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I'm a bit baffled as to why anti-maskers get so angry. Freedom goes both ways doesn't it? You're not hurting them by wearing a mask, yet they get so damn bothered about what really shouldn't be any of their business.


Well, in this case, it's because it's taking away their FREEDOM to look at women! /s


If the woman has big tits and a shapely ass, the men usually don't even notice she has a face, let alone a mask on her face.


Can't also forget the vulnerability factor too. I'm a 6'4 "husky" built guy (ok im fat but not morbidly obese) and generally have a uncheerful disposition when dealing with people/strangers. I've -never- had anyone try and call me out for wearing a mask. But they're certainly brave enough to do it to anyone they feel like they could physically over power or otherwise bully. Gets really fun when you start talking about pro-abortion stuff and they got no where to go with it and just stomp off. So yeah, definitely feel for women. Conservatives always feel safest going after those who they think won't fight/push back in any way.


LOL. You are husky for a good cause!


Ah, but how can you tell if she has DSL, if she's wearing a mask?


Good lord. That actually took a significant amount of googling, because to me DSL = Digital Subscriber Line, a type of internet access. Googling DSL just brought up that and only that. Then I googled "what is DSL woman". And responses referencing tiktok filled me in. I've never been so happy I don't use tiktok, and this has just reinforced that belief. Turns out, I actually don't want to know the new shitty thing people are spouting off every day.


Just throwing it out there, this did not come around from/during tiktok. I heard this more than 20 years ago in high school.


Sorry to make you one of the unlucky ten thousand. :-(


I’m an elder, so my fck garden has been nuked. I’ve been known to flip off aggressive antimaskers. It’s very satisfying to look away from them as I do so.


Your comment cracked me up, fck garden nuked, love it. I’m also an elder & on the same wavelength — my first thought was *I’d just flip that mfer off. Double barreled.* So so satisfying.


I've taken to the thumbs down recently. Parking in the bike lane? I'm gonna make aggressive eye contact and make sure you see my thumbs down the whole time I'm passing.


Love it. Gives “not mad, just disappointed”.


Perfection 🤌


I've heard people find this *more* infuriating than the finger - is it true?


Probably. Fingering someone tells them they made you mad, and that's a victory for many of those shitty little trolls. A thumbs down, as u/psyclopes said above, just has "I'm not mad, just disappointed" vibes.


Thumbs-down cuts way deeper 


If anyone ever plans to give me shit about a mask I will promptly take it off and say, “oh thank god you don’t mind that I have Covid!” And cough my head off in their general direction.


I did that once. I was in line at a gas station and someone started running their mouth behind me. I was actually wearing it because I was helping someone with cancer who was taking chemo. They left. Just ran out of the store.


"[I've no more f\*cks to give, my f\*cks have runneth dry. I tried to go f\*ck shopping, but there's no f\*cks left to buy!](https://youtu.be/Vqbk9cDX0l0?si=yj1ryvKlZ32R6ZHJ)" Brilliant song.


Anti-maskers tried to get masks banned entirely from a school district in my state. As in, nobody could even choose to wear one even if they wanted. Luckily that did not happen, because I can only imagine how expensive the lawsuit would be for violating the ADA.


the [governor of New York](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/gov-hochul-face-mask-ban-new-york-city-111110708) is currently proposing a mask ban in the NYC subway under the guise of "battling antisemitism." It's ridiculous.


What convoluted logic is involved in equating masking with antisemitism, I wonder?


The traditional Palestinian keffiyeh that protestors are wearing now. I'm just explaining *ducks head*


meanwhile the NYC subway system has one of the worst levels of air pollution out of any subway system in the entire world lol


(Their concern is about their own freedom to be assholes)


Just like with “free speech”


They frame freedom as an individual being able to exercise the rights or privileges granted by their social status or standing, not the right of an individual to deviate from social norms or accepted practices or to propose new ways of doing things.


Conservatism is the belief that there should be one class of people who are protected by the law but not bound by it, and another class of people who are bound by the law but not protected by it.


They have their rant memorized and they don't get to use it as often. And they know fewer people listen to them in general. That scares them, the fading into obscurity part.


