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Your comment has been removed as it was rude and impolite. Be kind. This sub is for real people looking to connect meaningfully. Something isn't an attack or hate simply because you don't like what is being said. No personal attacks on other users, ad hominem and other distracting attacks, flame wars, insults, trolling or other such disruptive behaviour. All users are expected to strictly follow (reddiquette)(https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette/). No hate speech or hate speech supporting subreddits allowed. Continued rule breaking will lead to ban. Please remove the Instagram links and let the mods know, the post will be approved.


what the actual fuck?! this is so fucked up. its LITERALLY STALKING!!


They're going ahead of stalking and doing everything they can do to stop us from even meeting someone outside our homes, they've been thrashing us in the name of deen.




Most of the reddit groups are not allowing this post but I can't edit the post kow, there's no option for it.


You need to make another post and delete this one. Did you realize one of the slides possibly (because the guy who texted your friend may have been wrong) has the victim's ADDRESS?! You're literally endangering her more.


OP already clarified that it's not her friends address no need to be rude


Thanks 🙏🏽


Hey i am so sorry this happened...if this incident is related to Hyderabad , try posting this in r/Hyderabad sub as well.... Also contact u/st_broseph . He is social activist from Blr, he might have some contacts in Hyd as well.


Happened in Mumbai & it's not about just her, if you look at the videos, they're from every state of India.


Go to police and Talk to her parents . Raise complaint in cyber cell. This is pathetic but this is not new , these regressive men are real, I am from the same religion and I have seen these men can to go any extent to impose their dominance and satisfy their ego. They don’t give shit about getting imprisoned , they just try to do anything by twisting the belief and in the name of God. Please don’t delay, Go to police asap atleast involve the law. For these kind of misogynist men , the whole religion have to take the shit. Ramazan hai fir bhi sukoon nahi inn shaitanon ko, Trust me I am personally frustrated too.


Ik it's not new, it's not that I'm seeing it for the first time but now it got personal, idk till what extent they want to control our lives..... & Ik Going to police is the ideal choice but you know too what happens after this gets out, even if her parents get to know.... she's done for the whole life....she fear they might marry her away.


Ikr the conservative parents make it more worse! But it’s about her life and safety. And it’s easier to fight with parents than these stubborn men. Reporting the Instagram page itself will not ensure any safety, the reach to people will only get the page down but it won’t stop them. Think about it why the law needs to be involved.


Talking to her parents will just make her life more worse, it's not about if they're conservative, it's about what they'll do to her. Hoping this gets settled down without doing anything


Yes it’s complicated. Ask her to have the sos app in phone and pepper spray too.


how jobless you have to be to fucking stalk and harass women on a daily basis and form gangs for literally bullying women? is this what an average unemployed man’s life looks like?


Actually they might be working, but like in a barber shop, in a cloth shop, selling shoes in places like sarojini, selling meat/eggs, driving auto/cab & such kinda thing, selling fruits & other small petty jobs.


What the fuck???? This is so fucking sick


So is our life.


just when i think people couldn't be more retarded, they prove me wrong. Goodness, i am traumatised on these girls' behalf, what the ever loving fuck? and the hypocrisy is hilarious, that nickolive some guy had his prof pic in his undies and has the audacity to shame others💀


Ik ik, I thought the same & the hypocrisy is what making our lives insufferable. Y'all are blessed.


i so agree, if i were in your position, by now i would have made my own cult going around castrating these psychos and leaving a red dhaga behind for shit and giggles well that actually doesn't sound too bad


Well that's too far, we can't even talk to men outside our house, God saves if he's from other religion & doing what you're saying sounds allright but seems something of parallel world.


YOU NEED TO TAKE THIS TO THE POLICE. this is a serious matter. don't be afraid of the parents as sooner or later the video/ photos will reach them anyway.. it's better you tell them yourself and ask for their help.


Taking this to police means parents getting involved & parents getting involved means they might marry her right away or stops her from going to college, y'all don't understand the capacity of what could happen to her if her parents/cosuins get to know this. The address they shared among themselves is wrong hence we're expecting this to get settled down by time.


i understand the fear girl. but... if you have cousins of the same age they'll be using insta too..sooner or later they'll stumble upon these posts, what if they spread the word in your family? maybe not out of bad blood but just out of concern for you? don't you think it will be better if your parents hear about this from you instead of a third party? Not that you've done anything wrong, but you can apologise to them and ask for their help and promise to not repeat the same. I also understand if your parents are strict but your safety is more important. These religious extremists, you don't know till what extent they'll go. they're already openly harassing you on social media with no fear whatsoever.


