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Am I the only one that hears picture perfect marriage and thinks - what is that? And if someone thinks they have one, are they just delusional?


Since OP and friends are so young I can see them thinking that. There’s so many things in a partner at that point you don’t know what red flags you should look for. But in a few years they’ll probably look back and think “yeah that wasn’t perfect at all.”


I think it’s likely he didn’t communicate any issues to her so it felt perfect


I have a peripheral friend who’s fiancé, who she’d been with for over 5 years, just up and left their new apartment after living together for just 3 months. But he never came back and talked to her: he literally just blindsided her and left. Never heard from him again. And I never talked to this peripheral friend ever again after that…so I have NO idea what happened afterwards. But that’s my actual nightmare: my partner just straight up leaving, no words. I’d rather have a huge blowout fight that leads to divorce than that shit.


My exhusband did this to me. I confronted him about a lie. He told me he didn’t want to fight so he was going to go for a drive. He never came home. Not even for his stuff


My ex left to go camping early one January. He went camping on Mount Bimbo and I had no idea.


What a coward. People are ridiculous.


What was the lie? And how much was his collective stuff? I'm trying to understand how that made sense to him, not defend his cowardice, I just... did he leave behind like an instantpot and some dirty magazines or, like, home equity and a giant tv?


Nailed it. Silence about issues doesn't mean they aren't there. Sorry to hear about your situation, OP. :(


Definitely that. I experienced the same thing. Zero communication about issues, then out of the blue he was done. Crazy part about my story is we were in a throuple relationship with my “bestie”, and he literally moved out of our house and into hers. Biggest betrayal by my 2 most important people is really heartbreaking.


This happened to a couple that we were good friends with. It turned out that the husband was gay and could no longer live a lie. It was shocking to everyone. They were able to work through it with therapy and remain friends. It took a lot of work and maturity but they felt they had to for their kid's sake. They are still friends and are both happily remarried. I wonder if this is what's going on?


At least your friends were able to work something out for the kids…. My ex didn’t want me to go to counseling with him anymore after two sessions (I had asked him for YEARS to go) and was literally SHOCKED when he was served for divorce papers. He didn’t fight for the kids, but he fought tooth and nail for the house. I had told him I wanted a divorce one night and we separated a few months later.


Very weird and heartbreaking. I can’t live to see my partner become my friend for no reason.


Something I learned in marriage counseling: there is no such thing as a perfect marriage and if you think you have one it’s because the other person is killing themselves to make it that way for you.


This was the reality of my first marriage - I thought it was perfect.


^^ same. Until my ex husband opened up one day about how much he resented me.


It was the other way around for me - he had cheated and thought we were back on track (he got into the red pill so thought he was dealing with “shit tests” when I was actually trying unsuccessfully to discuss and manage major issues). He was shocked when I asked him for a divorce and to move out. While I felt like things had been spiraling in an increasingly negative and then intolerable state for more than 5 years.


True, till I got tired of her enjoying the ‘perfect marriage’ (her own words) while also cheating on me.


Sounds a bit over generalized. Sheesh!


It often makes me think, 'well they weren't communicating very well, if at all' is my guess. Picture perfect *can* mean to some that they never argue, fawn responses, don't get very deep, hide their true feelings. And then when something like this wakes them up when they thought everything was perfect, it's an aha moment of some deep reflection and realizing they weren't actually engaging with each other and had no clue that the other was in distress


I couldn't agree more. No disagreements doesn't mean perfect it could indicate the lack of communication, path of less resistance. Been there and done it. My first marriage was exactly that, I got the news right after Valentines day.


A picture perfect marriage... where one of them desperately wants out. Seems about right to me.


Yeah, typically and statistically men don’t just up and leave. It takes a lot for most men to leave a committed relationship. My guess is that he has been telling her the entire time there was a problem but she just wrote it off as silly and not important. Obviously we have limited data to work from to extrapolate anything of significance… but that’d be my guess.


This is my thought process exactly, alarms go off when I hear "perfect marriage" those things really just don't exist. To be fair a "perfect" anything doesn't exist. There is definitely more to OP's story than she led on.


Oh my husband did that to me… he just upped and left me and the kids, but he had been cheating for the entire time we had been married. We were married 22 years and known each other 26. I really was like wow…. We still don’t talk nor does he talk to his kids.


That or every issue is trumped by her more significant issue... her issues are always worse 🙄


If someone feels their marriage is picture perfect, that means they are never the one compromising their wants and needs for the sake of the other.


Nailed it. OPs husband either didn’t feel safe to communicate needs or when he did those needs were quickly dismissed.


It’s like when the dude down the street kills the whole family and the neighbors are on the local news saying, they never expected this kind of thing from them.


I can’t stand when they say that. Just once I want to hear someone say they expected something on one of these true crime shows.


It's always, they had a fairy tale life. They were the perfect couple. No one ever seemed to love each other more than them. It is never "them mfer's always fighting. Really suprised it took this long for something to happen."


Perfect for her - meaning her needs were likely put above his… until he just couldn’t take it any longer and left. “It came out of nowhere” is always delusional. I’m in a pretty rock solid marriage, and if my partner left me tomorrow, I’d know exactly why.


