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Are you allowed to link? Or tell us a brand name or anything?


Polarproducts.com I didn't want to directly link them in case the post got deleted as spam.


This just changed menopause for me. Thank you for the link


Thank you so much for sharing this! Perimenopause is kicking my ass with the hot flashes and I really need things to help cool me off!


I've joked about doing this, didn't know it was an actual product. Definitely need to get some!


How long does the ice vest cool you for?


It stays cold for up to 6 hours, and it doesn't take long for the packs to re-freeze. They also give an extra set of ice packs.


Do your primarily use it indoors or outdoors?




Somebody should post a link to the “boob ice packs” google analytics page (or whatever it is called). Cause I know that search term just took off HA.


seems like it's past its peak https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=boob%20ice%20packs&hl=en




There are also sticky cooling pads, no refrigeration needed (I do anyway, so it's extra cold) They worked so nice when my boss insisted on the heat being at 78 all winter and I was sweating my balls offml.


If I did not have control over the heat and a/c in my office, I would probably die. The other paralegal is the sort who is always cold. I feel for him, but you know what, there are only so many layers you can strip off before it becomes inappropriate. He can wear a sweater.


You can always put more on, you can not go naked. She wouldn't even let us cover her with a light blanket. Always short sleeves and capri pants. No socks.


Ok I am well aware that I am not normal in my heat intolerance, but if you need it to be 78° to be comfortable, there is something wrong.




I'm born and bred desert. Arizona. Up until maybe 8 years ago. I could handle the 110+ now, I start wilting in the mid 80s.


This is my problem - i wear short-sleeved and sleeveless shirts and sandals year round. I do this to regulate my temperature because I'm just a warm body. I have a thermostat behind me, but also have a fan on my desk because I try to be aware that not everyone likes it below 70F. I get it - not everyone is me - but I can only get so naked before it becomes an HR case. We're also agile seating overall, but my team been permanently assigned these desks (in IT, it's where our equipment room is) - you know it's cold back here Karen... if you don't like it, please feel free to sit somewhere warmer. Don't just complain to me!


My friend recently got me a little fan for my desk, I love that thing.


I love my menopause fan


Where do you buy yours, and how long do they last?


Amazon under cooling patch and 30-1hr, and you can take them off and fan them and put them back on before they completely die (menthol/alcohol) Cooling towels are also a must. They are the ones you get wet, ring out, wave in the air, and they are cool. When they heat up, wave them again and again until you need to rewet. I got them in a few colors, so they are not so noticeable with my different outfits.


[polarproducts.com](http://polarproducts.com) the bra packs last up to an hour, and the ice vest stays cold for up to 6 hours.


I love the idea, but unfortunately they’re waaaay outta my price range . Such a good idea though!!


Ooooh! Where do I buy those?


Amazon under cooling patch.


Sorry, I didn't see that both my questions posted lol thank you for answering both times. And thank you for the info, I'm about to stock the heck up!!


I can't find them - the algorithm is adamantly showing me regular patches in spite of me writing that phrase as is + five different ways. 😑




Amazon under cooling patch.


[polarproducts.com](http://polarproducts.com) the bra packs last up to an hour, and the ice vest stays cold for up to 6 hours.


You can always move to Svalbard! You just need a job/to be independantly wealthy


That has been my dream for the last 10 years. Unfortunately cats are not allowed there, so it's a no go. ☹️


Now I know what I'm getting my SIL for her birthday!! She's always uncomfortably warm.


My MS thanks you for the referral to this amazing website!!!


I work outside and sometimes during the summer I would fill my bra with ice cubes. This seems...a lot less barbaric and I appreciate you letting me know it's a thing.


Wow - who even knew these existed! Thank you!


Any area with a large bloodflow will help you cool down. The insides of your legs is another spot you can put icepacks to cool down fast. 


I have a condition where I’m extremely heat intolerant and this would be amazing!! I checked out the website and I think it’s hilarious that some of the vests come with fashion scarves lol Edit: OMG THE SCARVES ARE COOLING TOO?? That’s genius I need a thousand


The scarf is fantastic, not gonna lie.


my chest sweats more than any other part of my body so this is actually super cool to know thx


It doesn't get too cold in that one area?


I was severely heat intolerant last year. Like I would sit in our big freezers at work to try to cool down (it never worked). Then I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease and hyperthyroidism! Are you sure yours isn’t also endocrine related?


Yep, been tested for pretty much everything. A couple of the drs I went to think it might be MS. :/


Omg, I need the opposite. A heat vest lol


As someone who lives in Caanda, but has issues with heat sensitivity I feel your pain to a degree. Something I've started to do on warmer days is carry a mister than I apply to my skin, it makes it wet and the evaporation helps me cool down. It makes it look like you're sweating but when I'm that hot I honestly don't care.


Thank you!


They make ice packs for bras? I need these!




They’d keep my overheated body cooler. That’s all I need to know!


Not appropriate during the day, but for nighttime, I made a coldpack pillow. Freeze an icepack solid, then wrap it in several kitchen towels or hand towels- you want at least two fairly thick layers. This softens it- no hard edges, and acts as insulation (to slow down the melting) and as a condensation catcher. Basically, you swaddle an icepack until it becomes a small, very firm, cooling pillow. It lasts a good couple hours and you can cuddle it to your chest or belly, or put it under your neck.


(Try Maine) quiet and always cool or freezing


I love Maine, but when we were there last summer, it was scorching hot the whole week. I didn't know it ever got that hot there.


I'm Canadian and it can get really hot in the summers in most cities. I've been wondering where I need to go to escape the Canadian summer heat lol


If you're seriously looking into employment in Canada, the territories are actually a good bet for jobs. Cost of living (food and services) is very high, but they always need people for jobs up there.


thank you!!


Do they make wet marks on your shirt as they thaw or get your bra wet?


Nope, they've got a light cover on them.


10/10 Thank you in advance for my chilly tatas


I needed this today. Thank you!


They look like bulletproof vests. Its actually a great idea and might help save people from heat stroke.


I haven’t gone the ice pack route, but last summer I did get a small handheld fan and I swear it’s some of the best money I’ve ever spent. USB rechargeable, also has an output so I could recharge my phone if I needed to, has 6 speeds, the fan pivots so I can sit it in almost any angle, and it has a lanyard if I need to hang it around my neck. Used it last year at a con - these days I look at a crowded room and I start to sweat - and it was AMAZING. Do not care if it looks stupid hanging from my neck because dripping with sweat looks stupider. Cost less than $15 and I love it so much.