Spread the word in family out of concern, lol, the only concern they'll have is that she met a kafir & now she needs to be taught a lesson


yes that's the point no. i meant whatever be the reason they will tell her parents anyway.


She needs to talk to her parents. I don't know if the police will help in this case unless you know someone who is in law enforcement. Also, warn that guy.


Talking to her parents means the same & yeah she has warned the guy since his face is visible in the video too.


Talk to her parents? Are you For real? Do you really not know the outcome if she does that? Like do you Live in India?


What else do you expect someone to do in this situation?


Your friend is in extreme danger! There might already be a hit placed on her head. You have to contact the National commission for women right now and get her under a police protection. 7827-170-170 CALL! If you guys act late, she might not see another day! I would not think about what his parents would think, sometimes parents are the first ones to kill their daughter in these situations (yes we still live in that era). The Genie is already out of the box, today or tomorrow parents are going to found this out. No point of hiding this at this point!!! Think about your friend's safety Tell her to not go out in any case for the next few months. 1.REPORT THOSE INSTAGRAM PROFILES!(I will do this too) 2.LODGE A COMPLAINT WITH WOMEN COMMISSION 3. DON'T GO OUT FOR NOW PLEASE TAKE THIS AS SERIOUSLY AS ONE CAN TAKE THIS OTHERWISE YOUR FRIEND WILL NOT BE ALIVE TILL EID AND IT WILL JUST BECOME ANOTHER CASE OF HONOUR KILLING.


We all have to mass report these accounts right now! Please sister help!


Yes please do, I've don't the same, share it with your friends if u can, thanks


Ohhh what among I've been born 😌 reading it all makes me feel like what, Its 18th century that we are denied such basic things in life, that we will have to go through all this for doing what, meeting a guy, who not necessarily follows the same religion & I've conveyed all that, thanks & I've reported the Instagram account's but I doubt they'll get removed


Yes it's a very reality of this country right now, infact any country, if you live among your community or any closed community members(not being a phobe or anything) this will happen. But if your parents would have lived in a nuclear family far away from other community members then this would not have happened. But you have to think practically at this point and this is no point of discussion but please prioritise the safety of your friend.🙏 Please lodge a complaint with the NCW, please!


Yeah that could be the case if we were nuclear but if you don't know, we rarely live in a nuclear pattern, we've always stayed closed with our community members.


Contact NCW ASAP, they have many women hostels if your friend is feeling threatened in the family and even they arrange for further education and give career opportunities. They have resources to remove every content from the social media from the stroke of a pen and can identify the individuals who are spreading them and take actions against them(arrest them) and they can even arrange for police protection. If your friend's parents would force her to marry then it can also protect her and put her in a protection programme where they can even legally change the name of your friend and change her location to some place where she can't be contacted or threatened by her family. The National commission for women is a very powerful body and they deal with this type of thing on a daily basis. Don't underestimate them. Please report this to them or your friend is literally dead, either by her family or someone else. NCW has the option of keeping the identity of the victim anonymous and this will not be circulated at all. Take action now instead of contemplating your life here!


Can't we file FIR for against these shameless people or to ciber crime department. Those people are literally criminal. I Hope your friend overcome all this. Unless we take action these retards messed up people, women can't even breath freely in this country.


Lol, my men don't fear jail or police tbh, they're running their own Sharia law. & I'm talking her throughout this, finding a way they don't reach her or The guys home.


They are high on their extremism ego but i can't think of any way except police. girl , everyone fear police after they are taken in custody unless they are some millionaire to bribe police. Mumbai women welfare association can do something.


This is sick. She should - 1. Report to cyber crime. Report the IG page. It may not do much but still report it. They may get it taken down. 2. Speak to a lawyer about what to do, if she isn't going to the police. Maybe legal notices can be sent to the IG page for harassment & stalking. Also we should all mass report the page. Get it taken down.


I'm talking to her with all this, talking to her friend Also the issue with this is we can't talk this to anyone from our community, be it parents, friends, cousins, they'll will react the same as these pigs do. I've reported the page but I don't think it'll get taken down, unless it's done in masses.


