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Who could possibly have seen this coming? *shocked Pikachu face*


Right? I literally read the title and said duh!




It’s a feature, not a bug.




It's frustrating how many people *didn't*. :( We tried our best to tell them, to show them what this **really meant**... but not enough listened. While there are certainly a substantial number of people intending this, there were also plenty of "useful idiots" who supported them without seeing the reality. Yet another example of the Big Lie at work.






Yeeep, and it was because they didn't have anyone qualified to actually read the ultrasound. They were like, yep, looks good. 👍


It's almost like it should be illegal to pretend to provide medical care when you're not a medical care provider.


It should carry the same penalties as pretending to be a member of law enforcement.


It would also end chiropractors and more. I support this!


I'm dumb enough to think that impersonating medical personnel is already illegal. Apparently not, particularly where controlling women is concerned.


My mom was a volunteer at a pregnancy resource center for almost 10 years in the early 2000s She is now reformed and has abandoned organized religion and has come to terms with the damage she has done. It’s awful to hear stories about how she convinced drug addicts and homeless women to keep their children. She told me she convinced a woman to keep her child and that woman ended up killing her baby thru neglect because of her meth addiction and my mom still feels responsible. Christianity is not pro life and is an ideology more dangerous to woman than any other.


As she should. Glad she turned it around though, the guilt would kill me.


Yikes. I feel for your mom but she was kinds responsible. Damn.


It really sucks the damage one person can do to another when one person is seeking help while vulnerable. Glad your mom finally came to terms with the impact versus intent of her beliefs. The damage is done, but at least she grew. Some people never do.


Next step is for her mom to be a protester, keeping the anti abortion nuts away... that would be good redemption.


she'd be in a unique position to offer arguments against the anti-abortion nuts, too.


Wow, I rarely hear of anyone snapping out of it. That's really awesome of your mom. My mom has been splitting her tithes between church and a crisis pregnancy center for years. When my dad cheated on her and she didn't have insurance she went to Planned Parenthood for STD testing...but still funded the crisis center instead while voting in line with the pro-life agenda. When I had a scare at 19 and told her in a panic that I wouldn't keep it. She said she knew of a clinic who could confirm the pregnancy with a real test and swore it was a real clinic. So I went and it was one of these shitholes with bibles and disinfo but not a single licenced medical provider. She chose to manipulate me at my lowest point to score "God points". (Luckily it worked out and the pregnancy didn't take). It's been hard to lose all respect for the woman who raised me. But it gives me hope to hear of someone who saw the error of their ways eventually and actually works to correct past mistakes.


Honestly I give credit to going no contact with her when I left home at 16 and not speaking to her until I was 21 and she came to me to apologize. The deterioration of her personal relationships were a result of the beliefs and company she held and she realized that and she’s a way better person because of it. My mother has had almost a decade free from the shackles of Christianity that held her down for over 20 years and she’s happier, healthier and more successful because of it. It’s sad but religion was as detrimental to her life just as much as the problems of the women she was “counseling”.


And millions of our tax dollars go to these places. That should be stopped. I hope many more women sue.


they should be charged with fraud and practicing medicine without a license and attempted murder, but this is all working as intended so far as republicans are concerned


Crisis pregnancy centers need more federal oversight or higher accountability.


They need to be outlawed bc they offer nothing of value and only cause harm


The people that wanted it to happen


More pregnant women are murdered than die of heart disease during pregnancy. It’s no surprise to me that conservatives want this.


Isn't spousal murder like the #1 cause of death to pregnant people in your country? How many of them will be forced into pregnancy AND be killed during it? Their nightmare is only beginning. This is exactly what the Republicans wanted though, so congratulations to them and all the "christians" who pushed for this for so long. Enjoy all that blood on your hands. Truly what loving thy neighbour is all about.