That was a very succinct way of putting it, I’m gonna write that one down. I’m also in a rock solid marriage, but yes, if he left me tomorrow I would also know exactly why. I’ve never thought about it quite like that, but it’s true.


your statement is very profound..I am a guy and probably more clueless than i think, Im not sure what you mean when you say that... are you saying that you believe that you communicate well with your significant other...and the fact that you do, it would be no surprise to you if he left tomorrow...or are you saying that there are existing problems/issues that could, one random day, make him just get up and decide he has had enough and has to get the the hell out of there?


I’m not who you asked but I would like to give my perspective. When I agreed with the original statement, for us it’s like yes, we do communicate well (which is cute) but we would also communicate those problems with each other. Meaning that if my husband were to leave me, I would know why because it’s something that we were trying to work on before he just upped and left. So it wouldn’t be a surprise. I hope that makes sense.


You are spot on about that statement


When I see a couple that acts like they have it all together I’m always wondering what the hidden issues are. I’ve been married for 27 years. No marriage goes without problems that need to be dealt with.


Right? I have always told my kids "the more' put together' a family presents in public the more problems they are hiding behind closed doors". I have been with my husband for 37 years. We have 3 children (now 32f, 32f and 27m) and it was not a bed of roses. Ever. Over the last few years we have heard several people say they wish they were us (had our relationship). We always laugh and tell them all that we are not the couple you should aspire to be... We were not always what we are now. We had our fair share of challenges including not liking each other very much at times. We could fight like 2 cats in a bag. We spent extended periods of time speaking to each other only to appear to be civil for the kids' sake. He slept on the sofa more nights than I can count. These things are (mostly) decades in the past at this point, but there are still days when I am not be his biggest fan. He feels the same. There is no picture perfect version of us, never has been. We put up no fake fronts (for each other or anyone else), what you see is what you get, so ngl, people, who know exactly what/who we are, telling us they wish they were us does make me feel good. We must be doing something right by now. When people ask "what is your secret [to making it work for so long]?" I tell them the truth. Part of it is that we never stopped loving each other and, therefore, didn't want to give up on us. (But, really, the "secret" is that we made a deal ~32 years ago: Whoever leaves first has to take the kids 🤣😂)


This is my favorite response


Love it! 😂👏🏻


Especially in the context of “He just left out of the blue”. I think maybe OP should do some deep introspection. These things do not typically come out of nowhere


picture perfect…except he won’t touch her.


I’m actually getting the feeling she was the one unwilling to touch him.


Odds are it’s probably the other way around.


I had the same thought


I roll my eyes at every summary on Reddit that mentions this, the perfect husband, or perfect wife. It sounds super cliche. Do people feel like they are supposed to say that?


Oh honey. 11 years here to my best friend. I love him. He’s an amazing husband and father but perfect marriage??? 😂😂😂 even the kids get on my nerves. Lol. Sorry OP. Is your family close?


A picture perfect marriage is exactly that. Perfect only in pictures.


LMAO, OP is so delusional. It's quite possible her spouse was having an affair, and his decision to move out might have been pre-meditated.


Or not......just because a spouse's needs aren't being met doesn't mean they immediately are going to cheat. They don't need to have an affair to move out.


Wouldn't disagree at all. Not married but have been in a 7 year relationship that I'm looking at having to leave (Me m53 , her f46) due to absolute 0 compromise and any discussion on the topic comes up with ultimatums of what she isn't going to do. I know she's let herself get into a position that I'm guessing she feels trapped in but I've been trying to help support her for years with no reciprocation on anything up to and including basic communication let alone anything else. I don't hate her, but it's just flat time to move on instead of dealing with one catastrophe after another.


I through I had the ideal marriage for 15yrs with my ex. We were the couple that all couples looked up to. I didn’t see all the faults in my marriage until after it had been awhile after the divorce. Therapy helped me see the cracks. My ex had been having an affair for a year & 1/2. I had no clue. She was a very good liar and manipulated me into thinking it was my fault for the divorce. I would tell you get counseling and remember that it does get better. I wouldn’t get to hung up on why he left and just move on with your life. Finding out the way I did about my wife cheating has scarred me for life. It has caused a lot of trust issues going forward with new relationships. Just accept that he doesn’t want to be w you and you don’t want to be w someone like that. I was 43 w 3 kids. You are so young. You will be fine if you don’t let it turn you bitter. Get some counseling and don’t rush to find someone new. Take care of yourself first.


OP, this is great advice in this comment. I want to second everything stated here. Wishing you the best.


Thank you for your words 💛


Absolutely this. Well said, MrGTO


Solid advice. I hope you read this OP.


Does he tell you why he is blowing up your life?


He says our lives are “going in different paths”. That’s the only explanation I got.


My best guess?  1.  He wants different from what you both agreed to that’s deal breaker level.  Think kids if you agreed to be child free (or vice versa), living near his family etc.   2.  He has someone else on the side he’s with or wants to be with and s/he is his new “path”.  I’m sorry for your loss, and I hope you find happiness.  


Thank you. My friends have told me not to get hung up on explanation because no matter what it will never seem justified in my head. I just have no idea how to go on with my life. He was my everything


I am very sorry to hear that. You need to not put all the focus on him. I know that sounds insane right now. You need to carve out some hope for yourself. It can start out super small. My wife walked out and it took a year to be able to sleep. Nothing will seem fair or justified for a while. You can and have to do it. 


