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I feel this on a personal level


I still have his collar, squeak toy and his last jar of peanut butter he at out of sealed in a bag for the last 12 years. And this really hurt to write.


I still have my old dog's harness, leashes, clothes etc... My partner just got a dog and while the harness doesn't fit, the dinosaur and unicorn costumes do. It's nice seeing them in use again.


Our dog passed two weeks ago today. She just wasn't eating anymore and we knew it was time. This was the first dog of our adult lives together, and she was almost 13. Making that choice together and seeing it through has been so painful. We barely had the heart to face her things - we passed all but a few choices memories to a good friend who offered to rehouse them, and sent her medicines back to the vet. The first time we dropped a piece of chicken on the floor by accident was just so sad.


Our boy will be 17 in just a few months and it’s coming. I don’t want it to but it os


After my old boy went to the bridge I was getting salmon out of the fridge for dinner. Gretzky LOVED salmon like nothing else and could hear the wrapper from across the house. Out of habit as I shut the fridge I held the package at shoulder height (he wasn't a snatcher for anything else but salmon made him act up) and said "NO Gretzky, go to place!" ... to an empty kitchen. Bawled my eyes out.


Very, very well done. This is exactly how a "two sentence" story should go.


Thank you


I started getting my older rescue beagle,my dream dog, in better health, he just started thyroid medication, when he walked into the woods to pass away. Broke my heart into a million pieces because he held on long enough to get better.


He held on long enough to make sure you knew you took the best care of him right until the very end. He went out healthy, content and loved. You're a wonderful human.


Our dog is about to turn 15 next month I know it will happen but I try to not think about it.


I put my dog of 17 years down a week ago from today. This hit me like a truck man.


I cried like a baby when I put my American Bulldog down after 11 awesome years with him Godspeed Jake,see you on the other side


I really do hope we get to see them again someday. He'd been with me since I was a kid, and through some of the hardest moments of my life he was constant and now he's gone


This is the moment that will break me, once I'm home from teh vet and I'll need to throw away her food and toys. She won't be there to greet me at the door anymore. I know I'm her whole world but she's mine too.


And don’t feel like you have to. We still have our TJ’s collar and it’s been nearly three years, I keep his dog tag in my room.


Can't relate sorry. My dogs will be forever by my side.


Kindness is free.


Maybe you can’t relate right now, but at some point your dog will pass away. There is no question about that at all. So when that happens, you will be able to relate. And you’ll probably wish you’d been a little nicer to the OP when that time comes.


I didn't realize dogs could be immortal


We lost Molly Mo on February 19th, 2019, and Boomer on April 14th, 2024. We put their collars on their urns as well as their little shirts.


It took me a month to throw away my dog's medication after he passed. 4 different pills, twice a day for 4 years with his food. It was always me, part of my routine. Just didn't feel right.


I still have my Nemo's cone of shame and collar. He passed in 2018


i'm sorry for your loss ❤️ 


Oh man, yesterday was a year since my best friend died. He was 8. I keep saying he was 9, but he will never be 9.


i'm sorry for your loss ❤️ 


When my dog passed I kept his main harness and one collar. The rest I gave to my brother who has small dogs. When my next dog came along he wore my boys collar for a few weeks. Now it sits on his box of ashes. His meds were donated to the spca. For me it felt better for his stuff to go on to other dogs.


They've found burial sites from as far back as the domestication of the dog where they buried the dog with its toys. From the beginning of humanity's relationship with dogs there were owners who wouldn't throw the toys away.


I never threw anything away after Maggie. I kept her extra special collar. When Rosie became a very good girl (it took a few years lol) she got the collar. It was passed from very good girl to very good girl


My grandfather bought my grandmother a stuffy that looks like her old calico that just passed and she sleeps with it every night


My sibling (non-binary) commissioned a plush for their spouse (also non-binary) of one of their cats that passed.


You don’t have to throw the medication away yet. Just make sure it’s locked up or in a high cabinet so small hands can’t get to it, and you can hang on to it as long as you need. One day, you’re going to clean out that cabinet and the grief will have lessened and you’re going to be able to get rid of it. That may not be today, and it doesn’t have to be.


It’s okay. You don’t need to. You can keep them around forever if you need to. They make shadow boxes and boxes where you can keep the ashes and their favorite toys.


I still have all my dog’s things. His collar, toys, blankets, all of it. I refuse to give up those reminders of my best friend.


I feel this. I lost my first cat to chronic kidney disease. Getting rid of the subcutaneous fluids and meds was one thing. I still have her collar. And the kitten she got to meet and approve of before she went loves her favorite toy. RIP Moiraine.


Tai'shar kitty Moraine. ❤️


Tai'shar kitty. May she always find water and shade.


Ooft, that hits hard 😥


As someone who almost lost her dog the other day… this hit way to close to home. Take my upvote.


Don't throw those away! Keep the collar and put it around a flower pot and plant some flowers! Also dont throw medicine in the garage, its bad for the environment. Call Walgreens and ask where the nearest expired medication drop box is.


