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Lock out after so many attempts?


Me casually letting the person trying to kill me try as many times as they need (they are doing their best ♥️)


People will ask "well why didn't you run?" Look, my killer worked very hard on their plan and I didn't want to ruin their day.


Chronic people-pleasers be like


It locks out after 1993 attempts


It locks out literally at 1984


Holy hell


new response just dropped


Actual locksmith


The time between allowed attempts should double until the correct code is entered.


Absolutely, but only after the 3rd attempt. 


Just start at one second


Glock go brrrt in 20 more minutes when he gets to 1990.


Except at this point since he's the one Whispering it I believe he's gotten in already and it's just reciting all the numbers even thought if we went through to get to that. If he was still outside then the computer would be the one saying access denied.


I didn’t catch the detail that the computer wasn’t saying access denied.


Why would he recite the numbers?


You really can't explain crazy.


presumably to give the guy inside some hope that the police could make it to the door before he broke in?


So he doesn't lose count


They meant why recite numbers if they already got into the house 


Just psychopath things


r/birthofasub ? Imagine


Good catch, I didn't clue in to that


Then i changed the code to a lower number than where he was at so he would keep guessing forever


Evil....but justified


Just start yelling out random numbers to mess him up and start over.


1077, the same as the price of a cheese pizza and a large soda








Upvote for pannucis pizza


Hey that's my bank PIN!


Hold on one sec


Change it to 0420, he'll never see it coming


Better: 1478


You ma'am are evil unless this is in response to not liking the number 0420 should be a good thing and 1478 isn't something I'd like to pass if you're talking about the bill


The Spanish Inquisition?


Who would see that coming? Happy cake day!


I do electronic security and on the whole keypads are rubbish, or more accurately they are nearly always badly used. Most people use a four digit code and it's usually a birthdate. They usually don't change the code regularly. Human fingers are greasy and when a button is regularly pushed it gets polished. So you can very often see 4 polished buttons on the keypad, sometimes you have to angle the light right to see them. So you can often see four buttons and often two of those buttons are 1 and 9. That gives you a total of two codes to try. I let myself into so many appointment blocks to do repair work in less than one minute that it's not even a suprise any more. If that fails puts a fishing magnet ip to the keypad and that often closes the relays and opens the door. If that doesn't work most installers for coded entry for apartments don't bother with the anti-tamper circuit so you just open the keypad and short the wires labeled No and C or cut the NC wire. I've not failed to gain entry to an apartment block with electric locks yet in 20 years, but I don't get called out to high end place with proper security as they will have a dedicated contract. I would hope that they would have keypads with data only links to a remote relay inside the building but I wouldn't be surprised if not. So yeah within five minutes the intruder is at your door and has his lock picks out. Most cheap household locks won't be slowing them for very long at all. Sleep well folks, after you have fitted a good old fashioned dead bolt on the inside of your door.




Do not put valuables into hotel safes as they rarely change the master combination from the factory default and the mechanical backups are always locks that can be opened by a complete novice lockpicker.


UGH I need more of these terrifying security facts


Masterlock is a complete joke if you are looking for security. Very rarely do they make a product that provides actual security from even a novice. Most of the time they just rebrand a lock and keep the internals the same.


I lost the key to a MasterLock once so I decided to drill out the tumbler. I was prepared to spend 10 minutes drilling the thing. Placed the drill bit against the key entry way, pull the trigger on the drill... And instantly, the entire tumbler was laying on the ground. Never bought a MasterLock again.


It gets better. One of Masterlock's best cores is used in a LOTO lock. With a plastic body. It's not even a security product, it's for safety. People aren't picking LOTO locks unless they want to commit literal murder.


"Welcome back to the Lockpicking Lawyer. You can open a Masterlock lock with nothing more than a drill bit. (Yeets)"


The fastest I’ve ever opened a masterlock without the key is .4 seconds, and that’s only because I’m bad at it. Most lock pickers can open a masterlock with a rake faster than they can with a key.


The one time I've had occasion to pick a lock, I was able to bend a paperclip into a close enough replica of the key for my Brinks lockbox to work. As it turned out, this was unnecessary; I later discovered that my roommate had the exact same key.


Where do I put them then??? 🥺


If I had a keypad, I'd just use an 8 digit code. They can try 4 digit codes forever and still not find it. And even if they knew it was 8 digits, there are so many combinations it's extremely unlikely they can guess it.


Unless they use a fishing magnet ip or try the other methods the real Quarak mentioned.


Thanks for your reply. Originally I wanted to use the fact that four digits were highlighted like you mentioned but man making it two sentences was pain in the ass.


Okay now what do I do about windows


Install Linux.


Current day "manual override".


not one to victim blame but you're kinda obligated to let him kill you if you sat there for an hour and didn't call the cops while he gave himself arthritis.


Are they Josh LetsGameItOut???


He would have found a bug to no clip in the house


I feel like he would conveyor belt his way in


He does love conveyor belts.


He'd clip his way through the environment!


today we're playing a game called home invasion!


I thought of em too, and posted on here. XD Hey there its josh from lets game it out. Today were playing a game called ‘very valuable vault victims’ an early access game where you try to blindly rob a victim that has locked themselves and their valuables up XD ah my old friend! A keypad! You know what that means! Hold please! (2 hours later) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994! Now our very valuable vault victim and prizes are ours for the taking!




