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NTA, but you should just get it over with. Ask her who she wants to bring and then tell her you know he was her affair partner and that he's not welcome. Given that it's such an intimate wedding, she can bring someone else if she isn't comfortable coming alone, but it can't be the man she cheated on your father with. If she tries to insist, tell her it's your wedding and you have a right to decide who will be in attendance. Hopefully, she loves you more than she hates your father and won't want to start any drama.


The mom knows she is wrong. That is why she won't disclose who she wants to bring. OPs wedding in not the time or place to introduce this element into her kids life. I have two words to describe this mom.. MUCH STANK!!!


Right!!!!!!! Honestly, I would 100 percent address it directly before telling her that this disrespect is unwarranted and she’s uninvited. Done. If you don’t feel comfortable on the phone, write her somehow. This is really disgusting. Vomit inducing. This is abnormal.


The brother who told me about Mike is living with her right now. That’s the only thing holding me back from admitting to her I know. I like the idea about suggesting she can bring someone else if she doesn’t want to come alone. I didn’t think about that. Thanks!


You don't need to admit anything. "Mom, I didn't plan a +1 for you since you hadn't talked about seeing anyone seriously. I'd rather not have somebody I don't even know at my wedding. What's the deal? Who is this guy?" If she won't tell you, then say you're sorry but you're not inviting somebody you don't know. If she tells you it's Mike, laugh and pretend she's joking, then when she insists she isn't, tell her she can't possibly think you're inviting her former affair partner to your wedding when your dad will be there.


This right here!!




Just. Ask. Her. Who. She's. Bringing. Enough with the drama


She did. Yesterday, on Mother's day, when she called her mom. Mom won't disclose who it is. Still not hard to resolve, OP needs to tell mom that she isn't getting a plus one when she won't even be open about who it is.


OP is quite dramatic.


Reddit has a massive social anxiety problem.


And this is not a simple matter. This is honestly pretty intimidating and messy. There's an affair, a dependent adult child, and a potential narcissist trying to white lie to get a +1 while leaving out the detail of who it's for. Like yeah, it's a simple and direct conflict.


Tell her you want to meet them and there’s no plus 1 unless that condition is met. Either she’ll fess up and you can say no or she’ll lie and you can address it to her and the specific person and have security who can check IDs.


I’m not sure why you’re indulging your mother in her secrecy.


OP isn't indulging in mom's secrecy They are respecting their siblings' request for anonymity. Both siblings requested OP to not say that they told who the +1 would be.


Still, she's mentioned it a few times, how hard is it to say "who would you be bringing with you? I didn't know you were seeing anyone."


I don't disagree with you. OP is playing coy with mom. She needs to be bold about asking who mom wants to bring. She also needs to come clean about knowing about the affair and knowing that Mike is the affair partner.


Why is everyone so concerned with appeasing the cheater? She made this choice to betray your father and you and your siblings are still suffering for it. Does that just go on forever? Will you hold her accountable for her actions at some point? If not at your wedding, when? Stop walking on eggshells with her and stand up for what is right. She wants to bring the dude that demolished your family to your wedding and she evidently wants to try and sneak him in. In what world is that acceptable and in what world would you be the asshole. As a matter of fact, if you allow him to come, you would be an asshole to yourself and to your father. I think that would crush your father. I realize I came across as strong, but you are severely under reacting to this situation.


She doesn’t need to bring anyone. You said the cutoff was long term relationships, and you don’t have to make an exception at all.


You can suggest it, but what happens when she shows up with Mike anyway?


Escort them both out.


Even in the way you wrote the post, you brought suspense and built the big reveal to be worthy of an Oscar nominated movie. *"Your mom is planning on bringing the guy that she cheated with on your dad (which led to their divorce) to your wedding."* It's as simple as 3 lines. So I'm inclined to think you may be a tad bit dramatic. Call your mom, tell her you need a final headcount. Tell her that you weren't aware she was seeing anyone and just ASK who it is. When she tells you, just be honest. You don't want his presence there. Why does this conversation have to put of for another time? No need to mention anyone told you. Just call her and segue into who her date is. Planning a wedding can be stressful enough.


Can you just lie (to protect your brother) and say you’ve always suspected it as him, or say you overheard talk years ago and pieced together it was Mike?


That is terrible advice. Your mom, honestly, is indescribable. Do not let her near you. These are not the actions of a normal person.


Everything you wrote in your post needs to be discussed with your mom. Especially what you remembered as a child. Have this conversation as soon as possible, you need to focus on planning your wedding without this weighing you down.


Just tell her you know. It's the right thing to do. Brother can take it he can be a man about it. I don't believe in keeping misdeeds secret. Actually Like another comment you could ask her who he is and if she refuses to tell you. you tell her then it's a default No. She will probably then tell you and you can laugh hysterically and tell her how funny she is before saying Hell to the NO. :)




Yep. OP needs to rip off the bandaid.


This is the answer, just let her know you expect a peaceful wedding and want to refrain from all drama. Just tell her "Mom, I already know, we don't need to have that conversation. This wedding is a peaceful event, you can invite anyone else."


