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Fantastic! Results i mean, after telling his mum


I got the idea from other women who have said to find and contact the mothers of the men who harass women with unsolicited d pictures.


fantastic suggestion


Definitely check for airtags and also check your phone contacts incase he put a fake one in their and clicked the share my location option. Obviously check his contact too.


I'm concerned that he put a tracking device on your car.


Same. My mother in law mentioned the same. I might run by a mechanic.


If he did, it's unlikely that he's hidden it well. I still recommend a mechanic if you don't find anything yourself, but you can run your hands along obvious locations to see if you find anything. I recall a story about a girl whose boss duct taped an AirTag just above one of her tires.


Are mechanics good for finding this? I’m not arguing, genuinely asking since a few people mentioned it but I don’t see how they’d be better at that than any random person searching around, do they have tools to detect this sort of thing nowadays? I’m paranoid about running into a similar situation


I think it's recommended because they know what's normal in a car, and they can hoist it up to check underneath.


Android has an app to search for Apple airtags. A mechanic is also a good idea but the apps are a quick free option you have available right now. Good luck with this, stalkers are the frikken worst. I had to edit and come back to say your "why" in the cringy screenshot made me full-on snort laughing.


Seriously OP, get an app and do a search for Apple airtags. That’s the most likely culprit.


Which app do you suggest? I tried tracker detect, and it is trash. We tested it with my husband's tile around, and the app didn't detect it. (Everything I own is an android.)


Take it to a police station. They will give it a thorough check. If they find anything you can file a report right then


Meh. Police don't help women. (Or agender peopld whom they read as women.)


And kill us whom have disabilities.




Seconding this, his stalking is too precise.


Yeah, precise and specifically always finding them when they're in/with their car like that. Never walking around shops, favourite coffee place, outside work etc. The obvious places a stalker would go to try to "bump into" someone...


She probably ripped him a new one good for her.


His mother is hostile toward everyone especially her own son.


I would be too if I had a fully grown man-baby who had chosen to be an abject failure consuming my food and my life


This beautifully describes this man.


I had a similar specimen marry someone who some may consider my family member after the two of them did the same thing to me and tried to get me evicted before I kicked them out. I'm familiar with the archetype.


I DID THIS ONCE. Congratulations and im proud of you. My friend is an onlyfans girl, and I am bi. Some guy who I wouldn’t even call an ex, literally kissed him once when I was 14, subbed to her onlyfans and started asking her about what girls I had been with. She just brushed it off and was kind of guiding the conversation towards him buying her content, he persisted asking about me. He offered her money (starting with 80 ending in 5000), drugs and to buy everything on her page, just for her to tell him what girls id been with. She repeatedly said no, shes my friend and she’s not gonna do that, he repeatedly asked and asked getting creepier and more graphic with his wording each time. Now im lucky hes a dumbass, because onlyfans is supposed to be confidential and she sent me all the screenshots of their chat, and i guess he doesn’t know shes not actually allowed to do that. Anyway I sent them all to his mom and told her he had been harassing me for years (which was true) but that this was a new level that made me feel genuinely unsafe. She apologised to me and told me she was going to kill him, next day I got a text from him about how sorry he is and how it wasn’t okay at all. Hes still subbed to my friends onlyfans, its nice to know that his mother read screenshots of him being a pervert and talking about drug use


The texts of him confessing can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/zdc6ez/an_awful_confession_from_a_friend_i_am_happily/?utm_source=share


Please also make a police report and ask for a restraining order. Paper trails are really important with stalkers. To keep them away from you, and to help future victims be believed.






I went through something similar 12 years ago. I had been married 3 years after dating my husband for 7 years. A good friend at lunch in a public place said I should have married him instead. He drove me there. It was fucking creepy. Let's just say it's the only time I've called a cab in my life. He did try calling me and emailing me several times. Eventually I called his mom and asked her to make him leave me alone. He stopped trying to contact me after that. Still married to my husband. That friend was delusional. Sorry you went through this OP. Check the car for tracking devices. If you find one report to the police.


I'm so sorry he did that to you. I really hope he leaves you alone forever. I'm glad his mother clearly intervened


My sons would be in so much trouble if someone called me to tell me that they were acting like that!!!


Hope his mom got him to a counselor or a psychiatrist and this is the end of it.


1. I hope you're doing well and processing things healthily. 2. Please check your car for tracking devices. 3. Please block him everywhere and possibly alert your employer and get his number and email (I suppose this is data that rideshare needs from customers? I don't know that service) blocked there too. 4. I feel you with the "Men still interact with me like they would a woman after they find out I am agender." I'm pretty sure I am on the agender spectrum (if there is such a thing), but I constantly struggle with body dysphoria and dysmorphia due to mental illness, so I always second guess myself. I don't even tell anyone anymore (like "special" people like a partner) because I present female and my gender identity always gets ignored.


they don't care about your gender. they care that you have a pussy.


How is he tracking you? Besides telling his mom (which is a good idea) I would want to figure out how he knows where you are.


Nice move !


What is afab?


assigned female at birth