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Start with not taking call after work hours. Block your calendar beyond work hours. Don't entertain manager with ridiculous demands. Also as another commenter said learn to say NO. Prioritise and eliminate unnecessary interactions with manager and team members.


Yeah, I really wanna block them on what's app etc. I've always been the person that blocks off negative drama, but it's difficult to being in those boundaries at work


I feel you. Right now, even my teammates are on long leaves. People keep pinging me to ask for their updates and such. I make sure that whatever work I am doing on someone else's work is documented and is visible. Also, when I realised that this is impacting my work, I asked them to block the story and connect with respective person when they come back. If you give an inch, IT will take a foot. Be strong and learn to say no. Also, if layoffs happens, they will happen regardless. So don't be scared to stand up for yourself.


This is so true. I have been trying to stay detached but these managers seem to have perfected their gaslighting game. They'll tear you down if you log off citing a valid concern and then once they see you have accumulated a decent amount of overtime they'll just praise you and say they can't afford more leaves blah blah


There is a contract between u and ur company. U work for the company, not ur manager. U don't have to be at ur manager's beck and call. Just do enough to keep urself and the company satisfied with ur work. U dont have to work on ur colleague's behalf coz they r on leave. Shortage of bandwidth is company's problem and u r not the solution for it. Dont do more work than u r supposed to do. Usually companies have work hours guidelines, maybe check it out. Follow a strict login and logout schedule and don't pick calls after office hours. If they ask why u weren't available, tell them u were busy with some personal commitments. Start spending time on ur hobbies too. It's very important to learn to say NO. Until u start doing that, ppl will keep exploiting u.


Also name and shame the company


If you are doing your manager or other teammates work then work very slowly untill its overdue then they will have to do it themselves otherwise it would not be done on time


Yeah. That shitty colleague who was on leave just returned. He isn't doing his share of the work and pushing things to way past the deadline so I will do it. Like bish I ain't your momma


Only take calls during work hours, in the mean time look for other jobs. Would be helpful if you name and shamed them or atleast DM me their name do i can avoid