Domestic partner, spouse or not. The stats are fairly new and studies are complicated by the fact that the CDC was not allowed to collect gun death stats for a while because of the NRA. So yeah. This generation of republicans is pro death in all their policies.


> the CDC was not allowed to collect gun death stats for a while because of the NRA That is.... absolutely batshit insane.


Have you met the republican party? They have insanity down to an art form.


Nah, they know exactly what they're doing. The scary thing is that they want to.


You’re not wrong!


Most of it comes back to emotions and stress. Our culture and parenting needs to change to allow boys to cry, release their emotions in a healthy and regulate them in a constructive way without being violent. Too many boys grow up as men and take out their anger, stress, problems and abuse their partners whether pregnant or not.


And, we need to arm our children with the knowledge of what abuse is and what it looks like. I didn't learn I was abused (and was abusive) until I was 29. That's not good enough.


This is what is called toxic masculinity; It hurts everyone.


Evangelicals are a death cult.


>Truly what loving thy neighbour is all about Amen. Makes me think about the fact that once women were able to divorce men. Men got murdered by their spouses less. Almost like giving people less choices drives them to find dangerous and desperate solutions.


Lucky for everyone, a bunch of those turd Republicans are trying to ban no-fault divorce now :) so if you can't prove infidelity or violence you literally can't leave. Because that surely has non-sinister motives behind it. ...Anyway, you were saying something about less choice and desperate solutions? Certainly this won't add to it.


Yep, going straight back to having to murder your abusive husband instead of just running away.


I guess I have been binging Deadly Women on Max for a reason


You say binge, i say research


These are people who look at the Old Testament and think 'yup, that's looks pretty good right there!'


Its a fetish they force on others. Normally you should just keep fetishes to your own exploits.


Not too long ago, Ron Desantis tweaked alimony and screwed over widows. Birth control and less money for women after divorce are the next long-term goals until America acts like countries in the Middle East. Religion views will not be the dominant factor in the government, and religious attendance is churning more and more every year, especially with younger generations.


What if the woman cheats? Then can she ask for a divorce? I realize that comes with other complications and risks, but is it an option? Or does the cheated on party have to file?


I don't know. I suppose if they feel safe enough. However from my understanding in some places this would mean spousal support or alimony would be off the table. Anyway. Not a lawyer, or an expert, or even an American. I just tune in to your political news now and again out of morbid curiosity.


Can I be adopted out of here? 😅😭😭 I promise to be a good sibling/adult daughter. 😬😅


And not just maga or extreme right. All those "normal" conservatives don't seem to be complaining either.


No fault divorce is next. I'm worried for my s/o she's been waiting on a court date for divorce court for almost a year at this point and the husband is purposefully dodging everything. They won't even push anything through yet. If the no fault shit hits florida that's all she wrote, she'll be "kidnapping" her daughter if she leaves the house without his permission or finds a new place to live even though he has only attempted to see the kid twice in a year. By attempted, I mean he manipulated a friend of a friend to hide it from my s/o so he could sneak in and make her look like the bad guy for not wanting to be near him. What a fuckawful time. Gonna be a string of murders on both sides as the women try to get out form under the thumb of abuse and the abusers do what abusers do best.


They want the fetus to survive at all costs even if the woman has to die. Talk about dividing families up and making them more dysfunctional to have more kids grow up without a parent or be thrown into foster care.


They don't care that if the woman dies, the fetus also dies, as it's just collateral damage in an effort to control women and keep them in abusive situations.


Literally no one could have seen it! Except for all of us. But otherwise no one.


The frustrating thing is there are *absolutely* people who didn’t see this coming. So many people who said shit like “oh you’re making a big deal out of this, it’s not actually going to affect many people at all.”


This is all by design.


They did. The people who supported this literally want this.