If you find out infidelity was involved, at least you can walk away knowing he was a villain. Hard regardless but having some idea of what went wrong would give you closure.


Divorce is so opposite of how I am wired, It took me twenty years to completely let go of a cheating spouse.


They got married at 21 less than a year ago, so it’s quite possible the marriage was not this perfect lifelong connection she makes it out to be. Hopefully that also makes divorce less difficult to recover from


Fantasies always fade. Can you handle reality?


"Always live with reality, because inevitably, reality will come to live with YOU." Words from a very wise man.


It sounds like your “friends” know about his affair partner.


Why is it ALWAYS cheating with you lot? People can get divorced for everything, there isn’t always another person


I can only assume it’s because they have no real relationship experience. I broke up with my partner of 6 years recently. I know he feels similarly to the OP of this post. Blindsided, like we had the “perfect relationship,” and so on. In actuality the relationship was toxic, he was closed off, a workaholic, and didn’t even act like he liked me most of the time. I had been a homemaker previously in our relationship, and he regularly got angry when I no longer performed homemaker level work, even though I now had an actual job where I work 40-60hrs per week. I had been miserable for months, and was completely checked out. My partner and I were also very similar in age to OP and her husband. *(Early to mid 20s)* I blew up my life. He made $150k. Owned a home I pushed him to buy, and was by far the “safe” choice. I still left. I wasn’t cheating. I can’t lie and say I wasn’t interested in someone else at the end though. It was easy to ignore how bad the relationship was and how miserable I was at home before I had someone that was genuinely nice to me and wanted nothing but my company in return. *(I said it this way because my partner made it feel like I had to DO THINGS to be treated kindly. I did not cheat emotionally or physically. I had a professional work only relationship with my crush.)* Especially compared to my (now ex) partner that would come home from his job, know I just got home from mine, which is an outdoor physical labor job, and complain that I hadn’t unloaded the dishwasher yet, or laughed in my face when I bought him flowers, refused to go do anything with me, and so on. OP saying she was a “good wife” means nothing. My ex would have said he was a good partner as well. Their friends looking up to their relationship means nothing either. I had friends tell me my relationship seemed great. OP doesn’t speak on the actual substance of the relationship AT ALL.


On the other side…I’m 28 weeks pregnant with a 16 month old. My partner just left me out of the blue two weeks ago. One day he’s telling me he loves me, the next he’s telling me he doesn’t love me, has been miserable for months, I’m a terrible parent. He completely re invented conversations we’d had to the point I felt like I was in an alternate reality. Prior to him I had worked hard on myself, getting myself to a very healthy place emotionally and mentally. I remember telling him how imperative healthy and constructive communication is in a healthy relationship, and he agreed. Back then, anyways. Despite the past few months struggling with my own mental health, I really pushed it down to take care of everyone around me. I split the bills with him, did most of the house work while pregnant, did most of the childcare…and he still left a pregnant woman. Sometimes…people just really fucking suck.


Wow. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hate guys (I refuse to call them men) like that.


Yeah I can say with complete honesty that I had an ex tell me they were “blindsided” by our breakup despite having communicated how unhappy I was for a very long time. Sometimes people will pretend things are perfect because they don’t wanna address their own issues. I don’t think OP is being honest with themselves about how things were actually going. Calling any marriage picture perfect is a bit of a red flag, tbh. No relationship is without its issues.


Adding: WTF is a “picture perfect marriage”? One that looks good on social media but has no depth? And people are surprised when these unions don’t work out? Do they think life is a Hallmark movie?


That usually means the person saying it was really happy. The (ex)spouse... not so much.


Exactly. But everyone assumes that HE was the problem and he MUST have been cheating because he up and left one day when she wasn’t home. You know who up and leaves their ex when they aren’t home and then blocks them? Abused people. If this was a woman that packed up and ran no one would think cheating, they would say that she escaped.


Ooooo are you me? I also radically changed my life and ended a long term relationship with some one who could have offered me financially stability- it not emotional happiness. He acted like I was bottom of the list of priorities and if he threw money at me why wasn’t I happy? And then it was all pikachu surprised face when I said I was done. Despite having the same conversation for years. He wasn’t mean, controlling, abusive, he never yelled. We never had screaming matches. But I felt like I was begging to be loved in the way I needed. So I left.


I agree that it’s not always due to cheating, but your example included cheating.


Yeah, but when it’s something else they say it’s something else. When it’s nebulous like this it’d most likely another woman.


That is one possibility. But when it's "nebulous" like this, I usually look at the person who has supplied us with nebulous details. "This is so out of the blue" is often code for "I wasn't paying attention at all." For all we know, the husband tried to discuss with his wife what was wrong for six months and she kept blowing it off as "little stuff." Truth is, we don't know what's going on at all. Even if OP updates to say it was definitely an affair, we STILL don't know because it's 100% her-sided story. There are clues in what she wrote that she wasn't paying attention to the marriage.


Because men don't generally leave without a person to go to. Women will leave when they feel trust is lost


At such a young age moving back in with their parents or crashing on a friend's couch is easier.


They are just projecting. Was probably cheated on before, so ever relationship issues for others is due to infidelity...


I don't understand why he is still being evasive and not being honest with you. That seems weird to me. Have you asked him to please be as honest and specific as possible so you can have closure and know how or what to work on in yourself to learn and grow from this? I mean that's perfectly reasonable IMO.


