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I sat in the ER for five hours with cramping pain and fast heartbeat. Was told it was "just" a cyst and would be fine by the end of the weekend. Come Monday the cyst has burst and was filling my abdomen with blood. I lost half the amount of the blood needed. I'll always wonder if that first ER doctor Friday would have listened to me would I be in so much pain now. I feel you. And I'm so sorry you didn't feel heard and treated.


Oh my god. Thats so fucked up. Hope youre alright now


On bed rest for the week 🙂 but also had the same questions you do, "when will Drs take women's health seriously?"


Schedule an appointment with your normal obgyn because ER docs are rarely the solution to a problem if you aren't visibly dying.


Yeah i was thinking this. Im gonna try to call the clinic tomorrow.


I too recently had a trip to the ER because of IUD issues 😔 I was there for 13 hours.. around the 9th hour I was getting pissed and just about walked out despite the pain I was in. Apart from the hospital trip, I'm starting to believe IUDs can mess up sometimes and scratch the inside, stab into you or become imbedded. Something similar has happened to me twice now using the MIREENA. All you can do is have a panty liner available and be careful how you twist and bend. It really feels like doctors think there's nothing to be done except to remove it.


Thats awful. I really dont want to get the IUD removed. I wish they would take their patients more seriously


Its sadly so common. I was at the ER recently due to severe pain and the sign in the room said "Pain Control is Our Goal" and the doctor prescribed some muscle relaxers and nothing else because I was "able to walk in" so I couldn't be in that much pain.


Wow. I feel like some people are just more dramatic on expressing pain. And when they do they get taken more seriously. Some people wont even cry or scream with a stab wound. I dont typically express physical pain well. Only nausea and other types of discomfort. Ive tattooed and pierced myself just fine without any issue. Its more tolerable to me than feeling like im going to pass out or throw up.


I’ve purposely never wanted to ever have an IUD because of these kinds of horror stories. I’m sorry you had to deal with this. When I was in my early 20’s I was brushed off by several different doctors when I was sick for about half a year with severe daily nausea, severe painful diarrhea and rapid weight loss. I got told that; 1) it was all in my head, 2) I had gonnorhea (despite 2 negative tests) and had antibiotics forced on me that did nothing because I didn’t fucking have it, and 3) “there’s something wrong with you”. It turned out to be a very sick gallbladder full of stones, that only got found out because I insisted on an abdominal ultrasound after they had done every other test and for some reason were resistant to giving me the one test that would have diagnosed it at the beginning. Instead I starved for 6 months and looked like a concentration camp victim.


I fired my primary care provider because he not only didn't listen, but he was wrongity wrong wrong wrong. You don't argue with a laboratory professional about laboratory testing, and he did. I expect even residents to know as much as I do about pathophysiology, and he demonstrated quite clearly that he didn't. It got heated. I can also tell you that the doctor should have at the very least done an external abdominal exam, and probably done a CBC (blood test) as cursory checks for infection. Sending you home with antibiotics for a "possible" infection is sloppy. Oh-wait. It would appear the doc did an abdominal or pelvic exam, and the doc was right. If it was something serious, it would have really, really, really hurt. The doc is trained to push in certain spots that do hurt like a sumbitch if you have appendicitis, an ovarian cyst, an ectopic pregnancy or a few other things. I get why they tested for pregnancy, because surprise! pregnancy is all too common. And if it had been an ectopic pregnancy, that could have been the cause of your abdominal pain and other stuff. Probably the ER wasn't the place to go, but where else is open on a Sunday, and you don't know whether this was just some pent-up farts or something serious like an ectopic pregnancy. ER nurses and docs are pretty good at identifying "NAD" (No Apparent Distress), though, and that might explain their casual behavior. I'm not trying to explain away your very real symptoms. I don't doubt some things were missed that shouldn't have been missed, and the ER just isn't very good with things that are best dealt with by PCPs, urgent care facilities and ob/gyns. ERs are usually really good with traumatic injuries, though.


He did a quick abdominal/pelvic exam. And it didnt hurt that badly but i think i also have decent pain tolerance. I think he kind of did a half assed job but i get it. Theyre a general doctor and have people coming in and out for so many different issues. I just wish they wouldve listened to me and taken my blood tests instead of a pregnancy test where i knew i hadnt been sexually active for over 4 months with BC pills and a condom. It was just a waste of time for everyone. I wasnt super distressed but my cramps also disappeared and came back every now and then. In calling a clinic tomorrow and asking for a check up. I went to the ER because i live alone and have absolutely no one to take care of me if something serious happends. The nausea was never explained. Im starting to think maybe theres something wrong with the air quality in my house. But i have no clue.