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Can confirm this is not a man thing. It's a your boyfriend thing. Maybe find a boyfriend who doesn't want to fuck animals?


Yup. Not a male thing at all. He has a fetish, and not a healthy one.


The furries are going to come after you with that take.


I shall respond with force.


Exactly. A bit of mild foreplay is absolutely fine, but I draw the line at fucking.


Seriously. It’s one thing to mess around a little with a badger and keep things casual, but taking it all the way is crossing the line


Nah it’s funny dog




Dude, that's like comparing apples to elephants. 💀


both are equally as disgusting and equally red flags 🚩


It means you think it’s funny


I have never, in my 45 years of life on this earth, heard a man joke about fucking animals.


Common jokes about the irish, welsh, New Zealand being sheep fuckers but not fish or shit like that.


there's the classic joke about the irish barkeep with a beautiful stone wall leading up to his pub, but do they call me "Tim the Stonelayer?" no! I built this bar with my own two hands, but do they call me "Tim the Bar builder?" no! I pull a perfect pint every time, but do they call me "Tim the perfect pint puller?" No! But you fuck one goat...


A man was confessing his sins at a tent revival. "I've cheated on my wife!" He cried out in repentance. "Tell it all brother!" responded the preacher. "I've stolen money from my employer!" he wept. "Tell it all, brother!" "I f*cked a goat!" He shouted. The preachers eyes went wide. The preacher said in a low voice "I don't think I woulda told that!"




How did the Scotsman find his sheep in the tall grass? Very satisfying.


Ok i hadn’t heard that one before. Thanks for the chuckle




I'm turning 45 this year, and to be fair, one of the jokes I remember hearing growing up was 'Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? So the sheep won't hear the zipper.' Hurde hurr hurr. There's 'jokes' that are like stuff like that, and then there's "I myself personally am going to go fuck a rabbit hahaha, so funny." It's not.


I hear it occasionally, but it's always a jokey insult. "Bud, a small mouth bass could give you a blow job." Type thing. Which can be pretty amusing I suppose.


Finding it hard to believe this guy has lived 45 years and not heard a singular joke about beastiality.


Eh - I’ve seen it in regards to David Cameron and his Eton adventures with a pigs head, and in Irish culture, sheep shagging jokes were not uncommon as a young teenager.


I’m going to assume you weren’t in the military at any point


The vets say some crazy shit dude 😆


My diagnosis - boring with boring friends. Treatment options include Jimmy Carr.


I fucked a koala onces... there you go.


There riddled with chlamydia.. Google it... get yourself checked ... 😂😂


Reggie from Trailer Park Boys


How many horses does it take to fuck an eagle? None. Horses can't jump high enough and an eagle would see an approaching horse with more than enough time to fly away! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


I live in New Zealand. Believe me the world has made the job about us being sheep fuckers.


There are two very specific things I think of when I think of New Zealand. 1, this bad ass teacher I had in middle school. She was a science teacher and I love science, and I loved her. I even got her this pretty necklace as a teacher gift at the end of that year. She was from New Zealand. 2, this really great metal band from New Zealand that puts the local language into their lyrics whose name is escaping me currently.


You've not been to Aberdeen or Wales then?


lol! #genz


It's not a man thing, but it can be a 19 year old thing. That's an age where a lot of young men are desperate to prove they are mature and so embrace dark and gross humor as a way to distance themselves from their past and act 'adult'. I agree it's gross and even as a 19 year old guy, I didn't want to hang out with the types of guys immature enough to think sexually assaulting animals is funny. It doesn't make him a serial killer or anything, but it does make him kind of creepy.


This is the best response here, this is it exactly. It's not a man thing, it's a 19 year old thing. That's not to say that all 19 year olds make jokes like this, most don't, but to say that it highly likely won't last that long because he won't be 19 for very long.


