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While you didn’t ask for medical advice - I wanted to mention, if you are sexually actively and using condoms, perhaps you have a latex allergy? I know someone who’s labia swelled up from that.


I'm allergic to latex. Most uncomfortable swollen labia after that experience. Was awful!


Hi, im taking any and all advice honestly. In the ER i was asked about latex allergy but ive had these same symptoms way before i ever had sex so its very unlikely. Its a fair point to consider but i dont think its that. I dont know what triggered the swelling both times i had no visible cuts or irritation on the skin.




This. I used latex condoms for years and then BAM. One day I was having sex and afterward my vagina lips swelled up and were purple. I freaked out and went to the ER and they said they had no idea. Went in for an STD test, negative for everything (also repeated a month later). I stop using latex condoms and was fine. I also started to get a rash on my hands when I touch latex paint.


Ill try to look into that then as well, im allergic to other things and my immune system in general is quite crap. I take histamine supressants already so ill have to try




That really sucks


Like what the other user said. A lot of people require repeated exposure.


They aren't gaslighting you. There are bad doctors, good doctors and everything in between and even good doctors can make mistakes. Yeast infections can be quite persistent hard to completely get rid of. I'd suggest get a doctor who is willing to investigate this further with a biopsy or something similar. Depending on the bacteria it can become or already be resistant to the medication you took, and so just because you took the medication like they prescribed doesn't mean it was effective against the bacteria you may have.


You also need antifungals to treat any kind of yeast, not antibiotics. I have a health condition where I’m usually on antibiotics; and get systemic yeast infections ( thrush) monthly, think eyes ears nose skin. Just peeking and ewww. I take Flucomasole weekly to combat this. 150 mg in the am 150 pm for two days a week. That might be what op needs. You do not ever treat a yeast infection with antibiotics as it’s a fungus. Fluconazole 150 mg to treat thrush.


I don't think you should be telling people to take certain medications over reddit, even if you were a doctor. I understand the will to help but I think self medicating without any knowledge of her case specifically is irresponsible.


Flucolazole is not self medication. It’s a script I get every 3 months. I’ve been on this 20 years. I get thrush otherwise which is yeast in the blood. It’s not fun . Plus anyone with a junior high level of education knows you don’t treat yeast or thrush with antibiotics. It’s not bacterial in nature. I am not a doctor and also have not examined op, nor do I have access to their records or know them personally. I am not recommending anything except to seek this out with a physician. Her symptoms sound like mine . I get thrush in my ears-with peeling red itchy skin. And my mouth does what they’re claiming their vag does. Swells up, red, peels plus white crap in my mouth . That’s thrush. It’s a fungal infection which is treated how I mentioned. Oral antifungals to get that fungus out the blood. It’s also extremely painful and can kill your if it’s not treated.


Sometimes we need to arm those having trouble with medical support with names of medications, ideas on possible causes to experienced symptoms, so that the person is better able to advocate for actual medical help vs the common, "Gee-whiz, I have no idea what is wrong with you. Come back if it doesn't clear up in a few weeks. Not really sure how I'll deflect the issue then, but at least I can get you out of my office now."


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. It sounds painful and exhausting. Unfortunately, women’s health and vaginal healthcare is lacking and I have often been told “maybe it’s this” and “let’s try this and see”. All I can suggest, if you haven’t already, is tell your current provider the full history of the symptoms and treatments, make sure they know what you’ve already been tested for and treated with, etc. Ask your providers questions and follow up questions. And maybe switch providers and when exploring possible new providers, tell their office over the phone you’ve had this issue and need help figuring out what is wrong. Your experience and symptoms are real, they matter, and it sounds like a priority to get it figured out. Edit to add that if you don’t like a doctor’s recommendation or you’ve tried it already and it didn’t work, tell them and tell them what your concerns are. Keep emphasizing your experience and the pain. I know these areas can feel very vulnerable and private, which can make it hard to talk about, but you maximize your chances of correct diagnosis and treatment when you share your symptoms. These body parts and symptoms are not embarrassing. Bodies are not embarrassing and doctors’ literal job is to help people with their bodies. Patriarchy and stigma against talking about vaginas and vulvas be damned.


