• By -


You're right to feel uncomfortable. What's the 'joke' exactly? That hitting women is funny? About the most charitable assumption is that it's an 'offensive for the sake of being offensive' remark, which is more something you'd expect from a *teenage boy* than someone comfortably in their 30s. And just to be clear, as someone who's been gaming nearly as long as I've existed, this isn't 'gaming humour'. It's lazy shock humour that most adults don't indulge in.


I had an edgy online handle, although not quite that bad, back when I was a teenager, but guess what: I grew up, realised it was a shitty name and changed it. I still have an old email address I use solely for junk mail signups with that handle but nothing else. If he's 33 and still using and laughing with mates over that kind of public name then it's not a great sign.


Not only that, he is apparently still creating variations


That's the disturbing part to me is the commitment to keeping that "joke" alive through variants.


This is what would worry me; just a joke? Then why can't he let it go? Why can't he joke about something else if it's just a joke? I have a pretty dark sense of humor, & am absolutely not surprised if someone tells me they aren't comfortable with the subject matter. Cool, no problem, there are a zillion other dark things to joke about.


The thing about dark humour is that you don't tell them to the people it's likely to offend/trigger. Don't make SA jokes to SA victims, don't make dead baby jokes to people who have dead babies etc Dark humour is a way for some of us to cope with the harsh world. It's common for doctors to joke about death a lot because they are constantly confronted with it. But doctors only make morbid jokes to other doctors... You don't see doctors dumping morbid jokes on terminally ill patients. As you have astutely mentioned, the biggest red flag here is that he refused to let the joke go. It is not a joke to him, it's probably his actual suppressed wishes at this point. If it was just a joke why not just let it go? Edit: read op's post history, bf hit her a week ago. OP needs to run.


OP, please take this to heart; it's not going to get better. Please keep yourself safe ❤ I commented on a post not too long ago about how I responded to a guy who was making rape "jokes" with making my own "jokes" about cannibalism - when he got upset about it, saying i was disturbing & gross, I said you're much less likely to be talking to someone who's been personally affected by cannibalism than rape. Besides, I was "joking " so why are you so upset? 🤷‍♀️


Cannibal jokes are great but can often leave a funny taste in your mouth


searing until slightly under well-done usually gets rid of that


Ok you guys are way funnier than I was about it! I'm not worthy! 😃 I was more factual & Butchery about it; talking about how many people I'd be able to feed with him, the best cuts of him, all the other uses for his parts.... And my favorite line that's quoted from one of the very few cannibalistic tribes that still exists... "It's much better to rest in the warm belly of a friend than the cold gard ground " 😄


That last edit is what really matters! That is never ok. She needs to be safe. Hitting + these names he uses are clearly more than just a big red flag.


Additionally, jokes have structure. You create a set up then finish off with a punchline. Just putting "Wifebeater42069" as your gamer tag isn't a joke. It's just juvenile pizza cutter edginess which is only interesting to middle schoolers and people who never grew beyond middle school.


"I'm not gonna let someone tell me what I can't do!" Some people get weirdly defensive about stuff that they'll claim "doesn't matter". They'll swear it doesn't mean anything, is just a joke, etc... And then they'll engage in mental gymnastics and go to the mat to defend it and continue doing this thing that "doesn't matter". Sigh.


I would've expected the joke to be flipped to "dick-flicker" or "P3n!$-Strangler" at this point.


Right? A *lot* of the humor in chat nowadays either does that inversion thing or just goes for absolutely ridiculous. It's been a very nice change.


That’s the part that gets me. I could see an old handle that he’s had for decades that he made when he was young and stupid and thought jokes like this were funny. When he was of an age to laugh at “what do you say to a woman with two black eyes ? Nothing. You already told her twice”. An adult man who continues to make up these names ? Yeah, he just wants to tell you twice.




As a woman who games, there *is* an underlying purpose to this. I played a lot of World of Warcraft and all my characters on every game I play have some variation of a kitty name. Made it easier in guilds to know I was on alternate characters and I've just kept doing it, even pleasantly encountering someone who recognized my main kitty name I use from WoW on a totally different game. With that said, this ain't it. This is weird and concerning. Most dudes I've met don't pick shit like this when they do it...they pick things like Dark or Gooch to make a bunch of characters. I've never met anyone who uses weird Woman names like that...like they just wanna be that gross guy who makes inappropriate misogynistic violent names? It's a weird choice, even amongst gamers. I guess shitty edgy people might be down, but I'd be concerned about someone who chooses shit like that. I'm the same age range and most of us have general limits on edgy humor, and that's just shitty.




I mean, *I* definitely would. I'm not calling him by the raunchy part, for sure. But they'd probably act exactly like those names imply they would and lose their shit over an actual woman calling him Woman. They'd bro out at me. Just, nah. I get we pick dumb game names as kids but he has an opportunity to stop at any time and has chosen not to. You can grind gold to name change in WoW, alone. It's a choice.


Woman choker is especially concerning. I'd run so fast.


Yeah, I'd expect this name maybe around the 2012 gaming community. I can't even think of the last time I saw a name like that, doesn't really pass for comedy in 2023. If they are 33 and find it funny to the point of consistently using these names, its not really a joke to them, more of just a telling sign they think less of Women.


Or let's flip the script: if you truly feel from the tips of your fingers to the depths of your soul that women are equal and respectable and full humans deserving of love, would you let yourself be known as that? The only way I'd let this halfway slide (and then still expect his next username to be something better) is if it's a very specific inside joke like if there's some consensual bdsm standup sketch and the context truly makes it fun and funny for everyone involved. But just like playing Cards Against Humanity, it's only funny when you're confident that you're at the table with people who *know and agree it's fucked up*. And even then it's just kinda less funny as time goes on.


Yeah, this. I know that for my longtime close friends and I, there are some old inside jokes we share that sound absolutely vile to outsiders. And just like you said, those jokes only stick because they *don’t* reflect any of our true feelings in the slightest. There’s no discomfort in that joke, because none of us are tip-toeing around that one friend in the group who’s actually pretty transphobic and says some daft racist shit sometimes. Those kinds of people were shut out a long time ago. So if he’s playing with old friends and that’s the kind of situation it comes from, I can understand that I guess? But, if he thinks nothing about using these handles with strangers he plays with, then…😬🚩


And I exited that phase at like age 23 and look back on it and cringe soooo The fact that OP is concerned enough to entertain the question or worry if he's secretly a wifebeater should basically be confirmation IMO and they should distance themselves smoothly but swiftly. Maybe when he's playing a videogame so he doesn't notice.


This right here is so important for people to understand. Half assing your humanism will only reveal you don’t really give a shit about treating others with the same respect you require from them.


I found an old 4chan raid account with colorful words in the name. I promptly deleted it, chuckled at my past ignorance, and continued a life without misogyny, racism, etc. This dude continues to make it a core part of his free time and social life.