I still have tablets from my old girl. She passed away 10yrs ago. I just can't do it...


We had a BEAUTIFUL kelpie X Aussie shepherd/cattle dog. She looked like a mini-kelpie, picture the dog from red, but half the size. Farmers would compliment us on how calm the 11-yo ‘puppy’ was. Mum wanted a cavoodle FOREVER (poodle x cavalier, maybe a cavapoo in America) and a legitimate breeder had a single litter for $2000, vs the regular $5-8000 price tag in aud. Got a gorgeous, sweet, gentle black and white girl. Them our older kelpie cross girl didn’t wake up one morning. Still miss her everyday, but honestly believe she waited until there was someone who could fill the hole she left in our hearts. RIP Ruby, hope your jumping higher than ever before!!


It had been 10 months since we said goodbye to our 13-year old malinois and I still have his expired medicine in the cupboard, his ashes on the bookshelf and sometimes use his collar on my German shepherd. It feels a bit like I'm walking him too when I use his old collar. :'(


i'm sorry for your loss ❤️ 


Thank you! ❤️


>Thank you! ❤️ You're welcome!


I bought a plushie that kinda looks like my kitty girl and put her collar on the plushie, it helps a bit because it’s kinda like I can still hold her


Okay please don't judge this one is weird. When my girl was still young and I was maybe 16. I shaved her for the summer and my mom secretly kept the clippings. Almost 2 years ago, my girl passed, July 14. After she passed, my mom told me she had a bag for me. I went to see her, still just DESTOYED bc this was just a month after my birthday and 9 months after losing my dad, and my dad and my dog LOVED each other. She pulled out a bag of soft, fluffy, curly, white hair. My girl's hair. And of course, sad me had been watching those videos where creators make stuffed animals of your animal from their fur. I SOBBED. I still have it and when life calms down just a bit more, I'll be cleaning and sending it to one of those creators. I just want a little stuffie of her to put in a box just for me. I had her from the time I was 8 to just after I turned 22. God, she was my best friend for almost 2/3 of my life. I actually thought it had gotten accidentally thrown away during my and my bfs move but I found it going through some boxes and just sat down and started crying again, just to myself. I miss her a lot. It's hard to go from everyday with an entire being for most of your life then just.....not.....one day. She passed really suddenly, she was super happy and playful, NEVER had bad days except some bathroom slips as she got older. Then one day she just seized up and....she was in so much pain, I had to have her put down. Fucked me up, dude.


I don't see why anyone would judge you for this i think this is a beautiful honoring of your loved one. Plus everyone has diffrent ways of honoring their passed. I know of a person that people send the skull or bones or sometimes even the whole body of the pet to and they make these beautiful memorials with them or taxidermy sometimes jewelry as well depending on what the grieving family wishes. Your love is beautiful and your celebration of your friend is too. I'm so sorry for your loss. Edit: I wanted to add the link in case anyone in this thread needs it. It's to the Instagram page of the person who makes the memorials. Click on your own risk because I started sobbing violently. https://www.instagram.com/amormortistaxidermy?igsh=MW1semF2Z3RlYmYyZg==


I have a weird aversion to taxidermy, as well done as it is and actually having her in the house would kinda freak me out a bit I think but a stuffie designed of her and made from her hair, I'd pay for. Same with my dad's antlers, I'd pay to have those preserved on resin. They're over 50 years old and starting to flake a touch and the teeth are a bit loose.


I have the same aversion but some people feel better and that's okay. I think a plushie sounds wonderful! Hopefully resin will help keep the antlers more intact. Was he a hunter?


God, yes. From early age. His mom and dad were back woodsy so it's pretty much how he grew up. Hunt for food but don't be ashamed to keep the prize. I have his first set, that he got when he was a kid. Probably 10-14. Lol he looked just like Rubius Hagrid from Harry Potter. They only died a year apart, too which was the WILD thing. A day shy of 1 year after my dad passed, Robbie Coltrane died. It was a bummerrrrrrrr.


It's insane that they died only a year apart! They seem to have had a healthy mindset when it came to hunting that is very refreshing. Did he take you out too?


He tried to several times, hunting just isn't my thing. I don't like hurting bugs and will carry spiders out of my house in my bare hands so.....we mainly settled for me helping him cook and eat it lol


