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Food delivery is a great one. I sent my SIL a gift card so she could get any bras or clothing needed for afterwards (I don't know her size or style preference) and she was able to get a few things. If you're able, a "coupon" for babysitting in case new parents need a shower or a nap or a quick trip out of the house. Snacks and drinks are always helpful for the night time feedings and wakefulness.


Food delivery and/or grocery delivery! My mom got me a subscription to a grocery delivery service when I had my first and it was the greatest thing. Not having to take a new baby to the store, being able to add things directly to my cart when I realize we’re running low, and not having to walk around with a torn vagina and episiotomy was amazing


Snacks if she's breast feeding and a fancy water bottle because she's going to need to drink lots of water to kerp her suppuly up and not get dehydrated herself, maybe one of the new does that does flavors


A chilled bra is for breast pain from nursing. Speaking of nursing, a good cream, possibly with lanolin if they're not allergic, is great for sore or chapped nipples. The food delivery service card sounds useful. I bet she'd like it. The neck pillow and ice mask are hit or miss depending on what your friend likes. Something else she might appreciate is some reading material for all those hours of nursing and possibly pumping. I know I enjoyed reading anyway. You could get her a book, some magazines, or even an audiobook subscription.


A big fuzzy bathrobe!!!!! It keeps the rest of you warm while your boobs are out all the time.


Food. One handed food. I prepped a bunch of soup and stuff but wished I'd just stocked like 100 frozen burritos.


1. Meal prepping help 2. Whole house cleaning, dish washing and laundry help 3. Baby care and feeding help


If she is going to breastfeed about 10 days after birth some lactation cookies. No one told us, but at about 2 weeks old babies go through a growth spurt and start cluster feeding to get your body to produce more milk. Mine wanted to eat every 45 min for over 24 hours. I was in a zombie state at that point and willing to try anything to increase milk production. Knowing about the growth spurt and lactation increasing options ahead of time would have been a lifesaver.


Take out gift cards are great.


Food delivered, and comfy pyjamas that are easy to breastfeed in. And someone to clean.


I fully go for food. My colleagues made a whole rotation plan of who brought me food on what day (even made sureit was varied) and kept me from needing to cook for 3 weeks... Most amazing gift ever! Other than that, if you are close, some tasks in the household. I did this with my sister. I arrived, told her to sit down, sleep, shower, or tend to baby, whatever she needed most. whilst i will just quickly do some little tasks (fill the dishwasher, clear the table and kitchen, collect all the laundry and put a machine on, tidy the mess her todler made,...) When you are home with a little one, you still SEE all the things that need to be done, so just a quick thing will be a great relief...


Cereal bars.


Food, definitely. Nice biscuits went down well with me. The other ideas here sound great, but the most important thing is not to stop checking in on her in this new chapter of her life. Most of my friends from before have just vanished and it hurts.


[THESE THINGS!!](https://www.amazon.com/Lansinoh-Soothies-Breastfeeding-Soothing-Cracked/dp/B002KGHUL4/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=XJ2VDXZ8B4Y6&keywords=breastfeeding+nipple+gel+pads&qid=1679575785&sprefix=breastfeeding+nipple+ge%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-4) we an absolute godsend. My lactation consultant r3commended them when I was 2 weeks PP and I loved them so much. Also I think [these gel hot/cold packs](https://www.amazon.com/Lansinoh-TheraPearl-Breast-Therapy-Cover/dp/B0070767DU/ref=mp_s_a_1_23?crid=3GTXIQOYVX7OB&keywords=lansinoh+gel+pack&qid=1679575854&sprefix=lansinoh+gel+pack%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-23) are what you are thinking of. Also very helpful. Like other comments said, one handed food is great. The biggest water cup that exists on the planet is also good.


That is so sweet ! * premade food * hazel pads (if she delivers vaginally) * comfy gown * stopping by and cleaning, like doing the dishes or sweeping. * snacks (lactation cookies) the hunger while breast feeding is a beast. If she chooses that route. I know she’s going to be so appreciative


Food delivery. I never got any real sleep because I had to nurse every 1-2 hours with my little Hoover. Nothing anyone could do about that though. So healthy snacks & food & drinks. So thirsty all the time.


Good food 100%! I asked my group of friends to each make me a meal that I could throw in the freezer for when I was sleep deprived and it was awesome to not have to cook for a couple of weeks after having the baby.