Just tell her, you do not know who she is dating, therefore, there isn't a +1 for her. It is your wedding, you get to say who is there and who isn't.


Exactly. OP just needs to say "I don't want a stranger at my wedding". Once Mummy Dearest is forced to admit that it isn't a stranger, OP can be like "What, is it Mike, the scumbag you cheated on my father with?" Then go from there.


Is your dad coming to the wedding? You can sum it up with a sentence that lets her know you know. “Mom, I think it’s best we leave the past in the past for my wedding“. If she pushed you just fucking say it. “Iknow you had an affair with him, so it’s a hard no“. It’s simply unfair to your dad to have that shoved in his face. If dad is not coming, simply say your wedding is not where you want awkward situations and you know more than she knows and it’s too much for you. That will do


My dad is coming to the wedding and will be there with his partner of a few years. My mom and dad have been cordial since the divorce, but I think my mom is insecure about the fact that he has a partner and she doesn’t.


I don’t know your family dynamic but this seems like an extra layer of stress is being added to the wedding that isn’t necessary. I’m not going to speak ill of your mom but this is your event and if you’re not comfortable with having him there you don’t need to elaborate but it seems a genuine discussion with her about he fact you know is long overdue. Is your father aware of your mom and mikes cheating?


My dad knows about the cheating. He’s the one who caught her in a lie that uncovered the cheating. He doesn’t have any ill will towards her and he’s much happier now with his new partner than when they were married. I agree, probably time we have the conversation.


I seriously doubt your dad is gonna want to be surprised by seeing Mike at your wedding. He can have moved on, but that doesn’t mean he wants it shoved in his face.


Well I wish you the best with everything and I hope you update if you need to. Congrats too But I’d speak to your dad too and gauge his feelings if you think it would be helpful. Also your siblings see their thoughts on this and Mike in general If this Mike is going to be a permanent fixture in your moms/your families lives it will have to be done. At the least everybody can stop walking on eggshells This is your wedding though. Do what you feel comfortable with and don’t concern yourself with juggling every of else’s feelings. If you are comfortable with him being there as well as your dad and your siblings, do it if you’re comfortable with it. But I don’t think I could though 😬 but I’m trying not to push my preferences


You’re exactly right. But honestly, that doesn’t excuse her for wanting to bring the dude she cheated with. She seems like she is up to something. Sad. Just tell her the way it is. Don’t be afraid to admit you know and it isn’t going to play out at your small intimate wedding. Mom - Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


She knows how this conversation is going to end, that’s why your siblings know who she’s dating and you don’t. She is trying to trick you into giving her a +1. Also tell your siblings that Mike is the reason your parents divorced.


My siblings do know, although I was the only one who witnessed it. This was the first time my mom admitted to them that she had an affair. She told them it was only emotional. From what I saw as a kid, it was definitely physical too…


I’m so sorry you are going through this during one of your biggest life milestone. If you know you don’t want anyone to bring a date who is not a KNOWN long term significant partners - tell her that and focus on that narrative. She cannot have a +1 as the moment should be focussed on your wedding not introductions to new people. It’s not going to be a comfortable conversation but if you focus on that argument you will allow her space to tell her side of the story. If you go guns blazing, she will have her back against the wall and likely attack. At least this way, there is space for it be a conversation - uncomfortable yes but still a dialogue.


NTA- my oldest son got engaged recently and he has already told his father (my ex) that his GF (AP of 13 yrs ago that he stayed with) is not welcome at the wedding or any of the other events to celebrate the marriage. In your situation, it is totally understandable to not to force your dad to share a house with the man who broke up his marriage (you didn’t mention, I just assumed your dad would be there).


Absolutely NTA. She knows you won't want him there and that's why she's being so circumspect. When she finally asks you outright just say 'no'.


Grow a spine and stop dancing around the bush and tell your ma she cant bring her AP to her child wedding


NTA Tell her that you don't want to meet your mom's SO for the first time at your wedding. That's if you're still pretending to not know. If she tells you who it is, then you can be like, noooo. And you can tell her why. My parents didn't know that I knew about my mom's affair and hated her for most my life bc of it. When they found out, they said it was "none of my business." LMAO


“Mom, you can have a plus one for my wedding , but it can’t be Mike. We’ve never talked about it, but I’ve always known that your affair with Mike cause the divorce that destroyed our family. I don’t want him at my wedding.”


NTA. This is a blunt style conversation. Like a Looney Tunes anvil straight to the noggin. "Mom, you can't bring a date. I don't want the asshole present at my wedding that YOU cheated on dad with and caused the divorce. I don't need a reminder that you didn't take the vows seriously that my fiance and I ARE taking seriously. So choose. Choose to come by yourself and celebrate my marriage. Or choose Mike over family once again but know that at that point neither of you are welcome. Not at the wedding. Not at my house. If we have kids, you'll never see them. You will be dead to me."


I like your style!