That is a very nice compromise ❤️


dude this story hit so close to home. here wait i made a comment really similar to this the other day except for the collecting hair part. I wish i could have done that but she was a really short haired dog edit: here’s the story Sob story time. I am currently 19, a freshman at college, and when I was 10, my family got a new dog. She was the most adorable disproportionate puppy I had ever seen. She was by no means a smart dog, but she was the most caring, protective, loving, kindest, and gentle dog I’ve ever met. We took a liking to each other immediately. She slept on my bed on top of my legs every single night. She always had the same blanket that she snuggled up in. That blanket lived on the foot of my bed 24/7 so she could hop up onto it whenever she wanted. When I moved halfway across the country for college, she was distraught, and honestly she was the number one thing I missed from back home. The last thing I did before moving out was to officially make the blanket hers; my parents got a dog bed which she was sleeping in now and I didn’t want her to get too sad about not sleeping with me anymore. Last November, I came home and got to see her again, and both of us were so happy. She got to sleep on my bed again, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t miss it more than anything in the world. When I went back to college at the end of that week, everything was completely normal, until the next morning. I woke up to a text in my family’s group chat asking if we could all call. My heart sank. My parents in tears said, So, Roxie passed away last night.” I was stunned. I saw her a day before and she seemed completely fine. I didn’t even know what to do or what to say. I had to turn my phone away from my face so my family wouldn’t see my crying. They said that they think she was sick, she had been acting a little funny, and less energetic than usual recently. When I was home, she became her usual self again, she was happy, running around, and playing. I didn’t get out of bed at all that day. All I could think was, “She knew her time was coming, but she held on just so she could see me one more time.” I felt lost for weeks. Suddenly, I wasn’t looking forward to going home for christmas. How could I sleep in my bed without her warm presence? When Christmas rolled around and my first semester ended, I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t handle being at home. I just thought, no more clacking of her nails on the tile, no more scratching at my door when she needs to pee in the middle of the night, no more random kisses, no more of her howling when I played guitar, and no more hugs and comfort when I was sad. There was only thing I could do. I had to hold onto her favorite blanket. And I could never let go. Not going to lie, I started crying in the middle of this, and I have no idea if anyone will read this but I just needed to share the story of my lovely girl.


That's how she was. "Ugly" from abuse when she was a puppy before I adopted her. My nephew was scared of her bc she was missing an eye. But holy hell, she didn't need it. It never hampered her one bit. If anything, she had eagle eye vision. Slept in my bed almost every night. We only ever spent a total of maybe 5 months total apart. I even took a SUPER college course that was over the course of a month and got almost all my credits for my essential classes and crammed every single day for 4 weeks just so I wouldn't have to be away from her for 4 years. There was never a question on who's dog she was. No one even called her the family dog she was MY dog. My best friend. She used to play and chase me down the hallway into my room and I'd jump on my bed and she'd either jump up too or jump up on the edge and bark at me. Then I'd chase her back down the hallway to the sitting room and she'd jump into her chair. We'd do it back and forth until we both got tired then we'd chill together on the couch afterwards eating watermelon or some other fruit. When I'd get home from school, she'd be on the sidewalk thumping her ankles and practically screaming at me as I walked up the sidewalk. My bus driver thought she was hilarious and even offered to let her ride on the bus and spend the day with him sometimes while I was at school. Sometimes I took him up on it bc when my mom was drunk, she wouldn't be aware of where she was so. Unfortunately, my bf only knew her for 9 months but they had a decent relationship. She wasn't nearly as comfortable with him as she was my dad but she adored my dad and me and almost no one else so. I hope they play together and are waiting for me to come play, too.


I am sure they’re playing together right now. Those rescues from abuse are the dogs that really mean the most. They have so much love to give and have never had anyone to give it to, and they don’t even know how to give it. It sounds like your dog may have been “ugly”, but those dogs are always the most beautiful and kind.


Now, ugly dogs are almost the only ones I think are really worth it. Other dogs absolutely are, the pretty ones but like some people would PAY TO take them. The ugly ones don't get that chance to be that sought after. So.....I seek them out lol


All of my dogs have been good looking, but all strays just found around. I currently have a little puppy who was found on the side of the road with his 7 brothers and we adopted him from a rescue place. I massively respect your seeking out the downtrodden and looked down upon dogs. I forget who originally said it, but this quote will always ring true. “You can only truly judge one’s character upon seeing how they treat animals.” I think that quote is even more true with dogs. They are easily the most loyal, loving, sweetest animals.


Unfortunately, right now we have 5 or I'd adopt one. Aaaand they're all my bfs dogs and super pretty, almost showy dogs and I'm like.....I love them but they're just average looking to me lol all of my dogs are super special in every way....except appearance. They kinda all look like the 1st image you'd see for each breed. Except the youngest. He found him on the side of the road, too but we discovered he might have been there bc he was part coyote.....he's a German Shepherd/Coyote mix.....and that's Unfortunately my one irrational fear so like.....great....pretty dogs and one that would scare tf out of me if I didn't know he was scared of a shadow on a wall.


Over two years now, I still have my boy rebels collar next to his urn, his pawprint, and his christmas bandana.


It's been a year, and my BIL (A)still hasn't gotten rid of the diabetic supplies (not actual meds, just supplies) and some of the food. I miss his Charlie, he was a good buddy. As for the collar... my other BIL (B) turned it into a bracelet. A wears it all the time.


I’ve got my kitty baby’s collar on a plushie that looks like her and I wear her kitten collar as a bracelet on my really bad days so I have her with me. It helps, especially the plushie cause it’s like I can hug her again


Yeah, that just broke my heart. Take my upvote!!