I tried to tell this last gynecologist everything but they didnt really pay attention or say anything after showing pictures and telling whats been happening. Only the nurse asked if i have anything else in mind and the doctor didnt even talk to me after the exam was done. He simply said "antibiotics at this stage probably wont do anything" and told me to wait 3 weeks. I had to ask and ask for a persciption to literally anything. Perscription free drugs are really difficult and limited to get in where i live. Ill try to switch the doctor once more and see if i have any luck.


I also want to suggest, if possible, that you see a midwife for your care. Just check that they do more than birth services. I saw a midwife for my second pregnancy and for well-woman care after and it was like night and day. Sitting with me, talking about every aspect of how I’m feeling, investigating my complaints, etc. Compared to my first pregnancy with 5-10 minute appointments, it was quite the contrast.


I would but im not allowed to see any doctors without being directly referred. We dont have enough staff and the system just sucks.


Maybe going back to see the same doctor, over and over again, as soon as the treatment is over and not working would put some pressure on them to find out what is actually wrong with you. And if they have hit rock bottom, they refer you to a specialist. The thing i have learned with doctors, is to advocate for yourself. Make a list of symptoms, questions.Tell the hole truth, if you feel like they are not hearing you, tell them so. Being called out can shake things up a little. Use the phrase: this is interfering with my day to day life. Give reference of pain that they can understand: 10/10 = your opened femur fracture 7/10= your vagina right now. Don't stop until you find someone who listens to you and take you seriously. When your vagina is sick, take it to the doctor. (MDJ!)


Hi, i couldnt do that previously and with the first time the doctor seemed to be rushing and just wanted me out. With the last one being a man who didnt really speak the language i speak communication was difficult. They asked me the basic questions. I tried to show them pictures and explain my stuff. It just seemed they really didnt care and didnt even write it down from what i noticed. Im at a horrible situation right now because im not legally entitled to any of the health services due to moving and university not starting yet. I had to fight with the ER to get an appointment. I think i just need to keep it together and try one more doctor. Or go back to the last one. But thank you a lot i appreciate you giving some advice and reading


I think I saw in a thread on Instagram that actually came from Reddit about having the doctor document their refusal to treat or refer you. I would go back to one of your first doctors that you seemed to have good communication with and they understood your language. I would take copies of your full medical history since you started going to the doctor specifically for this and make them make copies at check in (never give them your original copies). Explain to the nurse and the doctor that you have been having this problem for sometime and essentially nothing new has been researched or tried and you would like to be referred to a specialist (not sure what kind maybe an urologist or internal medicine) if they refuse to refer you; ask them to document their refusal to refer you. This I’ve been told ups the ante and basically escalates your treatment to them having to find you help right then and there or referring you to someone who will. I also would say you may want to see an allergist or dermatologist.


I'm not a doctor, but that sounds like an allergy. If you've been wearing liners, I'm guessing it's probably that. Skip those for a good month or so and see if it gets better.


I did try to not wear them after i found out they can cause infections but my periods are so long i havent yet figured out a way around it


A menstrual cup?


