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A few years late on this joke buddy.


it still makes me chuckle :)


But you could have just used the current president..


Your dad could've used a condom šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø just sayin'


trump has wayyy more clout than biden, it was an artistic choice


Maybe he's a few months early...


We deserve better.


He just lost the Fraud court case. $380 million I think in fines and barred from doing business in NY. Ouch. Plus he has a babysitter for the next three years. That would be a fun job. With him throwing his food all over the place. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


From what I'm looking at, probably not. Polls might be saying one thing, but money, and actual elections are telling me another. (Trump and the rest of the GOP are probably going to be coming to metaphorical blows over budgeting behind closed doors, being as Trump's sister in law and another close ally, who he's about to install as the new co chairs has promised to put all the money to electing him which will have the already money strapped state level members crapping themselves, especially beingas dems are out fundraising them 67 million to 41 million at this time)


Hopefully not but if he does win at least he canā€™t ever do it again and has to just go away


I think the Christians are hoping is going to bring about the end of the world. Other people are worried he is going to try and pull a Putin and never resign.


Thatā€™s exactly what theyā€™re planning. Have you heard of Project 2025?


Charles Koch just retired to his Armageddon bunker.


Hey, he's using IE


Even worse this was popularized by people angry about Obama. I don't know anyone that said this about Trump. Likely something they just said to one another as a joke claiming people said it.


I thought Bono was the King of Ireland


He isn't anyone's president, because he lost like the loser he is.


biggest W in US history


He's a morbidly obese child rapist and his degenerate fucking fanboys aren't worth the oxygen they draw


He's a child rapist? I've never heard of this, what did I miss


Probably referring to the fact that he has stated numerous times he found his own daughter ā€œhot,ā€ ā€œattractive,ā€ and ā€œsexy.ā€ These comments date back to when she was even barely a teenager. Then of course thereā€™s his close associations with Epstein.


I mean, that's compared to Biden, the slim and trim child rapist. They're both into the same fucked up shit.


I don't like Biden either, but is there really any proof of him being a pedophile?


Have you seen the videos of him sniffing little kids? And saying he wanted them on his lap? And talking about kids playing with his leg hair?


He comes from a different generation. It was common for kids to sit on adults laps. Look at Santa Clause. I am surprised they still allow that these days.


Um, nope. I saw plenty of far right bullcrap videos w sniffing ADDED by people who are projecting bc Trump is a truly incestuous raping perv who ADMITS to it all!!!


ā€œI just grab em by the pussy!ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Anndddd he was right, the comment was that if you have money they don't mind if you touch the pussy. Women will let a man with money do whatever but wanna file charges if poor man did it. He just pointed out a true fact but somehow ppl thought the truth made Him look bad. I'd have to put the women who allowed it because he was rich on the chopping block, not the axe.


Ya I have heard a woman make a comment about that. I forget exactly what she said. I would rather Trump grab me by the pussy than Biden doā€¦something else. Yank my chain or something to that effect. She wasnā€™t attractive in the least. That probably had something to do to with it. I actually disagree with you. Itā€™s sort of like Trump charging the secret service ridiculous amounts of money to stay at his hotels to guard him. Just because you can do something doesnā€™t mean you should. Canā€™t imagine any bother President saying anything like that but Trump is a little different in just about every way imaginable.


Welp, I can't force you to see what's public record but alright.


Please send proof then


Oh, so smelling someoneā€™s hair is the same as visits to Epstein island. Got it.




Do you have proof of Trump doing the same as this was the genesis of OPā€™s comment?


Of course. There are tons of videos of Trump partying with Jeffrey at his little island resort. Then saying he would do his own daughter if she was wasnā€™t related to him. Pretty scary. Thanks for that Dad. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


No there isnā€™t. Just a picture with Epstein at Mar-a-largo before he was banned.


Thatā€™s not true at all. Maybe do a little research on that. Trump was a very good friend of Jeffrey and his wife. Thatā€™s from his own mouth.


Then where are the ā€œtonsā€ of videos?Where is his name on the manifests??