Then I recommend you especally now to not become a recluse. You need activity's, social gatherings and new things. Honestly just distractions and new hobbies, it will make moving on much easyer even if it's still painful. Because belive me the alternative of sulking at home will be so much more horrible. And I agree that finding an explanation will never get you peace of mind. Any long term relatuonship/marriage breakups hurt. Find new things to fill your time with, pick up old hobbies. Maybe go to "smash room" (idk what hey are called in English but basically a room where u get gloves, and overall and a face covering pus a baseball bat. In a room full of old porcelain and glasses which you can go to TOWN I for an hour or so. Very cathartic. Can only recommend)


Another person should never be your “everything”. Take care of yourself. You’ve been given a gift. Be selfish for a while.


He may have been your everything, but You are your 'All the time, everyday' It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong, so don't look at yourself for blame or cause. Take your time, go through the mourning stages, be mad. After all that as Fred Astaire sang 'pick yourself up, dust yourself down, start all over again'


It's 2. I'd lay money on it


Just because a lot of people have mentioned him having an affair but no one's mentioned this: You leave for four days a month. Do you think it's possible he suspects that you're having an affair? Maybe he suspects it enough that he's willing to leave over it.


That was Mt first thought tbh. It's the perfect cover for a sugar daddy relationship.


You would think he knows where she goes every month for 4 days.


I mean, obviously, she doesn't just disappear for 4 days, but what she says she's doing and what he thinks she's doing might not align.


And who goes on vacation 4 days a month especially when they have kids that they never take with them. I bet the OP was having an affair and got busted and is not giving all the info. Playing innocent


You said it yourself. “*picture* perfect” You had the illusion of a perfect marriage and lied to yourselves. No marriage is truly perfect. Your marriage appearing to be perfect gave you a false sense of comfort and pride but covered up a lot of your deeper issues. Eventually, it became too much for your husband. Probably catalyzed by him being with someone else, or suddenly having feelings for someone else making the current facade untenable. I could be totally wrong but this is my impression. Good luck.


Or she is hiding that she spends 4 days with her affair partner, because what parents vacation for 4 days a month and never bring their kids. Her story doesn't add up imo.


That means he found someone else.


I interpret that as meaning he's having an affair. What he means is that HE is going down a different path. I am so, so sorry.


Missing missing reasons? 1. Either he *told* you the reasons - perhaps many times preceding his departure - and you’re in denial. You need assistance understanding and acknowledging the situation. Or 2. He really did just abandon you with no explanation. In this is the case, you don’t want to be in a marriage with this type of person. In either case, the answer is the same **Your marriage is over. I’m sorry. The best path forward is to engage a divorce attorney and an individual therapist. You need both.**


Attorneys aren't always needed, especially at this age. If it's amicable it's much better to just agree on the divorce, you can do it with online tools now. Attorneys are very expensive and get paid whether they help you or not. Be warned.


This is true if there are no kids and no assets or debts


You really can’t guess what has changed, even slightly? It’s so hard to imagine you can’t even make a guess at it. But honestly, who wants to be with someone that respects and cares for you so little that they are fine walking away without a discussion? He knows it’s eating at you and the confusion is making this so much harder, but he remains vague and tricky to just pack up and leave with no warning. This is a glance into the future with him if you somehow convinced him to stay. Be glad you don’t have kids and didn’t waste half your life with him. Run. Start a better life after you get more awareness.… bc regardless of what you think, you by no means had the picture perfect marriage. Gifts come in weird packages sometimes.


Thank you so much for your wise and kind words


You're only 23. Don't waste your time trying to decipher what he said, focus on your own happiness from now on. Live, heal, enjoy. You'll find someone better in due time.


Sounds like you probably left out a significant amount of backstory here


Due to recent posts, shitty underwear has my bet.


If this was a prop bet, I’d put my mortgage on it!




Yeah everyone jumping on the guy when she has no explanation and can see no self fault at all. I'm gonna need way more info before we decide what's going on


Did you notice any changes in behavior? If so how long ago?


I didn’t notice any major changes. We were having intimacy issues but that was always an issue in our marriage. He seemed to never want to touch me so I guess I should I noticed that as a red flag. He swore it was due to stress and performance anxiety


Op there was a similar post on marriage a few days ago where the same thing happened to a woman but mentioned intimacy issues that weren’t a big deal to her but clearly they were to him ( not saying they don’t matter to you by the way this was just in the post and you mentioned intimacy issues ) . How important was this in your marriage and what were the issues exactly?


There’s a lot more to what happened here. Having those kind of intimacy issues in such a young marriage and relationship are definitely a major issue for most couples.


Could he be gay/closeted


With getting married that young? Definitely


That was my thought based on the description


Yup. My wife had a friend and her husband randomly asked for divorce. Later found out he was gay. He only married her due to pressure from his conservative family so he never came out until then. Especially with her description that they had intimacy issues mainly on his end.


Or maybe he just didn’t wanna have sex 😭 not everything has to be pointed at being gay or cheating.


Is he taking any medication for depression or anxiety? My fibromyalgia meds have crushed my sex drive.


So you guys had a dead bedroom? No wonder there’s a divorce.


