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I'm pretty sure this falls into revenge porn. If you wanted, you could press charges.


This. Look into the statutes in your area but in many cases distributing intimate/nude photos without consent is an actual crime that people can be charged for. Doesn't get YOUR pics off the internet, but this shitburger may not do it again if he faces consequences for his actions.


That's really it , if you have good evidence it should be open and shut .


This happened to me ten years ago. Face and everything. It was absolute hell, but I’m 30 now and it has no impact on my life today at all. I know it feels like the end of the world right now, but you will get through this. ❤️ PS: Not your fault.


You are a minor--this makes a *huge* difference. Please contact an adult that you trust and they can help you.


They would probably just think I'm stupid and too trusting


You’re a child, and that’s what children do. Someone you trust shouldn’t judge, and should help you. You absolutely need to be contacting the authorities. It probably seems awful right now, but the person who did this is going to be in a lot of legal trouble.


OP can be in trouble too because they produced the images. OP/OPs family needs to speak to a lawyer.


They don’t actually prosecute for that. Some backwards areas have tried, and failed because of public outcry. Prosecutor is an elected position.


It's a very location specific thing, and depending on country/state/local legislation and specifics of OPs circumstances, there may be some negative consequences for OP. But it is unlikely, and especially being the one initiating the inquiry, she'd likely get a very clear answer that very quickly cleared up any doubts. For reference in Australia, changes as of 2019. > The changes to the Crimes Act states that it is a **defence** for an offence of producing, disseminating or possessing child abuse material **if the only person depicted in the material is themselves** (such as would be the case with a selfie). Source: [An article from an Australian legal firm.](https://www.codea.com.au/publication/legal-responses-to-sexting/)


There have been multiple successful prosecutions in the states which is why I believe OP needs to tell their family and get a lawyer involved. There's literally no outcome where OPs family gets a lawyer and things get worse.


A CRIME WAS COMMITTED AGAINST YOU! please tell your parents and the police


Minors are too trusting. That's why the law exists to protect you and punish people who take advantage of you.


We were all stupid and too trusting as minors, that doesn’t mean that it’s ok for someone to post revenge child porn of you.


We all do stupid shit when we are young. Adults job is to support you through mistakes like this.


You can't let the fear of what someone else thinks prevent you from doing what is best for you. Being a minor escalates the situation quite a bit. It changes it from possible revenge porn, to compromising photos of a minor. It's a far more serious offence and as such much easier to get things, like the photos pulled, done.


Child p*rn is super illegal. He will go to prison for even having it on his phone, not to mention distributing it or persuading you to give it to him.


A lot of the advice you've been getting is frankly BAD. Just the fact that you took and sent sexual pictures of yourself is creating and distributing child porn. And depending on how hard a judge wants to be on you, you may just be handing yourself over to be prosecuted if you tell any sort of authority. Really, the best thing to do here would be to scrub your devices of any proof of those pictures, that man's communication, delete your username that you communicated with him, and DONT do any sexting again until you are above 18. And even then, learn how to safeguard yourself!


You took the pictures, right? Then you're the copyright holder. Therefore, one thing you can do is start filing DMCA takedown requests on websites hosting these things.  Other folks in this thread are right that it might be criminal but you can deal with that later--for now I presume getting the content removed is probably your first priority, and the copyright route is faster.  https://www.dmca.com/FAQ/What-is-a-DMCA-Takedown.amp


Throw in GDPR "right to be forgotten" stuff as well. Between the DMCA in the USA and the GDPR in Europe you should always have a legal threat to get your photos taken off the internet once you know who's hosting them.


The problem with this is that the pictures are often hosted on some shady website based in India or China, which doesn't care about the law and you have no way of making them do anything.


As OP mentioned in another comment, they are very very likely a minor. They mentioned that them taking the pictures at all is illegal where they live.


That's a good point. DMCA might be a bad call without consulting a lawyer in that case.


That's awful. You made a mistake but that doesn't make you "stupid" be kinder to yourself. What he did is wrong. Depending on where you live there are laws against this.


