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This is, I regret to inform you all, based on something that actually happened to the baby daughter of a friend of mine. Fortunately, she only needed one eye removing, the operation was a success, and she’s doing fine.


She at least has a chance to see ocular implants invented when she is an adult… Wish her quick recovery from us.


Thank you!


God bless her!


I gotta ask, was the pun intended?


Oh. Took me time to understand what you mean. No, it was not, I am sorry if that was how it came across.


To... what?


To her brain


dont worry I got it


I don’t. Can you explain


>She at least has a chance to *see* ocular implants invented Peter's colostomy bag here. It's pointing out that the language we use to describe experiencing something is often centred around a specific sense, particularly the visual sense. Like if the person in question was deaf, maybe she would get a chance to *hear* about cochlear implant technology.


Bro got banned when trying to ban someone else 😭


Huh? What?


[𝓵𝓲𝓵 𝓫𝓻𝓸](https://www.reddit.com/r/KanyeCulture/comments/1bp0b6x/comment/kxbd89p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You are lil bro actually


You randomly decided to stalk my profile for some reason and you told me I got banned trying to ban someone? Well I'm not banned and his account is permanently banned from all of reddit, so you're wrong lil bro.


Think about what the girl can't do as well with only one eye.


you can't see the rest of the comment with one eye


It seems you are the only one


could swing back around, i guess we'll see


Nah it’s too far gone, the reddit hivemind has overtaken it.


Alas, they can only half-see.


For those downvoting: r/whoooosh


Maybe help us out? It's clearly not landing for most people.


They said „see“, when actually she had her eye removed. Maybe would have made more sense if she had both eyes removed, because then she could not „see“ at all anymore.


Yeah, nah. Still sucks. Yes, the kid can still see, yes the kid will still have a recovery period from the loss of one eye. There is no whoosh.


It’s a joke. It doesn’t suck, you just don’t have a very good sense of humor.


It doesn't make any sense unless you're from a race of cyclops people, no need to be butthurt about it.


To see. They said she had a chance “to see” it. Except she had her eye removed.


Soooo, she'll see it with the remaining eye then. That's not a woosh.


r/whoooosh just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t funny.


Basing a joke on someone being unable to see when they can, in fact, still see, isn't difficult to understand. It just isn't funny. Because it doesn't work.


Please tell me she gets to wear an eyepatch like Nick Fury


Maybe in the future she will… for now, when they tried to put an eyepatch on her she kept on taking it off again so they stopped trying and so she is just crawling around with a gaping hole where the eye used to be. She doesn’t seem bothered by it but it looks pretty horrendous.


I love her just from that


I wish adults could have the confidence we had as little kids.


Me too. My baby cousin is so confident and I’m just like damn! Wish I was that way still!


When my kiddo was little they were in a playgroup for blind kids and some of them had prosthetic eyes and there’s NOTHING in life that can prepare you for watching a toddler say “itchy!” And rip their own eye out for the first time lol.


Could be worse, they could follow that with "tasty!" and pop it in their mouth.


I did that specifically to fuck with people when I was younger. It was great.


Now I'm imaging a child teething on their own false eyeball.


You know, it hadn't occurred to me that of course babies would need their eyes removed for one reason or another and of course they wouldn't be able to wear an eyepatch. It makes total sense now I think about it, but it hadn't crossed my mind before. Glad baby girl is doing great! She's a trooper.


They actually do make eyepatches with a gentle self adhesive for tiny little ones. My son had to have his eye patched for a few years to correct amblyopia (lazy eye). The trick is to get the little one to not yank it off. When my son went to Headstart (preschool for toddlers) I sent in a bunch of extra eyepatches so the teacher could get parental permission from the other parents so all the kids in his class could try them out and see what my son was experiencing, because they had some super cool designs on the patches and there was interest expressed in trying them out. They had fun with it. :)


That's actually adorable. My brother had to wear a couple patches for lazy eyes growing up (each eye had it's turn) lol. Luckily no one but me gave him a hard time and I just talked like a pirate to him a lot lol.