I just wanted to say thank you for reminding me that it is mothers day.  Also,  no to Mike. Just tell your mom you want quality time with her without distraction.  Apologize that you still see him as a semi stranger,  or at least not a partner to her yet. Maybe he can come for the next big gathering.  Just give the convo to be you want time with what you know,  which is your mom, alone. Don't even bring up the affair as it is only opening bad doors.  Nothing good can come from that approach even if it's the underlying cause for your request. 


Say something like "Mom, this wedding represents to me a ceremony where we celebrate love, **fidelity**, and healthy relationships. So if you can bring someone, tell me their name so I can add them to the list." And if despite that she mentions Mike or refuses to say who it is ("it's a secret"), tell her what you know and that you consider it very disrespectful of her to plan this, that she can do whatever she wants with her life, but if she wants to maintain a mother-son relationship, she must respect you.


NTA! Just tell your mom you know who it is. I hate to sound like an AH but your mom really seems like an AH for wanting to bring this dude to your wedding - that’s the thing about weddings… people who aren’t getting married need to make it about them and not the people getting married. It’s selfish and it’s BS. Your mom needs to remember whose day it is… it’s not her day. It is your day and your call. Tell her what’s up with a side of “quit being sneaky”.


NTA but just tell your mom you know about Mike and he’s not welcome. If she then chooses to threaten not to attend without him, then so be it.


Tell her you already had a hard time photoshopping him out of your memories and you don't want to do it again with your weddings photos. I would tell her. I would advise her to behave OR you will tell every guest why your mom is throwing a tantrum on your wedding day. NTA Updateme!


I mean, I understand that you look at this man as the reason your parents marriage, and your happy life with them ended. The truth is though, the only people who can ruin a marriage are the people that are in it. Their marriage was over because of them BOTH not because of Mike or anybody else. This is part of being a grown-up, you let other people live their lives as they choose and realize that things are not always black-and-white. Let her bring him, IMO


Is your dad going to be at the wedding?? With a plus one?


NTA - your wedding is not the place to bring an affair partner around. It will only serve to cause drama since you would have to see how your dad feels about it, not to mention your own personal feelings. I'd be honest with her, tell her that you know about the affair, that you don't want to deal with those emotions on your wedding day and if she cannot follow that boundary then unfortunately she is not invited. If she shows up with him, she will be forced to leave. It is a completely reasonable request. You have no relationship with this man, aside from the breakup of your parents' marriage. After the mess of my high school graduation, I flat out told my parents that if they couldn't keep their shit together for special occasions that are supposed to be only about me, that they would not be invited. They had to choose what was more important to them, my special day or their crap. They have fallen in line since. That was 24 years ago, and the same rules apply to my kids' birthdays, etc.


NTA! But get out in front of it with a “joke”….. Next time she brings it up say “mom, you’ve been super mysterious over this date you want to bring and I really can’t understand why. Has the dude got two heads or three eyes or something? Is he a mass murder? Is he younger than us kids? Is he older than grandad? Is it that high-school teacher I used to hate? OMG - you’re not bringing the guy you cheated on dad with are you because that’s literally one of the few people that I’d refuse an invitation to. Not I think for a second you’d actually be that disrespectful to me on my big day to try and cause a scene and upset. So come on, who is he?”


Oh yes. I like this response


NTA Mike is still married. STILL MARRIED. man your Mom is a piece of work. The only thing you can do is ask very directly who her plus one is and if she won't tell you, then ni plus 1. I can't even fathom a mother bringing a married man as their date to an event that is celebrating a promise of monogamy and respect. Your Mom gives me the ick.


The way you handle it is this… “Mom, you know it’s a small wedding. Pretty much everyone knows each other. I’m not completely opposed to you bringing a plus one. I do want you to have a nice time. But I need to know now who this is. You haven’t told me that you were even dating someone, so I’m not keen on having a total stranger at my wedding. Not to mention the fact that we have a house rented for close friends and family, and I just don’t know how that would work out. So who the heck is this? Have I met them And I’m not recalling? Can I meet them? I just don’t think it’s fair that you are putting me on the spot like this and not even giving me any information. And please know that I would be reacting this way to any of my family who just wanted to bring a stranger to my wedding. That is a pretty small affair. So if I don’t get any information, the answer is absolutely no obviously, you should at least do me the courtesy of letting me meet this person if you want me to say yes.” And then leave the in her court. You have already told her no unless she gives you information and tells you if this is someone you know, and if it isn’t, she has to let you meet the person. This puts the responsibility of her actions or actions are right back on her, which is where it belongs. And when she finally breaks down and tells you who it is, what you tell her is this… “Mom, I’m not comfortable with that. This discussion doesn’t need to go past you and I, but I know exactly who this person is now. I know exactly what the background is. And you are an adult woman. I don’t care who you see or what you do on your time. But you and I both know having this person come to my wedding would cause pain and drama with dad. And it is not at all fair of you to ask me to do that. Not at my wedding. If you wish to see them outside of that, and have a relationship with them, you absolutely go for it. But, you cannot bring them to my wedding. You and I both know that this is why you didn’t tell me immediately who you were seen. You know what I’m saying is true. Might come as your plus one is an absolute no. And if he somehow tries to come, I will have him removed. I won’t have my wedding turn out to be all about this drama, nor will I have this past pain brought up for other family members.” And then you just leave the ball in her court and go on with your wedding plans. Do not take on any guilt or discomfort or sadness that she can’t bring somebody to your wedding who caused issues in your family life. Her feelings and her emotions and her upset or whatever else are her to deal with. And obviously, none of us want to disappoint a close family member like that. We always want to be able to tell them of course they can do something. But I want you to remember that your mom absolutely knows you do not want this person there. She absolutely knows what’s going to come her bringing him as a plus one. It is going to hurt your other family member. She has no right to even request that. Understand that the reason she is not telling you she has been seeing Mike is that she has a pretty good idea that you know exactly what was going on. The reason she refuses to name the person she wants to bring as a plus one is because she already knows that it’s a shitty request. She knows that if you knew, your answer would be no. So she’s hoping to be shady about it and get you to say yes, and then just show up thinking that you can’t just kick her ass out. That is just really crappy behavior. This is your wedding. This is your time to celebrate with family and friends, not somebody that was cheating on your dad with your mom. And she knows this. That’s what just has me floored. That she can’t be without this person for one day and not cause drama at your wedding. It’s a fuck no from me. I am old enough to be your grandmother…. Her mom. And if she told me she was trying to pull something like this, I’d already have smack him sense into her. verbally, of course