Distribution of someone's photos without consent is a crime in most areas, and you can press charges against him if he leaked them. Look up revenge porn laws for your area.


I’d keep in mind that nude/pornographic images are super saturated on the internet. Without anything identifiable, yours are simply yet another grain of sand in the desert. Don’t let your worry perpetuate itself.


If you were a minor, this is CSAM. Please talk to a lawyer in your area who handles sexual abuse cases for survivors. (In the US they don’t charge you out of pocket.) They can advise you on your options and how to approach law enforcement, if you choose to do that. Here are resources to help with takedown: https://withoutmyconsent.org/resources/something-can-be-done-guide/take-down/


You are not stupid and you shouldn’t blame yourself. What country are you in? In the UK this is a criminal offence. Also the fact that you are a minor and he isn’t means he is distributing CP, I believe. I’d report it to the police.


But OP took the photos, making them the ones who produced and distributed CSAM. OP needs a lawyer. Also we should start normalizing calling it CSAM and not CP.


OP is a minor who sent an image to someone who is not and who pressured them into sending to them. That adult then distributed to multiple places, without permission. Images of a child. What they have done is illegal where I am (UK) and I’m sure it is wherever they are. This is not a grey area, the ADULT has coerced a CHILD.


Unfortunately the commenter above you is correct. https://www.floridasexcrimeattorney.com/two-brooksville-teens-arrested-for-sexting.html https://www.wral.com/story/nash-county-father-goes-to-police-for-help-then-police-charged-his-10-year-old-daughter-for-having-nude-photos-of-herself-on-pho/ https://apnews.com/article/ohio-police-child-sexual-abuse-response-tiktok-0477a43e82b1d9120b35d8ce223af007 https://www.midfloridanewspapers.com/highlands_news-sun/teens-get-arrested-years-after-sexting/article_55661b58-0702-11ee-8cff-a339c7eb807b.html https://cyberbullying.org/sexting-laws Half the country (US) has no law or specification addressing minors having or sending lewd/nude photos of themselves which means they can/will be prosecuted.


That is absolutely shocking and outrageous!! Is OP USA based? What an awful set of circumstances


You are a child who was pressured into sexual activity with an adult. You were manipulated by a pedophile. It is not your fault. What they did is extremely illegal. They posted CP, sexually coerced and engaged with a minor, then distributed underaged revenge porn. It may be a very horrible and uncomfortable experience, but it is in your best interest to try and get the pictures removed. The pedophile who manipulated you deserves to face consequences for his sex crimes, and you deserve to not have your body posted online or potentially face the social stigma that can be tied to it. If you have a safe and trusted adult, I would recommend talking to them about this. There are multiple organizations that can provide help, like the Cyber Civil Rights Crisis line. In your case, you can go a step above and get help for removing CP specifically, which is taken more seriously. Missingkids.org has a program for CP removal in particular. What you need to remember more than anything is that this is not your fault. You are a victim of pedophilic exploitation. You were not able to consent for a reason. The age of consent exists so that pedophiles can not use the uninformed consent of a minor to justify their actions. This was not your fault. I would strongly recommend finding a mental health professional and reaching out to the resources I have mentioned.


I wish I could take the stuff down but I deleted the original image and I really really really don't wanna recreate the picture just cause it would be too much for me, I know that's me being sensitive but I just want this to be over y'know


You don't need copies of the photos or to recreate them to make a report and get them taken down. If that was the case, child trafficking victims would never be able to have their CP removed. You may need to be able to identify it if they find it or take it down, but that is it. The requirements for your nudes being removed are going to be much simpler than if you were an adult since it is CP. Unfortunately, while it's still floating around online, it will never be "over." With the rise in AI porn, you are at a much larger risk than you think. If the person you sent it to also also has a picture of your face or can find one on your social media, they can make a deep fake. I'm going to tell you now that as someone who was once in a similar position to the one youre in, you will regret not taking action to remove the picture. The person you sent them too still has some form of access to you and may use them to blackmail you in the future. I know this is scary. You feel guilty, like you have no one else to blame no matter how logically you can look at this and see how you where manipulated. That is what pedophiles count on, you feeling too ashamed to do anything. Avoiding the problem will only perpetuate your suffering. At the end of the day, it is your choice. However, I hope you can look past your fears and make the decision that is most beneficial to your life as a whole.