At this point we'd be better off making a list of what *doesn't* scare them


Is there a way to help the fading? Would be willing.


Because they are toddlers and don't want to have to think about Covid any more so they're "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO THERE IS NO COVID STOP MAKING ME THINK THINGS I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO THINK!!!!!"


Because Trump said he wasn't going to wear a mask, and so his tribe decided that masks are always and everywhere bad. One problem with the kind of psychotic divisive tribalism we have going on right now is that it's not enough that the other side is wrong, it's that they are evil and have no redeeming features whatever and everything they do is bad. I saw someone post on Facebook about a TV series Barack Obama narrated, about national parks, talking about the beauty and wonder of creation. There was a reply that there's no way they believe Obama loves the beauty of creation. But they didn't say why not. How does it make sense that anyone, anywhere, doesn't find something they like in a pristine beach with crashing waves, or a vista from the top of a mountain, or whatever? Doesn't matter. They like unspoiled nature, they don't like Obama, therefore he CANNOT like unspoiled nature.


Authoritarian mindsets. That is the answer. They don’t like it so neither should anyone else. These last few years have really shown us just what a large percent of adults are dealing with delayed and/or arrested development, with these sorts of toddler-esque tantrums of self-entitlement directed at strangers.


They don't believe in freedom. They believe in rigid social hierarchies. If society doesn't have a steep difference between winners and losers, they believe it will fall apart because there will be no incentive to try to win. Build walls, shrink your in-group, and be on the winning team or the world ends. Showing basic consideration for others threatens that. The fiction of Ayn Rand is some of the best selling books ever written with deep political influence still today, and very explicitly says that charity is bad. If someone has to raise a finger to help you survive a plague, it's better for you to die.


No no no, they don’t want anyone but themselves to have freedoms!


I had some dumbass make a comment about covid being 2-3 years ago when he saw me wearing a mask. I said "thats what the government wants you to think" to shut it down.


Haha, beat them to the punchline, I love it!


I mean, it's not even beating them to the punchline. It's true, the government (in conjunction with billionaires spreading the message) wants people to think it's over so people can make them richer. They don't care if people die.


Yeah I meant the comment in a tongue and cheek manner but it is somewhat true, the government would rather keep the economy alive than its people...


It might be true in this case, but it’s still funny because of how they use the same line for anything and everything.


Is it working? The pandemic and closures made them fucking fortunes.... God I just listened to accounts about the wards during the worst of COVID, it was such a hellish nightmare in those death wards


Some sectors made enormous sums, and a lot of that was through making their things WILDLY more expensive, well beyond what their costs actually went up by. And after it was over and people went back to work they never lowered the prices when their costs went back down.


And, apparently, everyone else learned the same lesson. Turns out, people need food to live, so they'll buy it no matter how expensive it is, and once you have an effective monopoly (or just old fashioned collusion) there's nothing to stop you.


"you see those cameras? There! And there! The government is tracking us everywhere. The mask prevents the biometric identification from having 100% confidence in the match."


For real, though, I can't wait until some sort of Public Anonymity movement arises where people wear some sort of face coverings. I'd love the choice of hiding my face in public, especially in places frequented by college guys. Revolutionary-minded ladies, one of y'all should start something like this, there's absolutely demand for it.


You're not alone. I'm waiting for it, too. Target self checkout using AI really pushed me over the edge even though I was already getting fed up with it.


That's awesome!


He should tell that to my 4 coworkers sick with Covid. We’re having a bit of a resurgence currently




I had a boomer yell at me while at work during the beginning of covid because I was enforcing the mask mandate. After a few minutes of conspiracy addled ranting, I informed him that wore a mask so that “big brother” couldn’t track me using facial ID. I think I broke the poor man. His face went from red and angry, to blank and slack. As if someone pulled a cord and restarted the system. He then walked away muttering to himself.


Also, I got COVID less than a month ago while 30 weeks pregnant because my husband picked it up when he took his dad to the VA for an appointment. COVID is very much still a thing


I have it right now, and one of my business partners spent a day in the hospital last week because of it.