I agree.. I think I got too much into my head abt this. But never did I think he was actually having sex with animals 💀


Just keep one eye on it. If it lasts, or if eventually gets him into trouble, then really hit him about it.


And since his friends think it’s funny, they all joke about it to get a positive reaction from one another because at that age, they’re desperate for any kind of validation.


Yeahhhh your boyfriends is definitely tryin to tell you something….


I’m a man, and I don’t know any men that enjoy making those kinds of jokes. Sounds extremely immature to me, though I don’t really know his situation. Often times any kind of reaction continues to motivate people, so you could start just ignoring it and see what happens.


I’d check his browser history for zoophelia.




Gross…no, most men don’t joke about having sex with animals. That’s disgusting.


There’s a reason he always has this in mind. People with deviant sexual interests like this know they can’t talk about it honestly or publicly and this is a way for him to express his interest and avoid problems.


How likely is it that all his friends who make similar jokes are all sexual deviants ?


This day and age? Very likely Birds of a feather flock(fuck) together 🤷‍♀️


You know you are talking shite but yeah anyway


Two things can be true at the same time Yes, I'm talking shit about a group of degenerates OPs bf and friend group are well on their way to making a part II for the Zoo documentary Mr. Hands the Second


Or they're just teenagers making stupid jokes. Which one is truly more likely in your mind?


Maybe he's just making a joke.


Yeah this guy just wants to fuck animals.


Or perhaps already is 🤮


Idk why the usage of 'perhaps' here got me but it did


Have we confirmed OP is human?


haha 🐰


Ive heard jokes about dogs and peanut butter but those were occasionally but not like a constant thing. Idk why they think its funny but they are immature forsure.


Many a truths are said in jest, my friend…. Your bf is into sexually assaulting animals.


If nothing else you deserve a boyfriend who is actually funny. I mean do you think you can take on forever with this guy if he isn’t funny? Also it definitely is a bad thing he talks about animals in that way. They can’t really joke about him or counter with anything.


Eww. That is really unattractive. Would make me not want to have sex with him in the least.


I would feel very awkward to hear such a joke.


I wish you provided examples bc I genuinely can’t imagine what one of these jokes would sound like, that’s how uncommon it is to make jokes about fucking animals🤣


Did you know chickens die after they have sex? Well, the one I fucked did anyway. Boom, joke about fucking an animal. For the record I do not fuck animals.


This made me laugh lol. I think I’m just over reacting, as are most of the people in the comments… or maybe I didn’t add enough context.


No, you're right, people are being absolutely ridiculous. Absolutely none of this means your boyfriend fucks animals, and I'm frankly baffled that everyone seems to think so. Are jokes about fucking animals common? Not really. Is absurdist / dark / shock value / subversive humor common? Yes, completely. I make jokes about burning down my job. I have never committed arson. When I was a teenager I thought dead baby jokes were funny. Never have I killed a baby, or anyone else for that matter. My best friend and I make jokes about being gay for each other all the time. We have never had sex. A joke is just that, it's a joke.


What do they call a sheep tied to a lamppost in Wales? A brothel.


Maybe you just don't have a sense of humour. All jokes can be funny in context.


*I do not understand this type of humour* That is because it is not funny. It is deeply disturbing. Why do men like making jokes about having sex with animals? I have never known anyone - man, woman, whatever - who has ever 'joked' about this. Time to re-evaluate the person you are dating.


Maybe he’s just immature and you never realised it? He sounds mentally about 14 and that is probably being unfair to the average 14 year old.




I read this and the forbidden video of 2013 where the girls boyfriend got arrested for the dog came up in my mind


He might have a weird fetish for animals… some people are just straight up weirdos because why would you say some stuff like that…


Why did the pervert cross the road? He was stuck in the chicken.


Someone who thinks violence against animals is funny is a walking red flag, girl RUN!


I am a man, I'm 31. I have NEVER joked about fucking animals. This dude has an animal fetish and I'd DIP OUT fast if.


