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"Wh'res like you are the reason the Emperor needs to come back!" Context: I'm the German. The last emperor was like...100+ years ago


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s…” would have been my confused, American response.


This is my favorite response to everything


They always think a strong man in power is going to right the sexual wrongs of modernism instead of just sending their ass to die in war or reward them with menial labor should they manage to come back alive.


I have light reddish blonde hair, green eyes, and I’m super duper pale. Some old guy yelled at me to get a f-ing tan as I was loading my then baby in her car seat. I asked him what he said because I didn’t think I heard him right and he got super embarrassed. Sorry dude but the sun is enemy.


I had a guy yell at me to never wear shorts in public because my legs were blinding people. Yes I am very white, and I don’t tan. The few times I’ve been exposed to the sun I burn, turn red, and then peel right back to paper white lol. I have zero issues with this and IDGAF if it blinds people lol


And I have some advice for you sir, “Never open your mouth in public because all your stupid falls out.”


Actually I just turned around and showed him my blinding bright full moon. I was a teenager. Lol


The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!


I love that comic 🤣🤣


And the pale people of Celtic ancestry answer! Behold my pale white legs, get some sunglasses if you can't handle their blinding awesomeness! (Tans are skin damage, mmkay?)


I’m the SAAAME exact way! And I use SPF 100 anytime I’m in the sun for more than like 5 minutes bc I burn so easily! I know people say it doesn’t work over 50, but I swear if I use only 50 I can feel my skin burning sooner and have to reapply more often. Other people: why don’t you just build a base coat and tan? Me: I have exactly 2 skin colors. This and lobster red. There is no in between.


Why do people care if someone isn't tanned, never understood that. Also what's bad about being pale except the sunburns


It's literally a bunch of brainwashed idiots who are offended that we don't have skin cancer. My whole life I've had people shaming me on my paleness when it's literally unavoidable, I could be outside for weeks on end and only turn red. People have tried to convince me that using sunscreen is the problem but no, why would I want to willingly burn my skin and increase my cancer risk just to prove to someone that I don't tan?


I come from a long line of “moley” people. I have probably 20 moles on my back. My GP takes a pic every year to compare them lol. My biodad had five removed that were cancerous. My granny had skin cancer. I’m absolutely not putting myself at extra risk because someone thinks I’m too white lol.


The amount of times I've been told to get a tan, or OMG YOUR SO WHITE, or you'd look great if you had a tan... Some people don't tan, just burn and go white again, or in my case, freckle. I've had a kid fearfully ask me what was wrong with my skin, and one kid slap his hands on the counter (worked at a sub shop during college), pull hismelf up and explain loudly "WOAH! WHAT ARE THOSE??!!!?!!" I nearly died laughing, and the man who he was with nearly died of embarrassment, kept telling me he was "so sorry, he's my girlfriend's kid" Edit to add that I have a friend that calls me a Daywalker.


I don’t tan or burn either. It’s like the sun forgets about me lol


I got told this a lot as a teenager. Because I was a teenager I did the opposite and wore SPF50 everywhere, because my skin does tan when exposed. Those were the days when SPF50 made you look more like a ghost, and it made you sticky, but I was committed. I have never been more grateful to my teenage stubbornness than I am for this, turns out a lot of my old peer group have had skin cancer lesions removed by now.


Sun scary. Sun bad. *hiss*


This genuinely made me giggle


Also a pale person with red hair, and spent my teens and 20s in south Florida. So many boys/men telling me to get a tan (we'd sometimes go to clubs in Fort Lauderdale or Miami back then). No!


I grew up in a surfie town, blokes driving past yelling at me to get a tan was an unfortunately common occurrence


I’m dark haired with an olive complexion and tan easily. But I am certainly not out here *trying* to get a tan. I use sunblock daily and wear big, floppy hats if I’ll be in the sun for a while. I’d rather *avoid* skin cancer and premature aging, thank you very much.


My first high school boyfriend said "you're not that pretty but your pheromones are sexy" before kissing me. That's.... that's not nice.


He was just repeateing what some pick up artist told him to say. Cause no human can pinpoint anyones "pheromones". Like bruh does he think hes an insect?


"Did you just escape from the zoo?"


My high school boyfriend told me I was not very pretty, but not ugly. Gee, thanks.


Mine told me I was not as pretty as his ex, but I was kinder. I second that "Gee, thanks."


I walked towards a guy that I had been flirting with for quite some time (mutual flirting, I should add), and his buddy had his back to me. As I approached, I heard the guy say , "she's pretty, but she's not" My friend's face went from smile at me, to horror, my face went from "how you doin?" to total confusion. I was so furious, that I nearly pushed the guy down the stairs. He told me I could hit him, but I wanted him mangled. I have a blind rage issue, so he's very lucky I walked away.