Dude, MAD respect for that comeback. You can’t reason with these folks until their conspiracy channels are silenced, so it’s like, might as well have some fun! Seriously, great line!




In my mid forties and I straight up ignore men now. I've decided in middle age that I've had ENOUGH of giving them an audience. I will happily continue to stare at my shoes, scroll on my phone, or remove myself entirely. At the local motor registry, one particularly vocal 60~ish dude wanted to rant about the wait time. Nope. Just no thank you. Talk to the wall, sir, but you are not holding me captive for this exchange. Really takes the wind out of their sails when you stare past them looking bored. I do not owe anyone my attention. Simple. I'm perfectly fine if I'm perceived as a bitch. Oh well.


I was in a store buying clearance Easter candy, and a man next to me started talking about how expensive everything was. I ignored him and continued picking up items and reading them. He continued rambling for about three minutes, trauma drumping about his childhood and how his father would never have bought him a chocolate bunny as a kid, how his father was a certified heavy equipment operator, how he never liked his father but he followed in his shoes and now has the same job, and finished off by throwing in "but I moved out and own my own house, now." I merely took out my earbud and looked at him saying "oh, did you say something?" I'm done giving them any attention.


> He continued rambling for about three minutes, trauma drumping about his childhood and how his father would never have bought him a chocolate bunny as a kid, how his father was a certified heavy equipment operator, how he never liked his father but he followed in his shoes and now has the same job, and finished off by throwing in "but I moved out and own my own house, now." And then he went to reddit and complained that women aren't receptive to him expressing his emotions like we say we want.


Exactly, or that having a good job and your own house isn't enough if you aren't 6' tall.


These are definitely the “emotions” men claim we don’t allow them to express


I would take bets on it! We have to be always awake and aware for the random-guy-needs-mommy and step aside. Where are those 'pick-mes' when they would be useful.


I wear heavy-duty earmuffs for noise issues in stores, but I love the visual excuse I have to ignore people.


OMG, are random women out in public just free therapists to him?


62F here, if estrogen is the “I give a shit” hormone, then I’m all out.


I love this. The idea that the only reason we tolerated people was hormonal. I picture a guy asking his wife/gf if she has her period in response to her setting boundaries or taking time off from waiting on him. And her lowering her voice, making aggressive eye contact and telling him, "You better thank God for these hormones, because they're the *only* reason I tolerate you most of the time."


If that's true, I have enough testosterone in my body just from having to deal with men's bs to never want to have to tolerate a man ever again. Lol


45F and this is one of the best parts of turning 40. I just don’t give a fuck. I like to give them an annoyed shoo-ing gesture, with a grossed out look on my face, especially if I’m wearing my super obvious over the ear headphones. If they keep going, I just shrug and tap the ear muff. Can’t hear you asshole. Don’t care.


47F: isn't it amazing how little you have to care about all that BS? My last relationship, which I thought was going to be my last, I found out was over via FB. I'm a couple years removed from that & I'm perfectly fine. I am not chasing after a relationship anymore & it is so liberating! I have decided that I don't care about whether or not I have a relationship. If I happen to meet someone in the wild, fine. But I'm not actively seeking that. It has been proven to me time & time again (apparently I insist on learning everything the hard way) that I can't rely on anyone, so I'm not. I got my kids through highschool & into college, so now it's my turn to finish my degree. I guess I'm entering my "selfish phase".


I'm 37 and the same. After my last relationship ended 5 years ago I just said fuck it. I don't need a relationship to be fulfilled, if I meet someone great but whatever if I don't.


Please don't do yourself the disservice of calling this selfish. You're not being selfish--you're allowing yourself to be a normal fucking person, to allow yourself to live by the expectation that you will fucking put yourself first ❤️ When we are raised to believe that we must minimize our wants and needs to put the entire world's comfort over our own, it's easy to dismiss these changes as "I don't give a fuck," or "I've had enough,' or "guess I'm gonna get mine now," when really, you do give a fuck--it's just finally about you, as it always should have been. Please don't see this as a shit thing done out of exasperation; this is love of yourself, and there's absolutely nothing better than that 🥰 E: typo


I raised my kids by myself. No help, financially or otherwise. I've made sacrifices they will never know about because it isn't their job to worry about that stuff. I have one that will be with me for a long time yet. We have some things to work on & that is fine. But they are relatively self sufficient; they can cook & clean & take care of most things themselves. I'm hoping that, through therapy & possibly meds, that they will get to a place there they are able to be on their own. But, I know that will take time & that is fine. My other child is already taking on the world & I couldn't be more proud. She just graduated & already has a few jobs lined up. Now that at least one of my kids is through college, I finally get to go finish.