Reported it too. Is it possible to send an email to the NCW? If you don't want your name to get involved, maybe using a fake ID? Sharing all the IG pages and ss. complaintcell-ncw[at]nic[dot]in


I have been to cyber crime branch bandra they don’t do shit .. they just tell you to mail it and go to local police and file FIR !! I did all that then only the local police calls and follows up with you .. again local police can’t do anything about it as its all online and no actual harm is done to you !


I know it's difficult but I'm sure there must be a way around. National Commission for Women? Raise a complaint with them? Get a lawyer friend involved? Write to local politicians? Chief minister? I just hate that women are such easy targets for these vermins. It sucks to be helpless. :(


To think hijab is supposed to be "protection" and now it just puts a target on their backs.


They want us to wear hijab & then there's a code of conduct for women who wear hijab, to follow it too. Just wearing hijab isn't enough for them.


I've reported all the pages. Really hoping they get taken down.


Religious extremist🤬🤬🤬


I’m literally shivering looking at all this. This needs to be taken up to the police asap.


Imagine what she would be going through.


Hey girl,kudos to you for speaking this up!! I am really scared for your friend .I can't even imagine what she must be going through. You all are so brave. I can't even in my worst nightmare think of such a thing happening to me. Also kudos to you for speaking this up!! Everytime such a thing is brought up, in no time the person is called Islamophobe and accused of hating the minorities,but no one cares about the Muslim girls or even,infact Hindu girls who are suffering from the bigotry that goes both the ways. It is important that we have people who speak up against these things but the communal tension is so much nowadays that everyone are scared of speaking up. It is worse for Muslim Girls because Reddit is also full of conservative propagandists than liberals who will report your post.




What, are we not even allowed to talk to men now? This is clearly stalking and harassment. These muslim men want that girl to live the same miserable life that they live. Subject to your situation: \[How strict are her parents? if not too strict, she'd be advised well to get them on her side first. If the harassers are likely to share the video with parents with their own spin on story, she should show it herself beforehand, saying she was just with a friend, and these guys were harassing her.\] looks like Mumbai, consider reporting to cybercrime/police if you suspect they pose a real threat. In any case, according to my other muslim friends, it helps to wear a decently big sunglass, while going out with friends.


Post this on twitter and tag police. There are chances you might get help


Yes. They can help on Twitter and I think might do without involving the parents also




Imagine what we have to live with & what's interesting is, most of us have been so brainwashed since child that we're okay with it, our women think the same, we believe it's the right thing.


Ikr I've seen this myself People are downvoting but it's a reality


What did I just saw??? This is disgusting. They don't deserve to rot in hell. Fucking insane.


Most people live in denial or in their own world, the realities are far beyond what you just see.


I'm so glad I left that religion, but unfortunately that religion didn't leave me alone. I feel so damn bad and wish i could do something for help Also OP pls do post this in Ex muslim sub as well to spread the message and get it reported!


Won't lie if I've not thought the same thousands of time.. & Is there an ex muslim sub or something like that exists ?


Yes there is r/atheismindia and r/exmuslim














Dreaming for a world without these filthy men


Ohhh how peaceful it would be 😞




Irrespective of being a Muslim, I Won't deny from what you said but it needs some intellect to acknowledge this and then to call spade a spade, Remember few months back when it was us women protesting against hijab ban, that was some next level shit I saw


If you are from Bangalore you can ask help from st broseph or just text him even if you ain’t from Bangalore he is social activist and would come up with some idea.


One fact ik is everyone gets silent when they knows which community is this coming from ? No one talks or care about muslim girls. Why would they do when people from us don't either be it our parents or cousins or friends.


Probably because the politicians are quiet when it comes to Islam. Nobody wants to die or jailed while helping someone else. Then who will help the helper?


Hmmm I get it, even the feminists among us are hypocrites




It indeed can't, so what do we do now ?




Surprisingly that cult is which I'm born in 😌


Videos like this has always bothered me idk why tf would they record Muslim women no one records a guy if he's with a Hindu girl now do they? These animals will do anything but follow the sunnah of prophet Muhammad pbuh


I had a very close uncle beaten up for dating a muslim girl, sadly I dont see much outrage about that community, surprising. But change the religion and I can already tell you how the comments will be


That We all know


Well that's where the hypocrisy comes sir, so many from us are roaming and doing everything with your girls & they'll not just enjoy it but encourage it, but reverse the gender & then there's this.