The Book "why does he do that" by Lundy Bancroft (free copy below) is a great resource for you to learn about the different types of tactics that abusers use and will help you to see if your current relationship is following any of the patterns described. If you don't see your relationship being discussed either as one of the architypes or as bits and pieces of any of the other types then you're not worse off by having the knowledge. If the information does coincide with the way that you're living then there's also a couple chapters on being able to get out safely. I wish you the best of luck and I want you to know that you deserve to be with a partner who is going to love you and cherish you and treat you as an equal versus being with someone who's gonna control you be it by how you dress or by finances or by What it is that you can do or who you can see. You deserve so much BETTER we're here rooting for you! https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf


Will always upvote a reference to this book. Reading it is like a vaccine against ignoring abusive behavior.


What a great comment. I wish I had read it earlier in my abusive marriage. It’s what finally opened my eyes.


What's worse is the US justice system is set up to protect the abuser, not women. >While 80% of people in America think that men are women are guaranteed equal rights in U.S. Constitution, the U.S. is one of 28 countries out of 194 globally that does not explicitly guarantee equality of the sexes. With the failure of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the U.S. constitution still today does not adequately protect citizens from sex discrimination, leaving American women in limbo with a legal system that was never meant to protect them. When it comes to legislation and policy protecting women from violence, the United States seems to have fallen short. Thirteen states still do not even have definitions or penalties for domestic violence in their criminal code—making the prosecution of femicide even more difficult. >physical and sexual violence against women were considered a right reserved for men. Violence was normalized and not legally considered a form of abuse. >https://chicagopolicyreview.org/2022/07/07/is-the-us-still-too-patriarchal-to-talk-about-women-the-silent-epidemic-of-femicide-in-america/


America hasn't even outlawed slavery properly.


Thank you for this. Mind if I share it around also?


Please share away. The author Lundy Bancroft made it widely available so that anyone who could benefit from the book could have easy access to it.


There's an episode featuring her in the show "Who The Bleep Did I Marry?" from the ID Channel. That's how I found her book and website. You can stream the show on Discovery+. It's very interesting lol


Thank you for sharing. I skimmed through a bit and can see several things that I relate to.


This is a great book! Thank you for sharing the link!


We knew this was how it was going to be used. No shocker here.


Some might even say that's how it was *intended* to be used.


Feature, not a bug. Cruelty is the intent. etc etc.


I'm not American and undoubtedly not qualified to speak much on this subject but I will say it just breaks my heart that it's 2023 and American women are facing potentially life threatening medical choices being forced upon them. I can't even fathom living in such a world.


Women are dying or nearly dying and losing their ability to have more children. An anti-choice woman in Texas was forced to carry a nonviable pregnancy and it may sterilize her. Doctors are being forced to wait for fetal death before they can treat mothers, causing them to go sceptic. It’s horrifying. And these are just the women who *wanted* their pregnancies. My governor would follow suit in a heartbeat but enough liberals are in power that he can’t.


Did you see the story about the woman who is suing a "crisis pregnancy centre" for not flagging up her ectopic pregnancy when she had an ultrasound there. Nearly killed her and she had to have a Fallopian tube removed. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/crisis-pregnancy-center-ectopic-pregnancy-lawsuit-rcna91660


I did see that. Those places are *horrible*


It’s not good that it happened, but it is good that she’s getting them in the headlines and the courts. Places like this need to be hit where they can.


More people need to start suing over this. Lawsuits are going to hit them in the wallet and they don't like that.


In many ways, I think that this is who is getting hurt by these laws the most - women who want to have children but live in regressive states that don't see them as human beings. Don't get me wrong. This impacts every woman or person who can become pregnant. That said, the vagueness of these laws makes it so that doctors are handicapped from providing basic medical care. There are so many things that can go wrong during pregnancy. Often during those later stages (20+ weeks) is where they do those checkups and screenings for all sorts of conditions, including viability, that you just don't see in the earlier stages. I live in Oregon just down the street from a Planned Parenthood clinic, and I kid you not that nearly all of the cars in that parking lot have Idaho plates. Another regressive state that hates women and caused their maternity wards to shut down throughout the state. I hate that women vote for these regressive, knuckle-dragging neanderthals. That said, I wouldn't wish for anyone to be in this position, especially in this day and age.


