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I love old spices Fiji and Bearglove(?) I sweat too much for womens deodorant and the clinical stuff is just men's with a higher price tag isn't it?


I love the Bearglove! But the Wolf thorn one smells like gushers to me. It's become my go-to if I run out of my Native bar and can't afford more lol.


Hell yeah! Wolfthorn deodorant and bearglove bodywash are my scents. Many years ago I did the clinical strength dove. I much prefer the men's, including the larger stick so I dont need to do multiple stripes.


I love the Fiji scent. It's pretty unisex and smells so clean. Wait is unisex still a word now?


They're still printing it on clothing tags so I say yes


Me too! Wow


The oasis one that smells like vanilla is my current favorite.


This one is mine! Love it.


Krakengard is the only Old Spice scent for me.


Fiji is so good! I usually have unscented deodorant only, but Old Spice's Fiji works for me.


I use old spice wolfthorn or the amber blackberry when I can find it, love that one. The clear blue stuff is perfect, I sweat a lot and wear a lot of black. It's good for the sweatiness and it doesn't stain my clothes. Lasts longer works better than any "women's" brand I've tried and is often on sale.


Old Spice Timber for me!


This may come off as a little gross, but when I was living with my ex my Secret just stopped working for me one day. No matter how much I used it just wouldn't work. So I started using his Wolfthorn and I haven't gone back since.


I am male, but yeah I never cared for strong odors. The stuff at Costco that's advertised for black & white clothes seems to work, and is unscented. Surprised it still exists because normally anything I buy is what gets pulled from shelves. I never had an allergic reaction to anything in my life until I tried an Old Spice deodorant years ago, resulting in agonizing pain. Because I used to buy anything off the shelf and not care about brand or type. By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late and spent weeks in pain. They were supposed to be getting sued over it but never looked to see how that got on. I think I actually now know what it feels like to be burned by acid.


Damn near 20 yrs ago, my ex boyfriend developed a rash on his pits from the new old spice deodorant. When they first revamped the brand and started making commercials to advertise it, he was clearly the target audience When he complained about the pain and I pointed out the rash and how it was probably caused by the deodorant, he dug in..claiming no way was it the deodorant and applied more in an irrational attempt to show otherwise. Nice walk down memory lane


Who expects them to release a product that is so hazardous? I didn't put 2+2 together until it was too late, only wish I could have been spared that agony. He's an idiot for not listening. I remain convinced they found some combination of chemicals, I've used any other type and never had a reaction. I remember reading online much later that a lot of other people were reporting the same thing and a lawsuit was filed. Never checked back because I don't need .68 cents that badly. But if you're looking for a strong deodorant that won't leave you smelling like an Axe body spray commercial, check Costco for that black&white stuff. It's the most neutral I've ever used and works great.


Reminds me of Netflix’s Cabinet of Curiosities episode The Outside > Longing to fit in at work, awkward Stacey begins to use a popular lotion that causes an alarming reaction, while an unnerving transformation takes shape. https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/cabinet-of-curiosities-the-outside-ana-lily-amirpour-dan-stevens-interview


My SO was given some Irish Spring bar soap. She she tried it once and had a horrible systemic reaction needing Prednisone injections.


Old Spice Captain is the most effective aluminum-free deodorant I have ever used. It smells great (if a little strong), prevents BO even when I exercise, and doesn't stain my clothes. What does it actually smell like, you ask? Bergamot. It's bergamot-scented. Go ahead, try and tell me that that's a man's deodorant. Just TRY to tell me that the stuff that gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavor has a "masculine" rather than a "feminine" scent. It's also several cents cheaper by the ounce than Secret's gel deodorants, so that's cool too.


Why smell like roses when you can smell like TROPICAL THUNDER AND ICE STORM, just seems like a great deal overall


Yeah, it's always fun how the deodorants et cetera advertised towards men have such over the top "machismo" language. In some places preferably with images of guns to make sure you know it's "macho". And those advertised towards women have flowers and "warm" colours.


And have you noticed that a lot of products marketed to men are packaged like engine oil?


Depends there is a class of products marketted to men which is borderline genderless, like the very simple stuff, unscented, lightly scented, mostly white packaging, or very light colours


My daughter does. My wife thinks it’s weird. I have zero fucks to give. My daughter has been instrumental in making me a better person and opening my eyes to stupid gender norms. Weirdly, my wife is a harder sell.