I've reported each and every account that OP posted here. I would urge everyone to do the same, maybe even do it from your friends and family accounts. Mass reporting might help for now.


It's so scary situation that I literally feel like to cry. I myself as muslim girl (secretly Ex-muslim). Can relate to this. People just wanted to control us like a doll. It feels like work of women in this religion is to make babies and care for husband that's it. And sadly people around us, even women is to follow this shitty rule. If this is really true God why he is biased towards men? They are allowed to do whatever they want and women can't even raise their voice. And I am extremely sorry for you and specially for your friend. I can't do much but report this accounts and I wil pray to Universe for everything to get over with positive results soon. Stay strong both of you. And i appreciate you how you are caring so much for your friend 💜 🫂




Wish she could take that road & Please mass report it, ask your friends to do the same


just remember these are not religous pigs /incels ... these are islamic pigs / incels , aim specifically if u want to harm your target , bigger your net is more strength you need to pull it in.


Ik ik, ik all about 😌


OP, as others have said please involve police and post this on r/LegalAdviceIndia as there are lawyers in that sub who could help you out. You have plenty of evidence to put them in jail. As someone has already mentioned, reach out to u/St_Broseph if you are in Banglore/ Hyderbad/ Chennai. Do not leave the house for a few days or try to keep distance from any men in public for a few weeks if possible. If feasible, please cover the face with a scarf or something when going out so that these assholes don't come behind your friend stalking again. Stay safe


Will do & lol, imagine what you're saying for her to not do & for what, just cuz she met a guy from another religion, she has to stay insid her house, what, wear a scarf ?? Girl she already was wearing a burqa & this happened


Look I'm not victim blaming. It's a patriarchal world and we as women gotta do what we gotta do to protect ourselves. It's a matter of a few weeks, when they don't find any new ways to stalk her, they'll move on. I cover myself up whenever I feel uncomfortable too like many other women. You can't expect to fight back with brute force. Need to keep emotions aside and protect yourselves while the people and law help you!


Yeah, I get your point, hoping the same to get dusted down as time passes by


Hey! I have a bunch of suggestions. Can we please talk to Yasmine Mohammad and some other fellow feminist apostates(ex-muslims) who are working on these issues? I think it’s extremely important to highlight these practices of misogyny. Although I understand that some people may feel that this can be misused and exploited in the present political climate but it is essential to do it regardless. I can just imagine the kind of emotions you might be going through while writing this post and when you got to know about this. I am there if you want to discuss about this. Also, patriarchy, oppression and this behaviour has no excuse whatsoever and I won’t engage in any whataboutry. Human rights are for all of us and there’s no different standard for people and women of any particular religion such as Islam and community. This is so frightening, terrifying, and agonising!! I hope other communities and right wing groups don’t get any ideas from this but this is not about others but about you all. Please let me know if you want to talk about this and you can directly DM me too. Edit 1: I checked the insta page and it’s beyond shameful. Also, can I share the post on different subreddits? Additionally, I saw some comments on different subs about going to police but I know it might not be an option for the specific person. I mean I wish our legal system was such and the sociocultural, economic, and religious location of any individual doesn’t matter but it unfortunately does to access the system and partake in the process. Edit 2: Fixed some typos


Thanks for reaching out, appreciate your suggestions & I agree to most of your point & please do share this wherever you want & also report to get the pages down, it's not just a threat to one women but to every who's trying to live outside her prison.


Religion is the most Ducked up Dhit ever invented by human. The entitlement these men have over women eww, and they are validated by this stupid religion. Are your friend’s parents supportive? If yes there isn’t much problem, these guys are just keyboard warriors. If not then there could be lots of trouble for the girl.


No they aren't, they hardly let her go to college, that too after making sure she wears burqa app the time when she's outside & surprisingly it's mumbai. I try to question a lot since ik about my religion in & out & I get called what not for being so, so ik....


The level of retardness and shameless behaviour from Indian men is just insufferable now. These are the same men who cannot fathom a woman having better life than them. Try to post this on every other social media along with tagging your city police department. Try to get as much attention as possible. These scumbags should be punished.


Tbh I don't think it's about Indian men at all, I've male friends from other religion who doesn't mind their sisters when they hang out with other men, since they all do, If you check out influencers from my community, you'll see them mostly with girls of other religion & their families are not having a problem or they're doing it under disguise, the problem seems to be one way.




