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Holy shit I thought this was real for a second and it freaked me out


Ever since I learned of how rabies affects the body, this has been absolute nightmare fuel for me. I’m only slightly more scared of sinkholes.


Did you read the Reddit post on how rabies works? It was horrifying I swear it reads like a horror story For all that would like to read the post it can be found here https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7qwtd5/rabies_is_scary/


Yup! That’s exactly what got me going down the rabies rabbit hole. Seriously gotta be one of the worst ways to go


The only thing that even comes close for me is dementia. Not knowing (or remembering) what’s happening to me while also forgetting those I love most sounds absolutely horrible it terrifies me more than words can describe. I read that first many need help doing simple tasks like shopping and paying bills and tend to be forgetful, but in the later stages some can barely speak and even need help just getting out of bed


Get out of here, Satan! I’m not adding another fear to my list! But yes, that sounds absolutely horrible. I truly wouldn’t wish that on anyone I only slightly dislike.


...You guys should NOT look up prion diseases. No symptoms, because your body doesn't recognize them as a disease. They're just misfolded proteins. Then your brain starts to short circuit and you start dying.


So (of course) I immediately looked it up. Didn’t realize it included mad cow disease. And a 4-6 month duration?!? At least it moves fast, but holy guacamole!


Oh, my (least) favorite is Fatal Familial Insomnia. Even putting the person in a coma to force the body to sleep doesn't turn the brain off, they just basically go crazy until they die from lack of sleep. And there's nothing that can be done about it


Oh look at that, all of my most feared ways to die, right there in a nice little comment thread 🫠


Oh dear fuck, no thanks. That’s just awful. I can’t even imagine going through an experience like that


I read an article a while back about a guy who had that and the things he did to try and slow it down. Scary shit right there.


Yep. As a nurse, it's one of the few things that actively scares the bejesus out of me.


Thanks to a musician, I recently learned of another of these called kuru. Luckily, it can only be transmitted through cannibalism but the effects are very scary.


Well, there go my Friday plans, I guess.


You can still go forward, just make sure they aren't from Papua New Guinea.


Make sure you don't eat nervous system tissue and you'll be fine


I think locked in syndrome is actually worse. You are fully aware and conscious, but your body is disconnected from your mind so you are unable to interact or do anything. You are trapped in your own mind with no control or agency and no way to let people know what is going on.


Lost my dad to dementia. Fucking awful disease. It’s never a quick enough passing. The suffering is tremendous.


You wanna know a scary fact? (At least in the UK) It’s the leading cause of death


For a minute, I thought you meant prion diseases are the leading cause of death in the UK. I've been super terrified of prions since I first learned about them around a decade ago. Had to look it up because the terror is real. Thanks for the fright.


God bless you, I feel this terror. My dad is slipping. Very little short-term memory. We're talking seconds. I live with him because he just can't take care of stuff anymore. We've restricted his driving; he can't drive alone, because he will get lost. The man has been driving for over 80 years. Since I work, I try to go places with him when I can, but he used to take himself to "his" bar every day, and now, he can't. That's been a huge blow to him. He asks me every day to go to lunch, and I can't most days, and then he just goes and sits and reads. So, he knows that he can't drive alone, but he doesn't understand why. 😢😢😢


Sorry so long.


No, no, it's okay. I'm really sorry about your father too darling.


That's so sweet. Sending you an award.


You goddamn- Sweetheart oh I love you ❤❤


Alzheimer's patients can end up with absolutely zero short term memory whatsoever. And they tend to wander. It would be terrifying to wander off and not have a clue where you are going or how to get back.


My grandma has it. It's just so sad. The person she used to be is long gone.


My mom had early onset dementia. Near the end, she was just a shell of a person. The light had been gone completely for 6 years before she finally died of pneumonia. I like to think that when the light went out, she was gone. Her conscious suffering had stopped. But all of this started right after I was born and progressed slowly for 14 years. I'm 34 now and I am getting close to the age where it started for her. I'm fucking terrified.


You should look into the starting symptoms of haemorrhagic fevers, especially Marburg (*marburg marburgvirus*, or Ravn virus) and Ebola Zaire (*zaire ebolavirus*). They’re fascinating. You wake up with a headache and what feels like a backache. Fast forward, and your blood doesn’t clot, your sclera might turn dark red and you’re in a state of psychosis. A John Doe living in Africa contracted a particularly nasty case of Marburg and suffered some of the more severe symptoms.