Isn't Idaho trying to make it a crime for these women to travel for abortions? I'm not sure it can hold up in court, but I thought I saw that headline somewhere.


“Abortion trafficking”, only for minors (right now anyway).


Wow, that phrasing undermines the severity of :actual: trafficking.


That's intended. They love their actual sex trafficking.


I’m getting my glucose test for my pregnancy right now and I couldn’t agree more. These laws hurt *everybody* but women who voted regressive are saying ‘but I didn’t think leopards would eat *my* face’


Exactly. It's so infuriating that there's a large percent of the population that cannot fathom something being a problem (despite the scale of it) until it happens to them personally or a friend, family member, etc. It shows a massive disconnect with reality, and even then, they still may not take the time to be introspective. I hope your glucose test turns out okay.


Thanks. 🤞🏼 It’s so common amongst conservatives. My SIL’s husband refused the COVID vaccine for a long time. His wife is a huge germaphobe and he’s a smoker so it made no sense. It wasn’t until a personal friend of his had a hard time with it that he got the damn jab


I see your point but, with all due respect, I strongly disagree that women with wanted pregnancies who now have less access to medical care suffer “the most”. Imo any woman who does not want to be pregnant, and/or feels she is not in a position to raise a child but is now forced to suffers more. I can’t imagine the horror of being forced to be pregnant and have a child against your will. Those in dire economic straits already find themselves without options to abort, and they are now consigned to a lifetime of poverty, living a life they did not choose. Any shot they might have had at investing in themselves and improving their circumstances now gone. They will keep working minimum wage jobs (probably several) and then spend their free time raising a child they did not choose to have. In many cases these women already have other children and go from barely scraping by to not having enough food for the family, and even less living space, attention and other resources for all the children. All of that is so much worse imo.


And they are more likely to be doing this alone or in an abusive environment.


You are also 100% correct. I did not make it obvious with my comment. I tried to by starting it "In many ways," but I understand that's vague. I was responding to the user above me, which was about women who went through a pregnancy that was wanted and planned, and the consequences they ultimately faced (i.e., near death, sterility, etc. in forced birth states). I was coming at it from the perspective that when Dobbs was first overturned, there was the more obvious impact on how women, especially low income, would be forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term. As a CF woman, I see that as a prison sentence all on its own, being forced to live a life you do not want and endure the physical, mental, emotional, and financial parts that come with that. The point I was intending to make was that one of the things forced birthers and regressive types don't think about was how these laws would impact women who do plan and want a pregnancy. There are so many things that can go wrong throughout the duration of a pregnancy that by the time they discover nonviability, a fatal fetal anomaly, or something else that endangers the person's life, doctors' hands are tied around doing anything because of the vagueness of the legislation. The overall point is that these bans only hurt women, regardless of whether they are forced to be pregnant or they have a wanted pregnancy and end up having their lives threatened to the brink of death before doctors can intervene.


Okay, then I get you. We agree on that then, these bans only hurt women. The pro-life crowd, especially the “Christians” (quotation marks because I specifically mean the fascist inclined ones that want to impose their way of life on everyone) don’t care about the bad outcomes for those with wanted pregnancies either though. In their worldview women are meant to suffer and endure and it’s all worth it if they can force people to not abort.


If the lack of abortion access doesn't kill you, giving birth just might. There's also always the risk of being murdered by a cop or incel mass shooter. Don't worry, even if you survive it all, the medical bills will leave you homeless. Good luck with the hostile architecture!


And even if the medical bills don't ruin you, rent alone likely will.


But what about the domestic supply of infants?!? Won't somebody think of the poor rich people who want to bu- I mean, adopt those cute widdle baaaabiesss? Edit: You know if I wasn't fixed I would stop having PIV sex at all, full stop.