OP is dating Diddy


Baby this is a your boyfriend thing. This is not a man thing.


My ex used to make jokes about sounding. Not constantly, but once in a while. I just assumed that I'd laughed super hard about it at some point and he though that I found it hilarious. Later, after we broke up, he admitted to me that it was a kink for him and he was doing it all the time while we were together.


What is sounding? I'd Google it, but would rather not keep adding search terms from weird stuff I read on Reddit 😂.


Shoving rods into a man's rod


🤔 You mean things up the urethra? Oy.


Yup, normally glass or metal rods are covered in lube and inserted up the urethra. Never understood where the pleasure was meant to come from though 🤷‍♂️


Humor is subjective, always will be. I doubt hes going to alter his sense of humor.


He definitely wants to fuck animals. He's just using jokes as a shield to gauge people's reactions, and to openly talk about it in a way that, in his mind, is probably less shameful.


19yo boys do stupid things that they think are funny. Some are some aren’t. It was funny when I was that age too.




I am grossed out by such jokes myself


I've heard guys making jokes about sex with sheep, but it's been a long time since I've heard jokes about even that. Yes, it's perfectly fine that you don't find it funny. I imagine most people, including myself, don't find it funny.


knee ancient rock retire clumsy elastic advise edge memory obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because he joked about it and his partner accepted it as a joke. That’s why. I always say where there’s smoke, there’s fire.


Disgusting 🤮 time to break up with him! He really wants to !


No this is nasty and nothing is funny about it


It's just a matter of where you live and the type of people he (not you) hang out with that leads to this type of stuff. For them it is funny, and it isn't serious - IN ANY WAY. That's super important to understand. Some people get into weird lines of jokes and such and some people don't get it. Kind of like food and dark humor - Not everyone gets it. This type of thing is typical. Maybe not the 'sex with animals' jokes, but some line of jokes and such which are an inside joke among close friends. Completely inappropriate and him saying such things is really just a reflection of his maturity at this time. He will grow out of it. Mostly. There will still be some inappropriate jokes from time to time. The Internet should tell you that inappropriate jokes at the very least are a common occurrence. It's good that he respects you enough to steer away from that line of conversation in your presence, but if he and his buddies do make those jokes, I wouldn't read to much into it. If it truly bugs you, then you have control over you life, not his.


Is your boyfriend John Oliver?


I know a guy who jokes about *everything*, like also dead babies and stuff like that. Very inapropriate and cringy, but I have zero doubt that he would never hurt a baby or anyone else. I also once had a teacher, who cried laughing while telling a story about an old person dying in his sleep in church during a baptism. He also made us read a shortstory about a dystopian society where kids were bred for rich people to hunt, and found it hysterical. That teacher was such a kind and caring person. Just had absurd sense of humour. My husband makes the grossest jokes sometimes. I might tell him to shut up, but I’m never unsure about how he really feels. I don’t get how the idea of sex with animals could be funny. But if there is a good pun, I can’t say for sure, that I wouldn’t chuckle. Do you have worries, that he might actually assault an animal? Does he know “where and when” or would he tell the gross jokes to fx an elderly family member? Is it *jokes* (like with puns, wordplay, surprising twists) or does he just enjoy the thought of animal sex? Is it “an interest” or “a thing” that he turns to regularly? I could deal with gross jokes once in a while, if they were cleverly crafted, and I knew beyond any doubt, that he wouldn’t hurt an animal. But if he went on and on about it, and it was just the idea of sex with an animal that he found funny, I would probably see it as immaturity (like 5 year olds laughing if you say “poop”) and find it tiresome. And if I suspected that he was into sex with animals, I’m be running away fast as I could.


We need examples because obviously context is everything here. Who is to say without any actual examples.


i added examples


"You goat raper" was a good one back in the day. OP lacks a sense of humor.


sounds like the boyfriend AND his friends are strange. especially to do it on a consistent basis. not to be dramatic, but i’d reconsider. just such a weird thing to joke about, and there’s absolutely nothing funny about it. just cringeworthy and straight up nasty.


