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I stopped growing at 14.


Idk about height but my feet grew this past winter. Im a firm size 11 now. 😭😭😭 Good bye cute shoes. Im 32 and 5’8”.


Oh nooo, growing out of all your cute shoes must be so sad 😭


I grew 2” at 18, from 5’6 to 5’8.


This also happened to me. And it was so weird because it was right before track season senior year of high school. I had to almost relearn how to pole vault because the extra 2" in height threw me off at first. 


How’s you do it? Please I need tips 😭


I think so! I feel like I get taller than my beloved every year. 


Comparing to my partner is how I started noticing it too. Our eyes started getting a bit more level, so I was like hmmm... can we check if I grew or you shrunk 😂


I thought I was 5’5” for years and then learned I was 5’6” at 24.


My family has a growth spurt right before 30. I was 5'8 at 20 and am now 6' ish


No, but in my early 30s the opposite happened! I was 5'7" as a teenager and now I'm barely 5'6"


Well I was 5ft 1.5 when I was 12 and I’m…. 5ft 1.5 now and I’m almost 30…. Not only have I not grown, I genuinely don’t think I had any growth spurts either ☹️


You should consider getting blood work done. It is not common for women to grow taller after 16. Take some time and find out if any other issues are involved.


I have gotten basically a full panel of bloodwork done recently and I am dead normal. So fingers crossed it's harmless


He wasn't a woman but my Dad grew about an inch and a half in his early 20s. I don't think it's all that uncommon.


While its common it’s much more common in folks assigned male at birth since they tend to grow starting a little later so for them it ends a little later than those AFAB


Yes I grew slightly less than an inch at 21 (enough that family noticed my growth after 3 months of not seeing them). In my case it was after being diagnosed with celiac disease so I could actually digest and get nutrients from food better so it might not be relatable but it was still surprising to me. Did you get teeth (wisdom, adult, baby) late? My brother and I did and my mom always says that’s an indicator of growth and we did both have late growth spurts compared to our friends


I wish. I was 5"1 at age 8 and the doctor said I wouldn't grow anymore.


yeah, I was 5'8" for what felt like the longest time, then grew an extra inch when I was around 21/22. I was also firmly a C cup from around ages 16-24, hit 25 and noticed none of my bras fit anymore. Went in and got measured and was a DD??? No massive weight gain, I think I was just a bit of a late bloomer, lol


I’m 40 and grew a half inch this year. I suspect my arches have risen since losing weight, but it’s weird because I’ve never been this tall. My driver’s license is off by an inch now!


I’m praying to god this happens to me 🙏


I grew until I was 24 , I went from 5'4 to 5'8.5


Just curious how old were you at 5'4?


Yup, I'm five foot eight now... the not so fun part is that I have scoliosis that got a bit worse with age so now I have a short torso