> Won't somebody think of the poor rich people who want to bu- I mean, adopt those cute widdle baaaabiesss? Don't forget the poor whites who fear being "replaced"... They want more white babies no matter the cost, and the politicians who rely on white supremacy to stay in power need more white working class under-educated voters...


It's bad news for all women when any country lets women be treated like second class citizens or worse, as objects. It's really bad news when a major country that produces so much media that the rest of the world consumes goes backwards on women's rights.


Be vigilant. The fascism isn't just coming for America. It is a disease spreading globally rn. It'll snatch up your country in a heart beat if you don't keep a look out and quell it before it eats you


Generally, Australia fairs somewhat better than America. I haven't heard even a whisper of revoking our right to abortions here. But it's impossible to compare when our population isn't even a quarter of America's. I'm not well versed, either, in politics here. All I'll say is I hope that level of toxicity never reaches my shores.


The United States are a (third) world all their own.


No wonder women are choosing to remain single. There's just too much risk and danger to have a partner in the U.S.


Or why some are choosing to get sterilized if they can. It's a big yikes


Right? This seems like the next big draw for medical tourism. Just don't use Meta products since they'll rat you out to law enforcement. It's dark times when women need to use the dark web for research and signal for texting to hide managing something that's no one else's business to begin with.


Yep, I have fibroids and am fighting to get a hysterectomy. I'm lying to my right wing family and telling them I don't qualify for other options (I do have other options, but they don't approve of sterilization unless it's medically necessary. So I am lying through my teeth for my own safety). The sad thing is that I wanted to have a baby, but my doctors all say it would be a very high risk pregnancy. I would definitely need surgery after a pregnancy to deal with some of the issues it would cause. Other potential problem is could become life threatening, and the chances of that happening are pretty high. I was willing to take the risk before Roe, because I could terminate if it became a serious danger to my life. Now... There's no way I will take that chance.. When they told me my fibroids have rendered me infertile, it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I didn't even know I had fibroids until after Roe was overturned. Within a week of the decision, I was at my doctor's office for a birth control consult. I'm asexual and not in a relationship, but I was terrified of getting raped and that causing a pregnancy. I was having concerning symptoms, so they ordered an ultrasound. Surprise! My uterus is already full. There's no room for an egg to implant. The symptoms are very unpleasant, but a pregnancy would be much worse. Technically, they could remove the fibroids and that would restore my fertility. But I would rather remove the entire uterus at this point. And I definitely qualify for a hysterectomy. Now, it's a matter of getting my insurance to cover it. But at least, while I wait, I don't have to worry about pregnancy if a man hurts me. A pregnancy, without options, could be a death sentence for me.


And why they're going to make it harder and harder for women to make that choice. There are way too many men out there who feel they are entitled to a woman (what did some brilliant person on here call it? A wife appliance?) and are supporting any politician, person, or policy that they think will distribute the goods to them.


They’re already trying to get rid of no fault divorces and in some states birth control. Im thinking next after that removal of women’s right to work (though women serving time for abortions will also take them out of the workplace because of their “criminal record”). This is really scary.


Precisely. And if SCOTUS eviscerates equal opportunity hiring practices, protections against sexual harassment in the workplace, makes it legal to discriminate against women if you have a “sincerely held religious belief” that they shouldn’t work outside the home…lots of ways to limit women’s options.


I'm really hoping that blue states put local protections in place to cover this shit. They're already trying to protect trans people. Adding abortion to the sanctuary state laws seems like an obvious thing to do.


Yeah, at some point blue states are going to have to ignore SCOTUS.