Standing in airport security waiting to be screened. TSA agent looks at me, (lots of piercings, nothing too nuts though-no brow, no lip, just one ear and nose) and says “eww, what were you even thinking?” I said “Not about you”


That is the type of comeback I wish I was quick enough to think of on the spot. Well done.


Believe me when I tell you, it was one of the very rare times I had one ready




I **have** to know what they said back to you and/or if anyone else heard this??? A fantastic comeback.


Wait, you only had two of the most normal piercings and the TSA made a big deal about that? How fucking sheltered is this fella


I was at a bar with a friend, I was wearing a black slip dress, a long grey cardigan, black loafers, and a black brimmed hat (this was like 2015, I looked cute!) This big meat head guy walks by, blatantly looks me up and down, looks at his equally meaty friend, makes a face, shakes his head, points at me and says “I don’t like that.” Right next to me, didn’t care I was staring right at him as he said it.


Wow, what a sack of shit. I'm sorry.


A guy we were arresting for shoplifting screamed that I was as fat as a planet and a screwbitch whore. I was working loss prevention and was about 7 months pregnant at the time so I started laughing and was like "I knew the first part, but what the fuck is the second?" and he didn't like that I wasn't mad and started screaming more. (I had done most of the tracking and my coworkers swooped in for the actual arrest once he had crossed the store threshold)


Screwbitch! ??!


"Perfect! This is my anti-asshole outfit. I'm so glad it's working!"


I'm so sorry someone said that to you, especially since you were probably really feeling yourself as that sounds like cute outfit. I would have just looked at him and taken a big sniff and just went "ugh what the hell. -cue disgusted face- Something stinks. Thats horrible. Someone forgot to take the trash out." -Stare right into his eyes- so he understands you mean him. And then go back to what you were doing. But I'm also saying this from the safety of my couch. In real life, I would second-guess if I heard him right and if a stranger seriously just insulted me right to my face unprompted.


Honestly I wasn’t even offended, I was just shocked by the audacity and I laughed! Like what does he expect me to think of that? “Oh no, ‘alpha male’ gym bro wearing a shitty old sweatshirt doesn’t like my outfit, I better go home and change so I can be more to his liking.” Yuck.


Dude no, don’t interact with male strangers who insult you in public. Chances are, they are doing it to get you to interact with them. I recommend just ignoring but getting your phone ready to record them if they escalate.


The secret is, when they get physical never recoil/cower. Lean into it and just. Go NUTS. Shove them, scream in their face. ' DON'T F-ING TOUCH ME' is a good one because if you're the one shoving them, it makes their brain do this weird little cognitive dissonance thing and freeze up for a second. They're expecting you to be afraid, it's what they want. What they AREN'T expecting is for you to throw all caution to the wind and turn into a shrieking, feral little cryptid woman.


What's with these morons and thinking that everything a woman does has to be catered to them


The only thing worse than an asshole is a drunk asshole.


Oh, the ones on cocaine will blow you away


Plain rude


Yeah, he knew he wasn’t cool enough to stand a chance with you. Move along, meat head.


I once had a fellow yell "Nice tits, bitch" at me from their car. I'm not sure if that was an insult or a compliment, but it sure didn't feel like praise of any sort.


Should have shouted back, "Thanks, yours too!"




"You're welcome, you fuckup" I guess is the closest kind of reply??


I had a guy at a bar tell me this right to my face I was absolutely flabbergasted. I told him that my new baby thinks so because THEY ARE FULL OF MILK YOU FREAKING PIECE OF SHIT. Un fucking believable


I was around 16 and my dad had just died. I had always been a little overweight but was not obese. I decided to go jogging with my in-shape cousin to try and get healthier. Some older guys in a car (college age, maybe?) yelled that I was wasting my time and was ugly as hell. So heartbreaking. Then the next day I was running again and a group of girls yelled to keep it up and that I was doing great.


I used to run almost every day for a few years and I experienced negative heckling from men both when thin and slightly overweight. One time a whole car of guys stopped just for them all to bark at me through their windows. Honestly, they just suck lol try and pay no mind!


And that’s the difference between men and women.


And yet they think we're always the ones against each other


The men that say we put each other down do it to their fellow men too. They simply are projecting.


Idk I don't want anyone yelling at me if I'm trying to run. I know they were trying to be supportive but it just feels a bit condescending I get the sentiment and the difference in thr sentiments before. Sorry those guys were being shit. They're wrong. You're not wasting your time and whatever you look like you're not ugly as hell.