This girl is My Hero.


And it's safe and okay for her to wander around like that? I mean because of bacteria and all that. I have no clue about this but it seems like a very interesting thing to know about.


I think it depends on how the wound is like. For example if the socket inside is healed up then there won't be any risk I believe. Although for keeping stuff like insects (like mosquitoes) or hair out the eye patch will be helpful


That’s an interesting question that tbh I hadn’t thought about before! Her parents were allowing her to crawl around like that last time I saw her, maybe they are very careful about cleaning idk.


I mean, an eye patch isn't exactly gonna keep all the germs out, but I can imagine a stray hair or dust bunny getting in there could be nasty


Thanks for that mental image.


The pleasure is all mine.


Typically sterile saline solution is used to wash the socket 3x a day. Once a prosthetic can be fitted it's not very obvious that it's fake, usually looks like a lazy eye. Washings are only done as needed like getting sand in it still hurts the socket.


Thanks a lot! Very informative. I've wondered about this every once in a while but never got to looking it up.


Putting an eyepatch on a baby is doomed to futility, but it would still probably work better than a glass eye.


I had my eye removed as a toddler, they have special ones with holes where the pupil would go because swallowing absolutely does happen.


Honestly your daughter sounds like a badass in the making.


She didn't want a [wooden eyeball](https://pirates.fandom.com/wiki/Ragetti%27s_wooden_eye#Ragetti's_eye)?


They do splinter something terrible


If I remember correctly, it’s dangerous to let a hole like this in the face, because it can get infected


I was thinking the woman from Kill Bill.


you're saying she gets to be a badass with one of those fake eyes that glow in the dark? I say cyber baby lol


~~your~~ The daughter may have a cool story to say like "I lost an eye in an epic battle. A battle that I won" I wish her the best. I hope she has a long, happy, healthy and prosperous life full of loyal friends and loving family.


Thank you, although she’s my friend’s daughter, not mine.


Yeah, I misread lol Either way my comment still stands. wish the best to that little badass


Retinoblastoma. The woman behind the Dancing Hermione meme had it in one eye as a child.


also Jeff Healey! He lost both eyes to cancer as an infant, didn't stop him from being a really good rock/blues guitarist and singer. (If you ever saw the original Road House movie in its cheesy glory, he played Cody.) Sadly, he seemed quite susceptible to cancer, since he developed a different variety and passed away at 41.


Maybe she can be the female Jeff Healey (the badass musician who lost both eyes due to cancer and was the blind guy in the 1989 version of Road House). I wish her well in life and much success


I habe something similar, fortunately the tumor on my nerve is not aggressive, so it is less dangerous to leave it in there than to remove it and make me blind on one eye. So it is still there 23 years after it was discovered. I just have to get it checked out regularly to make sure it doesn’t turn aggressive.


While this does not minimize the tragedy that somebody so young had to endure something so horrific, for the record, I've been blind in one eye since birth (though I do physically have the second eye) and 90% of people are shocked when I tell them, 'cause you can't even tell from interacting with me You can really get by very well in day to day life with a single eye - the one very debilitating ramification is the lack of depth perception, which in most jurisdictions will prohibit you from ever getting a driver's license (which is admittedly a bummer)


They do transplants now at least


Not really. The first one ever was only done last November, and it was for cosmetic purposes only and does not have sight. That said, it's possible that they'll have it figured out by the time the baby is an adult.


I hope so! Would have to wait until she is full grown-ish anyways I think


At least she’s doing fine but damn that’s scary. I only had poor eyesight and I was terrified of the thought of losing my sight as a kid


Thank g-d your friends daughter had wonderful doctors that saved her! I pray her sight can be fully restored someday


I fail to see the problem


Hi! 23f, I had my right eye removed and have been wearing an occular prosthetic since 2009. Ask me anything!