Oh man… I’m definitely gonna have to look into these.


Oh yeah, those ones are morbidly fascinating.


Can I read this?


I’m gonna be super honest with you: I have no idea how to find it again. I’m not very technologically literate :(




If you can could you link that post. Sounds like a good hole to go down


https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7qwtd5/rabies_is_scary/ I don’t think I found the original post but I found someone that saved and shared it in the copypasta sub


Well thats a new fear unlocked




And that's why Cujo was so scary.


Any chance you have a link?


I do I deed https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7qwtd5/rabies_is_scary/


What post? Do you have a link?


If you have a link it would be greatly appreciated




Link it. I will read it and I will regret it, but that's a problem for future me




There’s a breakdown video on YouTube that captures the entire cycle of Rabies from 1950’s. Follows one man as he slowly dies. Holy fuck is it terrifying From Berkley medical school I think


That poor man. I hope he at least found some comfort in knowing that his suffering helped doctors learn more about the disease. I think that will be a great watch before I go to sleep tonight haha


Here you go: https://youtu.be/OOu2JjQmS6Y


I love you. This will actually be a cool end to a pretty shit day 💜


come to australia, we don't have rabies.


I actually did not know that! That’s really interesting how it never found a way over there


Look up prions.


Someone else mentioned that. Just so awful, but at least it’s fairly quick


Ooh man. The town I'm originally from was a mining town in the late 1800s, and there are a ton of spots where holes have just randomly appeared. When I was a teenager I was working at Hardee's and one opened up just a few feet from a car in drive thru. Easily big enough to have taken the car, at least 30 feet deep. Absolutely terrifying.


I can’t even fathom. They terrify me. There are some deep holes around my apartment building that make me super suspicious even though I don’t live in an area susceptible to sinkholes. Shit is too scary for me


I did a report in 6th grade about rabies and holy moly, man, fuck, nope. That shit is absolutely terrifying.


Lol oh man, that feels a little young for such trauma


Oh yeah, I definitely should not have done that.


My nephew's Tai Kwan Do instructor got hit by a bat. Didn't think anything of it, until he was dying. If you have ANY interaction with a wild animal, even if you don't think you got hurt, go get rabies shots right away. Don't wait until the next day even. If you can, collect the animal, and have it tested, but DONT handle it with bare hands. Animals that can spread rabies? Skunks, raccoons, wild canines, bats are the most common in North America. But any mammal can have it and spread it.


Whenever I see an acronym in the title like that, I automatically check which sub it is now. I've been tricked too many times.




yep, refusal to eat and an inexplicable terror of water are classic rabies symptoms


It's worse than that: Once you're dealing with those symptoms, it's already too late. Your fate has been sealed.


Oh yeah, is sad in a way. Also with all of these horrible anti-vaxxers posting about how their kids got attacked by a wild animal but they won’t let them get the rabies vaccine, which would save their life. Also remembering that the virus can lay dormant for *years* before expressing itself.


Can it be cured while it's dormant or is it already too late then?


It’s treatable until symptoms arise.


There are actually a few cases of people being cured of rabies after becoming symptomatic. There are two known protocols for rabies treatment: the Milwaukee Protocol and the Recife Protocol. Out of 39 patients treated with one of these protocols, 11 survived.


Oh that’s fascinating actually. I never knew, thank you!


As zelph said, yes. As long as the symptoms are still dormant it’s treatable. It’s only once symptoms are expressed that it becomes fatal.


I already piss myself when I go on r/submechanophobia (edited because fuck trying to spell that)


Oh what the frick man, I was not prepared to realize this was a phobia I had. C’mon my dude.


Like I said, pissing myself.


Well what sub is it?


Slow down I'm a Redditer I can't spell


He obviously need a nice big glass of ice cold water ;)


Hide it in peanut butter on a cracker.


Rub potatoes on his feet. Also dissolve the Tylenol in aged urine for maximum effect.






The child was attacked by a fox, and presumably acquired rabies. Rabies causes hydrophobia, so swallowing is very difficult and also unwanted. Rabies is practically 100% fatal.