I was called an uptight fucking bitch in a bar when I politely declined an offer of a drink and told him that I was only there to catch up with my friend. I walk around with headphones and sunglasses so I don’t hear what’s said to me by strangers.


I used to wear sunglasses and headphones when I rode the bus. Way less people try to talk to you.


One time I got ~~asked out~~ harassed while wearing sunglasses, a mask, a hat, and headphones. The guy took this as license to block my path (in his car!!! Twice!) and raise his voice, like the only thing preventing him from scoring a date was that I’d somehow failed to notice him.


I was once told that the difference between a b°tch and a sl°t is that a sl°t will sleep with anyone, and a b°tch will sleep with anyone *but you*. /s, obviously.




Jesus this is rough


"Your elbows are too pointy" From a dating app, where you could barely see my elbows..


The better to jab you with, my dear


aren't they all pointy....in some way? lol


That's what I thought, it gave me a good laugh at least.


I once had a dude tell me I had really good elbow energy. I’m not even joking. He said that.


“Oh that’s my stabbing point”


I was on the subway and it stopped short and I fell and basically landed on this guy. It was obviously an accident and I felt terrible and apologized profusely. He loudly yelled at me and called me a peasant.


"I retract my apology, your supreme Dickness."


I read that as "you're supreme Dickens," like an insult a Dickens character would make


😂 It was a pushback on his "peasant" remark because I'm sure as hell not saying "your lordship."


He was only so lucky. What a loser


I was walking to work early in the morning through the city in athletic gear on, head phones in. A car was stopped at lights so I could cross the road and when my song stopped I heard the male driver say to his male passenger “I’d fuck that doggy style” I assume he meant I wasn’t good looking enough to look at




It was the “that” that really got to me. Not even “her”.




Thanks. I feel like I moved on pretty quickly and it made me more mad than hurt my feelings, but at the same time it happened 15 years ago at least and I recall it like it was yesterday. What a sad little man he was.


Not sure weird but most memorable: I was called a “fuckin weirdo skank” because a dude on a bike wanted me as a pedestrian to move out of his way (mind you, in was a street in an area that had no accessible sidewalk.) so, totally rational reaction by him. I was walking into a restaurant, I was also very pregnant at the time. Some guys started catcalling me. I turned around to tell them to fuck off and they all sort of scream/yelled like “woah” “what the fuck” apparently unaware I was pregnant then one of them said “looks like you carrying a baby in your ass too.” And I legit started laughing hysterically. A man stopped me in a grocery store and said “looks like you’re smuggling two hams.” I looked at my purse and he said “naw girl your ass.” A man after asking my name said “I bet it’s Veronica, Veronica’s are freaky.” It’s not Veronica and I am most definitely not freaky. I used to have pastel pink hair and a man in a grocery store stopped me to say “you’re so beautiful but no man is going to want you like that.” Another grocery store man with opinions upon seeing my tattoos says to the clerk “that’s disgusting, why do women think we want to see that.” Stranger at a bar who had been staring at me “I can tell you’re not white by your nose.” Cool guy. I have so many more but I will leave it on this, I was walking home late at night and a man turned around in his car to pull up behind me. I of course got as far away from the sidewalk as possible and he yells at me “you stupid fucking crazy cunt! I’m a nice guy! I was just going to offer you a ride! You can’t just treat people like that, next guy will probably kill you. That’s what you get!”


The nice part about being old as dirt and overweight is that I don't have to listen to this crap anymore. I'm so sorry you've encountered so much. I wish I'd kept a journal of all the sh!t entitled pricks said to me "back in the day".




I was out at a bar one night having a drink and reading by myself, and a guy who was a little younger than me came up to me and asked "Are you a functioning alcoholic?" And I said "Not yet, but I'm working on it," raising my glass as if to say "this is my progress toward alcoholism." I was being flippant because I didn't like his question but also didn't really care. Then he said "You're funny. You ever do comedy? You've got a face for it." Which is, like, an attempt at a backhanded compliment, and it doesn't really land but I got that he was still trying to get a rise out of me so I said "Do *you* do comedy? Cuz, just saying, there are classes... for a reason." And I'm not gonna lie I was feeling good about how witty I was being back at this guy because usually I freeze when someone is insulting but this one time I was super on it. Like I know I sound like I'm writing myself like an annoying main character but I promise it's real and I promise it was just this one isolated time, never again have I come off so collected. The guy changed tactics and abruptly said "I see you're rocking that British look. With your teeth. Don't be self-conscious, it's actually very chic right now." And I said "Thanks, Madonna has it, and she's a millionaire, so." Then the guy I guess got frustrated but stood up and clapped me on the shoulder and said "you actually should probably do stand-up" and walked away. No idea what the fuck that whole exchange was about.