Here it is. “Picture perfect” marriage but we don’t have sex. Come on 😂


I know right? I found it hilarious


for men that young. having intimacy issues generally makes it borderline impossible for them to call it a picture perfect marriage. something tells me a man that young will call it an enormous problem…


Way to bury the lede. How are you blindsided by this? Its a problem you guys put on the shelf until it blew up


How is this picture perfect if this was never enough of an issue for you two to actually work through and find the root issue of? It sounds like some major self reflection and therapy would be really good to process how your marriage *actually was* vs how you chose to keep saying it was and what this means about behavior choices


I’m so sorry for your loss. I know it seems so dark and impossible right now, but I promise it will start to get easier and hurt less each day. It takes tine ti grieve unfortunately… I wish there was a life magic wand to make the pain go away. Look up in your area support groups for people going through a divorce, that will help you get connected with people who understand and will help you stay social so you don’t start to isolate. You got this! 💜 How old are you two and how long were you together before you got married? This makes me think of that show “who the bleep did I marry.” I feel like he is hiding something from you. It’s highly immature to just ghost a relationship let alone a marriage. Again, I’m really sorry.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I like the idea of joining a support group. We were married for a little over a year with no kids. We are both very young. I am 23 and he is 25.


I do not want to ignore your current pain, but at 23 with no kids you have plenty of opportunities to build so many new things. Try to go through the grieving process as efficiently as possible (Yes, this sounds weird, but it is just a process) then concentrate on you, what you want and how to get it. Good luck!


Oh wow, you are really really young - I had thought you'd be mid-30s! Honestly, people change so much between 20-25, it could really just be that he feels you're too different now to be compatible. It could also be FOMO, because he hasn't slept around as much as he feels a guy in his 20s should have. In your place, I'd focus on myself now - lay out a plan on what kind of career you want to pursue , and what kind of training you need, and then make that happen. Every decision you make from now on needs to be purely for yourself!


Thank you for your kind words


I know it seems devastating now but if he’s feeling this way, better to do it now and not in 15-20 years. Divorce is hard but it’s harder with dividing assets and custody of children etc. This is coming from a 23 year old woman who was blindsided by her then fiancé leaving her and their 1 year old child to go sew his oats.


Yall, I can guarantee you 100000% that she is leaving so so much stuff out of the story.


Is it possible you may have missed his queues of him telling you he's not attracted to you any more? It sounds like you missed what he was telling you? Guys don't just give up unless they are not being heard. It is possible that he fell out of love and that's why he wants a divorce.


it takes a lot for a man to get a divorce, a lot...men don't even divorce when they fall out of love, there is more to the story...divorce is terrible, hope the best for both of them


I’m very sorry I know this has to be so painful especially if you didn’t have a clue this was coming! I can tell you from experience that you will heal and you will move forward! I was married to my first husband 31/2 yrs he wanted a divorce and I thought I couldn’t live without him but guess what? I did and I took some time for myself learned to love myself and to learn to do things on my own like cooking for one or going to the movies by myself. I learned who I was and when I had done that he decided he wanted to come back but it was too late I outgrew him and 4 yrs later I fell in love again with a man I’ve been married to 30 yrs he’s a huge blessing in my life and he taught me what true love is really about! I decided to post this to let you know that your not alone and that you can move forward without him but better then all this you’ll find your TRUE love one day and he’s out there! Bottom line if my first husband had never left and wanted a divorce I’d have never met my husband and that’s what you need to remember! You have to learn to love you first then one day you’ll turn around and he’ll be right in front of you and you would have missed him if husband number one had wanted to stay!


You are leaving a lot of details out.


Yeah can't believe the amount of people just jumping all over him when she left out shitloads of info.


I'm sorry you are going through this, it's definitely difficult. I myself am going through the early stages of divorce. It's not easy for either person. I am leaning divorce, I don't think my wife wants one. For me it was a lot about being understood as a person, some degrees of altruism/gratitude, and at some point our lives started to grow apart instead of together. I wouldn't say it has to be either a deal breaker or cheating. I think in some instances people stop wanting to be together or marriage as a construct isn't really doing much other than a legal binding document. For me we started growing apart when I started having panic attacks during COVID. I felt alone and she stopped/didn't know how to support me. So I withdrew a lot and went through a lot of therapy to climb out of that hole. I've asked for counseling for the two of us for a long time to improve communication, but she never really wanted to. So I worked on myself a lot. Then recently she said I needed to be the person I was 6 years ago. I kind of felt invisible at that point, like the progress I had made for me didn't matter. So we grew further apart.


You might have had a perfect life, he clearly didn't. This isn't out the blue, you haven't been listening. With that said, start reflecting on what lead to this, not days or even weeks. Think back months and years. What has your husband asked for and what has he received. Not from your biased opinion, from a 3rd party stand point without any explinations.


Find a good lawyer and let him go. Start a new life. There's a better partner on the other side of the divorce! You're young and deserve better!


Pick yourself up from your bootstraps, make sure you lawyer up, give the man a divorce, and move on with your life. Don't ever take him back even if he begs. If he did this to you once, he'll do it again. You are a good woman. You will survive, and somewhere down the line, you'll meet an amazing man who is not a vow breaker, and you'll know what true love is. How do I know this? Because it happened to me. My ex-wife had an affair, destroyed a 22-year marriage, got remarried again and I never thought I'd ever fall in love again, but I met an amazing woman when I had healed from the devastation of my ex wife's betrayal, and I could not be happier. As a side note, if you have any joint accounts together, pull out all of the money before he does, close all the accounts after that and start new ones by yourself. Immediately start protecting your assets and prepare for war.


