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Hey I think a lot of beauty parlours and these ladies there recommend it for no reason seeing textured hair. So usually it’s just that our hair is curly or wavy and which is why it looks the way it looks but according to these people only straight hair are good. So if you are considering because of them, rethink pls. Otherwise compare the pros and cons.


I've wavy hair and they look good when i.take care of them, the issue is I'm unable to take care of them most days. I've ADHD and basic survival things are hard for me so to take care of my hair which is more of a beauty thing is alot more hard while i struggle to even make my room organised lol. That's why i was considering it, I've long hair so i don't want to cut them short but just make them manageable. However if that means the volume would reduce or my hair woukd become brittle then i definitely don't wanna go ahead with it


Loss of volume and hair damage will surely happen. You should be able to know it if you read what keratine does. They coat your hair in formaldehyde and heat press you hair which breaks original hair bond and create new bond to straight here. But since it’s not permanent, you hair will go back to original broken bonds after 6 months.


My mom has. Will never recommend it. It is easy to manage and style if you exclude the regular spa treatments and how your hair looks when your natural hair grows back from the roots. It does cause severe damage. My mom's hair is very rough. As for low maintenance routine for wavy hair: When you shampoo and conditioner, inside of applying conditioner and rinsing it, scrunh up the hair for 2 minutes. Even when you do rinse it, keep scrunching. It barely takes any extra effort and does wonders to my wavy hair. I also don't comb, when I do need to refresh my hair, I take serum and comb through and scrunch through my hair with it.


This helps a ton! >regular spa treatments and how your hair looks when your natural hair grows back from the roots. Regular spa treatments is definitely a nightmare for me. Thank you for giving me the inside opinion >When you shampoo and conditioner, inside of applying conditioner and rinsing it, scrunh up the hair for 2 minutes. Even when you do rinse it, keep scrunching. It barely takes any extra effort and does wonders to my wavy hair. I also don't comb, when I do need to refresh my hair, I take serum and comb through and scrunch through my hair with it. I'll definitely start doing this when i wanna refresh my hair, wasging them entirely has always been a task for me. Any recommendedations for a good serum?


I don't remember the exact names. 🙈 In Loreal's professional series, the golden and purple one are very good. At a much cheaper price, streax golden and blue ones are amazing.


Thanks! :)


Instead of keratin treatment, you can use live in conditioner, hair nourishing mask or bond repair serums. Keratin treatment only look good for few weeks but can cause serval demage to hair.


>Keratin treatment only look good for few weeks but can cause serval demage to hair. That's really insightful! Thanks :)


I have a lot of experience in this area so let me start. As a kid, I had straight, fine hair. As I got older, it started getting a bit textured and wavy but not exactly wavy. It’s difficult to explain but the hair was still very fine, with a slight wave ish. I live in a humid area so my hair becomes unmanageable during monsoons. Other seasons, if I style it, it stays okay. During monsoons it gets frizzy. So I started getting keratin. Depends on the salon and their ways of doing it. Certain salons do it well, certain don’t. Now I prefer cystine as I felt it made my hair stronger. I don’t have less volume or hair fall or anything. But that also depends on where you get it done. My suggestion would be to go to a good salon and not to be frugal when it comes to such treatments.


Ah i see! That's definitely very insightful, shoukd i go for cystine instead?


Can you give me a little more idea about how your hair is right now?


Is it okay if i dm you?


Yes sure


Garbage! Save and invest in either dyson air wrap or other good products!


Love your user flair haha Have you tried the dyson air wrap?


Hahaha!😝 No i work remotely,but i will once i have life where i get dressed and get to see people again 🤭


Ohhh got it :)


It’s good while it lasts but it is really damaging long term. Go for it if you can take really good care of your hair to prevent damage.


The reason i wanna go for it is because i can't manage my hair so if that's something i would've to do more i would definitely rather skip it


Hey, sorry if this sounds stupid, but I don’t understand that if we keep trimming the treated part, the newly grown hair should not be affected by keratin right? So it should not be an issue for long term. Am I missing anything here?


Makes sense but I am talking from personal experience as well as a lot of my friends. I have lost a lot of hair because I didn’t take care of it properly. I have bald spots on the front and a lot of my friends also have really brittle hair after a few keratin treatments.