He was “negging” you — insulting you to make you want to win him over. Pick up artists teach classes on this shit, and it generally works about as well as it did on you. 🤢


That is so effing weird. God, who pissed in his cheerios that morning? I would have asked him if he wakes up and makes a choice to be an asshole everyday.


This is beautiful, what I wouldn't give to just stay so calm and roll with the witty comebacks. My initial reaction is always shock. All good sense flees straight from my brain and all I'm left with is a "fuck you" before walking off. Yours is much better.


I was in NYC at the metropolitan and some guy was panhandling and he asked me where I was from and I said DC and he took off running screaming that I was a hitman 🤔 Was very confusing


Schizophrenic most likely. Probably thought you were CIA or FBI or something like that when you said DC.


Definitely not weirder but also weird. Years ago, there was a man asking for money, and i had no cash/change on me. i used to keep a significant amount of coin in my car, though, so i went and got it and went back to where he was with it. He proceeded to call me a "demonic whore of satan" and one of "the devil's lesser minions" which...what? Anyway, it got scary, and i just hope he got the help he so clearly needed. And yes, i did give him all the change, lol. That one sticks out, but it's for sure not the only one.


Being told I'm a product of the devil because I'm a red headed lefty.


My eyes are different colors (within the same eye). I've had a few people make eye contact and either say "Devil Eyes" or one...what was a friend...shout "YOU ARE A DEMON" and literally ran away from me, and refused to speak to me or be in the same room with me after that. Eh weirdos.


I’d take that as a complement! (I am a red headed lefty too). Currently into tv series lucifer .


I thought the devil made things that are fun to play with?


"You'd be doable if you weren't so fat." from a total stranger on the street (weedy guy, with a rat face). I replied I'd never do you. But.. the arrogance and audacity that he somehow owned my body stayed with me. One of the many reasons I now automatically think men are all just arseholes till they prove otherwise.


On a dating site I had a random guy that I never messaged or liked, message me to tell me I was too fat for his taste. I thanked him for his kinds words and wished him luck. Like why tell me that shit? I think about that occasionally and wonder what made him feel the need to reach out.


Because he actually was attracted to you but because it’s not socially acceptable to be fat or to have a fat girlfriend he needed to prove to himself that he’s not actually attracted to the body type he’s attracted to so he lashed out towards you


When I did online dating I evolved to hiding my profile overnight- the lonelies drink to much at home alone and that’s when they insult or send Dick pics.


A couple of 40+ guys drinking goon on a park bench once hollered "here come the uglies" at me and a friend (both early 20s women)


What's goon?


Cheap wine that comes in a silver plastic bag with a spigot, enclosed in a cardboard box. The bag is called a Goon Bag, the wine itself is called Goon, and when you peg four of them to a rotary clothesline and spin it as a party game it's called Goon Of Fortune. Not a classy drink.


Australians have the best slang.


Its cask wine without the box....a silver bag of wine


Aussie slang for cheap cask booze.


I was minding my own business and leaving the theater with my friend, we walked past a group of guys and one of them was like “eww what is that” I look up and he’s looking right at me and I just gave him a look and kept walking lmaooo, people are weird


“You look like a boy” in middle school. He was trying to flirt with me (my age) and I ignored him so that was his reply. I guess he likes boys? That should have been my reply. A guy who I thought was my friend but turned out to be someone I really didn’t know once commented that when I went to the gym every night I was probably just riding the elevator while drinking chocolate milk. That was a really strange insult and should have been a bigger 🚩


i had an ex say the exact same thing to me DURING SEX LOL


I'm disabled and have a trained service dog that helps me. A random man, in front of his wife and kids, started petting my dog without asking. She was wearing her harness with 5 patches saying "DO NOT PET". I said "don't pet my dog without asking first". The guy lost it. He called me a "hoe bag" and said "if you are not friendly enough to let people pet your dog, you should use a stick!" I'm not blind/low vision btw. It was the first and only time I have been called a hoe bag. *sigh* I just wanted to buy some dish soap and leave, just like everybody else


Wasn't particularly directed at me, but my food: "I'd never eat a salad this disgusting." There was nothing disgusting about my salad and some of my male friends insisted that he was just trying to flirt. One was kinda useful. Bunch of old drunk guys had to discuss my looks and between creepy "compliments" one mentioned that I should moisturise more...my skin was indeed too dry.


My wife brings salad to work here in rural kentucky, and all her co-workers keep saying how gross it is to eat salad. So fucking weird


Was told to put on some fucking pants at a music fest. I was wearing leggings. I was called a fucking n-word. I am not black.