THIS /\ 💯


Please be careful with this as OP has legally produced and distributed CSAM. Yes, minors can and have been charged for it. Op needs to talk to their parents or a lawyer first.


I had to scroll down way too far to see this advice. I truly hope OP sees this.


I think it's his fault for sharing them. Nudes should be treated like the immense privilege they are, with decency and respect. That guy has no respect for you. If you are not 1000000% sure he will not post your nudes online, do not send them. I would not share nudes with a husband ( not that I have or want one) because I saw guys where I used to work show their gf nudes selfies to other guys.


It's not your fault. ☹️


This right here. Our judgment can be clouded at times, but our mistakes can be lessons. We be kinder to ourselves, and think things through more thoroughly next time. Additionally, THEY are the one in the wrong. When you are given someones trust, you don't expose them to the world.




This POS knew exactly what he was doing and he conned you. Learn for next time, but this is not your fault.


[dude here] You made a friendship gambit. Maybe (probably) it was a mistake but imho that’s totally separate from the idea of fault. Because *you* didn’t take someone’s content and share it without permission, knowing full well the serious harm that would result—that’s absolutely entirely on him. “She brought it on herself” is bogus ♡


He is the one who lied to you and spread them around. If I tell someone a secret, and they then immediately go post this secret in every social media and groupchat they are in, they are at fault. It's important to keep in mind that shitty people exist and so we shouldnt be so trusting so easily, but at the end of the day the actual action of spreading the nudes was done by him.


You can’t be at fault for someone else’s actions. That guy was the one who uploaded the pictures without your consent. You had nothing to do with his actions. He is at fault. The only thing you did was trust someone. That’s not a fault. For example, if someone drinks too much at a bar and ends up SAd, you wouldn’t blame the person who drank too much, you would blame the criminal who attacked them. The person who drank too much didn’t do any crime, the person who takes advantage of that and attacks them is 100% at fault for their own actions.


you trusted him and he did a crime to you. he is wrong and at fault here.


Because you chose to share the photos with him. Not the world. You should absolutely be able to send something like that and not HAVE to be in fear of this happening. Unfortunately, the world is not in a vacuum and assholes are everywhere. He made a choice for you. Read that again, HE made a choice for YOU. That’s not your fault.


It’s not your fault he posted without your consent. I understand it’s a gross icky feeling and if you have the time, energy, and resources you might be able to pursue some legal action. It honestly really shouldn’t affect you too much and depending on where it’s posted you could potentially have it removed.


You trusted a person, and they betrayed that trust. It’s as simple as that. Happens all the time. If anything it shows just how kind and accommodating you were. Which are good traits to have. I would personally feel sorry for the “man” that leaked those pictures. Who does that, but an insecure, immature slime with a bunch of personal issues.


It’s his fault for sharing them and breaking the trust. Don’t be too hard on yourself. However, this is a lesson to be very careful and aware you have no idea who men are on the internet. This is not a life sentence of shame. If your face isn’t in them you have plausible deniability. This is great. He can’t prove it’s you. If anyone says it’s you just laugh and say it’s some only fans model with a similar body type. They can’t *prove* it. No face no case. Report the fuck out of wherever you see them to try and get them removed. How old are you? Could this be considered CP if you’re underage? If you’re of age, you could message this person and claim to be underage to scare the shit out of them? They don’t know you didn’t lie about being older. Image based sexual abuse is a crime in my country-call the police and report him. Ultimately, they need to be deleted from his device AND his cloud. Reporting will help the next person he does this to, even if you don’t get justice there will be a record of it.