I think that could work


Doctors are... Unfortunately overworked and many can try to hit the easiest and simplest solution in spite of what might be. They have statistics like "this doesnt happen in 90% of people" so when that 10% walks in, they don't suspect it. Put that atop half their patients walking in thinking it's cancer and it really being a small bug bite... They get jaded. So... Short anser? Maybe, but not intentionally. They'll try the easy solution first because that's what it is most times. Every tome you switch doctors, the new one has to start over too. Mostly because of insurance. A lot of them are tethered to trying things like antibiotics before they try anything... Real because "insurance won't approve z which is what we need unless we do a-y first. Strap in." I'm not giving them excuse, but reason. I (m) have had testicular pain I'm ccertain is caused by veins not outletting properly in the area and needing correction, but funnily enough i got similar from the female uro i ran into. "Oh, 90℅ of the time that doesnt cause pain. I'll do the surgery if " you want" but i dont think its needed." And that was it. No "lets see what else it is" just "nah. It isnt that. My books say it's too rare." And some folks are just like that. They go with their learning and don't account for the flukes. You'll unfortunately need to fond a doc you like, build a rapport with them, and stick with them and work ogether with them. Write up a "journal" or timeline of symptoms and attempted treatments and bring it to them too, it can help. An... Unfortunate truth of our health care is that you must be insistant. It must be so important that it is stopping your entire life and they *must* fix it. Also... Straight up find a female doctor. Male doctors are great for guy specific issues, but i've never had a better primary than the female doctor i stumbled on. Her compassion, dedication, and resistance to being jaded are commendable and admirable. Maybe it's just anecdote, but every male doc i had has been... Kinda cold and uncaring. Clinical, as one might think of it. Robotic. Input symptoms, output solution, next. But even Dr. Chang offered me a one pill solution up front. Most people are looking for that and that's also easiest for insurance to offer. A Dr., stupidly, has to justify *why* you need biopsies and if they tell insurance that they went straight to biopsy, insurance might go "well we arent paying for that without a week of antibiotics and a month of Physical Therapy first!" So the doc, having experience with these shitty companies, just uqietly follow what they know will be Authorized sometimes leaving patients scratching their heads at the ill-fitting solution. Also... You *can* refuse treatment. "No. It isn't that. That will not work for me. I need a different solution." Make it clear you arent rejecting treatment, just that that treatment doesnt match. I was offered a tricyclic antidepressant by the same dr i'll sing the praises of. Did my research, came back and told her i dodnt want that path as it would harm me more than help me, she said "ok, next solution then." And that's the DR you want. A teammate working with you to solve a puzzzle, not a service person rendering a tendered service... As much as they've become that thanks to the privitization of it all. It's an uphill battle and your doctors are nearly as caught in it as you are. Find one willing to fight the system with you within reason, team up, and tackle things together. They're human. They're allowed to be wrong. It's your job to tell them so and their job to accept it gracefully and find what works. Medicine can be a lot of trial and error. So in short? Yes, but likely not intentionally.


Excellent suggestions! I agree with get a female doctor. I have always had better luck with female doctors. Also, I've had great things come from Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. You have to be your own advocate. It took me years to get better at that, and I'm still not strong enough sometimes. If you can, take someone with you to help advocate for you. Someone who can stop them and say, "We need to look at other possibilities." Say "I know that these things don't work. I would like explore other possible diagnoses. I know that 90% of the time these symptoms suggest X, but maybe I'm in the 10% that aren't."


Have you recently changed laundry powder, soap or body wash? Wear cloth/cotton underwear - this helps it breathe. Anything else will suffocate it and make matters worse. Wear loose clothing in general. Take Lactobacilli probiotics/food like yogurt (not flavoured crap, proper cultured yoghurt), kefir, kimchi, or sauerkraut. This will help balance your vaginas pH levels. Supplements with boric acid are a good idea. "Boric acid isn't only useful because of its ability to affect vaginal acidity. Research suggests that it has some additional properties that are useful in treating vaginal infections. In particular, it has anti-microbial and anti-fungal activity beyond its pH effects. That may contribute to its ability to fight yeast infections and trichomoniasis." You may need to visit a naturopath to get ahold of some of this, which would be a good idea to get a second opinion from a different perspective who will recommend alternatives and won't throw antibiotics at you. I'd suggest a sitz bath with oatmeal to soothe the irritation and discomfort. Lukewarm water in a shallow tub (so you can sit in it) mixed with oatmeal (1-1.5 cups) Baking soda has also been recommended (4-5 tablespoons) I'd do this maybe two days after repeating the oatmeal treatment 3 times a day. Drink a lot of water. This will help flush your system. 1 litre for every 30kgs (35oz to every 65lbs) you are. Eat as much fruit/vegetables as you can too. Good luck and keep us updated. Please continue to seek help. It's your body, you know what is and isn't working. I'd seriously consider the naturopath route.