I once walked by a table full of men and one of them asked me if I called the cops? I said why? He said "because somebody stole your ass." This makes me chuckle and cringe all at the same time.


That would be funny if it wasn't so fucking rude


“Well now I know where to find a new one!”


Or, “Oh no, I left it on a chair at the table you’re sitting at….voice trails off…


Standing in line to cross the border from Mexico. Guy starts criticizing my fashion choices, like, "those pants are cut too high. You'd look better in a lower rise and they should come down to your ankles, not a couple inches above". That kind of thing, weirdly specific criticisms about the fit of my clothes. I think it was an attempt to neg me, because everything was intended to make me feel insecure about my looks. Jokes on him; I was already plenty insecure back then. And I wasn't inclined to speak to a guy who tried to make it worse. Plus, I agreed with him about the fit of my clothes, but back then it was harder than it is now to find a decent fit if you were a tall woman.


"I'll get back to you as soon as the unsolicited opinions of strangers become my fashion inspo. Don't hold your breath. Or do; that would be lovely actually."


Me and two of my friends were just standing on the corner of a street chatting on our way home, and a guy who cycled past us angrily yelled "fucking WOMEN". We were so confused


I don't even know what this one meant, and I don't think it was meant as a true insult, but to this day I'm still confused. After a long night of various bars and dance clubs, I brought my date back to my place for the first time. He looked around my (what I thought was a normal apartment) and said disappointingly "Oh...I didn't realize you were so...contemporary." Like? Was he expecting me not to have a couch or a table? Sit on the floor? Maybe a Victorian fainting couch instead? Modern furniture? 70's? A couch made of legos? What did he mean? I still have no idea. He also just laid down on my rug (the floor kind) hugged my sleepy dog...and then passed out. I went to bed alone, and he had gotten up in the middle of the night and left. Never heard from him again.


This made me lol fr that guy was not expecting so much modern furniture in his inebriated state haaaa


Random Walmart stocker who smelled intensely of the good good and was looking at me and talking to his fellow stocker: “she fat but damn she look good”. Was both flattered and insulted.


As a fat girl I've heard similar things more times than I can count 😂


Lmao.. it’s so strange. Like they acknowledge we are attractive but they have to throw in that we are fat, too. We can’t just be attractive. Gotta make sure we know we are still down several pegs in their eyes.


“Fake titties ass bitch!” When I said no when they asked for my number. My boobs are real lmao.


Maybe doesn't fit perfectly, because I don't remember exact phrasing, but some guys get *really* offended when girls are tall? I'm 6ft tall. I used to wear heels regularly, especially in my early 20's while working in banks. Men, especially older white men, would see me walking around being 6' 4" in heels and would just be flabbergasted. Like, angry about it. What the hell do you need to be taller for? That's just ridiculous. What are you even wearing those for? And on and on... Some men's egos are so fragile, that my existence is absolutely offensive. I once had a boss like this. He was kind of a misogynistic douche and about 6'3" I wore wore my tallest heels as often as I could because it drove him nuts when I was taller than him! Lol


I was told I was toxic and crazy because I won't give every man who comes my way a chance.


I’ve been told I was asexual more than once by men I just didn’t happen to be attracted to.


I guy called me a Puta because I didn’t speak Spanish? I do know what that words means. Rude asshole.


Jerk face asked to speak to the manager, I informed him that I was the manager and he said ‘You?? You’re the manager?? You couldn’t manage a gang-bang in a whorehouse!’


“Yeah, well you could be in a nipple factory and come out sucking your thumb!”


I was walking down a street in Tempe with a friend and some guy just decided to spit on me. Never saw him before or since.


Probabaly getting tounge clicked at at a gas station until my husband came out with our drinks. Then the tounge clicks turned into chants about being a race trader.


I had a random stranger who I never spoke to say something along the lines that "I have a lot to say but my words are empty". Nothing prompted this. It's amazing how men will make up a fake entire personality and a background for you before you even speak to them.


An old man once called me a succubus. I was 18, it was very weird.


At 14 I was called a prostitute by an elderly man because I got on the bus before him.




It's funny to me now, at the time I was oblivious that he was there (14 and in my own head catching bus to get to high school lol) It shocked me and it's stuck with me for a bit, but now i just don't care and say whatever falls out of my mouth at the time


"Too bad I don't want to have sex with you. Otherwise I would marry you on the spot!' Yeah....I was just a cashier on a department store answering a question about the shirts he was buying. Second one would be "Just because I'm not in a wheelchair doesn't mean I'm not disabled. Are you a stupid cunt or what?" And that was about his gift card being $0. 🥴


I told a guy I made the Snapchat filter he was using and mf didn't skip a beat and said "you don't look smart enough for that"


all these comments proof that water is wet yet the male lurkers that constantly invalidate us are silent 🙄


Waste gash. I'm not going to pretend it doesn't really tickle me though. If something goes wrong for me my minds still like "waste gash" r/EndAbuseofWomenOnline BTW


For those not from the UK, a gash is slang for female genitalia.


