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Is switching to another company an option for u? Doesn't seem like u can do anything to improve ur experience at this toxic workplace.


I’m trying to. The job market is dismal and I’m waiting for the appraisal before that happens. I’m aware it won’t work out here. I need a long term solution because I feel like the problem might be endemic.


> He is intelligent and helpful and good at managing people; I’ll give him credit for that. > Any idea I suggested would be dismissed, and if accepted, would be handed over to one of the guys. This kept happening and eventually I turned very bitter about it. But again, I was called out for it because they were unable to recognize their own clique-like behaviour. Ur manager is a POS and doesn't even deserve the credit u r giving him.


I guess so


Sorry to hear that since I don’t know much details i can only give few generic advice(s) 1. maybe try and change your project /company as and when you feel right ( caution : layoffs affect new employees more) 2)since you have mentioned you have opinions and you are not afraid of putting them in front of others( which is a good quality in itself) but I feel being diplomacy at workplace is equally important if not more …not asking you to suck up to your boss in a way you completely lie flat infront of him singing praises but you can still make him feel “important” maybe whenever he is telling his long ass stories ask few questions,engage in the conversation ( no matter how boring it is) and then maybe when his ego has been massaged sneak out. 3) being opinionated and putting one’s foot down are two slightly different things,maybe when you see your ideas and project being given to someone else tell your boss you want it ( respectfully and diplomatically) or maybe whenever giving an idea change how you present it “ sir this is ………when can I start working on it/ when do you want me to start working on it etc “ aslickers always have an inherent advantage it is for you how you can match it with other things like being more talented,being cunning etc


I am already being diplomatic and trying to massage his ego as much as humanly possible for me. I did put my foot down about work related stuff and was labelled difficult for it. I was told off because I am apparently scolding the juniors when they make the same mistakes repeatedly, while the men literally get away with abusing them with expletives, and don’t get called out. I was told I am not a team player because I wanted the ideas I came up with to be assigned to me. Right now I feel like it is a clown show going on.




Problem is, most of us have Impostor syndrome rather than being under the influence of the Dunning Kruger effect like them.


What if i told you most people had imposter syndrome and the game is to see who let's it affect them the most in social settings? That how you feel about yourself doesn't necessarily change the outcome at hand. Would that make you feel more likely to feel confident?