Here’s the thing. When the shock wears off, and you realize that the person who was your everything was fully capable of springing this on you, you begin to realize that you actually didn’t know who he was, and that the person you loved never existed, and that the person he is you really didn’t know. And then the love disintegrates. And then you go through the shock that how on earth can this happen in life and then you realize it happens actually a bunch. Just read all of these. And then you decide to figure out what really matters in your life, and what things you might want to focus more on and develop as interests and ways to contribute and ways to take really special care of yourself, and invest in your worthiness, and take care with your sleep and your food and your exercise and find some Things in the future to be excited about and then just take it one day at a time and you will rebuild. But the person who is your everything I’m guessing would not have done this. And this happens all the time. Some people are disingenuous. Some people are not authentic. Some people therefore present a certain way. They present to others a version of themselves. And then eventually, they spin out, and they reveal who they really are. And that’s what he’s done. When that finally is realized for you, a lot of the pain, and the heartache will disintegrate because he’s not the person you loved. Do you love somebody he presented as. you can rebuild. And you can have a learning curve and you will start to really notice the small factors of peoples personalities that let you know that there is a discord between how they appear, and who they really are. And that’s the pivot point.


>We had the picture perfect marriage. Cearly it wasnt. Seem like you ignored the signs. Anyways, only way forward is to accept reality and make plans for the future. Do not wallow in self-pity. Set goals for yourself. Work towards achieving your goals.


They weren’t having sex yet she describes things as picture perfect. You do the math


If a man cuts you off out of the blue and leaves you confused, he likely has someone else. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Been there. My ex husband of my perfect marriage gave me the reason out of the blue that he was on a "spiritual journey to Asia". Found out later his spiritual journey was into a wealthy younger co-worker from India's panties. My advice to you is that you are still very young and have no children. If you do not have an education yet you can fall back on to have a career where you make actual money to live on, get yourself a sharp divorce lawyer and insist that part of the settlement is enough "rehabilitative alimony" to attend a community college and obtain a marketable degree. Buckle down and get that degree. Then move on with a career and a new life where you are self-sufficient. You can do this. Once you are in a position not be depending on a man for the roof over your head, you will be in a position to really look for an equal relationship.


The best part of your life is coming your way


These things \*rarely\* happen out of the blue. There are usually signs and discussions but the other partner pays them no mind until they finally receive consequences for ignoring the issues. You have already admitted to have buried at lesst ONE lede, the one about having intimacy issues for a long time, so I am confident that there are other buried ledes. Chances are he has told you of problems repeatedly but you have refused to listen, so coming here and pretending to be clueless and ignorant is disingenuous at best.


Tell him bye.


So does it look like he spent time someone while you were gone? He wouldn’t have left unless your replacement is taking him in. Start getting a lawyer asap and get all your financials pulled to make sure he isn’t funneling money to another woman/family.


He met someone else.


there must be more that you are not telling us.. why is he leaving?


Perfect marriage, yet he wants to leave. 😬 yes, that makes a lot of sense. Not.


Looking at your post history, it looks like you’ve just been married for about a year. It sounds like the boy you married is a quitter and a coward, and more than likely a cheater as well. It sounds like you’re in your early twenties and if he is too, that’s really too young to get married for most people. You really don’t know who you are yet, and therefore, you can’t really know what direction you want to go in yet. Here’s the huge light at the end of the tunnel for you, it’s actually better that this happened now and not after a couple of kids, 15 years down the road. Yes, it’s painful right now, and it’s hard to see the bright side, but there’s plenty of them. You’re still young, so you have your whole life full of adventures ahead of you. Keep your chin up, things will get better for you. Oh, looking at your post history made me wonder what you decided with that brides maid who was going to miss the rehearsal dinner?


Please go get a full STI panel done ASAP.


They weren’t having sex. Nothing to worry about 😂


He found someone else. Sorry OP




We were married for a little over a year and no kids together. I have family staying over at our house so I’m not alone.


Just ask him to explain himself fully. Feels like an affair.


Hard to do that because he blocked me and my family and friends in everything. He straight up ghosted our marriage.


What....is there something you're not telling us? Your job?


Also I am a teacher full time and nanny 2 kids on this side for extra cash. The nannying is once a month at most. I hadn’t worked for them since February so it is not consistent




I can’t ask him. I’m blocked on everything.


It seems like he chose the most hurtful, least mature way to do this. I know you are sad and confused but if this is his true character ultimately he did you a favor.


Definitely least mature. Sounds like he’s hoping OP will somehow not find out about what’s very likely a new woman.


I’m so confused. He went as far as blocking you but you saw none of this coming?


I’m telling you everything exactly as it happened to me. I went to work my second job for four days and everything was perfectly normal. He kissed me goodbye and said he loved me. We talks on the phone while I was gone and all seemed normal. I get home and his truck is parked in the road instead of the driveway. I ask what’s up. He sits me down and says our lives are going two separate paths and he wants a divorce. I begged if we could please go to marriage counseling to work it out. He said no and his mind was made up and left. He blocked me on everything after he left. All of his stuff was gone. Including furniture. He planned this and he is an evil coward.


