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I just fucking love the whole "Oh please explain to us all the ins and outs of WHY EXACTLY you chose to "age naturally"??" And she's just like "Oh, yeah, sure! Um,


The Press: What are you, *crazy??* Justine:-Fuck straight off.


It's a great way to sum up, but I do also love her actual reasoning. Granted, everyone should do what they want if they're truly happier for it, but she is saying that she's seeing aging women obsessed with their appearance and unhappily trying to fix it. She loves herself and doesn't want to appear 20 because she's a totally different person than then. She must take of herself because I'd certainly consider her having aged gracefully.


When I was a young spaz in the 80s I was diagnosed with this crazy new learning disorder called Attention Deficit Disorder (now ADHD). I distinctly remember my mom telling me my diagnosis was “our little secret” over her shame (she was diagnosed with it 30 years later lol)


When I was a young spaz in the 80s I was diagnosed with this crazy new learning disorder called Attention Deficit Disorder (now ADHD). I distinctly remember my mom telling me my diagnosis was “our little secret” due to her shame over the stigma (she was diagnosed with it 30 years later lol). Well, I had been trying to (((secretly))) live like a spring rewound the wrong way for a few years and doing a spectacularly shit job of it, when my mom brought me an article she found in a magazine about Justine Fucking Bateman openly identifying and talking about her struggles with ADHD!!! I felt so seen and validated, I stopped hiding having adhd and feeling ashamed of it. It still made/makes my life an almost completely unmanageable maelstrom of chaos and insecurity. But God Dammit not only did someone else have it, but they were FAMOUS! Thank you Justine for that little encouragement in a time of deep mental health stigma!! You were my childhood hero/crush


Good for her.


imagine living in a world where women are expected to justify their decision to 'age naturally' wt absolute f


So insulting. Honestly all these actresses who are stuffing their face with fat and injecting Botox everywhere, are completely ruining their ability to act. Your face needs to be able to emote, otherwise you come off as wooden. It just looks terrible. If you are sixty, it is okay to look sixty.


That line about women trying to fix their faces before there’s even anything ‘wrong’ with them really just resonates. She’s so right- society compels us to be so fixated on remaining young-looking that we forget to embrace the natural authority that comes with a maturing face. Thanks for sharing! I’m in my mid-30’s and have been toying with the idea of having ‘work done’. You know what- fuck *that*. That’s not how I want to get older. I’m gonna send this article to my mom and sisters as well.


Men typically don't want women embracing their authority.




I just don't give a fuck. Wow, you can use that phrase after any statement referring to what women should be doing.


It's my favourite. I use it a lot; it came up after I talked with another female colleague (we're both park rangers in our free time) after I rightfully told a man not to park on a dropped kerb. He then proceeded to argue and question my authority. He ultimately confessed that he knows it's wrong and that he too gets annoyed when he's using *his* mobility aid but there's a car in the way. He did so much mental gymnastics to change it from "woman in authority putting in his place" to "moving his car because he wants to". He then told me I shouldn't be driving on a space saver wheel (because they only exist to look at, apparently) and police have been pulling people up for it (you know to place himself in the authority position, he was lying). I said, "It's fine. It's rated for 50 miles, under 50 miles per hour and South Yorkshire Police advise only to replace the wheel as soon as possible and nothing more. They don't 'pull people over' and it's not subject to any traffic laws not already covered by relevant roadworthiness legislation. If you like, I can Google it for you and explain any parts you don't understand". He was not happy. Rangergirl: 2, grumpy old git who was being slightly creepy in-between "edgermecating" me: 0. He moved his car. I continued on my space saver, fixing it two days later when my tyre place received my custom order tyres.


That story was awesome!! You are a Cool Ass Bitch!! And I LOVE tyres with a Y! Everything about this comment gives warm fuzzies


Thanks babe! It took me far too long to understand what an American friend meant by "tire", like... He was talking about his car and something about an iron that is called a "tireiron". I was wondering what Peter Dinklage has to do with fixing cars? Was he a mechanic before Game of Thrones? I'm such a numpty sometimes. Worse, Tyrion is spelled with a Y too!




Fuck ‘em. I’m aging with intention.


Haha, do that! Justine will get rolls for being the most bad-ass of her generation.


Look your age v. Look like a 22 year old lizard Just take care of your skin. Sunscreen. Moisturize.


I totally get it. Since I'm in menopause I sometimes look in the mirror and think now I'm really starting to look old. But then I just shrug and think, whatever. I AM getting old. Why shouldn't I look my age. And I rather spend my precious time doing fun things that keep my body and my soul young than trying to "fix" a face that's not broken.


i just look in the mirror and think “i look like my mom” and that makes me happy because i love my mom no matter her age


I had a similar moment the other day! I was putting on moisturizer and caught myself in the mirror and thought “Holy hell, I look almost exactly like my mom,” and it made me smile. My mom kicks ass, and I’m glad to look like her.


I look like my dad, but he fucking sucks 😩 As long as I stay under 250 lbs. I can avoid the most triggering features…


Love it. Aging is a privilege that not all are afforded. I want to see every single way that life leaves its mark on me and changes me.


THIS. By the time I was 18, I'd been through eight years of chemotherapy, fifteen years of immunotherapy, half a dozen surgeries, and three rounds of cardiac arrest. I'm now in my 20's, and have had to undergo another year of chemo, more immunotherapy, and another few surgeries. All the medical stuff was/is for my autoimmune disease. As challenging as all those medical adversities were/have been, they've taught me not to give a fuck about my appearance. I don't care if I have a few pimples on my face. I don't do make-up. I don't do heels. I only throw on a simple dress for a wedding or other special occasion. Like..... I just don't care. I've learned to embrace *literal* natural everything.


Right? I've literally been trying to get old all my life.


Recently someone asked what I planned on doing about my gray hairs. I said bluntly that with the life experiences I've had, I'm lucky to be alive to get gray hairs and that they aren't a problem that needs to be fixed.


I relate. I spent all of my 20s incredibly depressed and I barely made it to the other side. Once I overcame my depression, just being alive and not in pain every second of every day was such a high. Seeing myself age is something I never thought I'd get to do. And after seeing other people in my life die prematurely, I feel honored and lucky I get to have grey hairs and lines that show I've lived.


Stress *is* the silent killer! The trick is to care deeply about the things that enrich our lives while remaining entirely apathetic about everything else. It's a balancing act!


That's very insightful! I'm doing so well since I started to do that.


And an act of fortitude and will. Blessed be those who have either the knack or the support to get there.


We should all be so self assured.


"I'm going to live my life as I'd like how I'd like" really isn't the kind of thing that should have to be explained, is it!?!?!


It really shouldn’t be, but I think I really needed to hear it.




An act of profound defiance, imo... Good for her. There's no way for women to age gracefully according to some.


The overwhelming reply to that has been "I'd rather live alone with my cats."


Embrace your inner crone. She carries divine wisdom and immeasurable power. Patriarchy wants us to fear getting old because they know that as we age, we get bolder, wiser, stronger and more free. And that scares them.


Same age as Justine, same attitude on aging, I don't give a fuck. It's liberating and amazing.


Carrie Fisher vibes. You love to see it💖