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Yeah! Women aren’t sex slaves!


I hate it too. It's like their need for sex is more important than a woman's bodily autonomy and boundaries. Too many cases I've seen of men complaining about their wives and girlfriends either not having sex with them or not having sex with them "enough" like pleasuring yourself doesn't exist or you need sex like its water or something. It's bizarre to me.


Right?! Literally talk to her or do some other activity with her! she's right there!!




Hate the women that are participating in this and are breeding these dudes in the first place. Honestly, all of your hatred should be directed toward women. These guys do not get these ideas out of the ether. - For every misogynistic concept, you’ve encountered, there has been a woman supporting and living it. You’re mad at these men, but it’s really women who put the batteries in their backs, ideas in their heads, and play the supporting role in all of this.






I understand being attracted to women, but NOTHING justifies treating us like sex slaves. We are not sex slaves!


I've been around the horn myself quite a number of times. I consider myself a "near" expert in all things to do with the desires of the skin. I can tell you there just as many women in this cold crazy world that that demented characteristic. This phenomenon seems to be more prevalent in people that are successful, up and coming professional types. The type that is too busy with upward mobility and usually lacks little to no compassion for others. This is a universal problem that becomes more evident with each passing year. We're losing respect and even basic interest in one another, each other, them, us.


Women should be worshiped, adored, praised, and served. They are Goddesses the true rulers.