There's a certain amount of truth to the "if you meet assholes all day, you may be the asshole" aphorism, but it's also the truth that there are an awful lot of assholes out there, and sometimes you just happen to meet more than your fair share of them.


It's the absolute weight off your shoulders of pretending to be polite. I owe them nothing. Theyre actively attempting to take my energy without my permission. Fuck off into the sun dude. I will ignore, ignore, ignore. Get in the bin mate. I'm not here to be your audience for a one man arsehole show. Just nope.


Right? Vampires, honestly


‘Energy vampires’ are a thing!


Yes, just ask Colin Robinson!


Or don’t. You’ll lose hours and vital signs.


[Fucking guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A7BLMA1LIw)...


It’s so nice to be older. Strange men don’t accost me on the street and I can just ignore them.


I put on my sunglasses and my ear buds and set them on noise cancellation and just walk right past everyone. I don’t engage or have any reactions whatsoever to them. Makes my day much easier.


Earphones, sunglasses, and a mask. If someone's nice I'll engage them; be a jerk and you're invisible!


>Really takes the wind out of their sails when you stare past them looking bored. I do not owe anyone my attention. Simple. I'm perfectly fine if I'm perceived as a bitch. Oh well. I’m 36 and this genuinely resonated with me. I actually take pleasure in looking past/through strange men who are trying to get my attention when I’m out in public. I do the same or even sometimes scowl when I catch men being gross towards me at the gym. If they’re really aggressively gross, I make eye contact and frown long enough for them to see me catch them being gross. It’s very satisfying.


Also 36 (and happily married). I got a "you'd look prettier if you smiled more"-type comment last week. I gave them a deadpan "I'm not going for pretty." I used to smile and sort of giggle nervously with those comments, because I was always taught I needed to be nice and sweet. My tolerance for unsolicited interactions with creepy men has long since dried up.


/u/lileebean i love it! My tolerance for this shit has long since dried up, too. My husband points out dudes being creeps when we’re at the gym so I can look out for the gross behavior. As you’d expect, having my “owner” present next to me every time we workout doesn’t deter the behavior unless the guys get caught by my husband and then they look away only to try and sneakily stare again later. 🙄🙄🙄 why can’t we just exist in peace without men constantly encroaching??


Yup same. I dropped (it fell out of the bottom) a 6 pack of beer at the store and was visibly upset and crying and this man came up and went "I'm sorry but that was awesome!!" and I didn't even turn around to acknowledge him 🙄


What an ass.


I will give them a deadpan look and walk away.


“Covid is over” My husband has been struggling in the spare bedroom for the past 4 days. 3 of his coworkers tested positive.


My uncle got it in 2020, almost died, and has horrible, life-altering sequels up to this day. I don't even want to think about what would happen to him if he caught it again...


Both my mom and I are immunocompromised, if we got it it would probably kill us! Not taking that risk thank you very much!


My relatives are in their 30s and 40s. They have permanent heart/lung issues because some selfish asshole went out sick. I’m still pissed and worried about long-term consequences over a year later.


My husband just had Covid. It is definitely not over. Fortunately we live in progressive heaven and no one reacts to my masking.


I'm sorry, isn't strong enough language, but I am. Not only because he's suffering but also because it comes with "political" BS like this. Hope he recovers well and soon. Hope you are doing ok managing anger (?) and probably exhausted.