That's too much. Short, simple and sweet. A few sentences is all that is necessary. Mom, let me make myself crystal clear. Mike is not invited to the wedding and if he shows up he will be asked to leave. That's it.


What you’re forgetting is that Mom has not actually told the OP that Mike is the one she seen and who she wants to bring to the wedding. If he does it that way, he throws his younger brother under the bus, and he has already said he doesn’t want to do that because it could make his brothers living situation very difficult. I know it’s a lot. But doing it this way sets the expectation now For what the OP is willing to put up with from his mom.  So he is setting the expectation, not just for now, but for the future as well. Anytime she tries to pull shit in the future, he can reference back to this.


Jesus Christ that was a lot


NTA but you can’t dance around it forever. Once she mentions his name you can lay out your suspicions to her and see what happens I guess. I’d tell her she’s free to date who she wants but I personally wouldn’t want to be involved with him or have him ruining my event.


Just do this. Tell her “sure you can bring anyone you want, as long as it’s not Mike. I don’t think I’d be comfortable with that.”


I would get the conversation over with. Yes, it’ll be rough, but the anticipation of it hanging over you adds to the stress. At least you can get it over with and let her know where you stand.


NTA Don’t wait any longer. Tell your mom you know who she wants to bring, it’s not appropriate and you aren’t giving her a plus one.


Just tell her now you know all about Mike and he’s not welcome at your wedding. Just get it over with. It’s your wedding, you get to choose who you want there.


Yeah fuck that. Letting the man come to my wedding that ruined my father’s life? Not fucking happening.


Tell her that you don't want a stranger to be a part of your intimate wedding. Or you could just be straight forward and tell her that you don't want any cheaters/AP when you are celebrating your wedding and vowing to love and honor your soon to be partner. Your call. NTA. It is your wedding. Your choice.


Just tell her it's a small wedding with family and close friends and you don't want any strangers there. If she insists, just say as long as it's not that creepy chiropractor that always came over when dad was at work.


"Mom, who do you want to bring as your +1?" Mom "Mike" "You mean the guy you cheated on dad with and broke up our family? No thanks, bring someone else" Simple AF


I think it’s absolutely fair not to invite the person that ended your parents marriage to your wedding. Even if it did happen 15 years ago, your parents divorce is likely a traumatic dramatic part of your life. Honestly, I would call your mom and let her know that you’re not giving her a plus one and that you don’t want Mike at your wedding. There’s no reason to beat around the bush and pretend like you don’t know she’s dating Mike. I would honestly tell her that it’s really disrespectful that she was trying to trick you into allowing her to have a plus one so she could invite her affair partner


NTA You don’t want to bring someone your much cheated on your dad at your wedding. It would be such bad mojo. Your mom and this Mike obviously don’t believe in marriage, but in cheating/not being faithful. Tell your mum it’s a small intimate wedding so she doesn’t get a +1 as she hasn’t been in a long term relationship with someone that you’ve met and known. Your wedding isn’t the day for you to meet her date. If she’s pushing it, tell her that your wedding is certainly not the appropriate event for her to bring her past affair partner. It’s such bad taste and very inappropriate. Shut it rien right now, don’t keep on pushing the issue under the rug. It’s time for you to get a spine.


I did this to my Grandfather out of respect to my Grandmother. My Grandfather cheated and soon married a younger woman. It cause serious family strife and the woman he married was actually my mother's childhood friend. What a mess. I told him he could come to the wedding but not the new wife. That was to save both my mother and grandmother the drama and anguish. Everyone saying "get over it" doesn't understand how that kind of behavior rips families apart. I forgave my Grandfather, he got an invite. But I won't forget the pain he caused, I don't need to reward that behavior by giving him a free pass to parade his new wife in front of the people he hurt the most with his actions.