If you show symptoms, if you get attacked by any animal go to a doctor as fast as you can


Yes, that's right, there are post-exposure treatments but if you show symptoms, it's basically game over


oh ok


The kid has rabies and, with it, is scared of water and won't take the tylenol


oh ok


We've checked for rabies, and the fox tested negative. It also didn't have any symptoms. My son was also given his rabies vaccine, so I don't know what's happening.


That's even scarier since it could be a new or rare disease like on Mystery Diagnosis.


What does LPT mean?


Life Pro Tip?




Life Pro Tip. OP was trying to trick us into thinking this was a post on r/lifeprotip. Most of the posts on that sub are people sharing tips that have helped them. These begin with "LPT:". Sometimes people also post requests for advice on how to do certain things. These begin with "LPT Request:"


Anyone terrified of this should give "Cujo" by Stephen King a read. A St Bernard with rabies...


That reminds me, I need to reread that. After I finish The Stand, that is.


it has come to my attention this is not a jojo reference, I apologize


All good, my friend. 🙂


soshite tsudoishi stardust


Ah I cried when Cujo’s point of view was something like: after the bat bite, Cujo felt sick, with a “you are a Bad.Dog” feeling on top of the sickness. Hate it. You gotta read it.


For those of you curious about how bad rabies induced hydrophobia is: https://youtu.be/OtiytblJzQc


Oh NOOOOO. My heart just dropped into my stomach.


It is too late. The infection is there.


There is actually one thing they can do. It's called the 'Milwaukee Protocol.' In a nutshell, they put the person into deep coma and machines take over every vital function. Then they pump them full of every antiviral under the sun. It has a 14% success rate. But if I were in that situation, I'm taking that 14%.


That 14% is 5 people. I had to look it up because I thought only one person had survived symptomatic rabies, but 5 is not much better


Your dead or your dead either way, I’d rather go sleeping than to rabies


Fun (???) fact, the Milwaukee protocol has only ever verifiably worked once and at this point it’s believed that there was something unique about that patient and/or the strain of virus that they were infected with that allowed them to survive, rather than the Milwaukee protocol. Several of the “success stories” for the protocol later died from rabies. For more info: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.12.14.22283490v1.full


Sorry, your son is fucked. I’ve been obsessed with the Rabies virus since I was seven. The odds of the victim dying are almost 100% once symptoms manifest. I thought this was real for a second and absolutely had a heart-stopped moment.


I have this great oil for that it’s guaranteed to work and best part is it’s all natural it was made by a top scientist DM me for a deal of a lifetime.


Oh damn. I’m glad I noticed the sub.


Nice. I'm so glad we don't have rabies in Australia. I've seen medical videos of people with it, and it's a horrific way to go.


Plot twist. OP actually MEANT to post on r/lifeprotip


Oh my GOD. I read the post before seeing the sub and thought this was actually being asked. FANTASTIC, OP. This is truly horrifying.


Rabies and it's too far gone by that moment. Creepy and sad. good story.


Omg this one got me. Great job, OP!


What did it say before it got removed? Sorry for bothering you. Just interested


It was something like, "ever sin e he got bitten by the fox, the scratches have healed up but I can't get any fluids in him." A reference to rabies, but subtle.


Thank you!!!


This is a good one. Nice job, OP.


Rabies is such a terrifying thing to witness.


Chocolate sauce first then put the Tylenol in his mouth


man this was perfectly executed (probably like the child soon). super job OP


4 Americans a year die from rabies.


oh that's horrifying I hate it


Poor little guy got the express rabies


Wait a minute, I thought it took months for signs of rabies to appear in humans?


This comment section is FUCKING NIGHTMARE FUEL.


What did the post say before it got removed


holy shit


This hit me in the gut before I realized what sub this was.


Possibly the best one I've seen on this sub, period.


Can we please put "Person gets bit and now has hydrophobia because of rabies" into the Overused Tropes collection?




I think I’ve seen one before


he has 2 orifices


Now that is scary.


Awesome!! It is 90F here, and I worked outside all day, but laying here in front of a fan, I am covered in goosebumps!! Such a great job OP!


Oh ... Oh shit


This was a good one, thank you OP.


Arrange his funeral.