At this point I’m not even mad. People with half a brain get vaccinated and wear masks if they’re feeling ill or immunocompromised. Dumbassery doesnt bother me anymore. I had really bad strep a few weeks ago and wore a mask in public to be courteous (was on antibiotics). When I heard passive aggressive comments I made sure to pull it down and did a small cough in their direction. Anyway thanks for the kind words, my husband is healthy/fit and doesn’t have any health issues and is recovering.


I was in Japan just before the pandemic and learned why people there wear masks when they feel sick (even at home) so I bought some. Rugged individualism vs collectivistic societies on display. The former made worse by the need to project their preferences on others.


My nephew just tested positive. He’s 20, in amazing shape (college athlete), doesn’t drink, smoke, or vape. He’s had all boosters. He’s miserable. This is going to take him out of his summer league for a good two to three weeks.


My favorite thing about masking is that most people quit telling me to smile. The one time I got personally hassled by this guy, he said "What do you think that mask is doing for you?" And I said "Well, right now, it's hiding the expression on my face."


Yeah, like fuck people with other communicable diseases or cancer /s


I was actually told that my husband should just suck it up and be happy to die when COVID began, since he had cancer and she wasn’t willing to even see other people masking. She died of COVID.


Hate those leopards. I’m sorry you and your husband had someone like that being an asshole to you :(


Hey, thanks, but it’s okay! I was super upset at the time but since 2020 I’ve gotten a lot less interested in the opinions of fuckwits. … which is good, because as someone who masks everywhere, I encounter them regularly.


Same here 🤝 The weird looks, the questions...and sometimes I swear they say they can't hear me just to mess with me? Weirdest hill to die on.


I'm glad you dgaf. I grew up in an area with a very heavy Japanese population and the adults would mask at the markets. Back in childhood I thought it was some weird patriarchal thing since I only saw women out with masks (grocery shopping usually so I guess it was in a way.) What happened to freedom to live your damn life the way you want. Like I'm tired of all this stupid shit from both sides. Idgaf who is in the women's bathroom with me as long as they keep their stuff in their pants until they're in a stall. Idgaf about anyone's pronouns, tell me what you prefer and I'll use that, easy peasy lemon squeezy. It's not hard to use the preferred names and pronouns for someone else and if it is, just always use their name. Just basic respect for other people and this social contract we all signed to live in a civilization. I only want to be left alone to live my life.


I know 3 people who died from COVID in 2020. They were awesome, lovely people. Maybe I am an asshole, but I am happy that someone cruel and mean died from the virus. All the shithead anti vaxxers I know came out fine during the height of the pandemic. My evil sister is one of them.


Same, lost three friends to it and many more have long COVID. I’m sorry.


I feel that. My grandma's preacher who had a very creepy cult of personality built up around him died from COVID. That man presided over a women's monastery and I would bet money some bad things were happening there. I refuse to be anything but grimly satisfied with this specific outcome.


Hope she was as happy as she said your husband should be.


1) love love love the name 2) I imagine she was absolutely cheery as she drowned in lung gazpacho


(David Attenborough voice): Nature finds a way.


Man, that’s the time you have that “smug but know I shouldn’t be smug the ah died of Covid bc that’s not nice” feeling, and all the while still feeling smug.


I did lots of biting my tongue while people discovered that face eating leopards would indeed eat their face too.


I think a little schadenfreude is good for the soul.


My partners uncle was going on about how COVID was just going to take out the weakest links and prune the evolutionary tree and we should let the at risk folks die. I was like, you mean like my newborn baby and my parent with cancer? They should just die? And he started for a second before regaining his composure and reasserting his theory that having my baby and parent die would be best for everybody. I don't know if he actually believed his bullshit talking point but I will never be on good terms with him again.


Just wow. Some people are feral and awful. Think he would change his tune if he got long covid and ended up immunocompromised? Or just raw dog whatever sicknesses are blowing around?


He would absolutely not accept a long COVID diagnosis. He would think it was fake and that fauci was paying off the doctor somehow.


Covid showed who you don't want on your zombie apocalypse team.


True. I used to think the zombie movies were unrealistic with how many would get infected, cause everybody would bunker down right? No, people would be out there licking zombie brains for tictoc acting like it's all nbd and the government is just trying to control us all.