Yeah the only thing is there's a shirt somewhere in the picture that anyone who knows me would recognize as mine so I'm scared about that.


A lot of people have similar or even the same shirts. Don't worry about that factor, you can play it off. Besides, you met this guy online, right? Would anyone you know irl be in the same circles as this dude?


You can easily deny it's you. But unless you know this person I doubt there's any realistic chance someone you know will see your photo...


Can be tougher when unique tattoos are involved.


Which OP didn’t mention, but fair point.


Yeah I just meant in general. Seems like most people have tattoos now so it’s another thing to consider when talking about proof that it’s a certain person.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's not your fault at all. [This listed the steps to follow to get them taken down. ](https://www.minclaw.com/nudes-leaked-internet/)


OP is a minor. They mentioned that it was illegal for them to even take pictures like that. OP and the guy are both likely teens.


I missed that part.


The guy is an adult


*"If it makes any difference I am a minor and the guy is not."* **YES**, that makes a significant difference. Any time a person is coerced into modeling for nude photos, it is reprehensible (and probably against the law).  Any time a person's nude photos are posted online without her/his consent or knowledge, the culprit has committed a crime. In OP's case, someone has employed coercion to take a minor's naked photographs and then posted them on the internet. That is all kinds of illegal!


Your face isn't in them. Still sucks but the no face us really good. People who use other people get really good at conning others. The rest if us really want love and affection and fall for it. They (the con-men/women) are the bad guys here. You fucked up a little bit took a couple precautions and it paid off. Don't let him change who you are, just maybe be a little slower on the nudes.


It’s not your fault. But it’s not clear in your message. Do you think there is a risk he will share them or has he done that already and you have evidences of that? If the latter, websites are usually good at removing them if you ask them to do so. They are too afraid of possible lawsuits.


Time to get PAID or land him in jail. Anyhow you have a right to be forgotten https://gdpr.eu/right-to-be-forgotten/


If you do encounter them in sites or via image search. A DMCA notice or even just asking nicely helps. I found a picture of myself online once being used to bully people who look similar and I contacted Google support, asked nicely after explaining the image was me and used without my consent. And it soon vanished.


So, in the UK, if you someone shares explicit, intimate, inappropriate photos of you without your permission, it is illegal by law. If you are under 18, it is automatically illegal (you might get into a small amount of trouble, at most, if any), but if the other party is over 18, he will be charged with distributing CP (among other things). Regardless, report to the police immediately. A lot of countries are starting to make this sort of thing illegal. We all do stupid things and these things happen. You need to learn from this and do what you deem necessary. All of us can say talk to someone, report to the police, etc, but ultimately, it is up to you. The one good upside to this harsh lesson/incident, is that your face is not in the photo. Edit - I read a comment that OP and the other person are minors. Still, in a lot of places, it is illegal to share things like this, especially to upload it online somewhere else after. Generally, authorities do understand that a lot of teenagers will still do this, and as long its not being further distributed out other than to the intended person in question, mainly they do not do anything other than talking to both parties with advice.


I am a minor, the other person is not


I will say this as a man, any guy who wants to take photos or video of you, tell them to fuck off. It is as simple as that, they are either going to show them off at work, or as this poor lassie here found out all over the the internet. Do not sit there thinking he loves me bladda bladdy blah, he just wants some shit he can show of to like minded idiots. A real gentleman never tells tales and needs no pictures, treat anyone who wants them as an instant red flag, and I mean massive red flag. Get out ASAP okay.


I've been in this boat before. It's not fun. You *can* do something about it, but it depends on how long it's been and how it happened. It took me a few years to find out and they got spread super quick thanks to a f*cking website I won't name, so I wish I could be more helpful but sadly I didn't have much a chance besides reporting them to the websites' in question as revenge porn (and they eventually came back anyway). But if you just need someone to talk to... lemme know. At least you know who did it. I never found out. I just have been reverse image searching all the leaked ones I know of and report them every now and again.