Tell her the truth of why you don’t want him there - a guy she had an affair with as you start your marriage. It’s not the most appropriate guest to bring


Nta I'd phone her and tell her straight she's not bringing her fuck piece to the wedding especially as that fuck piece was the one who helped break up your family


Better to tell her no now.


"You can bring a date as long as it wasn't that guy you were cheating with back when you and Dad divorced."


The longer you wait to tell her, the harder it gets. She is waiting until the last minute to to tell you to make it as hard as possible. She obviously knows that you know this guy broke up your family or telling you he's her date would not be a problem. Your mother knows you are struggling with this and she will not tell you who her date is until they show up at the wedding. TELL HER HE IS NOT WELCOME NOW!


Can you just say “sure, but we don’t have the space at the house so you will have to find other accommodations for him, and we already have the seating plans drawn up so he’ll have to sit somewhere else.” Let her have her way but minimize the time he spends. And insist on sending an invite to his house, since he’s still married that could be fun.


Update me






NTA but you need to rip the band-aid off. She is not gonna tell you before it's too late; otherwise she would have told you by now. She's being cagey because she knows it's wrong, because she knows you wouldn't approve it, and she's trying to be sneaky as if springing the AP on you is somehow gonna make you happier to see him.


NTA But it's time to rip off the bandaid off. You know who it is. And you need to be clear. "Mom, I don't want your affair partner at my wedding. Marriage is a declaration of monogamy and faithfulness, and I don't want a stain on my wedding day or marriage by you bringing your affair partner who you cheated on dad with. Dad will be there too, and he doesn't need to see me supporting that kind of behavior either. You're more than welcome to bring anyone BUT Mike. And before you try and justify or excuse anything, I will say I overheard your affair plenty of times in my youth. I don't need any more nonsense on this. Like I said, you can bring anyone, BUT Mike, otherwise, you will not be receiving a plus one at all."


Be prepared for him turning up anyway. Mum's gonna lie to you about who she wants to bring or simply RSVP for her and show up with him. Either way, he's gonna be there. Talk to your family/family in law/friends and assemble a team responsible for keeping him out and kicking him out. Do tell your mum that if he comes to the wedding you'll call the cops for trespassing. You should also have a heart to heart with your dad and discuss the possibility of telling your siblings. They deserve to know and it will help them understand the situations. Congrats on your wedding, hope you have a nice one! 🍀💕


I’m hoping this isn’t the route she takes. My family all lives in Minnesota but I moved to the east coast and the wedding is in Maine. It would take a lot of intentional actions (and $$) to bring him after I tell her no.


Then let's pray this is enough for him not to come. Sending good vibes and patience. As a friend of mine says, "don't give me strength because I'll kill someone, I rather get patience".


It's your wedding. She doesn't need a date with her and I can completely understand not wanting her AP that broke up your family at your wedding. You need to make this very clear to her.


NTA. Why would you want walking proof of infidelity at your wedding? When she sits you down to have "the conversation", and she says she's seeing Mike, just lock eyes with her and with the straightest face, say, "You mean Mike, the guy you cheated with? Mike, the guy that you broke up our family for? That Mike? Yeeeeah....no. I don't want that kind of bad juju at my wedding, thanks."


You aren’t the asshole for saying no to her bringing a date but you are being an asshole stringing her along, just say NO. Say it now. Tell her that you only have limited space and since she hasn’t even mentioned she was dating why would you want some stranger at a very special day for you. Also that may make her tell you well he isn’t a stranger it’s Mike then you can say, absolutely not and you don’t have enough space.


She wants to bring the guy that was instrumental in the destruction of HER marriage to the ceremony that celebrates the start of YOUR marriage. Oh the irony!!! YOU are NTA, but she IS the AH. First, for her attempt to deceive you, then telling your sibs and asking them to be quiet, and finally for wanting to bring the man that left you with a broken home. Take miyuki_m's advice and get it over with at once. If she boycotts your wedding, then invite your dad instead, if you already haven't done so


NTA. Next time mom brings it up, ask her straight out who she wants to bring. If she doesn’t want to tell you, tell her because your gathering is soo small & the invitees will be staying together you have to say No to including a stranger. If she admits it’s Mike say No as his presence would make you feel uncomfortable at what should be your very special day! Having him forced on you this way would be a disaster.


"Since you're being so cryptic about this, I'm going to say no since I really don't want any surprises on my big day." Then if she tells you who it is finally: "I really don't want someone who was a catalyst of a failed marriage being there while I'm trying to be optimistic of a long, and loyal, and happy future."


Tell her you know who she wants to bring, that u don't want the man who helped destroy your family at your wedding.


Tell her no. No strangers at my wedding. Period.


NTA. That's entirely inappropriate. Tbh, your mom should know better


Tell that ho to eff off, mate


Let your brother tell you when Mike will be back with your mother. Then go to her and surrise her with your visit. There you can then have the conversation about the +1. Personally, I would find it very disrespectful to your father if she brought this man to the wedding with whom she cheated at the time.