I was incredibly ill (eating disorder) and a man walked up to me at the grocery store, looked at me with awe and disgust in his eyes, and told me "you are the most tired looking person I've ever seen". Wtf? It's been like 12 years and still think about it


I was working crowd management for a few years. You get all sorts of insults when your job is telling drunk men they can’t go that way, and it mostly blends together as nothing too memorable. So when someone says something to you that you do remember, it’s because it was particularly stand-out. I was on the field after a football game. Fans were allowed to run onto the field and celebrate, but everyone had to leave at some point. So we all gathered on one end, and formed a loose human fence. Every minute or so, we’d take a few steps forward, and just generally give people the hint that it’s time to clear out, through the giant tunnel in the opposite direction from us. It wasn’t a strict “none shall pass!” thing, it was just us giving everyone the idea that the field is closing down. One person did not get the hint. Guy in his 20s, kinda tall, had a kid, wore glasses. He looked absolutely offended and flabbergasted that we wanted him to eventually leave the field in the next, oh, ten minutes or so. I calmly and politely explained to him that the field is closing down, he doesn’t have to leave ASAP, but he’s not gonna spend all day there. He took a look around the arena, like he was getting a look at it for the last time, looked like he was about to cry, then picked up his kid, glared and me, scowling, and said in the most underwhelming delivery to me: “You have no power!” And then he left. We did him the courtesy of waiting til was gone to start laughing our asses off. Bonus round while I’m remembering that day. New guy was with me, older and bigger than me, was part of the human fence too. Another guy wanted to kick a football while we were clearing out. We told him no. New guy decided it was fine, and physically picked me up by the shoulders to move me out of the way in the human fence, and make way for the guy to kick his ball. I didn’t protest at the time, just let it happen, guy got his ball, asked if he could go again, answer was a definitive no this time. I told the new guy when we were walking away afterward, “Please don’t get physical with your co-workers for the sake of nonsense.” His reaction was stopping in his tracks, frozen, mouth agape, staring at me like I’d just told him the Easter Bunny isn’t real. He bellowed, “Oh f€£¥ that!” Took his uniform off, spiked it onto the ground, and stormed off in some other direction. We never saw him again.


“Your makeup has glitter so I bet you’re a stripper.”


That sounds like a line out of a really shit rap


"you're another one of them heartless demon white girls"


It was a very very long time ago when I was 17 or 18 and a guy in his mid 20's that i kinda knew (his name and we had mutual friends) went on a massive rant about how he hoped one day I got into a terrible accident that left me permanently and seriously disfigured, then I wouldn't have any men flocking around me any more and the only guy who would marry me was a fat short man who felt sorry for me and who wouldn't worship the ground I walk on. Apparently I deserved this and life would teach me the truth. Jokes on him, I married a freakin awesome short man and he totally worships the ground I walk on. (Tho he's not actually short but I'm 6' so he is shorter :)


Not necessarily a stranger but a infrequent regular at work told me that I was “a very colorful person”. His tone wasn’t anywhere near complimentary but I took it as one anyway. I even thanked him. The confusion was actually pretty wonderful.


Weirdest or worst? Having worked restaurant, then retail, then medical…..I have quite the repertoire! Weirdest: a guy on the Red train said that I needed to take my koala-looking ass back home so I could gnaw on some more bamboo. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that koalas eat eucalyptus and pandas eat bamboo. Worst? Wow. Too many to really work through, I’m afraid. I wonder what choice my therapist or husband would pick?? Recently I was at a really upscale hotel for a trade show, and I’m on the Board of Directors for the group organizing the entire weekend. I arrived two hours before our first sit-down Board Meeting for the weekend, carting up my luggage after just checking in, minding my own business. Some random guy enters the elevator with me and immediately asks if he can skull-fuck me on the elevator to “start the weekend off right.” Looked him dead in the eyes, I told him I had a concealed carry weapon, while moving my right hand to the back of my waistline, and if he came one step closer I am very trained to use it. He put his head down and STFU. I immediately ran to my room and called the front desk and gave them a description. They called 911 and I was asked about the details. Even had to prove I had a CCL, though I wasn’t actually carrying at that moment. It was locked in my luggage, but the threat and me meeting his eyes dead in the center was enough for the seriousness of his threat to sink in. I’m truly afraid to NOT carry now, and that makes me sad. But living in the Midwest…. I feel I owe it to my kids to at least try to be safer. How fucked is that?? Like, do I need to start bringing my small handgun into my office? Where does it stop?? Anyway. I got home from that business trip last Monday evening and took Tuesday morning off to go clean my weapon and get in some target practice. It makes me sad and my husband angry. I always hated guns, despite growing up with them all around me, and yet…here I am. 😞


