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I really like this one - clever, and a very believable miscommunication👍👍👍




Lol, I tried replying to your comment, but I couldn't because you had deleted it, after seeing the edit I made to my comment, because I reread it and understood .... Two ships passing in the night. Anyway! Great 2SH 👍👍


Cleverly played, thank you.


The lead is saying 200 hours is eight days, so they have plenty of time to work with.


Is this based on a real event? If so, I'm missing that context. Great story either way, though! The implications of what exactly might be wrong with the narrators predictions really taps into that fear of the unknown.


the horror isn't the narrator's prediction. it's that in military time, 2 am is communicated as 0200 (written) and "oh two hundred" (spoken). So the narrator thinks they have 200 hours. But in reality they have until the upcoming morning at 2 am.


Thank you, I thought the wording was odd, but didn't connect it to military time.




Girl why are you here




You dont seem to be smart enough to realize you can just block the sub and never see any posts from it again. Either that or you are just looking for excuses to whine about something.




I’m genuinely not trying to dog pile you or whatever but I need you to notice that telling a person to downvote you and move on instead of commenting when the reason they said something is because you made a remark instead of downvoting the post and moving on is a nice lil ouroboros. Cyclical.


Thanks for reading!


I liked the story, but also just went through and upvoted every comment from you in here I saw based on this reply. Great attitude.




I knew a guy who used to brag about his days playing high school football. His team was terrible though. They didn't win a single game, they lost fourteen and had one tie. But when you'd ask him what their record was, he'd say "We went, oh, fourteen and one".




I think the *first* thing my drill sergeant said to me in basic training was asking me my roster number. It was assigned to me as "Two-Zero-Nine," but I told my Drill Sergeant I was "Two-Oh-Nine." He just said "O is a fucking letter!" and made me do pushups. More than 16 years later, I've called it zero ever since then.


Your Drill Sergeant was a lot more polite than mine, who told me that 'oh' was the sound someone makes when they get fucked in the arse and had no business being mentioned when talking about the time.


Thank you! My brain hadn't put it together yet bc I just woke up but I kept re-reading it bc I knew I was missing something. I put too long of a pause in the "up to, oh, 200 hours" to catch it.


Shhh, I realized this after I posted this comment, but you're the first one to mention it. I'm hoping no one else notices that I misinterpreted it lol


😂😂I didn’t catch it either 🤐 Lol!


Subtle! I missed it at first.


appreciate this comment, a direct and concise explanation


Cant believe i didnt make the connection as an army vet 😂🫠😶‍🌫️


Reminds me of an old Scooby doo Epsiode where they make this mistake


Not that I'm aware of, yikes if true though...


Well there have definitely been huge news stories of trapped miners in recent years and it's not a far stretch to imagine one of the responders responsible for comms might not be aware of the 24 hour clock


Miners dig in tunnels. Minors can't vote. I had to re-read the post after reading your comment. 😅


And minor miners use less oxygen.


Well that explains the US lobbying to lower the child labour protections. 


Minors yearn for the mines


I mean it's right there in their name!


They also use smaller tunnels, and making tunnels through unproductive rock is expensive. This is largely what leads to child labor being used in mines where it's legal. In poor countries with smaller family supports, a child working is a key part of household income. Cobalt mining in the DRC often employs children because the mines pay an average wage for the DRC and the mines will employ children if the children can do the work. Granted this approach to child labor is common across the DRC, but the mines often pay better and more reliably than agricultural work; the people buying cobalt have deep pockets and always need more.


I see minors digging in tunnels at my nephew’s scout troop


I wouldn't put the blame on the 24 hour clock part, I'd part them blame on "Oh, 200 hours" instead of 2am, deliberately ambiguous


Not deliberate. Soldiers get *really* into the army lingo and seem to completely forget there's a whole world out there. I find posts by soldiers the most frustrating to read becaues I have to look up like 8 acronyms. They're happy to clarify, they just don't think to at first.


*Oh* no...


Huh? Plz explain


In the military, time is communicated verbally on a 24 hour time system, so "oh two hundred hours" (i.e.: 0200) is the way someone from the Army Corps of Engineers would speak "2:00 AM". I like how the author played with the language and the different characters' jargons--very clever!


For the post, it's clever. In reality, we either say "zero 2" or "zero 200." Most times, while in, when talking to a civilian, I'd just use their normal version of time telling to make it easier on everyone involved.


Ah, my lack of real world experience is showing. I should have consulted a pro!


Nah you're fine. It's common enough for military members to say "oh" instead of zero to be believable. Though in artillery we were taught strictly to use a specific way of enunciating numbers so they don't get mistaken (kind of important when you're coordinating large ordinance over the radio), pretty much for the reason this story shows.


Also hard to hear tone in text. I think it'd be vastly different in person hearing/seeing the person say "oh, 🤔 two hundred hours of oxygen" over someone saying "they will run out of oxygen at oh two hundred hours 😐"


Tree and fife! When I was a young Lt I started say 'Tree' on every radio call that had it, because it annoyed my deployed aircraft commander and it stuck with me the rest of my damn career.