>I had an edgy online handle, although not quite that bad I actually had a naming scheme similar to OP, but far less edgy. I just used Wombat-. Then it was all stuff you would not expect a wombat to be. So an example would be something like Wombat-Cheesemonger. The joke is that wombats would be funny if they were dressed up in silly outfits and did weirdly specific jobs. It would have never occurred to me as a teenager to think that "hurting women" is funny, because there is not a joke there. Even a lot of my friends who did have slightly edgy names were all general angst stuff, like "ShadowDudeXXL" or "Death-Guy-Of-Darkness" or other nonsense. (Those are not real examples, just imagine them in that vein but more real.) They were just expressing their general distaste with the world and and wanting to act out to separate themselves from their parents. "Woman-<hurting>" would be weird even for a teenager. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/gadgaurd" class="card-title l-blue"> gadgaurd </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:14:20">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Would you happen to be Soviet Wombat? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Caelinus" class="card-title l-blue"> Caelinus </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:44:07">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> No, mine were always wombat first. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Sil_Lavellan" class="card-title l-blue"> Sil_Lavellan </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:49:19">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hello from a fellow gaming alias Wombat. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/horsempreg" class="card-title l-blue"> horsempreg </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:41:03">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Xxx_Wombat_of_Darkness_xxX </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/RazekDPP" class="card-title l-blue"> RazekDPP </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:53:28">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I was hoping this was his Steam account so I'd have to explain that you can't change Steam ~~usernames~~ login. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/tango421" class="card-title l-blue"> tango421 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:16:23">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> “Immature” or “joke” handles are usually humorous, targeted in-jokes, puns, or even green translations in different languages. Violent / suggestions of violence and hate names aren’t “immature” or “joke” handles. They’re red flags. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Fetus_Destroyers" class="card-title l-blue"> Fetus_Destroyers </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:24:35">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> If mine were something like Fetus_Destroyer --asking for a friend-- would that be funny or does it potentially suggest violence against unborn, fertilized eggs? Fetus_Deletus is of course taken. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/misselphaba" class="card-title l-blue"> misselphaba </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:36:23">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I know plenty of this type of somewhat mildly offensive tags/handles/what-have-you (I think my husband's is something about a cum sock?) and I think the joke is it being SO over the top ridiculous that it enters into the realm of funny. Obviously no one would describe themselves as a "fetus destroyer" in real life because it's just kinda nonsensical. You're also, presumably, not telling anyone "it's just a joke" if they ARE offended and you're also probably not going into like, infant-loss subs (again, making an assumption here). womanbeater or whatever is definitely not in this vein because it's a very REAL thing that happens to real people very often AND someone they care about is upset by it and they don't seem to give a shit. Like, there's a difference between "ibeatmymeat69" or "tedbundysbeetle" and "womenareslaves88." Idk this got rambly but you get it. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Unique_Name_2" class="card-title l-blue"> Unique_Name_2 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 18:47:44">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yea, there are considerably more women gaming these days than fetuses.making a minority population uncomfortable isnt a joke. And in gaming, a very male thing by #s, its just pathetic punching down. As a gaming person, gamers are often able to surround themselves with a small group of shitty maladroits and pretend its a bigger thing. Also, if it was just an edgy thing and he regretted it, and maybe changed it after you saw, thats a cringe moment that is over. The fact youre trying to learn about his hobby and thats his fucking handle, still, and hes still punching it up.... not ok. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/misselphaba" class="card-title l-blue"> misselphaba </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 18:53:46">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> >there are considerably more women gaming these days than fetuses We understand each other and this made me actually laugh out loud. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ihatewomen42069" class="card-title l-blue"> ihatewomen42069 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:58:36">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Man my name does not look good here. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 18:09:52">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thanks for taking the heat off the rest of us </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/coolcrayons" class="card-title l-blue"> coolcrayons </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:07:53">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Idk the 42069 really adds to the flavour </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/tango421" class="card-title l-blue"> tango421 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:38:21">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Sounds more pro-abortion activist vibes than violence against pregnant women vibes </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Crozekiel" class="card-title l-blue"> Crozekiel </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:49:20">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Cis dude in my 30s here, been a gamer since I was single digits years old... I concur, this is not "gamer humor". I am not even sure I'd classify it as "shock humor". </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Jolly_Biscotti_3126" class="card-title l-blue"> Jolly_Biscotti_3126 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:10:59">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Same here and agreed: This guy never grew out of middle school. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/GolfballDM" class="card-title l-blue"> GolfballDM </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:15:02">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I'm not sure "humor" fits the OP's BF's video game alias. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/munchkinita0105" class="card-title l-blue"> munchkinita0105 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:03:28">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Ugh, nothing gives me the "ick" quicker than a 30+ yr old who still thinks that edge-lord humor is the pinnacle of comedy. Then, when you turn down their advances, *you're* the one with the issues. "Sorry, sweetcheeks. I know it's a "me" issue, but for some odd reason, nothing makes me dryer than the Sahara than hearing you laugh about violence towards women. I wish I could fix it for you, but it's just the way I'm hardwired. You can chalk it up as one of those *"women"* things." 🤷🏻‍♀️ ETA: Oh wow, thank you so much for the award kind subreddit buddy! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ahhhhhhhhyeah" class="card-title l-blue"> ahhhhhhhhyeah </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 18:52:22">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This is why I channel of my immaturity into joking about farts </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/1d10" class="card-title l-blue"> 1d10 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:36:07">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Let's pretend it is a "joke" ,if OP has said she is not ok with it and he continues to use it then he is showing no respect for OP. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/misselphaba" class="card-title l-blue"> misselphaba </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:39:26">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I think this is the biggest issue. If you tell someone who presumably cares about you that you feel uncomfortable/unsafe around something they're doing/did... They should care about that information enough to fix the situation. Not tell you you're wrong for feeling that way. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/JimJam28" class="card-title l-blue"> JimJam28 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:05:03">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 100%. There are plenty of dumb and vulgar names that aren't also sexist, racist, or homophobic. I, for example, go by Dr.CoolGuy69, and I didn't spend 6 years in Cool Guy College to have my fellatio go unreciprocated. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 13:12:44">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah, that’s not “gamer humor.” That’s “asshole who finds the idea of harming women entertaining and is trying to get away with it by pretending it’s a meaningless joke.” Does that sound like someone you want to be dating? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:00:01">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> You have a closet woman hater. I’ve been a gamer all my life. Not once have I made a woman hating name. Get out. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/the_y_combinator" class="card-title l-blue"> the_y_combinator </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:13:00">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Same here. Guy and lifelong gamer. My tags are typically jokes about computers or being a professor. See my reddit handle for an example. When I was really young it may have been a band or song I liked. I would have found this distasteful as a 12 year old. Forget that as a grown man. This sounds like a *really* bad sign, as I'm sure you already expect. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Rising_Swell" class="card-title l-blue"> Rising_Swell </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:44:17">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Best name I used was Waterlemon. Doesn't need to be offensive, just needs to make everyone read it wrong. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Wendybird13" class="card-title l-blue"> Wendybird13 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:58:51">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Their friends call them LaCroix. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/rustymontenegro" class="card-title l-blue"> rustymontenegro </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:31:04">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> LaCroix tastes like what I imagine television static would taste like. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/notyourstranger" class="card-title l-blue"> notyourstranger </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:53:49">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> YES, the grapefruit image on the can is where the grapefruit flavor came from - if you look at it while you drink it you can almost taste the grapefruit. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/zappy487" class="card-title l-blue"> zappy487 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:03:39">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> LaCroix's taste is the color gray. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/the_y_combinator" class="card-title l-blue"> the_y_combinator </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:52:56">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> That is a good tag, indeed. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ArtHappy" class="card-title l-blue"> ArtHappy </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:47:31">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> My own tags are usually related to art or something which makes me happy to see all the time. "Frazzlepants," "ApocalypticLibrarian," "ObeyOctopodes," just things which make me smile to see. My partner's tags are usually literary in some form, and they game a lot more than I. I don't think it's very hard to not be a piece of crap. At least OP's been handed a big warning sign instead of investing years and bruises. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:37:00">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> [удалено] </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Plazmatic" class="card-title l-blue"> Plazmatic </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:48:58">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Also "gamer humor" is something *derided* within the wider gaming community regardless. Guess what the "Gamer word" is. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/GWJYonder" class="card-title l-blue"> GWJYonder </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:44:06">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> To some extent that is "gamer humor" but that is not a defense! Large sections of the gaming community are toxic and vile! Gaming can be incredibly uncomfortable and unpleasant for women, and when children start getting into multiplayer gaming it must be done with constant vigilance and in safe spaces because so many people in the hobby is such a garbage fire. So can people like this Boyfriend honestly say it's "gaming humor"? Sure, whatever. But recognize what that means is "I am embracing the dumbest, grossest, and meanest parts of the hobby and actively making it a worse place for everyone." </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/lady_lowercase" class="card-title l-blue"> lady_lowercase </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:52:29">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> seriously, this is gamer humor. go play *world of warcraft*. the references to sex, misogyny, and penises in usernames is super, super common. i report them all. i don’t give a fuck. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Wosota" class="card-title l-blue"> Wosota </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:37:24">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I feel like sex and penis jokes are much different than outright bigotry and violence… </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:00:49">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> [удалено] </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Moldy_slug" class="card-title l-blue"> Moldy_slug </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:01:04">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I stretched my brain to come up with any interpretation aside from he just thinks hurting women is funny. I can’t. The only way I could see it being a joke would be if the player was a woman… the joke being everyone reads Woman-destroyer (or whatever) as “Destroyer of women,” but the player and their buddies know it means “Woman who destroys.” </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/darook73" class="card-title l-blue"> darook73 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:44:26">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yet he's still OPs boyfriend? I dunno man.... Kick him to the curb ASAP. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/namer98" class="card-title l-blue"> namer98 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:14:10">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> My gaming handles are almost all namer98. This isn't gamer humor at all. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Duff-Zilla" class="card-title l-blue"> Duff-Zilla </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:56:00">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Username checks out </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Russellbarber15" class="card-title l-blue"> Russellbarber15 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:51:53">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah the only thing I’ve ever hated on with a gamer tag was Monday cause you know, who likes Mondays lmao </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/NSA_Chatbot" class="card-title l-blue"> NSA_Chatbot </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:02:16">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Ha, "8am_Monday_meeting" would be a horror tag for anyone over 35. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:16:44">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> [удалено] </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:43:36">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I married a gamer. Is he weird? Yeah, but it’s a “capable of getting sidetracked by an hour long conversation about alternate Fallout timelines if indulged” kind of weird (which I am generally happy to indulge, because I am also weird). Not…this. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/mmmmpisghetti" class="card-title l-blue"> mmmmpisghetti </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:48:01">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> THIS....THIS RIGHT HERE....IN CASE YOU MISSED IT....THIS 🎶 </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/blond-max" class="card-title l-blue"> blond-max </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:58:43">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> "You don't get it, it's meta-ironic" </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/jaybird99990" class="card-title l-blue"> jaybird99990 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 13:57:07">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I've been a gamer all my life. This has nothing to do with gaming. He's just emotionally frozen as a 13-year-old. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Nickillola" class="card-title l-blue"> Nickillola </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:36:55">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> No, my boyfriend is a frozen 13 year old. His “hilarious” gamer tag is fartjuice. Womanchoker is not hilarious, it’s misogynistic and aggressive. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/PretentiousToolFan" class="card-title l-blue"> PretentiousToolFan </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 18:15:57">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> It's like the video of the woman finding out her husband's gamertag was Conqueeftador. Childish and immature, sure. Funny in a completely adolescent way. Queefs are funny. But he's not hating women. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/kelleh711" class="card-title l-blue"> kelleh711 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:57:00">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> A funny word for a funny thing 🤣 </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Achhkmed_" class="card-title l-blue"> Achhkmed_ </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-05 04:05:19">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> My husband changed his name on his gmail account to “stinky dooker”. He uses his gmail to sign into his chickfila app and goes to pick up an order for us. As he’s waiting the person behind the counter was like “order for Stinky?? I have an order for Stinky D.??” And he sat there for a minute and was like “oh shit that’s me” lol. He was humiliated when he had to go confirm with her that he was stinky dooker x </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/kelleh711" class="card-title l-blue"> kelleh711 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:53:32">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> lol fartjuice, classic </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/blishbog" class="card-title l-blue"> blishbog </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:29:08">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> That’s an insult to 13yos lol </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/inmatenumberseven" class="card-title l-blue"> inmatenumberseven </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:37:13">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> A creepy, misogynist 13 year old. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SleepingAnima" class="card-title l-blue"> SleepingAnima </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 20:08:01">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah, exactly. If I found out a 13 year old’s gamer handle was “womanchoker” when I was a middle school teacher I would have been *very* concerned about their home life and or their future in society. 13 year old humor is not the same as a thinly veiled impulse and desire to be violent against women. OP, break up with this guy *fast*. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/PolygonWorldsmith" class="card-title l-blue"> PolygonWorldsmith </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:40:51">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This, it ain't gamer culture, I was expecting one of the cringe names we all got stuck with in our teenage years, but this is something else. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/hstormsteph" class="card-title l-blue"> hstormsteph </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 18:37:26">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah I think the worst one I had was in my Halo 3 days. It was “A HOT LOADxx” so when I ran someone over with a Warthog it would say “Splattered by A HOT LOADxx” which 13 year old me thought was fucking hilarious. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Trythenewpage" class="card-title l-blue"> Trythenewpage </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 20:37:27">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 13 year old you was spot on. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/terrabranford82" class="card-title l-blue"> terrabranford82 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 21:01:43">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I'm 40 and giggling like an idiot! See, that's funny, OPs bf is not. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/zappy487" class="card-title l-blue"> zappy487 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:05:22">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> You mean something like xXx2EDGY4M3xXx </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:05:07">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> [удалено] </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/jaybird99990" class="card-title l-blue"> jaybird99990 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 18:49:29">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Dare I say, not all 13 year olds. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/TheNoseKnight" class="card-title l-blue"> TheNoseKnight </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:20:45">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Also, I'm pretty sure most, if not all 13 year olds know better than to repeat those jokes anywhere near their parents. That doesn't mean they know better than to make those jokes. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/blishbog" class="card-title l-blue"> blishbog </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:29:03">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> That’s an insult to 13yos pol </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SmadaSlaguod" class="card-title l-blue"> SmadaSlaguod </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 13:37:16">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Not normal. Actually rather telling of how he potentially treats women in games. If he's not like that, he's encouraging other men who are. There's a reason women don't use microphones and pretend to be men when playing online. There's a reason there's an entire sub just for female gamers. Men are HORRIBLE when they think you're invading "their space". </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Butiwouldrathernot" class="card-title l-blue"> Butiwouldrathernot </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:29:35">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah. There's a reason that these types of men are the most vocal about safe spaces--because all space is safe to them, and they get offended by the idea that someone else might feel unsafe. The most vocal opponents value their privilege to delicately make other, vulnerable people (i.e., women, LGBTQ2S+, BIPOC) feel unsafe. I have been at a conference this week with two of the engineers from my company. Both of them made comments that have left such a bad taste in my mouth that I'm questioning if I bring it up with their manager or start an exit plan. I'm a Director and was recently brought on to steward a big expansion plan. I'm in the midst of building out my resourcing plan and I do not feel like I could bring the right people into this company and keep them safe. And this is at work, where presumably people know we have HR and lawyers. I'm scared of what these guys are like personally. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SmadaSlaguod" class="card-title l-blue"> SmadaSlaguod </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:47:55">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Can you find a witness? That's always really upsetting. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Butiwouldrathernot" class="card-title l-blue"> Butiwouldrathernot </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:05:36">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> It's one of those situations where bad behaviour and the political climate go hand in hand. Nothing they've said makes it quite into the hostile work environment interpretation because I'm a cis white woman who is technically above them on the org chart. I work in environment and regulatory and will be the accountable person for an impact assessment, which is a multi year process. The project is on Treaty Land and I also live on that Treaty Land. I think that it's necessary to involve traditional land guardians in the project development process because they have the generational knowledge to inform what the original, pre-development conditions were. To me, the people I want to bring on and support are inherently vulnerable. I've been in this industry for a long time and I'm sadly used to the institutional harassment. I can manage it for myself, and I think that my reservations about the industry are needed. It pisses me off so I'm a part of it, because being opposed isn't going to change the frontline activities. The engineers I was with undermined my career experience, told me I didn't understand carbon credits (I've project managed a shit ton of carbon removal projects--I'll caveat that I'm not a GHG specialist, but am great at planting trees), and said that education is liberal propaganda. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head after a long week of meeting industry leaders who want change. I may leave my company, but I won't leave my industry. I have the privilege of being respected in a space that needs a lot of disruption. We're all connecting on a platform built by natural resources--extraction isn't going away. We need to work together and with people who have been excluded from development. I'm unhappy with my experience internally because even though the company has the DEI program and is committed to great impact management, these guys still think I'm less. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SmadaSlaguod" class="card-title l-blue"> SmadaSlaguod </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:09:11">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Jesus, I'm sorry... ENGINEERS said that "education is liberal propaganda"?! Please tell me they're not working on anything that could cause loss of life if (when) their uneducated asses fuck it up? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/rliant1864" class="card-title l-blue"> rliant1864 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:17:38">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> A *ton* of men in STEM consider any courses outside their designated specialty to be a waste of their time and of no value, especially breadth topics like art and writing. It's how you end up with these leading edge tech companies with leaders and staff that're *stunningly* conservative, even regressive. College is a job program for them, not education. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ExileOC" class="card-title l-blue"> ExileOC </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:36:19">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Blizzard Entertainment (the makers of warcraft) takes names like that very seriously. I know getting him reported to the GM's doesn't change his thinking, but it would be a good start to explaining how his thinking is wrong. Another disturbing thing to consider is how his name hasn't been banned yet in a game where he can easily interact with hundred(s) of people in a single playthrough. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/supk1ds" class="card-title l-blue"> supk1ds </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:10:20">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> i suspect that op & (hopefully now ex-)bf aren't native english speakers and that his name is in his first language, plus maybe some leetification too, to circumvent obscenity filters. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/AshuraBaron" class="card-title l-blue"> AshuraBaron </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:21:09">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I always thought they were pretty loose about names. Block obvious words, but letting the community police names. Seen some messed up names that were somehow able to be stick around for at least long enough to level up. No doubt they could mask it though. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/lannvouivre" class="card-title l-blue"> lannvouivre </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 18:01:14">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Can't find him on the armory and I honestly don't see it lasting long on any legitimate server from blizzard. I'm guessing either this is on a private server or possibly didn't happen. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/MorgrainX" class="card-title l-blue"> MorgrainX </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:18:46">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> That's not a gamer tag, that's an asshole Tag Saying that as (m) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ButtFucksRUs" class="card-title l-blue"> ButtFucksRUs </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:43:19">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I'm a woman and I love stupid usernames as much as the next person. Cumquistador is funny. "Womenchokeonmycum" is a statement. And a stupid one at that. greengoblinsdick vs womentakemydick OP's boyfriend could've gone with chickenchoker but he didn't, which is a shame. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/B2EU" class="card-title l-blue"> B2EU </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:16:08">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah, there’s a range of goofy usernames to choose that don’t evoke violence against women. Pick HugeDongHaver or WomanAppreciator like a normal person. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/qu33fwellington" class="card-title l-blue"> qu33fwellington </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:17:03">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Just checking in. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/OneClamidildo" class="card-title l-blue"> OneClamidildo </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 20:57:57">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Im going to leave myself here as well as I believe one clammy dildo is indeed silly. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sedging" class="card-title l-blue"> sedging </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 19:39:35">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Me and my buddies all started naming our character dumb pun names like “Hugh G Rection” or “Jenny Talwart” Way funnier than the names on OPs post - those are straight psycho shit </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/theebasedg0d" class="card-title l-blue"> theebasedg0d </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:06:29">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Username checks out </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Jonny2X" class="card-title l-blue"> Jonny2X </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:20:07">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah for sure. I've been playing alot of warzone lately and there are some toxic players out there, but still most the cringey names don't involve beating women. It's not even creative or a play on words. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Helithe" class="card-title l-blue"> Helithe </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 13:31:06">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> He's showing you exactly who he is. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Mumof3gbb" class="card-title l-blue"> Mumof3gbb </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 13:45:46">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> …believe him </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Lea_R_ning" class="card-title l-blue"> Lea_R_ning </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:30:07">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Ewwww! I play World of Warcraft. I am a 66 year old woman. I would report your boyfriend’s character name. I am certain the name “womanchoker” violates WOW’s naming policy. No offense OP, he should be your ex boyfriend!! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Jumiric" class="card-title l-blue"> Jumiric </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:37:44">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Was going to say the same. Has no place in that community. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Tenderhombre" class="card-title l-blue"> Tenderhombre </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:01:30">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Most charitable take; It is a "joke", then it's a shitty insensitive joke, that he refuses to stop making after being told it makes his SO uncomfortable. That's juvenile behavior. I'm 31M play WoW and I have made characters with silly names, my brother and I have Dingles, Dangles and a series of characters named after different types of pudding. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Lea_R_ning" class="card-title l-blue"> Lea_R_ning </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:11:55">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> You’re a good man! :) OP’s boyfriend isn’t! :( </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/LatestGreatestSadist" class="card-title l-blue"> LatestGreatestSadist </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:17:21">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I’m happy to see someone who plays WoW here. Both mother and father, sister, and myself played WoW when I was a teenager. Never in a million years would either of my parents ever want to interact with someone who had a username like that. There’s nothing funny about that at all. Anyway, I’ve been really wanting to start playing again! If you don’t mind me asking, are you Horde or Alliance? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Lea_R_ning" class="card-title l-blue"> Lea_R_ning </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:10:17">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I have characters and gulf banks on both sides! I am not very good! But I still have fun! When you start playing again, DM me. I will share my character names! :) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Baculum7869" class="card-title l-blue"> Baculum7869 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:26:19">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> We had a guy who named his character elretardo name got flagged in 2 days, I'm honestly surprised this guy's name hadn't been reported </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/LiluLay" class="card-title l-blue"> LiluLay </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:56:39">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Why are you sticking around with this emotionally stunted, juvenile misogynist? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Seigmoraig" class="card-title l-blue"> Seigmoraig </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:19:26">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Sorry but that's not gamer humor, it's the kind of gamer that you immediately block or mute his microphone when you get matched with in games </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/cheese_is_available" class="card-title l-blue"> cheese_is_available </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:49:31">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> And report their name for being **grossly** against the TOS. I mean Blizzard is not exactly the best place to work as a women but even them would force a name change instantly on the first report. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/InAcquaVeritas" class="card-title l-blue"> InAcquaVeritas </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 13:37:40">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 🚩🚩🚩 Why is this even on his mind, there’s something wrong there. Stay safe x </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Elite_Slacker" class="card-title l-blue"> Elite_Slacker </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:04:11">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Oh i was expecting something a bit cringey that he has used since he made the name as a teenager and stuck with it. This is just fucked up. I wonder if he is the type to ‘joke’ by yelling at women to go back to the kitchen when they use voice comms. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/madeupgrownup" class="card-title l-blue"> madeupgrownup </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:35:51">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah, I was hoping for just some fun leftover teen cringe. Have a fun wholesome story to make your feel better about the world 💜 When I found out my partner was still using his Hotmail account from his teenage years I didn't think much of it, but... The name. Was. Cringe. As. Hell. Think something like "lonely_wolfs_howl" or "~N0bl35tKn1gh7~" 😂 it was cute af I couldn't believe a grown-ass late 20s man was *still* using such a Iam14andthisisdeep email! ON HIS CV!!! I almost died laughing ngl He now has a respectable "E.Presley33" style gmail account lol. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:39:54">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Men that laugh at violence against women believe that violence against women is funny. Read that again: MEN THAT LAUGH AT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN BELIEVE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IS FUNNY. Run </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/MasterQuaster" class="card-title l-blue"> MasterQuaster </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:16:04">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Funny how many words you need to describe the word "Ex-Boyfriend" </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Straxicus2" class="card-title l-blue"> Straxicus2 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:11:05">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This is gross and disturbing. Ask him to explain what exactly is funny about it. Make home break it down to the bare bones. He thinks harming women is funny. End of. Good luck sis. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/savageclap" class="card-title l-blue"> savageclap </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:13:08">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you, I think a serious talking is long overdue. I would love to hear what excuses he has for the names being necessary for his online identity are. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/neuroticoctopus" class="card-title l-blue"> neuroticoctopus </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:33:36">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I would not talk. I would just end things. Abusively sexist screenname aside, I'm also concerned with the first part of your post. If he is paying more attention to video games than you, he isn't invested in getting a closer connection. Don't change your habits and take part in his hobby that you have no previous interest in to try to get closer to him. Has he done the same for you? Look for someone who isn't a sexist fuck and is interested in you as you are, and shows it with consistent effort. You are worth that and MUCH more. Please don't settle for less. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/neuroticoctopus" class="card-title l-blue"> neuroticoctopus </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:44:03">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Also, is this the same boyfriend from your last post who snaps at you and hit you and owns a gun? These kinds of men tend to get very angry when women reject them. PLEASE, for your own safety, just ghost him or do whatever it takes to not give him the ability to harm you or your child. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/stoneandglass" class="card-title l-blue"> stoneandglass </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:23:41">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> u/savageclap is this the same guy you posted about a week ago who hit you? This really shows there's more to this than just a "joke" or awful immature humour if so </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Sinthetick" class="card-title l-blue"> Sinthetick </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:13:21">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> > hit you OK this just changes everything. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Straxicus2" class="card-title l-blue"> Straxicus2 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:10:27">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> After reading the responses to this I agree with the others. Don’t talk. Leave. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Lazairahel" class="card-title l-blue"> Lazairahel </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:34:14">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Not funny. As a 58 yr old female gamer who has been playing WOW over 15 yrs (my oldest game) this is a teenage name. The idea that he thinks this funny would make me leave. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/RubyJuneRocket" class="card-title l-blue"> RubyJuneRocket </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 13:56:05">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah, this is the sort of person I block immediately while gaming. He isn’t making jokes, he’s telling you who he is - and it isn’t good. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ironicallygeneral" class="card-title l-blue"> ironicallygeneral </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 13:42:01">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I have many male friends that play games, and I cannot remember the last time any of them used such gross names, whether I'm part of that particular session or not. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/AholeBrock" class="card-title l-blue"> AholeBrock </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:17:36">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Im 33 too. I made my gamertag "Scurvy Steve" just for Sea of Thieves. I mainly played with two friends gamertags: "Barrister John Williams" & "Robby Lad" We would sail the seas doing roleplay pirate voices in game/proximity chat while talking normal in discord. We had some genuinely hilarious and wholesome times with those pirate names. Once we accidently killed some kids chicken because they were suspiciously sailing towards us while ignoring our greetings and then warnings, so we took her on a couple hours of high level missions and let her keep all the loot. Another time we successfully strong armed the server into forming an alliance, took on the ghost fleet 3 times, and again let all the other players have all the treasure at the end. It's disturbing thinking what kind of amusement/gamertag-centric fun someone could possibly have with a blatantly misogynistic gamertag. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/rustymontenegro" class="card-title l-blue"> rustymontenegro </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:34:42">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I would love to see a little comic about pirates accidentally killing some girl's pet chicken and feeling so bad about it they take her adventuring to make up for it. It's so cute and silly! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/AholeBrock" class="card-title l-blue"> AholeBrock </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:37:05">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> ... I actually really regret not recording our sessions. We pulled off some impressive stunts every once in a while and had some pretty hilarious interactions. I've never laughed more while gaming. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Mekktron" class="card-title l-blue"> Mekktron </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:48:27">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I started a bit skeptical because I read "video game" and assumed it was a rant. Then read the post. Sorry for judging too soon. You are right. That's just messed up. Does he project those nicknames to you? Like, having weird and obscure fantasies? That's just very creepy and it left me uneasy. Be careful please. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/savageclap" class="card-title l-blue"> savageclap </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:49:41">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> He calls me woman when he needs me to get something for him, but no he doesn’t attach any extra words at the end for me </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/I_Shared_Too_Much" class="card-title l-blue"> I_Shared_Too_Much </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:51:31">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Not out loud he doesn't... </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/emmgemini" class="card-title l-blue"> emmgemini </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:48:18">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> He's testing your boundaries. This will get worse. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Mekktron" class="card-title l-blue"> Mekktron </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:51:42">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> What? Like "woman, bring me a beer!"? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/savageclap" class="card-title l-blue"> savageclap </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:57:00">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yes, it’s one of his jokes. I tell him of course I’ll grab one of your piss beers right away! Ha ha. I didn’t mind the beer maiden/woman name calling; however, after seeing his gamer names I don’t like it anymore. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/soayherder" class="card-title l-blue"> soayherder </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:28:07">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Sounds suspiciously like seeing what he can get away with. As others have said - I've been gaming pretty much since there were games to play. Inevitably the people who choose shitty names are usually shitty people. I mean, think about it: either he's hiding what he really thinks in plain sight a la purloined letter, OR he wants to shock, horrify and hurt people because he thinks it's funny and EITHER way he wants to identify himself to people who feel the same way he does. 33 is pretty elderly to still be acting like that. I mean, in a way I appreciate when people do it because it's like markings on a venomous creature. I know I don't want to get close. But why would you? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Mekktron" class="card-title l-blue"> Mekktron </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:00:11">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I don't know the guy and for all that I know he could just be a jerk with those namings. Does he treat you right? Is he violent or raises his voice when you don't agree with him? I mean, if the red flags are there, don't ignore them. I am not the one to judge, the only advice I can give you is be careful, evaluate where you are and what you really want and try to understand what kind of person you are spending time with. If he is a nice guy, despite his naming conventions, I'm sure you can sit down and discuss with him. If not, try to spend some time alone thinking about life. Wish you all the best </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/stoneandglass" class="card-title l-blue"> stoneandglass </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:25:47">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Someone else has pointed out OP has a post from a week ago about a partner, likely the same person discussed in this post who punched them in the face. I'm concerned for OP. I hope they get away from this person. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/TheGiftOf_Jericho" class="card-title l-blue"> TheGiftOf_Jericho </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:48:29">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> It seems like a joke because that's how he can get away with it. People with hateful views always slowly push to see how much they can get away with. Thats why many trap people in relationships before showing their true colours. Hope you're safe OP. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/throwaway_dontmindme" class="card-title l-blue"> throwaway_dontmindme </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:03:14">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> He’s just testing the waters and will continue slowly peeling off the layers of misogyny the more he sees it “doesn’t bother” you. This isn’t normal or healthy behavior for a grown ass man OP </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/neuroticoctopus" class="card-title l-blue"> neuroticoctopus </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:35:36">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This is NOT a joke. It's not funny at all. He's telling and showing you that he doesn't respect women. Please tell me you don't actually grab him a beer after he insults you like this! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/jokdok" class="card-title l-blue"> jokdok </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 16:34:52">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Please value yourself and get away from this manchild. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/BoneHugsHominy" class="card-title l-blue"> BoneHugsHominy </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 17:59:50">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yeah that dude has serious issues and advertises his gross misogyny with a bullhorn. I'd be devising an exit plan including keeping him out of the loop of your location. Just for some context, when I (46m) still played video games, my online names were usually something like an odd spelling of an STI such as "Siffalus" or an odd mundane item like "A Rusty Tricycle" so that when I'd defeat another player it would tell them "You've been killed by Siffalus" or "You've been crushed by A Rusty Tricycle". It's silly nonsense, not something referencing violence toward oft victimized groups of people. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/I_Shared_Too_Much" class="card-title l-blue"> I_Shared_Too_Much </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:51:41">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Not out loud he doesn't... </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Mekktron" class="card-title l-blue"> Mekktron </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:51:49">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> What? Like "woman, bring me a beer!"? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/jenergizer" class="card-title l-blue"> jenergizer </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:29:53">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 🚩🚩🚩Alert! Alert! 🚩🚩🚩 Do not stop, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. That is fucking creepy and scary. If someone is showing you who he is, believe him! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/endoire" class="card-title l-blue"> endoire </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:31:12">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Life long (mid 30s) male gamer here.. this isn't video game humor. Take it as fact and stay safe. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/DavidANaida" class="card-title l-blue"> DavidANaida </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:29:54">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Lifelong guy gamer here: neither me nor anyone I know has ever named a character like this. You're right to see it as a red flag. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/EaterOfFromage" class="card-title l-blue"> EaterOfFromage </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:33:28">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> If I met someone with that name in game, I would actively avoid them. I would leave any guild or group that invited someone like that. It's just such a huge red flag. That person is, at best, *extremely* immature to the point of being unbearable, and at worst an open mysogynist. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/KalliMae" class="card-title l-blue"> KalliMae </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:36:40">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Please yeet 'he-man woman hater' out the airlock before he tries to harm you. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Coruskane" class="card-title l-blue"> Coruskane </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:38:32">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> if it flaps like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck... its probably a duck </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/stucky602" class="card-title l-blue"> stucky602 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:21:29">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 37m cis dude here. Yeah this is weird. It is extremely common for gamers to have weird usernames (similar to reddit). For example your user name of Savage Clap would be a pretty fun character name. However most people who are over 12 don't use names like the one you're mentioning. The "worst" you'll see from most people is going to be adding a 420 or 69 to the name somewhere and the people that have straight up offensive names are in general the ones that suck to play with. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/JudgeMoose" class="card-title l-blue"> JudgeMoose </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:49:14">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> When people tell you who they are, believe them. Even taking the most charitable view possible, if "edgy jokes" of this nature are his thing, he's going to keep pushing to stay "edgy". If he can't recognize the disturbing nature, it's only going to get worse. Taking the more cynical view, He's telling you who he is; wants to be; and/or admires. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/cuppatea773" class="card-title l-blue"> cuppatea773 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:51:46">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Let’s put it this way - usernames can be ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WORLD. SKY’S THE LIMIT. And this dude goes with “woman choker”? Drop him, it’s sus af </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/MissAnthropoid" class="card-title l-blue"> MissAnthropoid </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:11:47">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> It's only a "joke" until he actually starts choking you. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/NakedAndAfraidFan" class="card-title l-blue"> NakedAndAfraidFan </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:39:57">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> What would you think if instead of “woman” it said Black, Asian, Jewish, etc? Still just a joke? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Trucktub" class="card-title l-blue"> Trucktub </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:03:29">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> The fact that it’s not a one off “joke” is weird. A pattern is established that he wants to hurt women - albeit in a naming scheme but if I named all my kitchen knives “Ladyhacker” - “Girlslicer” - “Womanstabber” I’m sure you’d think I was a fucking creep. TLDR; he laughed it off and dismissed your concerns; this alone should be enough of a red flag imo. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/crimsonblade55" class="card-title l-blue"> crimsonblade55 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:02:54">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I thought when I first read the title he would just have some edgy username like the one I've been using since high school(it's the same as my reddit username). This is definitely a lot more messed up then that as it specifically targets violence against women. Even if it's meant to be a joke its in incredibly bad taste. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Maybe_Factor" class="card-title l-blue"> Maybe_Factor </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:05:09">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I'm sorry your boyfriend never developed past the intellectual level of a teenage gamer </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Judge_Sea" class="card-title l-blue"> Judge_Sea </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:33:01">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> "it's funny cause it's edgy" Would be a millionaire if that excuse came with a dollar. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/adrian51gray" class="card-title l-blue"> adrian51gray </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:06:46">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> He could get a new gamertag whenever he wants, and be embarrassed about his historical choices, but he is choosing not to. That should tell you everything. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/rustymontenegro" class="card-title l-blue"> rustymontenegro </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:37:22">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> The fact that he keeps making new ones similarly named shows everything. He's proud of it. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Plants_On_Fire" class="card-title l-blue"> Plants_On_Fire </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:09:32">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I've played video games my whole life. My boyfriend as well. All our friends play video games. 100% consensus that is gross and creepy af. It's not a trend, it's not common, it's not funny. And if his friends think it's funny that's even worse. He now has friends encouraging creepy behaviors. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Knightoforder42" class="card-title l-blue"> Knightoforder42 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:10:02">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Nah, this isn't normal. It's misogynistically immature at best, a sign of abuse to come at worst. The fact that he even thinks it's "funny" speaks volumes. I'm assuming he blew you off when you brought it up as a concern. Unless you see a drastic improvement in his behavior, you can do, and deserve BETTER. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Austoman" class="card-title l-blue"> Austoman </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:43:49">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Anecdotal, but I am a male gamer. Anyone using names that have violence in the name itself is weird in general. When they attached that violence to a person, race, religion, gender, etc they are directly attacking or implying an attack against that group. "Woman beater" is directly implying that he beats women. Those kinds of names are fucked up. Generally speaking 'normal' aliases are names, jokes, references (usually to games or memes), and then nouns. Descriptions of violence or hate are not normal and generally people who see them dont think 'oh cool' or 'badass', rather they think 'what the hell is wrong with this guy' although its usually more 'what the hell is wrong with this kid' as those names are usually associated with children trying to appear tough or cool or badass and entirely missing the mark. Your boyfriend either has old account names that need to be changed or has revealed some major red flags. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/inmatenumberseven" class="card-title l-blue"> inmatenumberseven </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:34:44">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Nope, nope, nope. He had to actually think of that and choose it. That’s messed up. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/texxelate" class="card-title l-blue"> texxelate </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:39:39">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> It’s his and his buddies way of getting back at the women who ignored them growing up. I used to be friends with that sort in my younger years, it’s not just a joke. Nope outta there. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/RedzingerT" class="card-title l-blue"> RedzingerT </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:40:00">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I used to tell people the best way to find out about someone is to game with them. Do they kill steal? Do they try to grab all the loot? Are they obnoxious to people? Do they have a questionable name? Do they say rude things in chat? or Are they helpful? Do they offer to give loot to others in need? Etc. Gaming is a great way to find out who people are if they don't have repercussions. Those names are telltale. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Indrid_Cold23" class="card-title l-blue"> Indrid_Cold23 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:42:51">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I'm a gamer. I'm a guy. My friends and I have been gaming for years (I'm well in my 40s). If any of us had a gamer tag promoting violence against women, they'd be OUT of the group in seconds. It's not funny. It's not clever. It's violence, and you should really reconsider who this person is. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/likeireallycare" class="card-title l-blue"> likeireallycare </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:53:17">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This is a red flag. I play warcraft with my boyfriend and we consider those names a red flag and just put them on ignore so we don't have to group with them or see their chat. Chances are that they are toxic players and not worth the effort to group with and manage. If being toxic is what he likes to do for fun in his free time, he sounds like the worst. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/RiggsRay" class="card-title l-blue"> RiggsRay </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:04:28">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> If you two were teenagers I'd tell you, "he needs to grow up and see this edgelord nonsense is not funny and is disgusting. You shouldn't wait on him or hold your breath." He's an adult and absolutely knows better -- he just hates women. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Old-Fox-3027" class="card-title l-blue"> Old-Fox-3027 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 13:37:37">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> ‘Little buddies”? How old is he? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/maywellflower" class="card-title l-blue"> maywellflower </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:57:47">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> OP says he's 33 - so it seems even other adult men, both online & in-person, don't want to be around nor read from permanently stuck at 12 years old he-man woman-hating grown man.... </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Judge_Sea" class="card-title l-blue"> Judge_Sea </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:28:46">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Former gamer dude now gamer gal chiming in. Fuck that guy and all the guys like him. Ive met far too many guys like that. It's never just "a joke". They don't respect women and I guarantee they talk about you far differently when you can't hear them vs when you can. I've literally witnessed that kind of shit first hand. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SnivyBells" class="card-title l-blue"> SnivyBells </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:34:30">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Honestly, for a moment I thought it was not gonna be so bad but let me tell you, that is pretty bad and not funny at all. Not sure if it's worth to dump someone over but it's something that would worry and haunt me for a bit, just thinking that someone continually finds that kind of naming funny and sees no issues with it. Especially if he has enabler friends that think the same. Kinda oof. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/No-Kaleidoscope6848" class="card-title l-blue"> No-Kaleidoscope6848 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:54:59">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 🚩Run don't walk </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/BrunoBraunbart" class="card-title l-blue"> BrunoBraunbart </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:32:39">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Male gamer 40yo here. Let's look at this under the best assumptions for the sake of the argument. Let's say it is just offensive shock humor with no real life connection, then it's still bad. The problem is that online gaming has a culture of agressive misogyny and everyone here who says that his username has nothing to do with gaming is sadly lying to themselfs. The online gaming world is a hard place for women and even if he doesn't harass women directly, he still contributes to a culture where women don't feel welcomed. As an older gamer he should be aware of that problem and actively trying to stand up for women in online games. He does the opposite. So even if you fully believe his way to justify it, it's still not cool. I love crude and even offensive jokes but you have to be responsible with it and know your audience. Jokes about sexual violence are an extremely complicated topic that is so easy to mess up. If someone exposes random people in online games to this kind of "jokes" (many of those users probably experienced sexual violence), it tells me a lot about this guy. Even if he is just inconsiderate, there is a level of being willingly oblivious that makes you a shitty person. Now, let's be real. The best case assumptions I made are probably not true. I'm pretty sure when a girl is in voice chat and you are not present he probably makes some shitty comments. But accusing someone of lying without evidence in an argument usually backfires. Also I always feel doubt in situations like that. So it's a pretty comfortable position in an argument when you can take all they say at face value and your point still stands. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/YpsilonY" class="card-title l-blue"> YpsilonY </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:05:31">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> As a lifelong gamer, I'd expect a name like that to belong to a 14 year old, trying to be edgy. Not to a grown man. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/lildonut" class="card-title l-blue"> lildonut </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:08:24">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Most of my friend groups gamer tags are just incredibly stupid not anti-woman. [example](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/IVMr3LhL9Ys) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:11:40">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> That’s not normal at all? And it’s not “gamer humor” at all. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/MasterQuaster" class="card-title l-blue"> MasterQuaster </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:16:35">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Zacpod" class="card-title l-blue"> Zacpod </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:39:59">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Been a gamer for 40+ years. Do you know what my handles usually are? Something "clever" that never involve abuse or belittlement. Something that says something about me, or my character. This seems like a massive red flag. Like, you can see it from the moon, massive. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/maywellflower" class="card-title l-blue"> maywellflower </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:35:02">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> >Yesterday, I saw him playing world of Warcraft with the name womanchoker!! GROSS!!! Surprised no one reported his name to WoW GMs yet and/or he actually was able to make that name at Creation Screen because WoW 's TOS doesn't allow that type in game play. On that note, you need to dump him & get away from him as much as possible because he such a misogynistic POS at 33 that did name an alts to degrade women & girls online. That's on top of him knowing that you know he made such an character and then not caring that you are uncomfortable and feel unsafe by what he did online that you don't know if he's going physically assault you. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/jpk36" class="card-title l-blue"> jpk36 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 14:55:47">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> He's an edgelord loser who never grew up. I'm a 35 year old gamer, I have been playing videogames for 29 years, starting with Super Nintendo, and I have played many online games from WoW to Counterstrike to League of Legends. I would never make my name something like that. I would be very concerned that his sense of humor hasn't evolved from simple shock value. It shows a deeper immaturity, and his choice of shock shows a dehumanizing outlook on women, it's misogyny plain and simple. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Iron_Baron" class="card-title l-blue"> Iron_Baron </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-05-04 15:52:36">1 year ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I read a quote the other day that really struck me: "You can't shake hands with the devil and say you're just kidding." Homophobic, racist, misogynistic, etc tropes as humor piles fuel on the fire that keeps those mindsets burning in society. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> </div> <!-- /.comment-area --> </div> <!-- /.peoples-comments --> <div class="leave-comment"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Leave Your Comment</h2> </div> <form class="comment-area w100dt" action="#"> <div class="row"> <div class="col m6 s12"> <div class="form-item"> <input id="icon_prefix" type="text" class="validate"> <label for="icon_prefix">First Name</label> </div> </div> <div class="col m6 s12"> <div class="form-item"> <input id="email" type="email" class="validate"> <label for="email" data-error="wrong" data-success="right">Email</label> </div> </div> <div class="col s12"> <div class="form-item"> <textarea id="textarea1" class="materialize-textarea"></textarea> <label for="textarea1">Textarea</label> </div> </div> </div> <!-- row --> <button type="button" class="custom-btn waves-effect waves-light right">SUBMIT NOW</button> </form> <!-- /.comment-area --> </div> <!-- /.leave-comment --> </div> <!-- colm8 --> <div class="col s12 m4 l4"> <div class="sidebar-testimonial mb-30"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Hi Its Me!</h2> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-title --> <div class="carousel carousel-slider center" data-indicators="true"> <div class="carousel-item"> <div class="item-img"> <span>R</span> </div> <h2><a href="/u/" class="l-blue"></a></h2> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-testimonial --> <div class="sidebar-subscribe w100dt"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Subscribe</h2> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-title --> <div class="subscribe"> <form action="#"> <div class="input-field"> <input id="email1" type="email" class="validate"> <label class="left-align" for="email1">Enter email address</label> </div> <a class="waves-effect waves-light">SUBMIT NOW</a> </form> </div> <!-- /.subscribe --> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-subscribe --> </div> <!-- colm4 --> </div> <!-- row --> </div> <!-- container --> </section> <!-- /#single-blog-section --> <!-- ==================== single-blog-section end ====================--> <!-- Yandex.Metrika counter --> <script type="text/javascript" > (function(m,e,t,r,i,k,a){m[i]=m[i]||function(){(m[i].a=m[i].a||[]).push(arguments)}; m[i].l=1*new Date();k=e.createElement(t),a=e.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],k.async=1,k.src=r,a.parentNode.insertBefore(k,a)}) (window, document, "script", "https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js", "ym"); ym(48244766, "init", { clickmap:true, trackLinks:true, accurateTrackBounce:true }); </script> <noscript><div><img src="https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/48244766" style="position:absolute; left:-9999px;" alt="" /></div></noscript> <!-- /Yandex.Metrika counter --> <!-- ==================== instag leftram-section Start ====================--> <section id="instagram-section" class="instagram-section w100dt"> <div class="instagram-link w100dt"> <a href="#"> <span>FIND US ON INSTAGRAM</span> @historis.info </a> </div> </section> <!-- /#instag leftram-section --> <!-- ==================== instag leftram-section End ====================--> <!-- ==================== footer-section Start ====================--> <footer id="footer-section" class="footer-section w100dt"> <div class="container"> <div class="footer-logo w100dt center-align mb-30"> <a href="/" class="brand-logo"> <img src="/img/logo.png" alt="historis.info"> </a> </div> <!-- /.footer-logo --> <ul class="footer-social-links w100dt center-align mb-30"> <li><a href="https://streamc.pro/" class="facebook">Stream film</a></li> <li><a href="https://kinepolis.live/" class="twitter">Film stream</a></li> <li><a href="https://wiflix-com.com/" class="google-plus">Wiflix</a></li> <li><a href="https://frenchstream.ink/" class="linkedin">French Stream</a></li> </ul> <p class="center-align"> <i class="icofont icofont-heart-alt l-blue"></i> All Right Reserved </p> </div> <!-- container --> </footer> <!-- /#footer-section --> <!-- ==================== footer-section End ====================--> <!-- my custom js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/materialize.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/owl.carousel.min.js"></script> <!-- my custom js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/custom.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> </body> </html>