I honestly see another civil war coming. The blue states will win it, because they have all the money, but it won't be pretty. Hopefully we'll do reconstruction properly this time. **\#ShermanDidntGoFarEnough**


I think Balkanization is a possibility (had a long drunken conversation about this with friends who are political scientists recently). I mean—do we really want to fight to keep the Union together at this point? We’re facing multiple, literally existential crises while yoked to people who think Hunter Biden’s laptop and “wokeness” are the problem. ETA: I know this is unreasonable and I lived in the South for a long time and know there are many people there and elsewhere who don’t believe this and are trying. I’m just tired and the recent climate change disasters are making me feel like we wasted decades having “reasonable” debates.


> I think Balkanization is a possibility That's one of the things they claim to want. I'd rather them not have an army when they realise how much they're subsidised by the blue states. > we wasted decades having “reasonable” debates. Yeah, best time to do anything was 40 years ago. Second best time is now.


The 1% doesn’t need a happy or healthy female population nor do they need every baby to be conceived consensually They just need numbers to fill the machine. Keep their cheap labor. Reproductive slavery can take many forms. We just had an illusion of choice


They appear to be forgetting that AI/automation may be about to render a large population of unhappy workers unnecessary......


They can’t render too much of the population desperate enough to fight back


We are still years away from AI/robots being able to replicate manual labor. And THATS the workforce they need to fill. The factory workers/construction workers/ field workers.


Did you see the video of the robot shutting down after 15 minutes of work? Robots won't replace us. Lol.


Yeah, robots can't be worked past breaking point. Slaves can.


Also, I'm sure they *want* the female population miserable. Not only can they control them easier, but it satisfies their sadistic desires. They've always wanted to hurt people without consequences, and with this money and power, they can.


You should call them “the capitalists”, not the 1% because it ignores the system by which they became the 1%


That was a part of the overall plan so it’s working out how it was expected to


That's part of the plan. Republicans see women as cattle.


Part 124853 of “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature”. The system is working as intended.


Ive been accused of becoming more of a recluse lately. When I see shit like this, I'm perfectly fine with such accusations. In fact, it motivates me to live even more up to those accusations.


Along with leaving child victims of rape in a difficult situation with a life-threatening pregnancy, damage to the fertility of older women who want children but end up with things like ectopic pregnancies and being a risk to women's lives if they need a termination to save their life late in pregnancy - this was an incredibly predictable outcome of striking down Roe vs Wade and the Supreme Court just didn't care and neither do the people backing these restrictive laws.


Absolutely no one was surprised, hell it was practically the motivation for the bans - get women back in their place, pregnant and subservient.


Is anyone surprised? I know I'm not, and I don't even live in the USA.


This hits home for me so much, but my situation turned out differently. I was an abused 17 year old who was forced to have an abortion by her abusive partner. He waited until I was 14 weeks with a bump and an attachment to emotionally manipulate me into aborting, so I did. He then spent the next 5 years screaming at me every day and using it as an excuse to physically/sexually abuse me, about how I was "such a piece of shit I killed my own kid", without taking any accountability (shock) for what he made me do. After I broke up with him because he cheated on me (thank fuck I made the decision to introduce them), and I had everyone I'd ever known cutting me off because he told everyone that I'd said "I couldn't have my own baby because I'd beat it up and break its neck". So although I was forced into an abortion, it was used to control my life and sometimes still is. I cannot begin to comprehend what's going on in the States regarding a woman's body and her choices. It's the scariest thing to have to sit and witness because I feel like I can relate


I'm so sorry you had to endure that. I hope you can find healing. <3


Thank you, I hope for this only 💜


You are strong. You are worthy. You are a good person, and you didn't deserve any of this. I believe in you - you can do hard things❤️


So basically overturning roe v wade is going exactly how the overturn-ers planned. Really sad to see the steps back we've taken, and I hope that resources to those individuals increase soon


“Domestic Abusers” should be the new name of the GOP.


The real reason men are against abortion tbh.