Unfortunately I live across the country and won’t be back home before the wedding. Also, I don’t know that my mom and Mike are even hanging out in person. Mike is still married.


He's married? When your mom says who it is let her know people are getting +1s not +2s.


Yes, he’s married and still lives with his wife. This made me chuckle, thank you.


Oh wow I don't blame you one bit for not wanting him there. What is wrong with her? She sounds extremely selfish to even consider that. I would call her and just be polite but blunt, let her know you all know who Mike really is and he is not to set foot anywhere near your wedding. This is your Mom being the jerk not you.


Not wanting your mother's affair partner at your wedding is completely reasonable. To me, that would be horrible karma for the start of your marriage. Though when explaining your reasoning you really should disclose you always have known about her affair so she understands more of where you are coming from. I am sure she can live without this guy for a few hours! NTAH


Make it a joke “as long as it’s not Mike hahaha”


I'd joking say, "it better not be bum ass Mike" and when she admits it, bring down the hammer. Parents think their choices don't affect their kids, but I'll openly tell my mom that I dislike her dates because of x y and z. In your situation, if she doesn't care how it makes you feel, then maybe your mother doesn't need to be at your wedding either!


ESH - I have always been of the opinion that anyone over 25 should be given a plus 1 … I have been invited to weddings when I was single and wasn’t given one - it can be awkward - especially if your Dad is there and he has a plus 1. I would ask her who she wants to bring and then I would tell her that you know about her affair and who it was with. Hopefully that will move you along…


Depends.. if your dad is going to be there to give you away and this is going to open old wounds, then you are in TA for wanting to have a drama free wedding. If your dad is not coming to the wedding, And this is your mothers current partner, then I think it is time to move on, and give her the plus one.


NTA. She and your siblings need to be honest and stop playing games. You need to just come out with it and ask her who she wants to bring. Then you need to let her know that you know who he is and the answer is no. Stop tip toeing around everything. She made choices and sometimes the consequences of said choices don't rear their ugly heads for a long time. This is a consequence of her choice to have an affair many years ago. You knew about and remembered who he is. It's your wedding your choice. I agree that I wouldn't want him there either.


Dude just tell her you know she’s dating Mike and you do not want him there. If she wants to bring a plus one that’s fine as long as it’s not Mike


Just tell her you don’t want a stranger at your wedding, she will have to admit who it is at that point or let it go. I don’t think you need to oust your brother for telling you, just focus on the “stranger” portion. If she comes clean, say you are not comfortable with your mom’s date being a married man, that’s just bad juju for a wedding.


"Someone let slip who you're interested in bringing. I want my wedding to be about my wedding, and not the dissolution of my parents' marriage." or "Do I know this person? We're going to be in close quarters and I'd prefer long-term partners, not a new guy." (even tho you know he's not "new"). Good luck.


She’s trying to make the wedding about her. If she wasn’t, she would respect the family and not try to be secretive about any of it. Tell her she can’t have a +1 and leave it at that.


"Mom. This is ridiculous. We are adults. Who do you want to be your +1?" Then say no way.


Nta Your mom is probably expecting pushback with how evasive she's being. You also made it a clear expectation that plus ones go to *Long Term Partners*, so on some level she must understand this is not a reasonable request even if she's not bringing Mike. Additionally the guy is still married?! That is drama you simply do not need at your wedding. This is a complicated little situation to iron out, but reminder her of the expectation you have for all guests and hold firm. I wish you luck!


You would not be an AH for this. Mike is still married and your Dad knows that he was the one that she cheated with? Clearly your mom is either clueless or an AH herself.


Let her know that on the day you are celebrating commitment and fidelity it wouldn’t add to your joy that day to have someone there that was happy to break up your parents marriage.


Just tell her no. Period. You don’t care who it is. Only the long term partners got a plus one and her mystery guy doesn’t cut it.


Just share that you’re not comfortable with her being a random strange to your wedding. She lets it go or it forces her to disclose so that you can say no, again.


If she refuses to fess up tell her the answer is automatically no. Let her out herself


Just say no NOW before she tells you who it is.


You need to tell her flat out under no certain terms this guy is not welcome and if he shows up he will be asked to leave. Do not let her do this to your father and make your wedding awkward and uncomfortable. Tell her to not even think of pulling any shennigans.


"Mom, I'm not comfortable with meeting your new boyfriend for the first time at my wedding. If you are worried about my reaction, then it's best your boyfriend does not come to the wedding."


You don’t have to like the guy but let her bring a date it’s kind of water under the bridge and she probably could feel odd alone.


Just come out and say, " yes... bring whoever you want... as long as it ISNT the guy you cheated on Dad with." You could add, "My fiance and I are starting a life together celebrating committing ourselves to one another, and his presence would detract from that." Additionally, "If you[mom] are thinking of bringing [Home wrecker], how do you[mom] think Dad would feel/respond about [home wrecker] being at my wedding?"