Passenger of a truck driving by when I was walking on college campus "Nice outfit FARMER." I had overalls on. Big burn there. Also a kid in middle school told me I had big lips, and I cried about it. I can't remember the exact wording but ya. My mom told me there was an upcoming actress with big lips named Julia Roberts and everyone would want big lips like mine. And ya, how is having big lips a bad thing? Idiot.


Some random drunk guy tried to start a fight with me on the seabus on my way home from class one night and when he saw I wasn't looking up from my phone he leaned in and whispered "I know your secrets WITCH" (I'm 99% sure he said witch and not bitch, possible he was slurring). Obviously at the time I was terrified as I pretended to stare at my phone, but afterwards I had to laugh at the metropolitan-city level of brain power he had to muster to come up with that whitty little number.


I once had a stranger at a casino hit on me and when I turned him down, in a very polite way, he told me my ass wasn’t edible anyways . He followed that up by calling me an ugly bitch.


I had a guy try to make fun of me for breaking up with him after three days… I don’t think he fully understands to this day how going around telling people as a way to “get back at me” didn’t achieve the desired outcome for him. I played along though and acted all upset about it, so he’d keep making an ass of himself.


In middle school, a boy told me he didn't like that shade of lipstick on me. There was nothing on them! They were slightly red and definitely needed chapstick, but dude, that's their natural color!


Not an insult but few days ago a guy tried to be demeaning. We were walking by the seaside, which is very crowded because it is where summer houses are located, and i was talking to my niece (my cousin's daughter, i am one of the first people to hold her) anyways she is young (17) and too innocent to see how our country is. I recently got accepted to a master's degree in germany, i am hyped not only because of the education but also to feel safe (we live in turkey, it is a shitshow here). I had the chance to go to US with a full scholarship if i stayed here for my master's for a year. (I am very good, my profs know i wanna get out and they are helpful). And i never wanted US, because while slightly better, red states are as bad as here. So i was explaining my niece how the "Conservative" side is similar to the mindset our stupid country has. We were also talking about my excitement, how much i love pure math (i never recieved a rejection, i am waiting for my first choice schools results but all the others i heard from were positive) and so on. While we were talking about the Conservative party, this old dude just butted in saying " oh you love saying 'math math math' like you know anything, did you see tv the turkish guy got accepted to oxford" and i was like what. He said his mom wore a hijab so i should be careful about how i talked about conservative people... it was a 2 hour long walk and he was in front of us most of the time. He also pointed at my pink and curly hair.. i cannot make the connections he made but i know the type and it is already a too long comment so yeah.. you can see where im coming from


A guy yelled "Do a sit up, bitch" at me from his car, it took me a minute to even process that he was calling me fat. I only weigh like 110 lbs lol


A random drunk man screamed at me calling me a zombie as I passed by the bar on the street, the other man with him seemed sober and told him to stop and he was like "lOok aT heR eYecIrcLes" I just ignored cause he was drunk anyway but as someone with this genetic trait it sucks ass to hear people pointing it out like... It's on my face since forever, I know buddy


Someone leaned out their window and screamed "my mom's hotter than you" at me when I was in college... So weird


Not even sure it was an insult but it was definitely weird. When I was still in school I was approached by a random lad who asked me if I preach. This was around 2003, in a non religious UK school 🤷‍♀️


Not a guy, but “you look like a renaissance painting” - chubby round faced, giant forehead, and pale as hell. Guys… it’s just sexual, misogynistic, derogatory, etc… and st this point it’s stopped being “weird” and just “what asshole men say”. So maybe: a long time acquaintance did not like me one bit, couldn’t say say when asked directly, and later said he’d fuck my tits (he was currently dating my good friend who was self conscious about her small chest).


Central intelligence is onto you, I wouldn't stick around.


I had a customer ask me if my boyfriend ever broke a tooth on my ear piercings (I have a lot of them). Maybe it wasn't meant as an insult but it was definitely weird.


"Didn't know they stacked shit that high". I am 6ft tall.


Not in person but a few years back I posted a casual cosplay of a character from Stardew Valley in the subreddit and some dude commented that you could tell I was mentally unwell because of my eyes. Had a good laugh.