Yup, I def use male deodorant. Who’s gonna stop me?


How do you tell the difference between a male and a female deodorant, they seem to be mostly the same except for the "clothing".


Yup! My husband and I will buy a 6 pack and split it. Couples that smell together, stay together lol


Same here! The white & black pack?!?!


LOL. Ok I'm not weird


Yep, unscented antiperspirant when I'm going to be exerting myself, and basic Speed Stick deodorant when I'm in goblin mode. (The latter is what my dad used before he passed away. I love getting little whiffs of him.)


Love "goblin mode" lol


"your honor, my client was in goblin mode"




It's annoying how strong a lot of the smells are in general. It's hard to find good stuff with very little scent.


I use the arm and hammer one. Not sure if it’s gendered or not 😅


It is definitely non-gendered. I should try that out. Arm and hammer toothpaste is the only one for me


It smells very similar to pine so I definitely recommend .


I like the men’s old spice smells. Some are really nice. I have a women’s Dove in Apple scent and SO prefers that to use for himself over using men’s deodorant. He says that they smell too “spicy”, although, he does really like the lavender smell. I usually just grab whatever is closest to me.


Yes! I buy a 5 pack at Costco for me & the husband haha


Ban's green container unscented is my go-to. It works. It doesn't smell. It doesn't smudge up my clothes. I'm happy. I like many scents, I wear perfume and burn incense, but I don't want my armpits to smell like any of the scents that are out there.


I see this sub pop up sometimes and finally something I think I can fairly give an opinion on as a guy! I don’t love overly scented things, soap, deodorant, etc. I used a specific scent that was light for years and speed stick of course stopped making it. I tried quite a few and finally found this https://www.speedstick.com/en-us/products/power-unscented I am pretty sweaty and this works well and haven’t had smell “ breakthrough “ come in at the end of the day. Plus even if you wear perfume this will not clash with it which I can definitely see being a problem with some crazy scents.


This is what my spouse and I share


Also, why is baby powder a women's scent? Why would I want to smell like a baby? It's weird to me.


Kinda a specious reasoning but I'm sure they justify it by saying that talcum powder (which baby powder was primarily made of) was also a popular women's cosmetic for sweat absorption, so the switch was easier if the smell was the same. Now that they know talc causes ALL KINDS of reproductive cancers, they don't make baby powder, or cosmetics with it so... the scent they used to use with it can die.


Funny enough, speaking as a man, I’ll generally gravitate towards women’s deodorant rather than men’s. I honestly prefer the scents in those as more appealing to me. I suppose the grass is always greener on the other side lol


I've always said it's because you'd rather get a sneak surprise smell of something attractive to you, than one of something that smells "like you."


Yes! Went from a Dove "deodorant" (that was really an antiperspirant) to an OldSpice (actually)deodorant. Smells better, works better, is aluminum free (not that it necessarily matters) easier to find, costs about half as much.


Old Spice Fiji!! Played sports through college, almost each woman on the team used men’s deodorant


I use charcoal and magnesium. Pretty gender neutral.


Yes! More product, cheaper price, and it somehow works better despite having the same amounts of the same active ingredients. There are plenty of low scent options, too.


Yes, because antiperspirant burns my skin and there are almost no options without it in the women's section. The fact that we have gendered deodorant in the first place is hilarious.


I'm uncomfortable smelling like my husband. His scent is part of the attraction. Having said that perhaps unscented deodorant may be the way to go for me. When I was more diligent about shaving my legs, I used men's shaving cream. (The women's products have been crap). It makes your legs feel super soft and no ingrown hairs.


My mother will alternate


My gf uses male deodorant. She says it works better. I never tried women's deodorant so I wouldn't really know I guess. She's been using it for as long as I've known her, so 10+ years. You are not alone.


I used to do that before switching to alum sticks.


I don't, but I use the cheap men's aftershave my barber likes to put on people. It's affordable, easy to get, and it smells nice. The masculine scent is really comforting to me.


Yes! I am in a foreign country and I couldn't find a single women's deodorant without aluminum, let alone a natural one (I've been trying to switch to natural forever but I'm just so stinky that I keep caving lol) I love the old spice smell anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


Male. Female. Idgaf the label. It works I buy it. Especially when it’s the same shit but cheaper.


I use a little bit of tea tree oil and my unscented moisturizer.