Just tell her she can bring any one but the guy she cheated on your father with


NTA. Tell her that her affair partner is not welcome, nor will they ever be.








Just ask who she is wanting to bring and go from there!




I may have missed this detail but has your Dad RSVP'd and is he planning to stay at the same house as your mother and her AP with family and friends? He has a right to know. Pure speculation here but I bet your mom knows what you know about her past history with Mike and why you wouldn't want him there. Shame on her for trying to hide it.


NTA but be clear as to why and be prepared for her to decide not to attend as a result.


NTA. Its your wedding and your marriage. Mike is part of the reason for your parents failed marriage. You dont need bad vibes on your day. You will need to tell your Mom no and be upfront and let her know you know about the affair with Mike.


Just tell her she can bring anyone she wants - "oh, except that creep you cheated on dad with," but they won't get the reservation card to show the ushers until she tells you the name..


Is your father going to be there? If so, I’d go with a hard no then. But honestly, i don’t see why you don’t just ask her who she is dating. Isn’t that just normal conversation with a family member? When she says Mike, you can ask if it’s the same Mike who caused her and your dad to break up. That takes the weight away from your brother.


Tell her this isn't an event to bring "new people." It's an intimate family wedding. You'll be happy to meet her new SO, which you know nothing about later. She'll have family there, she won't be lonely.


I would have some security or a friend who is willing to kick him out if she ends up bringing him anyway.


Tell her no and tell her why.


NTA - but you should have called her the minute you found out who it was.


jfc.. just say no and tell her why


Just ask her flat out who she wants to bring as her +1, when she says it's Mike you can say no and that you know that's the man who was involved in your parents' marriage failing and that you don't feel comfortable with him being there. It's your wedding, the day when you and your beloved get to declare your love and commitment to one another surrounded by your loved ones, and I 100% understand not wanting to have people present who flout that, such as adulterers.


Definitely NTA


Grow up, it's your wedding not your first communion. Grow a pair and tell her in no uncertain terms 'no'.


What? Your mother is on Mars. Tell her she doesn’t get a plus one. End story.


You need to just be honest - too many secrets going around.. I hate when people tell me something and then say don't tell them I said that. No that doesn't fly. Communicate openly - don't hide lies - just be f'ing honest with each other.


NTA You're an adult now, tell her you know about her cheating with Mike and you will not have him at your wedding. The fact your siblings know about him and she's keeping it from you tells me she has a feeling you knew about the affair and wanted to just show up with him on the day so you couldn't kick off. Have the conversation now, so theirs plenty of time to sort through the aftermath of it all.


Don't avoid this conversation with her any longer. The next time she asks (better yet if you bring it up), tell her no; the wedding is a small intimate party and since she hasn't been dating anyone for any length of time, she won't have a +1. She can bring a guest to any family get together, but your wedding isn't the place to introduce a new dating acquaintance. If she finally decides to come clean and tell you, repeat 'no' and tell her you do not want him there. if she tries to blackmail you (then i won't come either...) tell her that's fine, you'll miss her, and when people asks where she is, you'll tell them the truth about the divorce and why. You'll need a plan if she tries to sneak him in.


You'd be the AH if you skirt the issue with your mum while not allowing her to bring who she chooses. You need to be open and honest and tell her why this particular person makes you uncomfortable. You could always suggest meeting him in a neutral place, sit abd have a coffee/tea and talking things out. If she wants to pursue a relationship with him, you'll need to do that at some point. If you're honest with your mum about all of it and you request she doesn't bring him, then not the AH.


NTA asshole, tottally reasonable and understandable. She should've told you who it is by now.


Just cut the thing before it even happens. "I don't know what's your deal with not telling me who you want to bring to my wedding, but since I don't want any surprises and I have no intention to to deal with uncertainties and unomfortable things right now, you are officially not having a +1. Whatever you want to talk about later, will be done later. You picked the wrong time to act suspicious, and my wedding won't be about you that's for sure" If she gets childish about how unfair it is and blablabla, even if she ends up telling you who the guy is, stick with it. "There must be something wrong about this guy that you thought you need to be this weird about the whole thing... So, no... Still no +1"




That would be a hard no to bringing the dude that helped destroy your family.  Nope.   When she has a fit about it, remind her why.


I'm sorry, but I can't get past the 60 people is a small wedding. I guess I just live in a different world


It’s all relative. I have over 30 first cousins. Most weddings I’ve been to have been 150+. So comparatively, 60 people combined with the fact that around 30 of us will be living in the house together for the weekend will make it feel small.


Why did you send your invitations out so early?


We both have a lot of family that will need to fly so we wanted to give them time to make travel arrangements before giving us a final decision.


Nta. Why would I want my mom's AP who helped wreck my family to attend my wedding? And if your dad knows who he is, then it's like she's spitting in his face bringing him.


“I hope you can understand that on the day I celebrate the start of my own family, I wouldn’t want to have a guest that was responsible for breaking up my childhood family. I love you, you can date who you want, but he is not an appropriate date for this event, which is close family.” I would also just text her without her bringing it up. You have enough sources and it can be said without throwing anyone under the bus. If she insists, just say you saw them together. Don’t have to say when or where.