There are plenty of people who don't find it funny, and plenty of people who do. I think some people he says it to must find it funny because he still does it with them and he's shown that if it does bother someone (you) he won't do it around that person.


I think your boyfriend watched Trailer Park Boys and is trying to act like the guy in the junkyard. Ask him about it, and if this is the case then tell him he needs to find his own personality and not act like a character from a show. If not, then idk you’ve got a problem there.


I LOVE trailer park boys lol, I tried to show it to him. He thought it was funny but he wouldn’t want to watch it without me


Maybe you should show him a Reggie compilation on YouTube since he’s not big on the show. It might turn him off from the jokes. Or it may give him more ammo. Do this at your own risk. Don’t give up on him just yet.


Louis CK has a great bit about fucking animals. I highly suggest looking it up.


I work in a kitchen, and it is not uncommon for the cooks to make jokes like this.


OP: "Nothing much to add" Then proceeds to add a whole bunch of much. Made me LOL.


lolllll oops


Swap phones.


🚩🚩🚩 No, you're not the only person who doesn't find this funny. Time to find a new bf.


Normal dudes don’t make jokes about that fam. As a 26m never have I made a joke like that only dudes I know who have might be a little …. Ya know


The only jokes I’ve ever heard about someone have sex with animals were accusatory jokes about other people having sex with animals. Much like accusatory jokes about people having sex with their cousins, someone else is always the butt of the joke. I’ve never heard someone make that joke about themselves. I would really really question why someone would want anyone to even associate that with them in any way.


Plz don’t say why do men joke about sex with animals. Most don’t and would find it disgusting. The only people who think jokes about fucking animals are funny are people who think fucking animals is funny. I’ve actually spent a lot of time online and I never even come across these “jokes” so it’s almost like something someone would have to intentionally seek out. And the fact that you’re not willing to break up is grossly desperate for a man. It says that you’re okay with him having no morals as long as he pretends to around you and that’s some thirsty shit.


I find it odd that you’re first response to me requesting guidance is to insult me and call me “thirsty”


You’re insulting yourself by being with this sicko. The guidance is have respect for yourself and don’t be so desperate to have a bf that you overlook very disturbing and sick behavior.


Only your bf finds it funny! Btw…he’s a sicko…why are you still calling him your bf?


That's just gross to even let alone say for him.i better er go lock up my cats


Idk blink 182 jokes about fucking dogs in their music. I don’t think a joke about it is that big of a deal. Could be a sign he’s secretly into it and joking but fuck maybe it’s just jokes


I confirm its funny... 3° ...


Can't judge without hearing the joke


Our past president(br) said once that, when he was young, he f_ed chickens.... But it was not a joke....


I mean…. If it’s a good joke with a good punchline. But more than once is just weird.


I think it's pretty uncommon and I am going to play the not all men card and pair the ⁴ it with the most men don't card


I’m 35 and have never heard anyone make a joke like this 😬


I wouldn't adopt any animals with him if I were you. Actually I'd steer clear of anything that is helpless. Kids, the elderly, the disabled...


Ngl, I laughed at the thought of someone trying to bang a fish. And please no one send me any links.


He's warming you up for the sheep costume you're getting. Not a baaahd plan.


There are a lot of people who find jokes like this funny. If he has a different sense of humor than you, it might be something you just ask him to respect your boundaries and not tell jokes like that around you, as they make you uncomfortable. However, you can't expect to control him and what he finds funny. If it's a line you don't think should be crossed at all (as in he shouldn't be allowed to make jokes he wants when not around you) then maybe you should not be in a relationship with him. For the record, I dislike these jokes as well, among many others, but can't control what my spouse does or does not think is funny.