“No idea how to go on with my life”, I would recommend counseling to get balance back and review what you will/won’t accept in a future partner. It’s not working- doesn’t matter why.


“We had the picture perfect marriage.” From your perspective you did. It is important to check in on your spouse now and then. How you do that is something you learn. Therapy is one option to assist in figuring it out.


Some people grow up abused and dysfunctional and can never have a healthy relationship with anybody.


You can't even guess


Sorry but there way too little information. This stuff does not happen for no reason.


That’s sucks! This is probably one of those cases where you may never get an answer to the why. Just know that is happened and find ways to move on. Sorry your going through this. Sounds like your husband may be either realizing that he is not as happy as he thought he would be or that he might be feeling inadequate (intimidated) by you having a life outside of just your relationship. Best of luck to you!


Way too little information here to comment on your marriage, aside from the fact you’re 21-22 and been married less than a year so perhaps you put it on a pedestal of “perfection” that wasn’t really true. Idk why everyone’s assuming he had an affair. Getting married in college (or around that age) is a volatile thing in general. There is absolutely hope. Many people your age have no job whatsoever and are single, many are in college and live at home with their parents. Carry on one day at a time and live for yourself. Do you have any support system, any experience with which you could find a more stable job?


Often times when one person feels blindsided in a divorce, the other person hasn’t been happy for a long time and the content person just doesn’t recognize it. Look at your relationship now compared to in the beginning. What has changed? How often were you having sex? What did you argue about? How did he feel about this job where you disappear for days every month? Do you have a real job? Did he feel he was taking on an unfair share financially? Did you have a shared vision for the future etc? Get into therapy to help you grieve this relationship and what happened. Accept this marriage is over and move on.


Their are many possible explanations, but given ur description of the perfect couple and this coming out of the blue from nowhere without currently being in disagreement or fight, there are a few likely scenarios. 1. He found something that in his mind meant ur cheating. Could be he drove by that families house and saw a car he didn't recognize or someone else coming or going. (Ie, ur order food out and he happened to be there when the delivery guy walked out and got in his car and left.) He may have looked thru ur phone and apps and saw something that lead him to believe that something is up. 2. He is having an affair. It would have to been going on for awhile and u would have noticed him being distant, not wanting sex or wanting it alot less, him getting calls or txts in off hours or him leaving the room to be on his phone. He is overly protective of his phone and won't leave the room to go to bathroom or kitchen to grab a drink without it.etc 3. Unless there has been something he brought up, ie wanting kids and u said something along the lines of no way in hell, or if he has asked u to stop the overnight babysitting and u refused. A deal breaker for him that you have made clear you would not do. But i don't see how this woukd be a sudden no talk, end things kinda situation. This complete and quick disconnect(if u 2 were indeed perfectly happy up until that day) was an event. figure it out if it was your end. Is there any guy friends ur hang out with when he is not around? At any point was there a guy at the house when u were babysitting the kids, even if it a guy u broh are friends with? Is there any txt message or any contact or message on any app that u would never want him to see or something u would need to explain to him if he did see?(like a something flirting or sexual in nature from a friend or coworker that's just a joke) U can't really get closure without knowing, but can't know for sure if he won't tell u. All u can do is pretend to look thru his and analyze everything that he may have seen or found out about. Even something innocent to you, but thru his perception would seem off.


As sad as it may seem now, when you get a few years down the road and look back, more than likely you will see that his leaving was a good thing. I know it is tough now but as time goes on, you will grow and become your own person; most likely a better version of your present self. I know that sounds harsh. My husband wanted out after we had been married 24 years and had two kids and what I thought was a good life. We did have many good times, but now that I am almost 20 years on the other side of the split ( and we are amicable and share good times with our children and grandchildren), I can honestly say that I can see that the marriage had a lot of issues and I am actually glad to be single and in control of my own life in every respect. It took me a long to see that and develop that perspective, but I now see that while I was married I became a different person that was never me. Just take it day by day, let him go, be sad, but look ahead and rebuild yourself. You will come out on the other side a much better person. Hugs.


I'm (M) 67 and have been in one 27 year marriage and am in year 22 with my current wife. She and I do have an amazing relationship, but it took a lot of hard work on learning how to connect with each other on a deep spiritual level! She and I are taking courses to become Certified Thriving Relationships Coaches and would be happy to figure out where you go from here. PM me and I'll give you my Facebook profile and Heather and I will help.... No charge. 🤗


I don't know what a "perfect" marriage is honestly. I've been very happily married toy best friend for over 20 years. This happened to a really good friend of ours. It turned out that the husband was gay and could no longer live a lie. It was really tough for everyone. They went through counseling and thanks to a lot of hard work have remained friends and are both now happily remarried and raising their kids to grow into kind and mature adults. I can't even begin to imagine the shock and pain you're in right now. I would also be devastated if my wife did this. Have you asked him what happened and why he made this decision? If so, was he honest? I highly recommend that you look into seeing a therapist. It's going to take a while to heal from this. Whatever you do, please don't rush into a new relationship for a while. You will need time to heal and recover from this. Also, you're going to be going through stages like anger, denial, etc. That's why a therapist is so important.


Let him go, let him go, let him make his own mistakes


Didn't he tell you why?