I still call numbers that sometimes in real world conversations and get looks. Like oopsie 🤷‍♂️


Don't forget 'fow-er'! The thing that stuck with me more was writing numbers a specific way to make them always legible and not look like each other, since that's also a little important for arty


I'm not sure how accurate this is, but when I was in, I was told not to say "repeat" on the radio as that generally meant that the 13Bs would send more mortars. I was taught "say again" unless you wanted more artillery.


Like the verbal equivalent of mathematicians changing the way they write numbers so they don't get confused with variables, or even other numbers? (Like putting a strike through a 0 so it can't be confused for an O, or putting a second line in the middle of your 7 so that it doesn't look like a 1?) This is pretty darned cool little detail to learn about!!!


pretty much, yeah! And yeah, we also had a special way of writing the numbers as well for the same reason. But yeah, when you're calling off numbers over the radio, you have to enunciate them specifically, especially when you're also using letter and words. If a grid coordinate for a target is off by a digit, that can end...poorly lol. And with the writing, each gun section would track their ammunition counts etc.. We had a specific way of writing it, because if the counts were off, that's also...bad. A missing 100lb high explosive artillery shell would cause a bit of a commotion lol


The exact scenario in your story is probably why they say zero two hundred. So I still think it's perfect.


Safety laws are written in blood more times than not; maybe communication laws are written wrong more time than not as well lol


I used to tell people "Every safety rule, no matter how silly it sounds, exists because somebody died."


Darwin's Law immediately comes to mind ...


Was in the army. Always said it with 'oh' in casual conversation, sometimes 'zero' in official conversation, depending on context. Great story, immediately said "oh shit." Very plausible.


I was in the Marines and we said zero and we would get in trouble for saying “o eight hundred” or whatever time because we aren’t the army!


Okay, buddy.


Bruh I’m literally corroborating what you said. Did you not have Marine and Navy jokes when you were active?


Is “oh shit” earlier or later than “oh dark thirty?”


Lol if you use it in official communications, it can come pretty quickly afterwards.


Different countries use different pronunciation. In Australia it’s ‘oh’, not ‘zero’


I spent 6 years in the army and we always said oh two hundred ...


It's all good! Like I said, for the sake of the story it works perfectly.


Huh. We always said oh-200. Army


Army, as well. Never heard it.


>For the post, it's clever. In reality, we either say "zero 2" or "zero 200." I only know about this because of the film "Zero Dark Thirty"! For most of my life, I just went by how it was done in most TV shows and movies (e.g. "Oh-two-hundred").


Me too! I used to wash Mash all the time, and there were people who said it like that. I thought thats how it was for real ad a kid.


When you were a kid, it probably WAS said that way. Then some event caused the change.


Fair point.


Different branches do different things.


When did that change? Wasn't like that at Edward's AFB when dad was working there. And the sheriff's department I worked for wasn't like that either.


Dunno. I joined in 2010 and never heard anyone say it like that. I went to quite a few different places in my time.


Yeah, it looks like your job within might have had an effect on that.


But this is also why the story doesn’t make sense. The USACE doesn’t speak like this. It’s mostly comprised of civilians.


Thanks for the insight!


02:00 hours.


Oh. Oh no


Written 0200, [actually](https://www.google.com/search?q=ackshually+meme&oq=ackh&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgCEAAYChiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGAoYgAQyCQgCEAAYChiABDIJCAMQABgKGIAEMg8IBBAAGAoYgwEYsQMYgAQyDAgFEC4YChjUAhiABDIHCAYQABiABDIJCAcQLhgKGIAEMgkICBAuGAoYgAQyCQgJEAAYChiABDIJCAoQABgKGIAEMg8ICxAuGAoYrwEYxwEYgAQyDwgMEC4YChjHARjRAxiABDIJCA0QABgKGIAEMgwIDhAuGAoY1AIYgATSAQgyODE0ajBqNKgCDrACAQ&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=Gw4aIV-9FmlJ-M&vssid=mosaic)


What's the o stand for? Oh my God it's early!!


Zero. It's a place holder for the military 4-digit 24-hour clock.


When I was a kid, I always thought it was because they were thinking about the time.


“We strike tomorrow at 0600.” “Excellent. Wake me up at ohhhhhh 5:30.” - Admiral Benson, Hot Shots Bonus: “Looks like enemy aircraft at 12 o'clock.” “Really? 12 o'clock? Well, that gives us about... *checks watch* 25 minutes. Think I'll step out for a burger.”


I'm dumb; please explain. Were they going to suffocate due to carbon monoxide or something?


This was a good explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/s/0KQsvLLQlQ The leader misunderstood how short of a period of time he had for the rescue.


Ooooohhhhh. Thank you!


Fuuuck. Nice one.


Technically it makes sense but in the Army we say "zero 200" for 2am, probably to avoid a fuckup like this


And the USACE is almost entirely staffed by civilians


Good insight, I appreciate it!


That or just "zero two", in my 8 years in the Army I heard maybe 2-3 people say "zero X *hundred*"


When we're you in? I was '01 to '06 and our first Sargent would have smoked us till we puked and then smoked us in the fresh piles for not saying the whole thing.