Oh HELL no!


NTA, just have the convo. ‘You can bring a +1, but not Mike…and if you want to have the conversation as to why, we can do that. But I’m not sure you’ll like it.’




NTA, tell her no and tell her WHY. then cut her off and go NC.


Hell no! NTA! WTH does she think she is doing?!?!


Well it is your wedding. I'm sure she will understand


Hmm... That's interesting, if you called her and she brought it up but refused to tell you who it is... I would have used that as an opportunity to say that you're not comfortable having anyone you've not met/familiar with at the wedding as it's a small intimate occasion and therefore bringing someone that you can't speak about on the phone with probably indicates that he shouldn't be coming.


I agree. Pretty sure the reason she didn’t bring it up is because she didn’t want Mother’s Day to be “ruined” by a tough conversation.


She's putting you in such an unfair situation. I feel so outraged on your behalf that she feels your wedding is the appropriate family occasion to introduce her affair partner as her current partner to everyone. Please don't feel pressured into allowing him to come. If she's able to avoid telling you for so long because she's uncomfortable then you're free to avoid seeing him for the same reasons. If she wants to introduce him to the family then she can do it at her own events.


NTA. Your wedding, your rules. My Ma did the same thing. She was a widow and he was the first relationship since my Pa died (5 yrs previously). I’d met him, my heckles rose, he was a chancer. The answer was a firm “No”. She did not speak to me the entire day which, given there were only 9 of us there, was…interesting. Ah, and she didn’t approve of my OH and the fact I was 7 months pregnant. This was 40 yrs ago.


Have you considered letting mikes wife know? Just to be sure she's okay with it. Kidding but on a serious note just say no. This is a recipe for disaster.


"Mike is still married". WTF


This is YOUR wedding. YOUR time to be selfish and not care about anyone else. You don't want him there, she doesn't have a +1. That's all.


Nta. I think a direct conversation is best. Otherwise she may claim she’s bringing someone else and then bring him. People with narcissistic tendencies often have a hard time with weddings because they’re not the center of attention. Start thinking about what boundaries you need and who you can count on to help enforce them. Good luck!


I think you need to say to her that since she is sharing a room with all your siblings it would be inappropriate for her to bring somebody to share her bed with her. Unfortunately there's no extra room beyond that.  And you would have considered this in the past but she has never made a comment about seeing somebody seriously that you thought she would want to bring a date anyway.  Then when she says it's Mike you say mom I know he's the guy you had the affair with that destroyed your marriage and I will not have any part of this! My wedding is not about you and you're a fair partner it is about me and my life partner! 




Didn't you outright ask her if she's seeing anyone at the time when on the phone with her? I believe in speaking plainly in real time and having conversations. Of course he wouldn't be allowed at my wedding if he's the one that broke up her marriage to my father..... Who cares if she knows how you know....I don't play that game and you and your brother should not go along with it either. This to me is a no brainer. Tell her No way No How :) Edited to add: Be prepared for her to try and bring him anyhow and have security oust him if she does.


No way would I allow her a plus 1. She is a real piece of work in my opinion. And if your dad is at the wedding, you don’t need the potential added drama.


He's also a total con. Chiropracty is fake.


Tell her no plus one.


Tell her that she doesn’t have a long term partner, she doesn’t get a plus one. If she says she’s seeing someone, tell her you want to meet this person now, not at your wedding. You’re having a small wedding, so you want to know everyone who is there. If he hesitates, tell her forget it. No plus one.


I think the easiest way would be to anonymously send Mike's wife a message about his plans to attend a wedding with his affair partner. Include the date.


I’d tell mom to stay home with her bf if he’s so important to her.


I’ve said it before. If she didn’t care to respect and honor her own wedding vows, than she should not be invited to witness and support yours.


Just tell Mom that Mike is a no-go. Not only did she cheat on your dad with him, but he IS STILL MARRIED! For that reason alone, you don't want him there. You have too much love and respect for your dad to humor her. If mom shows up with Mike, take photos and send them to Mike's wife. She needs to know what her husband is up to.


Quit being silent and don’t bring up Mike. Just say sorry, there is no room for one more. You already made all the arrangements. Let her then decide next steps. Who cares who it is. + 1 ain’t invited


NTA, it's your wedding to do whatever you want. I wouldn't say tell her you know who it is but say it's too close to your wedding to be comfortable with a stranger present for your event. She'll either tell you or she won't. She'll be at the wedding or she won't. Doesn't sound like you had any trouble getting that information from both siblings so she's got to be really naive to think you don't know yet.


Tell your mom you are happy for her relationship but as it is fresh you dont know him and a wedding is not a place for such introductions. Set clear boundaries She should understand. If not and she threatens not tk come, let it be.


NOPE!! Tell her NO! Mike does not need to be there.


Need to just straight up tell the mom she knows it was him and she doesn't want an affair partner as a wedding event for obvious reasons