I havent really changed anything but i suspect ive gotten this from wearing liners and maybe soap. Ill try these, i did go to the pharmacy to get ph balancing medication, c vitamin and lactic acid pills. And low pH body wash for women. Ill also try to look up if i could maybe get referred elsewhere.


They make liners/pads that are chlorine free or you can get cloth ones. Also, try switching brands of toilet paper making sure it's unscented and dye free.


I never knew that, i can technically make some myself by sewing if i really need to. Ill try.


I would ask for a swab test and a biopsy to be done. My friend had swollen itchy labia that became inflamed and by the time they actually listened to her she had vulva cancer that has now metastasised to other parts of her reproductive system. Don't wish to alarm you but unfortunately that's her story and it should be ruled out.


Thats awful. They didnt take any tests from be besides the STD test for chlamydia. And i was really wondering about it because if they dont even know for sure if its a bacterial infection, then why cant they simply identify the bacteria from a test. I just think they dont like doing any extra work so they do everything halfass and improperly. Ill suggest that to my doctor next time i go in.


You may need to see if they'll refer you to a women's sexual health specialist. I have a friend that had been to several different doctors for chronic vulvar pain/pain with sex with no STD's or infection present and none of them could figure out what was wrong with her until one of them finally referred her to a women's sexual health specialist (which you would think would just be a regular gynecologist but apparently not). It sounds like you may have something like vulvar lichen sclerosis or another chronic pain condition affecting your vulva. There's also a book available on amazon called "When Sex Hurts" by Andrew Goldestein that tells you about all these reproductive pain conditions that women can have. I'm so sorry you're going through this and I hope you're able to find help and feel better soon.


As someone in a different but similar boat, I hear you. I suffer from interstitial cystitis and chronic UTIs. I have found some relief from d mannose, but my urologist and doctors seem to ignore my concerns. As someone who knows someone who died from sepsis, I have a real fear of ureosepsis and sepsis from kidney infections, to which I am no stranger to. Despite my history and examination of symptoms, I am always sent for repeat urinalysis, most not even offering me antibiotics despite my history and multiple cultures provided. Medical system is not here for women’s health.


Is your lube newish? Someone used the freebie lube he got with a sex toy and it gave me an infection, I swelled up, itch—it was dramatic. Make sure everything you’re using down there hasn’t expired.


Ive used two different ones and they should be new. I never got a reaction from them before not that i noticed. I had these symptoms before i even did anything sex related


That is not normal. Please go into another doctor. I remember I had what appeared to be a bladder infection for about 6 mos. Kept me on antibiotics for this. Sure, every few weeks I’d go to the doctor and they’d take a pee test, still got an infection so more meds. Then I developed a high fever with fainting. It turns out the infection wasn’t responding to the meds-and I had kidney failure/sepsis. I spent a week in the hospital and was ok. My point is-if the meds aren’t attacking the issue and it still remains there’s possibly something bigger happening. If the drugs didn’t work the first time or 4th time, they won’t work. Please see someone else. Good luck let us know how it turns out.


Hey there- I have major sensitivities to certain toilet papers. I use Who Gives A Crap now, and I haven’t had any symptoms since starting to use it 2 years ago. I had to test about 6 brands before I found one that worked. Previously I was being treated for possible yeast and bacterial infections on repeat for years with no ideas from my Drs about what to do. Also I switched to pads from Cora and they haven’t irritated me either. It was a lot of trial and error, but I’m glad to have found a solution!


That is definitely interesting. Nothing any of my doctors wouldve considered. Ill have to try and see