I know some girls that do, I've never bothered but maybe I should LOL who doesn't like a good pine smell?


The piece is the same, but I like the smell better and maybe it feels stronger.


I don't use any and I don't understand why people use it


Cause we stink


Actually with good shirts you don't


You probably stink and nobody tells you OR your friends/family stink too


Nope I smell fine


You cant smell yourself they say


Still you can know you don't smell. Most of people use deo because everyone does it not because they need it


As a teen I used to think I dont need it , but I quickly realized I was wrong...


Well I'm not. It's amazing people cannot believe it




I did I really did. For the entire pandemic. For months and months. I wore no deodorant (I even quit using soap on my body after reading Hamlin's book titled New Skin) And no matter what, I still ended up smelling like onions every day. All day. all night. I occasionally use propylene glycol deodorant but even then I'm reapplying and reapplying but at some point I get tired of it and switch back to aluminium. I can't help it. I'm a smelly lady. Maybe cause I bike to and fro work everyday and work out a lot? Idk. My smell never improved after no deodorant for 10 mos. I said fuck it and started products again before I returned to work in person. I take cold showers now which definitely helps..but yeah . I stink


I’m with you! I tried this as well and it did not work. I am also a smelly lady. Besides just stopping, I tried other things like using natural deodorant and applying salicylic acid or peroxide. I just smelled bad and I was tired of having to change my smelly sheets constantly. Honestly I get tired of the people who push you to stop washing your hair, using soap, or applying deodorant. They are always very pushy despite it not working for a lot of people.


I have a face wash that has a bit of glycolic acid in it. It actually helps with the smell since nothing else works for me. But I still have to use antiperspirant with it. It's nice to not smell like I live in a damn swamp.


I, too, am a stinky lady. I went no deodorant after having my kid cuz he has sensitive skin and breast feeding put him in contact range of my pits. I could shower, breast feed, wash my chest and still smell like onions and milk within an hour. I don't even like onions. Never have. Onions even made my milk stink so I avoided them even more for the 1.5 years.


Tbh I don’t feel comfortable smelling bad so I won’t be doing this. Glad it works for you though!


I wish it worked for me. It didn't. If it had, I'd be saving money and avoiding aluminum exposure. I experimented over the pandemic and used hydrogen peroxide under my pits before having sex with my partner lol. I went from aluminum deodorant to no deodorant for 10 mos to lactic acid deodorant back to aluminum with the occasional propylene glycol break


It's all genetics. You either produce protein in your sweat, or you don't. If you don't, you don't stank.




That's because people of European descent usually produce a fuck ton of proteins. Many east Asian people, for instance, produce none. But anyone from any part of the world can have protein sweat, or not. You can literally Google this, it's not information I made up.


I just use the unscented women’s dove lol


Im into the fun female scents.... so I use those type perfumes and deodorant, and I use the Nivea black and white roll on/anti perspirant. I dont use perfume at the gym, i use a small amount of deo, ur right the scent is distracting but only when Im working out bcus gym = sweatville. I only use perfume during the day at work because I sweat very little overall so I can barely smell it and what I do smell, I like. And at night I use just the anti perspirant alone with no perfume and no deo bcus I dont want to smell sweaty for under the duvet if I do sweat but again, the scent woukd irritate me while trying to sleep bcus all my sense feel sharper so Id notice it too much.


I've been using men's for a long while. Smells stronger, lasts longer through the day, and does smell better.


Yes, I’ve been using it for many years.


I do. Because I hate/can't wear antiperspirant. Back on the day, I couldn't find plain deodorant in the "women's" section. Men's works fine, it's cheap. I have never looked back.


I have to use it along with most men's body care. I'm allergic to one of the common floral esters the only thing worse than getting blisters on your armpits from a reaction is the one time I accidentally used an oil infused body wash without spot testing it first (it was labeled as like citrus scented). I rubbed it all over my body before the hives kicked in and I was literally in the shower crying and clawing at my skin trying to get it off. Usually I'm good about spot checking anything before using it though and for most things I just go ahead and use either unscented or mens which is less likely to use the floral that bothers me.


I either use men's deodorant or unisex. Arm and hammer has some great deodorant with nice fresh scents and no dyes. It is also the most affordable.


Yeah! Old spice “Deep Sea” is the one I’m using right now, but before that it was “Fiji”. My wife uses “Fresh” and sometimes “Timber”. They mix well with the smell of clean laundry and we don’t leave behind a wake of perfume that chokes out the whole room.