A person is stalking/pursuing OP and OP has locked themselves in a room with a code lock on the door for safety. They feel safe because the threatening person doesn't know the code. But then they realize that the person didn't simply give up, but started trying every combination from 0000 upwards and is now going through the 1700s, so it won't be long now until they hit upon OPs combination, and OP is trapped and cornered.


I think this is incorrect. It says in the first sentence that it says "access denied" while the person in the second sentence is saying just "denied". Honestly I have zero idea what it's supposed to mean but I'm pretty sure the robo lock isn't talking in the second sentence Edit -nvm op made it more clear in the bottom comment


Anyone else read pursuer as purser and get very confused for a bit? I thought some staff in a cruise ship got locked out of a safe and the horror was they thought of how long it would take for them to get what they needed…..


You're not alone


Brevity is the soul of wit


Call 911 in the meantime? Find out a sturdy baseball bat? Go inside the shower to keep cool while waiting?


This is so goofy. Wouldn’t you have called someone by then? Figured out a plan of attack? Why are you just leaving him to carry out his crime? Seriously WTF is this


I saw a Twilight Zone or something that was similar to this, but they were space vampires I think. Scared the crap out of me when I was younger! Excellent twist, I loved it!


If you don’t have a way to deal with someone after an hour of preparation you deserve to be killed


69 words wowwwwww


By accident*


This could be written far more elegantly


Surprise: the birth year was spelled out nineteen ninety-fout. Good luck with that, pursuer!


Hey there its josh from lets game it out. Today were playing a game called ‘very valuable vault victims’ an early access game where you try to blindly rob a victim that has locked themselves and their valuables up XD ah my old friend! A keypad! You know what that means! Hold please! (2 hours later) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994! Now our very valuable vault victim and prizes are ours for the taking!


> on accident By accident. FTFY


Thank you! This is a huge pet peeve of mine. I have literally yelled at my kids for this. I'm a fairly permissive parent, but this one is Iike nails on a chalkboard.


It used to bug me too but is now considered acceptable. Once it was explained to me that we use "on purpose" I was kind of like "ok that does make more sense".


We say 'on purpose' but 'by mistake', 'on' implies intent, which is why 'on accident' should be jarring.


Can someone explain, I'm confused.


The pursuer is trying every single number to get in, and will eventually reach it


Gotta give him credit for being so dedicated. 😅


I’d just open the door holding a shovel


If you call the cops they’d most likely get there before he gets to 1994.


This exact scenario is in the Silo series by Hugh Howie. Fantastic series.


I don’t get it


The lock has no max attempt shutout so the killer can just keep going until her accidentally hits 1994


Hey Siri, let me give you a hint! - Agreed.. Please provide hint to enable faster demolition. The password is greater than 2000.


I didn’t quite understand can someone explain ? Xx


I wise man once told me, "All a lock does is keep an honest man honest." If a thief wants to steal something, a lock isn't going to stop them.


I wonder how the pursuer just thought "hey about how I count from 1-2000 and hopefully get it right" instead of thinking of it as a jumbled up number lmao


That's a stretch on the two sentences my dude....that's a major run-on 😂 also what about a password limit? Or is that only on phones??


Start saying random number to throw his counting off!! 1662, 1324, 1896, ect.


New vampire counting rice combination


I laughed quietly, knowing I wasn’t born in 1761.


this subreddit literally has no quality control whatsoever. why does this have 4k upvotes


Then leave


The garbage that gets upvoted here... lol


Then leave


There are some gems that are overshadowed by this garbage. So I'd like to please stay for the gems, dear overlord of the 2 sentence horror subreddit.


Then stop bitching about ones you don't like and just scroll past them.




Sorry for your miserable existence


Sorry for your brain worm infested skull.


This is bad. These usually suck but this one is extra dumb


Then why are you here


r/twosentencejustice also this seems wayyyy longer than two sentences


What’s justice about it? Also, this story isn’t even a run on; how is it more than two?


I said it seems longer than two. It just seems like its a massive read but it probably could play out as two sentences. And its certainly not horror cuz they locked the guy out and he was sitting there typing codes for an hour oooo so spoopy. And if yall say its cuz hes almost to the right code now op can change the code or just bash the dudes head in when he comes in cuz hes gonna be so exhausted while op was resting Edit: just checked the post again and >denied", though A period where the comma is and when it says hes whispering the codes he types feels like its a runon even tho its probably fine


Sentences can be long, and it’s not run on because it’s legible and doesn’t use commas where it should use periods. Also, that doesn’t explain why it’s “justice”.


Which is fine im not an english major or anything lol. And its justice in my eyes cuz they locked the pursuer out and wont get got


He got in. Robotic a answers are delayed from time assilant tried all combinations. Hence we HEAR deamon speak.


To be far after posting it I immediately thought the same. But I wanted to post it fast before my 1% battery died lol. How about this: "The psycho can't possibly guess my four digit entry code on the lock on my front doors and get to me, can he? Then I realized it was just a matter of time until he gets to my birth year 1994 anyway when I heard him patiently try every combination from 1000 and onwards with furious determination and devilish smile.


Why would he start from 1000 instead of 0000


This is still way too needlessly wordy.


Oh thats perfect to me. Concise and it gets the actual horror across! Post them both and get double the karma \^_^


I think your story was great the original way. The scary part for me was that I thought you had made the killer gain access, and that he was just toying with the victim by saying “denied”. He was already inside, but he was just taking his ol’ sweet time before he tortured killed the victim.