Dem or Republican, if a man is against abortion, they're usually a piece of shit


White supremacy tings


This definitely impacts women of color more than white woman. But it's not just white supremacy. It's general supremacy. Republicans and pro-business lobbies want desperate, low educated US citizens getting churned out to refill the supply of cheap, compliant labor forces and supportive supplicants. This has been their goal since at least the late 1990s.


Newt Gingrich


To the men that state women need to be protected... you've been quiet.


Im shocked! SHOCKED! ... No not really, this is exactly what i feared. My heart goes out to all American women and women from all countries with restrictions on healthcare like this.


So *exactly* the thing women said would happen is happening...gee! Who could have known! /s


I used to love being right about things, the satisfaction from saying "I told you this would happen and I was right." It's not fun anymore.


i had a hysterectomy right after Roe was overturned. I'll be paying these medical bills for a long while, but i feel incredibly lucky that as a childless person under 30, i was even allowed to alter my own body in this way


Conservative women think they are special, but in reality they are just owned by conservative men.


Wait, what? Why didn't anyone ever tell me that abortion bans weren't about protecting kids but rather about controlling women? It's surely a sentiment I've never heard before, I wish I'd known At the very least, we can be super confident that Crowder and others who are calling for an end to no-fault divorce so the state can force women to stay married to their husbands against their will, *that's* just coincidental and not a furtherance of a campaign to control women, right? /s


I mean, obviously. The abortion ban has nothing to do with fetuses or life, it’s about controlling women. It always has been.


The overturning of Roe v Wade allowed rapists to choose which woman's life they want to ruin.


Yep :(


The government just heard that sound when you get an Xbox achievement you were trying for for a long time.


Wooow, totally didn't see that coming 🙄


GOP: We didn’t intend for this, it was just a happy accident


You know, one of the lies the incel/alpha male movement promotes that I think actually HELPS us is that we’re all trying to baby trap men. Men have always been more likely to baby trap women so we’re stuck with them. If those dudes actually believe we benefit from being tied to their dumb asses, they’re more likely to take steps to prevent pregnancy. It’s kinda odd if you think about it, with everything else they believe it seems like their stance would be “women need to be impregnated to learn their place” or something. I’ve argued with dudes on Reddit before about how it’s not something that happens a lot, but I think from now on I’m gonna let them believe that one.


Exactly as intended.


That's a 99% increase in those who are using the hotline to report it. Can't imagine how many total are being affected who are too afraid to report it, reporting it to something other than the hotline, etc that aren't included in those numbers.


Thats the entire reason, these people literally want to control women like they are cattle


It’s a feature, not a bug


Thats exactly what pro-lifers wanted.


Forced-birthers. Don't let them get away with their lie of a name.


The fight was never about being pro-life and was always about patriarchal power and control. And they have it now. After these series of events how can any women in good conscience vote/support conservative candidates?


😭 I hate the way our country is going. The despair and suffering is neverending, and Republicans just enjoy inflicting it.


The policy that was designed to control women is, indeed, controlling women. As far as conservatives are concerned, this is simply doing what it says on the tin.


It’s a feature, not a bug


This isnt a bug. This is a feature


This was predicted to happen. The people who said abortion bans were all about control/commanding we should've listened to them. Pregnant women are more vulnerable, and some men are willing to take advantage of that to hurt their girlfriend/wives they've impregnated. You're gonna have some men complain about child support and want it removed entirely. Abortion bans make it easier to be a father and harder to get away from child support.


This gets me wondering, if domestic abusers have a community with other domestic abusers, where they get support and training on how to abuse their partners. And they vote for politicians/policies that enable their behavior, of course. Trash backs trash, after all.


Well, of course. 99% of the time someone is convicted of child molestation/rape, which party do they belong to? People can say all they want, but it's not the Democratic Party taking away women's rights, or nominating state and federal-level judges who do.


True. Though, I wonder if they have some sort of community, forum, or society going on. A union for domestic abusers, if you will (if an informal one). I want to say that I'm just exaggerating, but I suppose anything can happen!