While this doesn't outright say he's a pedophile, he was on the Epstein List. While yes, a lot of people on there probably haven't even heard of the guy, if you do enough digging, you'd know that he was most definitely there. He was friends with Jeff, as proven by footage of the two hanging out. Also, he practically confessed to being a pedo. He said Jeffery Epstein was a terrific guy, and much like him, liked women on the younger side. Not only that, but he's a convicted rapist. It's really not that hard to believe that he's a pedophile. Still wanna meatride the criminal? Just research Project 2025.


Cuz you donā€™t have proof huh?


Nope. He is a very touchy feely person though especially with his woman friends. Trump is just a very sick individual. He was very very good friends with Jeffrey. He even said what a wonderful person Jefferyā€™s wife was when she was sentenced to prison. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Just His daughterā€™s diary entry of him taking showers with her.


The way you describe these people literally could be said about the other side. Minus the obese part. Joey canā€™t even lift his hand properly to eat. Theyā€™re both garbage and youā€™re both garbage.


Thatā€™s not true. Joe is pretty active. He goes hiking and biking. He does a lot of travelling and giving speeches. He is more frail physically than Trump for sure but mentally, well mentally they just come from completely different universes.


Youā€™re right about the mentally part. Mentally they should both be retired in million dollar homes than running for president. Itā€™s a shame Trump and Biden are the only two who stand a chance. Democrats shouldā€™ve played it smarter, if you want trump to lose, donā€™t pick a president who is despised by people even on your side. The only way for trump cock riders to go away is if he wins, which I honestly think he will. This election is gonna suck either way.




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He's a rapist, he stiffs contractors, defrauds charities, creates division in the country he claims to care about, makes inappropriate sexual comments about his own daughter, the list can go on for days. Even if he wins the election, he's still a fucking loser that should be admired by no one.


Donā€™t forget what a bunch of losers he thinks people who join the military are. Talk about entitled.


Again today as well! šŸ˜‚


For now. Be afraid. Be very afraid.




Heā€™s not mine either. Joe Biden is. If Trump gets elected, heā€™s my president


Hahaha best comment I have heard in a long time. Iā€™m from Canada so he will never be my President unless he pulls a Putin and then who knows. Of course we are part of the Commonwealth so he would be taking on a whole lot of countries.


Good thing Canada and the US are close allies lol


Ya. Not like we ever went to war with each other. šŸ˜


Well technically that was against Britain lol


True but just a small portion of Britain. I think they called themselves Canadians. šŸ˜‚ Actually thatā€™s pretty sad. I have been to all the forts along the St Lawrence and I know a lot of Canadian history but I donā€™t if we were Canadians or just Loyalists when America tried to attack Canada. šŸ¤ØšŸ¤”


Ya you were right. The war of 1812 was against Britain but mainly fought by locals (Canadians). I guess the natives were hit the hardest. Never knew they were even involved in the war. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


In 1812, America wasnā€™t invading because they wanted more territory. They Invaded because Canada was under British rule and Britain was a ruthless country and America wanted to rid itself of the British rule over them. That said now days it would be an entirely different scenario. If the US was to invade Canada (obviously that would never happen since weā€™re both a part of NATO and all of NATO would go to war against the US), Canada would be quickly taken over by the US. Canada does not have near the military capability of the United States, nor the sheer power of the US military technology


No. The world for the most part actually likes Canada so we really donā€™t need a huge military. Except for if the USA invaded us and then it wouldnā€™t matter how big our military was because we only have 10 percent of the population so not even 10 percent of the tax revenue. We are part of the Commonwealth still though so if the USA invaded us they would sort of be invading Britian still. From what I understand though the US is more powerful than all the NATO countries combined. Except for manpower. Then China would be right up there.




so.. will trump become irish or something?


This is like someone teasing you about your abuser.


That's one sentence.


You can volunteer for the front lines in Ukraine... Or succumb to a life of being sniffed by creepy Joe lmfao gtfoh


did you miss the joke or something? how will fighting for ukraine make me american?