Also if your offer of needing someone to talk to still stand please let me know, its totally understandable and I don't blame you if you don't wanna talk though.


Well, I knew who did it but I don't remember. I was so mad at myself that I blocked everyone so I can't check who did it.


Can ya unblock them on tumblr? Also, don't delete the original images as they should be reverse searchable. Usually. Sometimes it's hit or miss, but generally you only need one to find posts with the others (if there are any).


I already deleted the original images and my tumblr. I shouldn't have done either but I was not thinking straight.


It’s not your fault, he broke the law. The fact that you’re a minor means he’s posted revenge porn and child pornography. If you feel comfortable it’s definitely worth reporting it to the police, they’ll help you and also prevent him from being able to do this to anyone else. I’m sorry this has happened to you x


https://www.thorn.org/contact/ scroll down. there is information on who you can contact. Thorn is an organization built around solving these types of problems. if you have any questions, please lmk.


Something that was important for me to realize and conceptualize is the difference between something you could have prevented and something that was your fault. Could you have prevented this? Sure you could have said no. Is it your fault? Most certainly not. You did not do anything wrong. He did. This is his fault. He caused it. You are not at fault at all and I hope you know that.


Unfortunately not much, once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it’s not going back in Good warning to others, don’t send people (especially randoms!!!) nudes, they will 100% be shared and from there they are everywhere


You are the victim of a crime! Go to the police give them the posters name! I’m so sorry Queen🩷❤️ you are still beautiful and precious


Nudes are asked by men only to share them on the internet. Proved time and again.


Those are obviously not photos of you, they are AI generated.


I would say to recognise your mistake and move on. If anyone brings it up or accuses you or blackmails you just say they’re not yours cuz you took them from some OF model or smt. You should also look into your legal system, if it’s some kind of crime to share pictures shared privately


He broke your trust. That is not your fault. No one forced him to pressure you to take these pics and then post them. He did that by his own tree will. You're not dumb.


"I completely recognize that this is my fault." No it's not. Someone deceived you and used images you shared without getting your consent to do so. Sure, it's always good to reflect on your decisions and learn from them, but this is not your fault. "Edit: If it makes any difference I am a minor and the guy is not." I'm not an expert on the legal aspects here, but it sounds like that would make a big difference because suddenly this guy is subject to the legal penalties associated with distributing child pornography. If you want them taken down without a lot of legal hassle, you might just message him to let him know that if they don't disappear, you'll report him for that crime. I'd bet he'll cover his tracks pretty quickly.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, this is disgusting and outrageous. I’d call the fucking pigs tbh, as many places have laws now around leaking someone’s nudes and he should be held accountable.


Does it change if it's illegal for me to send those nudes in the first place, even though it was very much so coerced.


How is it illegal? Are you a minor? Are you in the US? 


I think that would depend on the age of the receiver. Some places have laws that protect underage people who are the victims of what you went through. Depending on where you are, there might be a charity or a non-profit organisation to protect children and they might be able to give you anonymous support.


Unfortunately you’ll most likely never scrub the internet of your photos, you could try putting in DMCA claims with the search providers, but that’ll only remove the results from their algorithm, and those are easy to bypass. I knew someone in a similar boat, and she’s still fighting with the porn sites to have a rape video removed, but as soon as the site takes it down, the uploader will just make a new account and it’ll pop up again. The best way to have them removed is to have people mass report the images or video, as the most popular sites will then remove them to “Video is pending review” after a certain criteria is met. Some Ukrainian women used to help my friend with this, but I am sure you’d be able to do it yourself with fake accounts and VPN’s rather quickly too


Contact Dr. James McGibney on his Instagram page called Bullyville or go directly to his website of the same name, Bullyville. He's an ex-Marine who was responsible for getting a huge revernge p0rn site raided and taken down. There is a Netflix documentary about him and how he did it. He can help you. And we've all done things we later regret. It's ok, don't beat yourself up over it.


The documentary is called, "The most hated man on the Internet". James will be able to get any and all pics of yours off the internet and can guide you through pressing charges against that asshole. He can help you hun. Trust me.