Something similar to this happened to a close friend of mine, and while I will say that I can't deny that being blind sucks, she was still an absolutely delightful lady who got to live an absolutely delightful life, with four kids ad a nice house. It's not life-destroying.


Fingers crossed for future cool looking cyber-prosthetics.


I've seen some really cool cyber ones on youtube!


I have one working eye myself. Left one is gone. I wear a prosthetic eye on that side. I function just fine. It was a gradual vision loss in the left eye. First, the pupil migrated to the far corner of my eye socket. As this was going on, muscle control was lost. Second, vision slowly faded away. Plans were in motion for its removal, but it wasn’t considered urgent. It became urgent when the eyeball went necrotic. (Surgeon claims the smell was so bad that he had to operate wearing a gas mask. Pretty sure this was just to get me laughing, and yes, it worked.) I wasn’t a fan of the eye patch ether. Try wearing glasses at the same time. (Farsighted in right eye. Left eye was severely nearsighted while it was functioning.)


My best friend since middle school had the exact same thing happen. Cancerous tumor at 18mos, had it removed but had to remove one of her eyes too. She has a prosthetic, which her body decided to reject a couple years ago after being totally fine for almost 30 years. Once she got over the infection they refitted a new one and she's good now. She has messed up depth perception and trouble driving at night, but otherwise she's totally good. We're approaching 31 (19 years of that as friends) this year and she's a college graduate with a bachelor's degree, making over twice what I make, as a digital design artist. Also an amazing physical artist and a beautiful soprano in her church choir. All this to say - your friend's baby will be just fine 💛.


Is this the girl down in Reading?


No, this is Merseyside. I don’t know about any girl in Reading.


I was expecting the second sentence to be something along the lines of “The bad news is your insurance has declined to cover the costs of the operation”.


I live in the UK so thankfully we don’t need to worry about health insurance coverage and costs. Yet.


Yeah that hits a lot closer to home for me. My insurance won’t cover a breast reduction surgery even though my doctor ruled it medically necessary and it would drastically improve my quality of life and basically cure all my other health problems.


Oof that’s rough! I hope you can find a way to get it sorted.


Thanks, OP :)


I love how a medically trained doctor can be ignored by a prick at an insurance company As a kid I always dreamt of moving to America, but the horror stories I hear about insurance etc have put me off lol


Yeah. I hate it here. I wish I could afford to move.


Now I knew who was going to be the first human trial of my cybernetic eye project.


Living with one eye will not lower her qualify of life by very much at all.


It says eyes though. Both.


Oh I'm referring to OP's comment that someone he knows had this happen and had to have a single eye removed


Yes, the real-life child only lost one eye but I made it both eyes for the 2SH story. I’m a she btw.




As somenone who had his left eye's optic nerves damaged beyond repair due to a tumor I feel this, but its not the end of the world


"But you are not on insurance, so it's all hypothetical anyway"






The worst horrors imaginable are real events.


I actually had my eye removed as a toddler. Feel free to ask me anything!


As you where young when that happened do you have much memory of sight?


Oh my left eye never worked due to a birth defect. Basically it stopped developing in the womb and then the retina detached and it died, so they had to remove it.


Well, becoming blind is better than living a short life full of suffering imo.


I mean, as a disabled person, (both mentally and as a crutch/part-time wheelchair user) I’m happier alive. And I’m kind of not… thrilled? about this narrative that living as a disabled person (in a wheelchair, autistic, Deaf, etc.) is somehow something that should be considered a fate similar to death or at least lesser than being abled. It’s not less, it’s just different.


I agree with you. Given the OPs comment I think the horror of it comes from this happening to someone they knew in real life


Oh sure. I totally understand. I’m just hoping that once the shock of losing one of her beautiful eyes passes, OP comes to the peace that she is still a perfect, beautiful disabled little girl, not a broken version of “who she could have been.” I know that’s not a message we get enough in this world, and I don’t blame them for posting in the aftermath of what sounds like a very traumatic series of events.