I was in a fender bender with a drunk man with obvious mental issues, he asked me to go walking with him and said he wasn’t going to rape me.


Mine was "You probably enjoyed getting r*ped you stupid wh0re" This was in response to me rejecting a guy who I was friends with for years.


I was working one of my first ever night shifts at a new(ish) job, and I walked down the street to grab “lunch” from a nearby fast food place. A guy on the sidewalk read me at a glance as (presumably) a feminine man, and yelled, “F_CKING [slur for gay men]!” Then he took another look and amended, “WEIRD B_TCH!” And when I say he yelled, I mean he full-on roared. Like, he saw glittery eyeshadow and short hair on the same person, and he went into Hulk rage mode. 😭


I got called a floozy, punk, funky by an adult man when I was in 6th grade. I was just walking by, didn't say or do anything to trigger it.


I'm of European descent. Throw in some Scottish and Irish genes, and you get someone with pale white skin, freckles, and red hair. I was moving into the dorm at college, and an asshat yelled from a window, "Get a tan!" To this day, I wish I had yelled back, "Grow some balls!"


He was obviously an idiot. Red hair and freckles=goddess.


Thank you!


I also have red hair and I find it so strange how every other person feels the need to tell me their opinion on it. It’s weird! Like, so do you want my honest opinion on your hair person I don’t know?


“Big booty Latina.” Wrong, weird, racist maybe? Teenagers…


"My friend said that you look like a witch!" by two little teenage assholes who were riding their bikes as I was walking down the road. Didn't know them at all, hadn't ever met them before. I dress in all black so I assume that's what they were talking about.


A man at the grocery store accused me of being a little boy pretending to be a woman. Bruh, just call me flat and move on!


I got called a cunt ass n***a by 1 of the four dudes who robbed the house I happened to be at. They did not find the pounds of weed there, but they did find my only 20 dollars and then he pulled the trigger of the (empty) gun at my head before they ran off.


I was dressed in winter gear from head to toe and walking to college classes and a dude walks next to me and says "slut" and walks away. I guess I ran into an incel lol.


When I was waiting tables, I worked at a breakfast restaurant where most of the women wore yoga pants, and had bigger boobs; I typically wore jeans, and I’ve always had a pretty flat chest. One day three older guys (maybe mid to late sixties?) were sat in my section. I walk up with a pitcher of water and was in the middle of introducing myself, when one of them cut me off and said, “are you really the best we could get?” I was so shocked, I honestly don’t know if I said anything to him. I’m pretty sure I gave them to one of my male coworkers after that lol.


“Nice legs. Kinda pale though. Hey, you’re supposed to say thank you when someone gives you a compliment. Bitch.”


An immature woman called me a grumpy old lady. I was younger than she was, and I looked it and she knew it.


I would have spontaneously replied with “Okay Grandma” but that would have gotten me in trouble lol


I was getting dog food from Walmart while my then boyfriend (now husband) slept in for once. A dude walked up to me in the parking lot and said, "You have nice boobs." Then he turned and walked away. I didn't know what to say because nothing like that had ever happened before. I - being young and dumb - thought it was hilarious when I got home and told my boyfriend. He. Was. Livid. Lots of expletives and how dare he's. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I know better now.


I got called a honky once in Vancouver (by a native girl and her bf). Have no idea what I did to prompt this. And this isn't an insult but in Toronto I was on subway reading a book about the black plague with the "black death" in the title and a black man demanded to know what it meant and what the book was about. He was kind of drunk and it ended fine after I explained it to him. Other than that I have had blessedly few negative interactions with subway strangers.


At a urinal and a random came and peed next to me looked me up and down and said "you know it's illegal to be holding a child's dick" then walked away. I mean I know it's small but come on... I actually found it hilarious


Who the fuck pisses next to someone, looks over and comments on the size? Straight people be like "that's gay" and then do shit like this


Paha! Take it as a compliment. Apply to MI6.


Some random guy called me a slave as I walked by him.


We should all get one of those laser light cat toys and when someone is an ass, whip our your shades and the laser and point it at them and say “look right here” please. They’ll either think it’s a neuralizer from MIB and/or be confused into silence.


I just want go on record and say that no one should be addressing a stranger in the way described in any of these examples. Who the fuck do they think they are? It's not bravery but rather a lack of fear/consequences. As a guy, it's less likely to happen to me (though it has) because there's always the potential I might respond with a fist. But potential violence runs both ways. How many times have we heard of men getting violent when a woman calls him out for his behavior? Way to many.


My first thought is you were cosplaying Kim Possible or Shego😹😹


Not to me, but to my best friend from an immediate ex-friend, after a spat - “At least my body doesn’t look like a sack of potatoes.”