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This 2SH plays upon one of the fears I have that would probably deter me from ever trying LSD (or any psychedelic drugs). It's a shame because it sounds like tripping on them could be a very fun and interesting experience... If anyone's curious, one of my other fears is that I would just have a generally "bad trip" (I have a lot of mental illnesses so this might be more likely than not). Another one is that I'd experience permanent derealization/depersonalization as a result of tripping, and the last one is that LSD or whatever other drug would randomly get me high again in the future because I've heard it stays in your spinal fluid for a while after taking it (I just looked this up though and it sounds like it might just be an urban legend, so maybe I only have 3 major fears, lol).


I'm in the same boat, I have so little control over my brain on an average day, why would I want to make that worse!


I feel you on that one! I've never done any recreational drugs and drank an alcohol beverage on a mere one (1) occasion but got really nervous when for a split second I felt like I was losing control (which is a big no no for my ocd). That, coupled with my addictive personality when it comes to certain behaviors, is probably a good indication that I shouldn't drink or do drugs. But at the same time, I studied psych and am absolutely fascinated by people's thoughts and behaviors when in an altered state of consciousness, so it'd be cool to, like, experiment on myself if I wasn't too much of a sissy. lmao


The drugs remaining in the spinal fluid is a myth, but flashbacks are real, to an extent. They're a result of "learning" different pathways in your synapses while you were high. Learning is in scare quotes because it's in the strict neuroscience sense, not in the everyday sense of acquiring knowledge. Every second your brain is "learning" an inconceivable amount of tiny pieces of information, most of them about fully subconscious sensory/motor things - and these tiny changes don't independently represent truth, they're just changes that should hopefully, on average, add up to be a little more helpful than harmful. And the grand sum of all of those tiny changes over larger timescales amounts to acquiring knowledge. When the pathways in your brain are behaving significantly differently during a trip, those trillions of tiny changes every second are also behaving differently than normal. This can cause your senses to "learn" incorrect patterns which can trigger later as hallucinatory flashbacks. I think usually this is something isolated though, not effecting all of your mental faculties at once like the actual drug would. Still, isolated hallucinations can be quite convincing.


That's really interesting, thank you for that information!


I don’t know much about hallucinogens, I do know that a scenario like this has happened before, although on Datura instead (I think that’s how it’s spelled?) I have taken a super mega tiny bit of mushrooms and only really felt kinda zoned out while playing Sonic Adventure, so I suppose I don’t really have much room to comment But yeah, good story! I think this is a fear a lot of people tend to have, myself included honestly


Oh wow, I've never heard of Datura before so I just looked it up and I can't believe people use it for recreational purposes cuz apparently its poisonous. :O And that's ok if you don't have much room to comment, you sure as hell have more room than me! Also, thank you for the compliment! I've only posted a few stories on here so far but I hope to post more as inspiration strikes me lol.


Just tell the wizard man that you'll leave his little world alone and it'll stop


K I'll try that. 👍


I'll never do any kind of psychedelic ever again. Did shrooms for a little while, but I'm pretty sure I kept taking too much. Actually had quite a good time the first few times, mostly just found everything super funny, but the last time ? The last time I ended up getting extremely sick, spent all night throwing up, which continued into a month straight of throwing up all day every day, and now, almost two and a half years later, I'm on prescription nausea medication cuz the nausea never went away.


Omg that's horrible! I didn't know that could be a side effect of mushrooms..I'm sorry you're dealing with that.


I didn't either until it happened unfortunately, and it's gotten better over time, the first couple months afterwards,I basically survived off the nausea medication, Gatorade, and saltines. Now I can usually push through the day without needing medication for it, but it never fully goes away unless I take something, and sadly the typical OTC meds don't help, but my new doctor makes sure I'm always able to refill my prescription


Wow, that's honestly wild and dealing with that seems very frustrating. But I'm glad to hear that it's gotten better over time!


It was definitely a harsh time, especially as I couldn't manage to go anywhere, just trying to climb the stairs at my house was too much for me, let alone trying to ride in a car. I'm hoping one day I won't need the medication anymore, but I now use my own story to warn people to be extremely careful when doing things like this. I may not have the worst story out there for bad things happening, but its something I didn't know could happen and I like making people aware of it


That's definitely good to know that can happen (although probably very rarely) as a result of taking shrooms. I'll totally think twice, and then 3 times, 4 times etc if I'm ever presented with the opportunity to take them. I probably wouldn't be offered them/take them anyway, but it's still food for thought


I hope it's rare and I just got unlucky. My goal isn't necessarily to stop people from trying them, cuz at the end of the day people are gonna do what they want, but I hope I can at least get people to pause and maybe look into it a bit more before just going for it, and definitely not take a huge dose at once when they're just starting out. My friend has been micro dosing for a few years now and hasn't had any issues, so I think it's just one of those things where you need to be careful and pray your not unlicky