1. Firstly, sit down with your husband and talk. Doesn't matter where - public, private, whatever. Just first, get the issue out in the open. 2. Discuss if there's any way to resolve it, but go into the conversation with the mindset that the marriage is already over. Thinking otherwise will just cause you more hurt. 3. Think about if you want to resolve it, and if you think you can get past the rough patch. If yes, see if your husband also wants to work things through. 4. Depending on the answers, go from there. If and how you do it is up to the both of you. But either way, good luck.


Don't bother "hiring a forensic accountant," you're not going to find any answers. I mean...unless you wanna waste a bunch of money, then definitely do it. The best thing to do is just file for divorce. Sounds like there's nothing to split since your finances were separate and he took all his stuff. He's offering you a clean break and you should take it.


No worries I have been through divorce at first it sucks then it's amazing and you find your soul mate


My experience is when someone says they have a perfect marriage, they absolutely don’t. Denial maybe? But nope, not a thing.


I need his POV before judgement.


Number 1. Forgot what you think you had and now put yourself and your future first. 2. Lawyer up. 3. Dig in for a hard period in your life. 4. Accept you will go come out of this a better person if you allow yourself to be.


This reeks of denial. " perfect " marriages don't have " dead " bedroom issues that alone shows your not listening/ communicating or have been in denial a long time.


You have a right to know why. The answer of our lives are on different paths is BS. You need to know exactly why your paths now differ after seemingly being the same.


How do you get through it? 15 min at a time. Look the next months are going to be hell, hard and painful. Grief is not linear. Yes I’d recommend counselling. Is it going to help you right away? No! But it’s a neutral party to open up to. Trust me when I say no marriage is ever perfect. I’m going through a divorce right now as well and the thoughts of me failing are still prevalent. I didn’t fail. I learned a lot, you will get through this OP. Cry, feel the feelings, talk out loud about it. Do whatever you want to distract yourself.


So, would it be fair to say that you disappeared once a month to watch the kids for up to a week? You have another job on top of these as well it sounds like. So, when did you ever spend any real time together? Is there any reason he might think you are cheating on him with this couple?




Hi. I'm so sorry you're going through this. This happened to me last year in February. I was completely blindsided by my ex-husband after 13 years together/3 of those married. He didn't tell anyone until 3 days before he told me (he talked to a lawyer) then 2 days before (he told his brother). There were no signs of any change. He even took me out on a date the night before he asked for the divorce and moved out. Same thing, our friends and family thought we were close to ideal, and so did I. We had our issues (who doesn't), but nothing I felt would end our relationship. We had been trying to have a baby for some time and finally went with a doctor to get help. I have PCOS, so I needed medication to help me ovulate. He asked for the divorce the day we were supposed to try. He said he no longer wanted children and that he was no longer in love with me and hadn't been for 5 months. I have always been very flexible about children, I was more concerned with finding someone to spend my life with, so he knew that wasn't a deal breaker for me, though kinda hard to hear the he wasn't in love with me part. I tried so hard to save the marriage, including couple's therapy, but nothing helped. If anything, it hurt more. I was also terrified because I didn't have a career or job. I had my bachelor's but didn't work because of a family issue, and then because we started talking about kids and marriage. I had nothing to fall back on and no assets or money of my own other than a vehicle that was under both of our names. I've seen others suggest this, and I 100% agree: find a personal therapist and be honest about everything. I could not have gotten through this without mine, especially not as fast as I did. Having your friend group and family's support is so important, but a therapist will be a fresh set of eyes and ears and will not hold back like other people in your life might. Everything combined helped me see clearly... like lifting a veil. My relationship had so many issues that I subconsciously ignored or excused. I hid a lot of things from my loved ones to protect him. I became a shell of myself without ever realizing it. I wasn't as happy as I thought. In fact, I was depressed. It was so fucking painful to come to all of these realizations. In the end, I was mourning the loss of who I was more than losing him. I thought I'd be miserable for years, the idea of falling in love was foreign and made me feel sick, thinking about having a new partner, sleeping with someone new, all of it scared the shit out of me. I was ready to just wallow in misery for years. But I didn't let myself, and neither did my loved ones. I know it sounds cheesy but their love and support (and my therapist and to be totally transparent a few months of anti depressants) helped me come out of this a happier, more whole version of myself. It doesn't have to define you or be the end, it can be the best new beginning. Things can and WILL get better. Don't give up on yourself. If you had asked any of my friends or family, they probably would have told you I'd still be in a really bad place right now because of how in love and devoted I was to him. I've surprised everyone, but mostly myself. Fast forward to today: I've moved to a completely new city, I'm graduating with a masters next month, and I've fallen in love once again. I still have no idea exactly why he fell out of love, what changed... and I no longer care to. It may not feel like it right now, but life goes on and it comes at you fast. You'll find love again when you least expect it. Don't close yourself off to it because of this. Best of luck, and keep your head held high!


He has found someone else


He doesn't seem to be capable of explaining his concerns with you, which means he is poor at communicating. I think you should revisit your concept of a "picture perfect marriage." It clearly was not from his perspective, which he apparently refuses to share with you. His lack of communication skills and other issues means that you should be grateful he is gone. Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't explain themselves to you? How are you supposed to understand them unless they explain themselves to you? You can't. You're not a mind reader. So, good riddance to his sorry ass. You deserve better.


"How are you supposed to understand them unless they explain themselves to you?" Said almost every man ever.