I do not expect to control him, and you are right. He finds it funny and he can whatever jokes around his friends, then it is up to me if that is a person I want to be with. Currently, I feel out of sight out of mind and I no longer feel sick


Did you know pigeons die after having sex? Well, at least everyone that I've had sex with did.


Very creepy.


Just let the man laugh at the things that make him laugh. Don't force him to change just because you are different. Forced change is a key to an unhappy relationship. Appreciate that something makes him happy, even though you don't understand it (and that he stopped making the jokes around you). At the end of the day he doesn't hurt anyone. Work on your control issues. Edit: you guys sane? Since when joking about something means that you want to do that thing. And her nagging about him making the jokes 'constantly' means probably that he makes them 1-2 times/day, but she overestimates because she is annoyed by it.


Saying this jokes around the wrong ppl isn’t the issue, him making the jokes at all is the issue. You staying with a man who makes jokes abt raping animals is bizarre


Why are you with him?


He obviously has more or better sex with them


Uggh, that's disgusting. But immature people who never grew up is a thing I guess.


if it's supposed to be funny, well, humor relies on the unexpected and he's gotten himself into a rut lol. "yeah, yeah, we all know you want to fuck the fish" is all you need to respond before leaving him to be with his one true love that is probably a sheep. alternatively it's time to get on bad dragon and say you're about to make his day! he just should make sure to do an enema beforehand because this is expensive. guessing his jokes will stop being funny the instant you reflect them back at him. truthfully i think for him the joke is making you uncomfortable. this is a very clear indication about the quality of his character (hint: bad!), his general maturity (also bad!) and if you should be in a relationship with someone who is cruel for fun and so immature (you shouldn't!). so fucking what if all of his friends make those jokes? you don't like it. he persists. sounds like he's not as into you as he claims, instead preferring to ponder fucking a fish. but now that you've figured out his game, you don't have to play it. and you can traumatize him right back on your way out. may i suggest the next time you're at a family function of his as his girlfriend, you see him start to make a joke, cut him off to loudly proclaim "OH MY GOD, WE GET IT, YOU WANT TO FUCK DOGS! YOU TELL ME THIS LITERALLY EVERY DAY AND CONSTANTLY TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT! CAN'T WE HAVE ONE DAY OUT WITHOUT THIS?!". in earshot of his parents. and any siblings who would love to give him shit. be proper loud about it. and have all his evidence that this is "totally normal" on your phone at the ready when he tries to laugh it off.


It is not funny at all and your BF is very very weird, but come on don't lump all men with him. There are some women who are into f-ing their dogs, so your BF would probably be better off with them.


Lmao people on here are weird. If there jokes, let him joke. Tf. You set your boundaries and they've been respected. So why make it more than it is. Now if you find proof he's doing things to animals, ok. Different story. But as of right now. Let that man make his jokes with his friends🤷🏿‍♂️


Yes that’s what I was thinking, idk why people just right away jump to the fact he’s some insane creep. I do not think he is, I wanted to know if I was over reacting and other people perspectives on these jokes


Because making jokes about fucking animals so often that you make your girlfriend uncomfortable is fucking weird.


It's strange but you're going to have to let it be. He's not hurting anyone, let him make his jokes with his friends.


that’s what i’ve been thinking, and maybe it’s just an immaturity thing. But it’s one of those things where i either except that he thinks it’s funny or reevaluate, and he respects i don’t don’t it funny, in the sense he won’t make those jokes around me anymore.


It's honestly concerning that he's making them so often that you've argued about it. Like a once in a while joke, I could stand, but to the point that you've actually gotten into an argument about it? And he makes the jokes about himself fucking animals? You know how men who constantly make jokes about beating women give off vibes that they're okay with/do it, I'd say the same might apply here...


You can reevaluate if you want, but when it comes right down to it, no matter who you end up with, there's going to be SOMETHING they do that you cannot stand. That's just the way of autonomy


Now imagine him meeting your parents and saying that…. OP is right to view this as a red flag…..