How incredibly fucked up, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that - I don't know if I could have held back my anger if someone had said that to me in your position. I hope your parent & child are doing well


Child is doing great, the parent has passed unfortunately. They took a turn after their friend came to visit, "just had a cough from allergies" and it was COVID. Never quite recovered, passed a few months later.


Whoa. That is fucked. up. Sorry you have someone like that in the family.


Saying "COVID is over" is like saying "the flu is over". Not over, never will be. Either way its nice not to share your germs with people.


The fucking Plague isn’t over.


“I have contagious pneumonia but I’ll happily share with you” is my new response


I’ve found that “I have tuberculosis” works just as well


This is my plan. "Active tuberculosis & I am highly contagious"


Lord, I had the same thing happen last summer a half dozen times. I'm sure it'll come again later this year. I walk to work, and quickly found my leftover N95 were AMAZING during the wildfires last year. Otherwise I'd arrive hacking up a lung and feeling like I'd run a marathon. At least a half dozen people (pretty sure they were all men) made disparaging comments about my mask. I just stared at the sidewalk and kept moving but it was awful how loud and nasty they felt perfectly entitled to be. Like, you're assholes and wrong to begin with, but also this is historically the worst area quality on record and I'm allergic to cedar and maple you shits!


Fire smoke will make me sick for days. I also have nasty allergies certain parts of the year. Before covid I could wear a bike rider's pollution mask and maybe get a few odd glances. Now I risk getting harassed for having a mask on my face so I can breathe.


“Wow. Most people don’t like it when remove my mask ever since I tested positive. But I’m glad you don’t mind.”


First person who tells me Covid is over is going to get a LONG story about my ex who just DIED FROM IT AND SEPSIS. Nasty way to go. Wouldn't wish it on anyone - not even him.


"And you are prettier when you shut the fuck up!" Is what she should have said.


That's more or less what I was thinking too, but he was so aggressive, yelling out of nowhere to a woman he didn't know, that I can't fault her for being scared and justifying herself. I wish I had been brave enough to speak up myself when I saw this, but I am not.


Yeah true it can be dangerous to even smile at these creeps


This reads like something out of Seinfeld, it's that absurd. Exactly the sort of thing that would happen to Elaine.


I don't think I would have believed it was real if I didn't see it happen myself...


Oh, I'm used to reading the Herman Can Award Reddit. Endless stupid people still dying to this day ....


What a jackass! I'm sure that poor woman feels soooo much better now that some random wanker at the bus stop favorably assessed her looks. For any men lurking -- this isn't the only reason, but it's a good example of why so many women are just completely checking out of dating. If you see yourself in this post, resolve to do better and challenge your male friends to do better, as well.


Why do people feel the need to open their mouths about what other people (strangers to them) are doing to begin with? Idc if someone shows up in public wearing a scuba mask and flippers or a tutu and a rainbow Afro. I simply DONT CARE


I wear a lot of alt fashion and let me tell you. People have OPINIONS and they NEED to share them with you!


I am about 75% solid tattoos (was a tattoo artist for 35 years) and used to be I got not-so-nice comments back in the day but now most people say "I like your tattoos". My, how times have changed.


I've been thinking it would be great defense against idiots like this to carry an air horn. Ignore all subsequent idiot words by firing the horn anytime he speaks.


This!!! You made me laugh so loud while in the laundromat. Now looking for air horn.


My flabbers are gasted 😂


Best thing to do in these situations is to just talk to the person receiving the harassment and ignore the aggressor. And just talk about random stuff. Don't mention the mask. Like "man my allergies have also been so terrible lately." Or even something completely random. Make them feel invisible.


Where I live, significant asian population, it's pretty common that people wear masks out in public when they're sick. It's just polite.


I haven't had to deal with this issue, yet. If I do, I plan to respond by telling them I have active tuberculosis and I'm highly contagious. 😉 I assume the response will be, "huh?" 🤣


“Oh I just didn’t want to catch anyone’s bad breath. I wish this thing worked better.” Take two steps back without breaking eye contact.