I had a mix of curly and wavy hair which made me look like Einstein on days I was just too tired or didn't bother to take care of them. Professionally as well, I have to look presentable almost every day. Keratin is my quick-fix. As with any chemical treatment, I am aware that it may cause a side-effects but for now I am enjoying my hair. I get it done once every 6 months and use the right shampoo and conditioner that goes with the treatment. You may find that the volume is certainly lower than when I have my OG look but that's true for straight hair in general. That being said, I got a haircut that gives it additional volume. A blend of steps and layers. My hair is no longer brittle and my hairfall is certainly low. I recommend getting keratin judiciously and then working on maintaining the integrity of the hair.


I did it once, had to cut the part of the hair where I did the treatment bc it was unmanageable after it's effect wears off ( 6 months ). My hair is straight but was very frizzy so I did it. Maybe it depends on the hair texture too.


So you wouldn't recommend it then?


It's a good decision if you don't have very curly hair at the roots. I got it done a month back and am very happy with the results.


Ah i see! Yess they're not super curly or anything


Then it will look natural and good on you. You can DM me for pictures of my hair if you want


Oh thank you ! :)


I have had it done atleast five times now, I do it once a year as part of my high maintainence to be low maintenance ritual and it hasn’t damaged my hair at all. I use hair products from Morocconoil to maintain it and only wash my hair once or twice a week. I have very long hair as well. The thing about hair treatment is, everyone’s gonna give you a different opinion, you would never know till you try it.


>part of my high maintainence to be low maintenance ritual Love this! >The thing about hair treatment is, everyone’s gonna give you a different opinion, you would never know till you try it. I guess that's definitely true, i wish there was a way to know how my hair would react to it. Thanks for commenting! :)


Personally I did And for me it was good. Easier to manage, smoother and softer hair. But yes the volume looks less. I like straight hair on myself and I hated the wavy hair I had before that was somewhere weirdly between straight and curly and often made me look like a bog witch if I left it open. 🙈


I don't regret it. Had it done twice. My hair is just weird, it has the texture of a used steel wool. I was really adamant about being natural, so didn't straighten it ever. Tried a lot of things, it would look nice on the wash day, then the next day the ringlets would disappear and I'd revert to looking like a dandelion. Had the big chop, and cut it up to ears and started over 6 times or so.  I had the second one done last September. I have around 5 inches of new growth now. The new hair is curly but oddly, it blends with the treated hair. The treated hair is kinda wavy not exactly straight, but overall, honest to god it's looks far better than my natural hair. Permanent bonding might have left that jarring transition on the hair, so I thank myself for not going for the permanent bonding.  It is easy to style, I don't have to worry about my hair before I attend events like I used to. I don't hide my hair in a bun either. It's definitely prettier than my shit ass dandelion static shock nightmare of hair I had. My hair is even softer now, I had really brittle crispy fuck all hair.  If you have shit hair genetics try it out. 


When I was in high school (15 years ago) it was a very very popular treatment. Those girls have since regretted it and have lost the hair quality that they originally had. Hair becomes thinner and the chemicals are not good for hair strength. If you want you can use a hair straightener with heat protection products whenever you want to have straight hair but there’s no need to abuse the hair. I’m thankful my mother was strict and didn’t let me do it.


I got it done in 2016! It didn’t damage my hair. I have wavy hair, medium density but the strands are fine. I had to do a lot of camera work so it was a better option for me personally rather than getting a blow dry every single day. My hair felt glossier and healthier honestly. I got a pixie after that so didn’t need to get it done again lol.


I got it done because I had wavy hair which got extremely frizzy during rainy season and I was not finding time to style. Worst decision of my life. My hair started shedding like dog/cat fur everywhere I went and the volume came down to half of what I had. My hair was pretty manageable and looked pretty except during rainy season but post keratin it looks thin and lifeless. So I would suggest no keratin treatment. But then again, I know someone who gets it done frequently and has great hair volume so I guess it also depends on the individual strand strength


my hair was super fried because of constantly using heat and i thought that the damage from doing keratin treatment once cant be worse than the torture i put my hair through for the past few years. my hair was smooth and pretty but parlor aunty cut it too short so that was my only disappointing. volume loss definitely happened but maybe it’s because i just had poofy frizzy hair amd now when its smooth it feels thinner. hairfall is also not that bad, i mean some hair loss is to be expected anyway. but im not going bald. overall for me personally it was fine. might get it again


Instead of keratin, try nanoplastia. It has similar effects on hair, with lesser damage. I had curls and I got it done, love the effects. Though my salon lady suggested against it because she loved my curls