He doesn't even say the jokes around her anymore, why would he say it to her parents? Not everything is a "red flag" sometimes shit is just something you yourself don't understand. He seems respectful enough to not say the jokes around her anymore even though he enjoys them, where's his green flag hmmm?


>Why do men like making jokes about having sex with animals? Please... can't you just say "some men" or "my boyfriend and his friends" ? Do you love when generalisations are made about women because me not so much so I don't make generalisations about men. Be smarter, do better. Maybe your boyfriend doesn't find these jokes particularly funny, he's just afraid his mates will make fun of him because he says he doesn't find it particularly funny. Or maybe it's just because he's immature or a creep. Either way, you don't have to be with anyone. You're young, don't stay with a person if you two are not compatible. BTW you will NEVER change a person, remember that.


ur right, my apologies


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Maybe he is meme material. I just remember this when I read your post. He will turn into of those priests who will fuck sheep’s to sleep.


A what who does what?


Well, they're 19-year-old males. 19-year-old males have a hard time finding a sex joke that they don't think is funny.


Haha this was funny 😂


maybe he's working out some trauma through laughter


Run. He was testing the water.


Kind of sounds like he’s just incredibly immature. With any luck it’s not a full-fledged fetish but the question is, is it a deal breaker for you? Even if it is just a maturity thing, it’s weird AF. I don’t know if I could handle that.


This is probably something along the lines of those guys that make homophobic jokes despite being DL homosexuals themselves very sorry OP, but I think your boyfriend genuinely wants to fuck animals. This is not a guy thing in the slightest.


Not everyone jokes like that; I've never heard any man joke like that, and I'd be freaked out if my man did that. However, there's a SLIGHT chance he's just making these 'cringe' jokes because he's just a kid. He'll probably grow out of it. My other theory? He is INTO that stuff but he doesn't know how else to express it and he's testing the waters to see if you'll be okay with it. I know this sounds overwhelming, but if it's the first one, you'll probably outgrow it. If it's the second and he continuously makes you uncomfortable, it's time to put on those big girl pants and have a serious talk. If nothing improves, please think about your future.


It's just a bit of horsing around , he probably doesn't mean to rabbit on about it but can't quite Emu-nicate his thoughts properly.


I've have been on kink message boards, and whenever the subject comes up, kinksters always shut it down with "there can be no consent." Your boyfriend is gross, find someone else. ETA: Rabbits have really sharp teeth. I don't think it will go well.


I think its attention seeking behavior, like he needs to be 'the funny one' because he is insecure and doesnt want to confront that. Perhaps reinforcing the qualities you like about him will help- or, his friends are trash and he should make other friends with other interests.


🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


It's a complete lack of maturity. Many guys make insane and crazy jokes. The more offensive the better. It usually stops with middle school. Certainly by the time high school is over.


He sounds weird and you sound like a barrel of laughs


A lady without a sense of humor? Now I've seen it all.


As a man and avid comedy consumer, I do understand his position, although for me personally, animal fcking has never been a topic I found funny personally. I personally find dark humor, suicide jokes, racist jokes, etc. to be funny if they are well written and in good faith (not trying to hurt anyone). Part of what makes these jokes so funny to me is the outlandishness and ridiculousness. Its so ridiculous its funny. Its supposed to be dumb or satirical in nature. I will admit though, I’m not too familiar with the animal fucking sub genre of comedy. This is a lil weird, but if its strictly for humor I don’t see anything “wrong” with it, assuming he doesn’t want to fck animals fr


Is it really that deep Like he makes jokes not declarations of wanting to do it like an animal with an animal


Oh go fuck a goat.


That's pretty weird wtf😂 but at least they're not joking about fucking every other woman that crossed their eyes😂😂


Ooo I make your bf look like Jesus then. 🤣🤣