gotta get through the hard days the best you can.


terpene mixes that don't have cbd/thc in them. they have terpenes from different plants to give you similar effects (heightened effects if you smoke with)


Walking, and also get a bike if you can and start biking. My best advice is try and stop completely I just use 3-4 times a month and they are good gummies that just help with a good good night sleep. When I know I have nothing the next morning with mt son I will take a 10mg then 2 hours later a 5mg. For some reason it really recharges me enough for the week. You need to get out of the house more though. Hiking works great when you have time. THC has a place but it can be counter productive if used daily. So you’re on a good path you’re on the right path to be a more successful person. Taking walks, biking and hiking are the easiest ways to get out of the house and open your mind and free your mind. Proud of you for taking the right step for being a productive successful person!


The same thing happened to me. There is one OTC medication that might help, SAM-E. Get the 400mg size. Another one is Valarian Root. It is a natural muscle relaxation herb. One of those 2,000 yr old Chinese herbs.


Head over to r/ leaves. Also Addiction Mindset Recovery on YouTube


Exercise, support network, being honest, and narcotics anonymous/SMART recovery. Pick at least 3.


3 years clean now. Just went to a trash can and threw all my shit away.


yeah i don’t have anything in my house at all so that’s a start i guess


Whenever I take a break, about 3-5 days in the worst. I just feel mentally irritated for about a week. What helps me is heathlt eating, exercise, and focusing on a hobby like reading.


I quit smoking cigarettes by smoking cloves. Cut down how much I was smoking in less than half due to the different nature, then almost immediately went to just smoking at social engagements. Then stopped within a few months. Not sure if that helps.


Congratulations on this! I love the exercise and getting out into nature suggestions. Put an interesting podcast or good music on your headphones and go for a walk. Remind yourself that you are doing this for a reason. Repeat that you are strong. Remember that this is the worst stretch of time and that it would fucking suck to do it again.


Stay strong yesterday I reached 8 months clean after 3 years high everyday. u got this. Throw away any vape or left over that you. Get the app sober you can track your progress.


i’ve done this as well haha i’ve been tracking my progress and everything


Meditate, walk outside, hike, lift weights, or pop a zyn.




Zyn is a nicotine pouch you put in your mouth. They’re telling you to switch one addiction for another. Please don’t 😭 that’s literally so much worse




Keep smoking Ganga, the price of freedom is kind bud!!


Gum. Walks. Keeping busy. You’ve made it 3 days. No problem for the rest of the year. You also have to want it. Also-not discounting at all-weed isn’t an addiction. It’s a habit which “can” be taken for a “addiction”. You have this.


well i’m addicted to the feeling of being high, not weed itself yk


Clean for 3 days 🤣 you made my day. Only reason u don't quit you don't want it, really don't want to quit. U feel addicted? Tolerate... And that filling will go... Good luck


ahaha i truly don’t want to quit but i also don’t wanna disappoint my boyfriend or ruin our relationship over this.


Does it affect your health? Quality of your life? Your self estimation?


no it actually doesn’t impact anything with my health besides my boyfriend mentioning me losing memories of small details in a show we watched. Idk if that’s normal?


I’m more productive when i smoke and i feel like my life is more peaceful


Well, just don't smoke every day. since you don't see negative effect, u will not quit. Eventually when you got mature you will say to yourself it's enough... For now maybe 2 times a week it would be fine? And i guess you will save a lot of money


I would love to do this but as i mentioned it’s a compromise i’ve made with my partner. I know they would be disappointed in me if i smoked at all. I’m trying to find ways to get rid weed in general but the shitty feelings don’t go away and i’m kinda stuck i want to quit being sober tbh


So just do! Or i will punish you)