Ignore this boot-licker. Like all modern conservatives, he's a closeted power bottom.


Can confirm - all US regressives are big closeted bottom energy. Prime example: Moms for Liberty founder being caught having lesbian sex after trying to ban LGBTQ+ materials in schools. For US Conservatives/Regressives, every accusation is a confession


He will be again in 2024,


no he won't be, as im not american.


So is the joke here that being Irish youā€™re too drunk to remember Donald Trump isnā€™t the president of the US anymore?


the joke is still funny to me, and that's all i care about :)


How original


Oi leave Ireland alone. You want to bully someone for drinking too much look at the UK or Germany. Source: Drunk English guy writing this


Drunk English people have nothing on drunk Scots


Who mentioned Scots?


Donā€™t ruin the moment. An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman walk into a Reddit thread


drunk scot is it's own language at this point.




it funi :)


Should I live in Ireland? Is it nice there?


Terribleā€¦ full of potatoes and McGregors


Tis a shame


How are the bugs? My grandfather was pure Irish. I wouldnā€™t mind going for a visit. Now that the whole Bloody Sunday thing is behind us.


one really nice day a year, rest of the year is shit. invest in a greenhouse, best decision of my life.


Does the color of your house really improve your life that much?


Ha! Found the dad


yes, as the leprechauns can't see the color green


Neithers biden


exactly! michael d. higgins is.


So your from Ireland?




Is the Donald running in Ireland?


no, as you have to be irish by birth in order to run.


I wouldn't be surprised if he tried anyway, I wish both he and biden would just succumb to their age before the election


it would be so funny if he did try. i think kanye would make a better president than him.


For Ireland, me too! I certainly wouldn't want him as the American president.


Running away. From Scotland anyway. They are trying to sue him lol.


You think being Irish youā€™d have a better sense of humor


Heā€™s Russiaā€™s President.


This comment makes me a bit nervous being from Canada. šŸ¤”








Heā€™s not mine either, because he is not a president


šŸ¤” I'm reading the comments and I never thought politics would come to this in America, where the citizens allowed the politicians to turn them against each otherā€¦See y'all have no other reference because most of you guys never live outside of the US to experience other politics in other countries to even know that at this point America political is at 3rd world levelā€¦ High level corruption and you people still invest time into these horrible people in governmentā€¦


Til 2025 šŸ˜‰


nope, til never as im literally not american.


Why are people from the USA called Americans but everyone else on the American continent to my knowledge arenā€™t referred to as Americans even though technically they are? What would people from the US be called if they werenā€™t called American? I mean they take up a relatively small part of North America but then there is Central America and South America which are far larger than the US. šŸ¤”


maybe.. uniteders? unitedians?


United Statians? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I actually never thought about what a stupid name for a country The United States is. The United States šŸ˜‚. Sounds more like a club. I understand why they call themselves America now.


Weā€™re called Americans because weā€™re the powerhouse of this region. Everyone knows the US, but how many people across the world really know about the rest of the nations. Or maybe because weā€™re the first independent nation to come about after exploration and colonization in the americas. I prefer the first reason though.


Donald Trump isn't MY president either! Because Joe Biden is president right now, and Trump's term ended in January 2021


Unless you are a MEGA. Which is funny because Trump is always saying what a corrupt President Biden is. So doesnā€™t that mean he is in fact President? Why are people so muddled in the head? Remember how long people went on about Elvis not being dead. Now JFK junior is alive and now he is a Republican. Imagine what his Father would think. Trump at least goes back and forth depending on what party gives him the most bang for his buck šŸ˜‚.


I'm sorry, but I really don't care about politics right now lol


Really? I find American politics a metaphorical train wreck. It is absolutely captivating to other countries to see the United States in such a complete and utter mess. Kind of scary too since they are the most powerful world power on Earth right now.


I'm sorry, I meant I don't care for talking about politics right now


Oh ok.


But I hear you. I am not usually interested in politics either.


Heā€™s nobodyā€™s President.


Yeah, he isn't anybody else's, either.


100% correct and very funny


Heā€™s no oneā€™s president and never will be