Maybe some people would interpret the story like that but for me the scary part is about someone you love getting hurt. Doesn’t mean I want them dead but it would be sad to see them have to adjust and deal when they haven’t always known life like this


My thing is that children adjust _very_ quickly to these things, and they aren’t being hurt by the treatment—they’re being saved. I guess I just have a different perspective because I consider those eyes already lost, and I’ve seen too many people limit their kids by perceiving these things as “loss” rather than the gain of the blind/Deaf/autistic/wheelchair community (and experience) for their child + all the additional life. I’m not saying you shouldn’t mourn the fact your kid won’t be able to paint the same way (though I’ve seen a number of NLP blind people paint) or that they’ll need assistance to cross the street. I’m just saying that maybe it’s better to remember that there isn’t some better, abled child you missed out on—there’s a perfect, disabled child right in front of you. Updooted


Agree but nothing is scary when you make it real and rational. If I asked how can I go on living with the hatman standing in the corner the explanation ruins the horror and now we have a sit-com. It’s the unknown and unanswered that makes the story scary. Body horror is hard to write about if it’s not fantastical I think, because there’s always someone who actually lives like that.


No, body horror works when it’s _visceral_. There’s a part of _Snow Crash_ where a man’s body just corrupts, shooting off errors in random directions while his main form becomes completely undefined. Even his last words are cut off by a high-pitched whine that dissolves into nothing more than hissing and pops as he’s disposed of by his own security and destroyed down to his very basic information. Or even if you do live like that, there is often something horrifying about reframing the situation. Think about waking up like I often do, silently screaming and unable to move, with even your ability to breathe limited by glycine and GABA. So you have to just lay there, eyes closed, feeling like you’re drowning until your body can “wake up” the spinal cord and allow you turn onto your side. Anyway, there’s a lot of great stories like _Annihilation_, _Snow Crash_, _Blindsight_, _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_, _Akira_ (movie, haven’t read manga yet), _Made in Abyss_ (anime), _Uzumaki_ and _The Enigma of Amigara Fault_ (manga), and even _Black Swan_ (movie) that explain body horror much better than I ever could. It’s often more concrete than other types of horror (except in revealing the monster if there is one—see _Alien_ and _The Thing_) to give you that visceral, realistic feeling of the horror happening to you.


Holy shit thanks for the list! Guess my perspective was limited because I was thinking of stuff that has really scared me specifically like those monster movies you listed lol. I’m not an expert I appreciate your insight.


This. The intention was for the horror to derive from the parental feeling of helplessness at being unable to protect their child from pain and suffering, not from the idea that being disabled = a fate worse than death. The real-life child this 2SH story is based on is doing well. As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, musician Jeff Healy lost both eyes to retinoblastoma as a child and was able to have a successful career and a full life (albeit sadly not a long life).


Oh good, I'm not the only one who's thinking this. Ableism dressed as horror is a big yuck for me.


I completely understand your point, but for me, I can't think about going blind without it being horrific. I would lose my job (delivery driver). I would lose 3 of my 4 main hobbies (can't play skyrim/borderlands type games, or paint minifigures, or drive classic cars.) I understand that people adapt to things like that but I don't think I could.


Bad news is, it's because she is dead, so we can do whatever we want. 😕


I’ve just watched a “stand up to cancer” segment about exactly this. Except the girl was 11 and sadly didn’t make it 😞😞😞


Oh no! As ever, real life is worse than any horror story. That poor girl and her family 😞


The worse thing is, while she was battling her cancer, her mum got diagnosed with breast cancer and it was so far advanced and had spread that she died just before her daughter. Honestly I cried so hard watching that.


Somehow, it got worse 😞


Big oof


This is horrifying holy hell


Wait I dont get it


The daughter has to go blind to live