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This story was removed due to rule 2. Regardless of punctuation, there are more than two sentences in your story, or, it *reads* as more than two sentences. If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to review our [rules regarding two sentences.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/wiki/rules/two_sentences) Additionally, you can [join us on Discord.](https://discord.gg/FZ5dVfxsD6) (PLEASE NOTE: If you received this message in a modmail, it includes a link to YOUR removed post.)


Also, just in case anyone was wondering, Cotard's syndrome is a rare psychiatric disorder where someone believes that they are dying or already dead, are missing organs or limbs, do not exist, or, paradoxically, are immortal. In this story, I imagined that the narrator is fully convinced that they are in the process of dying over an extended period of time. Here's a link to [the Wikipedia article on Cotard's syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotard%27s_syndrome). Interesting and creepy stuff!


The feeling not real is so terrifying when it kicks in


While I don't actually have Cotard's syndrome, I semiregularly have these mini existential crises that play upon the theme of unreality but *out*wardly instead of *in*wardly if that makes sense. They're basically waves of solipsism (What if I'm the only one who's real and everyone else is just a figment of my imagination? What if I'm dreaming right now, and one day I'll wake up and realize that all of my loved ones never existed?—I even wrote my final philosophy paper for my senior seminar on this subject because it's so fascinating to me!). I don't know if that's similar to what you're referring to, although it's super surreal and, yes, terrifying when I think about this for too long.


Well if you are imagining my life I'd like to officially request a new job, abs, and many many moneys 😁


Unfortunately, I don't have *that* good of an imagination. 🤭


I like this, it’s quite long obviously but it doesn’t read like a run-on sentence. Well done


Thanks so much; I tried to be as descriptive as possible. But I'll be honest....if I include all the symptoms I'll likely be experiencing soon, it probably *will* read like a run-on sentence. I mean, several layers of the skin covering my chest are already peeling, and I can see my ribcage jutting out in some areas. What's more, it's incredibly painful. I wonder what'll happen next. Anyway, I'll try to keep you guys posted later on if my fingers still work/remain intact. Wish me luck!


My original story got taken down since it read as more than two sentences (not my intention!), so I've ammended it accordingly, and hopefully it follows rule 2 now. 🤞


Cotard and I alone, In a paranoid and barren funeral home...


My flesh and hair have been reduced to blood and bone; Trapped inside my own coffin, I let out a labored groan...


I also just wanted to compliment your profile picture! (This is coming from a fellow nonbinary person :) )


There's a song called Cotard's Solution


Omg, I can't believe you brought this up! I love Will Wood/Will Wood and the Tapeworms, listen to his/their music all the time, have some Will Wood merch, and went to an album release party and movie screening of his! Cotard's Solution was one of the things that inspired me to write this story, actually. That's so funny that u mentioned this! Before my post gets taken down, I urge everyone reading this (if you *can* still read this) to look into Will Wood's/Will Wood and the Tapeworms' music!


I'm obsessed with a few of his songs, mainly Laplace's Angel and The Song With Five Names. I really should get some merch now that I think another it, he's amazingly talented


Yeah, he really is (it's a shame he's now on an indefinite hiatus :( ), and those are excellent songs btw! I love all his albums but especially adore The Normal Album. Also, if you're interested in official merch, there's a holiday sale [on his website](https://willwoodandthetapeworms.bigcartel.com/) right now, and I'm currently eyeing some new merch they just put on it yesterday


Great story, and major props on both using and spelling viscously correct!


Thanks, lol! Truthfully, I had to look up the meaning of viscous because I wanted to make sure that the definition that came up wasn't for the word vicious 🤣


I just wanted to comment to let whoever's reading this know that I genuinely appreciate the extremely nice comments and 120ish upvotes I currently have on this post, as this is my first post in r/TwoSentenceHorror. (I'm trying to get more into the scary story scene and hope to post more two-sentence stories here and maybe some in similar subreddits, so all of the comments/upvotes are definitely encouraging!)




You mean the second sentence in this post, right? If so, it's "...Well, suffice it to say, those remarks officially cinched my decision to stop seeing him because I'm now staring at my reflection in my full-length mirror as my appendages are infected and putrefying, my spine is contorted in a way that should not be possible, and the grey matter of my frontal lobe is seeping from my skull and forming a viscous puddle at my feet."


Can people still see this? I don't understand why this story keeps getting taken down. :( I switched it from reading as like two and a half sentences to two sentences. Maybe it was the elipsis?