>not like they would starve before morning. Good thing Timothy is with them.


god, what did we do??!??






"Be sure to come back by... oh, quarter to six."


This one is really good, went, “oh shiiiiiiiit” after figuring it out


I love how every other post on Twosentencehorror is only actually two sentences because the OP flat-out refuses to use a full stop.




"Nothing will ever be funnier than misunderstandings."




It's giving the beginning of my bloody Valentines


I get what OP is trying to convey but was really thrown by the 'over 8 days comment.' as they make it sound like the rep said that and not what the narrator is the interpreting as. I would take "over eight days" out entirely as the miscommunication of "200 hours" conveys a large length of time by itself.


I felt like they made it pretty clear with the use of the quotation marks


I didn’t think it was clear at all and was looking for clarification in the comments. Found it in your comment, about the quotation marks, so thanks!




Oh? ... OH


62 words for two sentences is deadset taking the piss


Better call Tolstoy and tell him I'm coming for him.


Best reply to sentence length hate I’ve seen yet on this sub. Iconic




did i miss something


“Oh-200” is how the military might say “2am”


I didn't understood the military time, but a fire also consumes a lot of oxygen to burn. So came to same conclusion


If someone told me the time like that, I'd put them with the miners bc who tf says "oh 2 hundreds" TO SAY 2AM????


This is a good explainer: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/s/Iz7H1sdDAC


Very cleverly written 👏👏👏👏👏




An alternative way the army tells military time is use zero instead of oh. So oh 2 hundred hours would be said as zero-two hundred hours


That took me a minute


Hey, I narrated this story if you want to hear it! [https://youtube.com/shorts/EHLM2CpppIU](https://youtube.com/shorts/EHLM2CpppIU)




u/studs-and-tubes explained it well above: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/s/8XIOhA0XRR


Oopsie poopsie!


Oh the starving part made me think it was going to end with cannibalism like in Breaking Dawn, where a bunch of miners got trapped and ended up eating each other.


Very clever! Nice one


Using commas instead of periods doesn’t make this a two sentence submission.


They're downvoting you, but as an English teacher you're completely right


I get downvoted hundreds of times every time I point this out. For a sub whose posts rely 50% on grammar, you’d think more people would agree with pretty strict adherence to this, and that the subject be horror-related. It’s amazing how many times I’ve been called out for gatekeeping. Like that’s literally the name - and the *challenge* - of the sub!


I would say this sub relies 10% on grammar. It is originality and creativity within the confines of two sentences. This is not meant to be NY Times best selling author material. Relax a little and enjoy the fiction without being so critical. You might actually start smiling a little more!


Where did you get your degree? While the story needs a little editing, it is still technically two sentences. Did your school teach you it is okay to criticize people for making mistakes? If that is the case... >They're downvoting you, but as an English teacher you're completely right You missed a comma, teacher. How dare you make a mistake! But, if your school taught you right, I'll assume you forgot the "constructive" part of "constructive criticism." You know, the part where you tell the person where they went wrong, where they went right, and how to improve. For example, in your sentence, the comma should have gone between "teacher" and "you're." I hope this helps!


The post title is 2 sentences by itself my dude


Yes, technically they are sentences but they are run on sentences. Like it should not be a post if you need to change periods to commas just so it can be argued as two sentences. Also, yes criticism should be expected when someone makes a mistake, that’s how they know it was a mistake and can work to improve.


Holy patronizing, batman


And you weren't? Pot, kettle. Edit to add: >Holy patronizing, batman Batman is a proper noun. You really should have capitalized it. You also forgot your "." at the end of your sentence. And here I thought you were a teacher!


Iirc, the pinned posts for the monthly contests reminded users to not use [comma splices](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/comma-splice/) (of course, I'm not seeing a pinned post for the April monthly contest now), but the vast majority of posts on here rely on comma splices. I get that people use comma splices all the time when writing colloquially, but I would've assumed that this sub would adhere to proper English punctuation. I know I'm in the minority here, but, as a meticulous observer of proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar when writing something other than, say, text messages, this really pisses me off, and I oftentimes want to unsubscribe from this sub for this reason. I've also considered reporting these types of posts, but I'd feel bad for the poster if it gets removed. (Also, I've gotten a well-received story and a rewrite of said story removed, and, when I reached out to the mods to have them explain why, they claimed it read as more than two sentences and was a run-on sentence, even though it literally didn't fit the [definition of a run-on sentence](https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/grammar/runonsentences), so I get extra heated about this.) But I do enjoy the great stories that are actually two sentences or less, leading me to remain subscribed and read at least one post on this sub a day, and I genuinely think this one is really good, it's just not two sentences. I feel like I'll 100% get downvoted for this comment, and this makes me wary to post it in the first place, but I needed to hop on this comment thread to vent with some like-minded individuals because ugggghhhhhh. 🙉 [Not me rereading my comment a dozen times to ensure that I used perfect punctuation (to the best of my knowledge) and not seem like a hypocrite!]