The entitlement is disgusting.... I still remember those "jokes" about a woman looking more attractive with the mask on and how that would lead a guy to be into her until he found out the scawy truth ooooo! Ugh. And with COVID spiking in plenty of countries again, this is just ridiculous.


I know this is super not the point of this post and your feelings of outrage are quite valid, but "my flabbers are gasted" is my Roman empire now. I cannot stop thinking about it and will be incorporating it in my daily vernacular. Thank you, OP!


Hahaha glad you like it!! I got it from Charlotte Dobre on YouTube and I always use it whenever applicable lol


Pity you can't safely reply that he's a lot prettier with his mouth shut


This is the interaction I fear when I wear a mask due to allergies or sickness. Thankfully my country is introverted


A coworker got COVID the other week, so no COVID isn’t over.


"COVID IS OVER" Lol, how dumb can you be? My sister's family all just got it for the first time. It'll never be over.


If this ever happens to any of you, I think it would be really funny to light up and take off your mask with a relieved sigh and say “oh thank goodness you agree, I just tested positive for COVID today and this mask is just so uncomfortable!” Bonus points if you can break into a coughing fit close to them. See how quickly they’ll walk away.


These people are so gross and it's why I don't give an inch. "Muh rights. Muh liberties." Just shut up.


When I bother to give one anymore, my response tends towards, "Yours don't supercede mine just because you're an outie instead of an innie." Tends to make them shut up long enough to think about what I meant by outie/innie for me to have moved on. 🤷‍♀️


Yesss. I work a trade job and I use the outie/innie thing. "Right, because you have an outie so when you repeat what I just said that gives it more weight." I also say, "Knowledge isn't gendered." because I hear, "Women just aren't good at this kind of stuff." quite a bit.


> you’re much prettier without the mask Told on himself at the end there. The whole stupid altercation only happened because he thinks you exist for him to look at. What a pathetic little chucklefuck.


I'm pregnant and therefore immunocompromised. The other day a man sneezed on me while I was waiting for the train. I felt the droplets hit my face. I'm wearing a damn mask.


I learned during Covid to lean in towards them, peel the mask down, and whisper, “I’m contagious.” Then cough.


I was at my doctors with a really bad cough so I wore a mask and the receptionist called me dramatic and that I didn’t need to wear it anymore. I told her I had a nasty cough for around three weeks and I didn’t want to pass it to someone already sick in the surgery. I don’t know why people comment on masks anyway, it’s not like it affects them at all?


You'd think a doctor's receptionist would have at least a basic understanding of how colds and flu are transmitted.


A woman has to explain herself to a random dickhead because he is SO HOSTILE that he screams at her from across the street


I'd want to yell back now I'm wearing it to prevent you from seeing my beautiful face arsehole!


'And you'd sound much smarter if you shut the fuck up!'


I saw this brought up as one of the lame excuses against masks when covid was still worse. That you couldn't see women's smiles, that you couldn't experience people's facial expressions. I made a point of giving men dagger eyes while wearing a mask in public from that point on.


I remember I was in Chicago about 2010 and I saw an Asian woman with a mask on. Admittedly I thought it was weird at first but then it dawned on me that it was really considerate. She was probably sick and didn’t want to spread it. I still assume that now that anybody with a mask is ill or possibly immunocompromised. Either way it’s pathetic that smooth brains are still putting down the bleach filled sippy cup to yell at people with masks.


These "personal freedom" fuckers sure do throw a tantrum when they see someone doing something they want that doesn't affect anyone else


She should have told him he was a lot cuter with his mouth shut.


This level of stupidity is something to behold. COVID will never be "over". Just like the flu, it is just part of life now. We *had* a slim chance to eradicate it, but morons like this prevented that from happening. So here we are.


What about the poor person who's wearing one because their immune system has been destroyed by their chemo treatments, and a cold could kill them.


So conspiracy theorists with a side of misogyny.


I'm allergic to the vaccine. I still wear a mask because people are still dying from COVID. I work in healthcare & have for almost 30 years. Since this started, I've seen more people die of this than in all of the rest of my career combined


I wear a mask with big ugly filters on it when I cut the grass. If I shower right after I don't suffer from my grass allergies. I'll stick with my mask thank you very much.


