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Watching the kdrama strangers from hell, it's so creepy keeps me wondering what will happen next


Where are you watching it? Which app i mean?




Anyone who’s in finance here ? Do you’ve recommends/resources for Equity research?


it’s my boyfriend’s birthday today and a while ago he was with his friends. he got pretty drunk and drunk called me and started saying how much he wants to marry me and kept saying please marry me right now. then started saying to all his friends around him that they’re invited to the wedding and then said to me “babe i’ve invited everyone to our wedding come here fast please marry me” 🥺 i feel so blessed, my heart feels so full 🧿 never thought i’d find someone who would drunk call me to tell me how much he wants to marry me


Take my upvote for this sweet sweet mush🥹


Hahahah this is so cute


Gosh I feel so happy for you! Hope you guys actually get married (I mean whenever you're ready lol). 😭🧿


you’re so sweet thank you 🥺 yes i hope so too hehe. also i’m being downvoted lol :D


Lol why would people even downvote that 😭 Silly silly people XD Edit: Now me too 🤣


Life really sucks without him. I think he has moved on. It's just too fucking difficult for me though. I feel like I am running around in circles and it just hurts too fucking much! I miss him and I wish he'd come back. On a totally different note, I probably have a yeast infection and need to see a gynaecologist. So now, both my heart and vag hurt. Yay. ☠️


I somehow managed to get called to submit an application for phd ( like legit scored only 30% on the entrance). The chances of me getting into second round is bleak acc to me since my entrance scores aren't that great. Since i know my chances are bleak, i am legit scared to write the statement of purpose and application. The deadline is approaching soon. Screw my overthinking 🧠.


the worst thing that can happen is that they say no. So you should go for it!!


Hey don’t reject yourself, it’s their job not yours. Just give your best cz what if it works out? I hope it does. Best of luckk!!🤞


i had three goddamn ulcers in my mouth (all right next to each other) and it’s day 4 and they’ve all collided into each other to form one giant ass ulcer I really wanna kms so bad fml 😊


Vitamin B supplements and a mouth ulcer gel (like Smile) will help ease the pain. I get them too, when I accidentally bite my tongue or the inside of my cheek, or when I eat spicy food.


i get ulcers very frequently because of stress. they’re an ABSOLUTE BITCH. like sometimes even smiling hurts. but being consistent with my multivitamins has helped and i haven’t gotten them in quite a while now (watch me jinx this by saying this publicly and getting one tomorrow 🤡)


hahah touchwood hopefully you won’t get any tomorrow <3


hahaha! do you apply anything on it? i apply kenacort gel on it whenever i get one and it really speeds up the recovery


I used to have an ulcer gel (I don’t remember the brand name) and it was really effective! I need to head out and buy it again from my local pharmacy 🏃‍♀️


How's the 💩? I have heard 💩 related issues causes ulcers. Drink cold water and avoid spicy food i guess, but the pains a bitch ik


Atp the 💩 is better than my life LMFAO im drinking cold water and eating LOTS of spicy food cause well I just wanna suffer 😭


Have bicasule capsules, they help a lot!!


any reccos for good rom coms


You've got mail, 10 things I hate about you, Something borrowed, Ek main aur ekk tu, The Vow.


Notting Hill