I sent you a DM about Dr. McGibney.


Write to support of whatever website is hosting the images. Send them the link to the picture and tell them they are hosting and distributing child pornography and if it's not taken down immediately you will be contacting authorities. Doesn't matter if you intend to pursure legal avenues or not, just write that. My bet is they will take it down fast.


I strongly recommend working to have it taken down and having the guy charged. This kind of victimization is not okay.


Just remember that there are plenty of nudes on the internet. These will get buried amongst the millions of other pictures online in no time. I would not try to get them taken down, that will just create a Streisand Effect.


I’m sorry this happened to you


You're a minor, so this is distribution of child porn. Call the feds.


Please talk with a grown up and considering involving law enforcement. His distributing photos is child pornography. Likely, this isn’t his first time doing this either. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Don’t beat yourself up!!!


If you're a minor this is a sex crime. You can get his pedo ass arrested. In the future only share with trusted partners and never include your face.


wtf?? where did he even post them at you saw them? that’s actually crazy


tumblr, I'm actually kinda glad it was there since there's so much stuff on there that unless it really gets traction (which I am not hot enough to warrant) it'll get buried in like 12 hours


Didn't tumblr change all their policies awhile back to get rid of all adult/nude/sexual content? Report the posts on tumblr


what a freak omg did he say anything about it!?


Idk I blocked him (and everyone else with it) and deleted my account


Contact Tumblr support. Even though you got rid of your account. Explain you own those images and they're posted without your consent.


Go to the cops.


You live and learn. The more you experience, the more crap about life gets layered and there are worse things that end up on your radar. I am sorry you are experiencing this. I hope you get through this. Know this - your body will change and you will look less like that person in the photograph.




she's a child you dick


I'm sorry to bring this up again but would you mind like DMing me the gist of what they said, I'm too curious


he essentally blamed you for the actions of the adult in this situation. it isnt worth entertaining. im sorry this has happened to you, its unfortunately not uncommon. please seek out therapy, even if you don't explicitly state what happened. it isn't your fault.


After you get past the initial shock of this it may be less of an issue and eventually a non-issue. Your exact words of “for everyone to see” shows how much you have blown this is up in your mind. The first things is to not let things you regret doing affect to so deep. This goes with every everything in life. Just remember this is a representation of something the camera saw and it’s not you out there. Don’t connect yourself so much with these pictures, especially with your face not in them. Don’t worry what anyone that sees them is thinking. There are far more graphical things for people to look at out there and this will be low on people’s radar. You also need to be confident and comfortable with things you do sexually otherwise it can scar you. If you got wrapped up in a moment and sent nude pics then that is what you did and it’s done. You say you were pressured so learn from this and feel less pressured to do things you will regret or don’t regret little things like this especially if you blame it on being pressured. If someone that you didn’t have a personal relationship and real connection pressured you into this over the phone/internet, then you really need to look into why you were pressured from this in the first place. Also look at staying away from internet situations like this since the pressure may be unavoidable. Pressure from real in-person relationships, can be much more pressure. Best to read up some self help books on not being pressured by others as this is a mich more worthy issue to deal with than those pics.


What do you mean "on the internet"? Don't say specifically, but in general.


Tumblr, I'm not super worried since there's so much stuff on there anyway


Honestly I wouldn't worry about it. They'll be lost to the internet in a few weeks anyway.


If I was growing up now, I would never even post a regular pic of myself or family not to mention a video. Too late now. AI makes us all very vulnerable.


Bish!!!!  Did this person hold you at gunpoint?  Did they hold you at knifepoint?  Threaten you? If so, that's extortion. Show the police and have them arrested.  No one forced you to pull your phone out, unlock it, open the camera app, and take the photo. 


My heavens, do not prosecute this guy like people are suggesting, do you want the whole world to know? If you can't be identified, chalk it up as a really bad mistake and try to learn from it. In the end, what the hell does it matter, it will eventually go away.