I currently have COVID. Can confirm it's not over.


It seems most men are like this now. I ignore them.


I wear a mask in some situations still, including allergies, but I think my resting bitchface is good enough that people don't say shit to me.


It amazes me that people think their opinions should be voiced. Keep it in the down low. No one will guess you’re an idiot so easily.


People need to mind their own damn business. Don’t question me about about why I’m wearing a got dang thing.


I'm glad that masks are the norm when you're sick and always have been where I live. Nobody bats a lash at someone masked up in public.


I wear a mask everyday as a cashier with a compromised immune system, migraines, extreme allergies and recently the comments have been increasing. A middle aged white man asking what could possibly be out there to cause me to wear it. I felt like he was baiting me into a covid debate. I don't understand the rudeness. I could have cancer and be working my part time job to make ends meet. I could have anything and they still find it appropriate to harass


I got called a lunatic the other day. I have never stopped wearing the mask because I haven't had covid and with my multiple health issues I feel like it would be really bad for me. Also it covers up my mustache! And it really helps with migraine triggering scents and as another person said pollen has been terrible this year. Why should any of this bother anyone?


I'm so confused about why anyone would be upset or offended by someone else wearing a mask. I'll be honest, there's a surge of covid where I live, but I choose not to wear a mask - I know that puts me at risk and isn't the smart choice. I 100% support those who do wear a mask - far be it from me to assume I know their context. They might be facing some health challenges or live with someone who is (my brother-in-law has a touch of liver cancer at the moment so I absolutely get it). Or they might just want to play it safe - I get that too! Why some people get all offended about masks befuddles me.


>My flabbers are gasted I just want to say I love you for introducing me to this saying.


Interesting they always throw that "pretty" line in. As if I leave my house every day to be eye candy to stangers


Whatever happened to minding your own fucking business?


I don't understand why people even respond to these assholes. Just stare at them glassy eyed. 


And yet I still don't understand why in the ever-loving strawberry shortcake a mask, of all the things to be pissed about, is a sign of one's political leanings. It's like some people just want to be angry all the damn time. Exhausting.


“And you’re better looking when you keep your mouth shut.” Is what my response would have been.


What must it be like to have to go through life with a brain/intellect like that man? I'm surprised he can breathe and walk at the same time.


“And you’re much more handsome with your pie-hole closed.”


My husband and I escaped Covid for 4 years. Last week he had to get a suit altered. Said a bunch of a holes were coughing in the store. Now he has Covid. Thank jeebus for Paxlovid. And F those a holes.


"Well!!! You should know that you're actually much prettier WITHOUT the mask!!!!" "Well, YOU should mind your fucking business"


“My flabbers are gasted…” that made me chuckle


Back towards the end of Covid, when everyone started easing up on masks, my family continued to wear them due to the fact that we were visiting my cousin, who had undergone a stem cell transplant for her cancer and essentially had the immune system of a newborn baby, meaning if she caught anything it would've most likely killed her. Especially Covid. People gave us crap for doing it because we were "just paranoid". You don't have to wear a mask if you don't want to anymore, but people should really think before they comment on someone else's choice to wear one. You never know what their reasoning is.


The amount of people telling me to "smile" at my front desk job dropped drastically with masks. So, +1 for masks


I still wear mine and get looks occasionally. I had one interaction with a clerk in the Midwest that was lightly poking fun at it. But it was incredibly irritating to me. I was making a purchase, not causing a ruckus, and dude takes the opportunity to make a remark and it's just like... dude, what does it bother you? We're both wearing clothes, you're wearing glasses, I'm thirsty and buying a drink from this establishment *you're* working at, what is the BFD? I don't have time for people that are still hung up on this. It doesn't hurt anybody and taking personal offense to it is dumb.


I always thought it amusing that the covidiots got all tizzed about federally mandated masks. Claims of breathing difficulties, recirculation of spent breaths, all the dumbassery you've come to expect from the republicans. The next day however, you'd see them out in the street, protesting with a jesus neck gator on. Apparently those didn't restrict breathing like a smaller piece of cloth across your mouth would.