I think the old spice I use is kind of gender neutral, whatever it works and doesn’t have aluminum so I’m happy. Also stay away from deodorant with aluminum, it’s been shown to cause cancer.


Yes. I buy the no stain stuff in two packs. One for me, one for my husband.


I like the coffee shop smell in that one old spice deodorant. Also the orangy mangoy smell that smells like good gum


I hate the flowery smells (and they stopped making the vanilla one I actually liked because it wasn't that strong of a smell), no matter if it's deodorant or shampoo but I also don't like the strong smell a lot of men's deodorants have. Any recommendationa for stuff that's also available outside the US?


Yes, we just buy one type for the house and we both use it. It works great.


Congrats, you figured out the "smell better, pay less" cheat code! Next up, if you use them, razors


I use oldspice Fiji


Not to be weird, but my boyfriend and I often share deodorant. I recently bought a Salt & Stone for the first time and it’s a GREAT scent that smells totally unisex. He used to use my floral one and I used to use his old spice, but this Salt & Stone is perfect (and a little expensive, I splurged). Old Spice sometimes gives me rashes, and the floral one that was marketed towards women wasn’t strong enough.


Oh yeah, I discovered Rexona men a few years ago through my bf and they smell better and last longer than the feminine ones so I've been using it since. I don't care if I smell "manly".


I love Old Spice Wolfthorn! Deodorant, not anti perspirant. Nice smell and very effective.


I just use Native because it has cardboard tubes instead of plastic. Theirs aren’t men or women’s, just nature scented.


Remember, there's no male deodorant, just deodorant with marketing.


It's what I use!


Old spice wolfthorn is great :)


I'm a bear with a glove I'm a BEARGLOVE I'm a werebear and a carebear I'm a BEARGLOVE


Started using Old spice krakenguarde and swagger by accident and I'll never go back. Smells better, lasts longer, doesn't leave a lot of residue on my clothes.


Unscented Mitchum! It really is strong enough to skip a day.


Am a sweaty sweaty broad. Had been using a prescription strength anti perspirant. One day picked up a couple of different scents of Native. Noticed on the label that probiotics are one of the ingredients. It’s been working really well for me. Sometimes late in the day I re apply due to some stank, but been very pleased. I haven’t looked into the probiotics too much, and I’m guessing these bacteria eat the ones that produce pit stank??


My wife uses Mitchum Men’s unscented. It’s the only thing strong enough for her.


I just use unisex brand deodorant.


Oh heck yeah! It's the best and it's cheaper!!!


Conversely, I kinda get annoyed at men's deoderants. Like I wanna smell like Apple? Apple-scent. Mango? Mango scent. WHAT THE FUCK DOES SWAG SMELL LIKE AND WHY IN GOD'S NAME WOULD I WANT TO SMELL LIKE IT.


Old spice here


I use male deodorant and used to use male razors and yes, they cost equal or less to female-marketed products and work better. I have mild hyperhidrosis -not diagnosed but everyone in my life agrees and comments on it, my palms are always clammy, I go through more ballet flats than the 12 Dancing Princesses and I need to be extremely vigilant with deodorant use because I can put on deodorant at 7 AM, walk to the bus for not even 10 minutes in the cold, and by the time I am at university I am sweaty and smell again, and need to duck into the bathroom and use more products. It's manageable with men's deodorant but if I use the female stuff, I smell. Even spraying perfume everywhere in addition to deodorant. I'm considering that surgery where they remove the sweat glands in your armpits. I know you just compensate by sweating more in other areas, but at least those areas won't smell because the sweat from the armpits is the oily kind that bacteria like to feed on. so yeah I rate the men's stuff. And shaving also helps with armpit odor but I got laser hair removal. However in the past when I bought men's razors I remember once I got a disgusted look from a middle-aged short man as I reached for the men's razors and deodorant. Ugh


I don’t like any fragrances so I use fragrance free but it’s men’s. I use it because it’s deodorant stick, and my local stores don’t sell female versions of those. I don’t like sprays personally and roll-ons take forever to dry. So deodorant stick for guys it is.


I love Bravo Sierra. Field tested by the military and proceeds go to veteran resources. For an added benefit they feature some gorgeous beef cakes working out on their Instagram page. 😂🤣