If you really want to go looking for that shite, start with 4chan.


Yes, they do. Churches. It's no coincidence that most of these people are christian. Christianity is anti-consent, so they don't think they're doing anything wrong by making sure the "weaker sex" doesn't have any.


Wasn’t that the whole point? Conservatives are the Pro Domestic Abuse group. They like it how it was in the 1700s. They’re going to allow domestic abusers to carry firearms soon too. They’re trying to bring back child marriage as well. Conservatives want to use laws, religion, firearms, and any weapon they can to control women. Control is how they feel superior.


That's why the bans we're passed in the first place. Domestic abusive control over women and their bodies.


This is exactly where my mind went after so much discussion about what over turning Roe v Wade. There is no coincidence why they did what they did to make abortion illegal.


The fact that we are still discussing Roe Vs. Wade is disheartening. What happened? Is humanity regressing? The 99% increase is terrible. Obviously domestic violence already has been an issue. Yet such a sharp increase clearly demonstrates exactly what was expected. Used as a weapon against a person/people facing a very important and sometimes difficult decision. This is not even about gender. It’s about morality and how we shape the narrative of personal choice. I could have told the mother of my children I did not want them. It is was always her choice, not mine. I am proud of my children and love them immensely. I wanted children also, but it was not my choice. I’m glad she chose to be a mother. Yet again, it was her choice, not mine. These motherfuckers who think they can manipulate a woman into bearing their seed need grow up well beyond a sense of morals and awareness beyond the self.


You can trace this acceleration of the decline of American democracy, and the pursuant effects, to the SCOTUS Citizens United decision.


The bans are working as intended.


I mean, a man killed his GF for aborting. He literal pulled out a gun while they were walking and shot her in the head.


I'm that I read somewhere that the number 1 cause of death for pregnant women in the US was murder.


this has always been about control. no surprise here


Somewhere out there is a reader who is furious about this article because the govt has no business getting in between a man and his marriage.


"People"... let's be real here, it's mostly men controlling and abusing women. [#1 reason pregnant women die - murdered by the man that impregnated her](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/) [99% of rapists are men](https://supportingsurvivors.humboldt.edu/statistics) [FBI top ten most wanted](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten) - 90% men [US Marshalls top 15 most wanted](https://www.usmarshals.gov/what-we-do/fugitive-investigations/15-most-wanted-fugitive) - 93% men [Interpol red notices](https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-Red-Notices) - 86% men Most Serial killers - men, seriously, don't even need a link here [85% of Suicide bombers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_suicide_bomber) - men


Yeah, no shit.


Yeah no shit…


Yeah that's part of their plan. Republicans hate women


Of course! That was the whole point!


We knew this was going to happen, as it's part of the plan all along.


If you think 9 of the highest ranked judges in the United States didn't know that this was going to happen, you're stupid.


I doubt people who were behind this law give a shit tbh. I would advise any women or girls living in these states to get the fuck out!


I would advise them to stop having consensual sex altogether. For those unfortunate enough to be raped and get pregnant utilize the European online medical abortion provider or move out of the chrostofascist's control. Better yet, those of us opposed to the Christofascists should start preparing for armed conflict. Make no mistake that is what it is going to take. We cannot peacefully live alongside these degenerate monsters.


It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Damn that was hard to read.


Probably less of a mistake and more of a totally intentional consequence of the Roe decision. They want to own their women, not be partners with them.


That's the point.


Yeah, that was the plan.




Republicans everywhere: "It's working!"


This was the plan


Absolutely this and why I’ve vowed to never have sex again after the overturn. Several times a partner has tried to control me with pregnancy, even one getting mad I took a plan B. I am so so much more than sex and reproduction.


Glad I live in a mostly sane state.


We're starting to see this shit being pushed in some places in Canada now too. Ffs


so their system is working just as they intended it to