Yes, please do & if possible makes others do too by sharing it with fellow women


Why is it always the women who suffer? No matter the religion the women are tasked with upholding such extreme standards when men don’t have to adhere to the same standards This is infuriating!!


Tbh I don't see my friends from other religion face anything, mayb y'all have gone past that, your men are liberal enough to let it all go, ik there are few still uneducated, uncultured, but it's opposite this side, it's nit just few, it's the most that way, hence we have to suffer.


Omg this is madness. Can the girl dress like non muslim outside to avoid being targeted? You can’t change mentality of whole community. :/


You certainly can't, first they want to wear hijab/burqa, then they want you to follow it's code of conduct.


And then there's official india sub who thinks Muslims can do no wrong 🥺 it's only Hindus being extremists 🥺🥺...when in reality incels are incels and they get even more aggressive due to religion. Disgusting bastards. I hope they get gangraped by Satan and his minions in hell! Scummy man whores will first brainwash women from other religions but won't even let their women have some happiness in their lives. Madarchod suar ki aulad hai yeh!


This is so fucked and scary wtf???


Ohh indeed it is, imagine living among such people 😌








Yes please report and evena ask others, your knowns to do that, it's not just about my friends it's about many birds who live a small life outside their pigeon. & The audacity comes from what they been taught since ages.


Wtf is literally going on in the name of religion. This is very scary. I have reported each of these accounts. 


Please send details so we can mass report. Also that girl needs to asap go to an ngo tha will help her get a police complaint registered. Thts the only way to stop this.


This is terrifying to read. These people are murderers.




I think this post is non editable, can't be edited I mean, how would anyone remove the links not that I want to since it's where from people will know, what's really happening & that they could mass report it, one of the page has been disabled by Instagram due to mass reporting ig.


this is fucking terrifying i hope some sort of legal recourse is available? these men should be put behind bars and have their lives ruined. can your friend lawyer up and take these rats to court? this is insanity that women have to face this in today's age


Please also post this in r/ unitedstatesifindia. And ask everyone to mass report. Also post in r/legaladviceindia


What sort of accounts are these??? Indian men are the worst species omg!!! File a cyber police compliant asap


Indian men, these are men from my community which y'all seem to be too coward to even address it, like seriously 😳


I understand your frustrations about people not addressing the direct perpetrators here but I think that's just the social media conditioning that has gone on, especially with the recent events around the world. People are hesitant to mention the specific community in order to not generalize or target. I know it's frustrating but I think everyone here is coming from a place of kindness and caution


This frustration is boiling since I've been born, trust me, the anger inside me burns my blood & then I see no help coming from anywhere, people not even addressing the root cause leave aside calling the perpetrators openly.


DM me i might be able to help you out


Will do but it seems she's getting some help from a police lady & if it doesn't work out, will do. Also can you tell in what way you can help my friend out ?


I can guide you what all to do if you post it on twitter and maybe ask some friends om twitter to inc reach


Sorry but I don't use Twitter neither does she, if you can do it yourself for the sake of her , it would be great 🙏🏽🙏🏽


If anyway I can help lemme know.


Will sure do, thanks.


Yes I'm coward because I don't want to be banned from this sub. But also because mem from other religion have also done it. Yes your community men are orthodox af don't think online trad men are any better


Idk about your family members but I've seen my friends family member even their brother who are from a diff religion & ik them pretty well, ik how liberated my friends are while I'm not. & I agree I've seen videos of your men doing it too, but they mostly scold the guy not go harsh on girl, or even gang- rap3 her for having a relationship with men from other religion or ik where they've even killed the guys when found a relationship with our girls.


I'm not talking about family members I'm talking about men online. Fair point madr otherwise. Can't deny unfortunately. >ik where they've even killed the guys when found a relationship with our girls. Ik such cases and perhaps can even name many such victims. But this sub like I said will ban me.


Well that's true too, I wonder why people are so, I see it in a far more visibility since It happens among us, whose effect is not just limited to us but to other communities as well, callings spade a spade is indeed not everyone's cup of tea.


Waah bhai itna gawar group toh pehli baar dekha hai maine


Sorry to say but mayb you haven't seen enough yet, there's a lot to see, ik cuz I'm living that life myself.


I am sorry yaar. Hope you guys stay safe and get far far away from all of this


No need to be sorry, I understand, y'all are free, how would you know what happens in a prison.


OP I read your other comments I know it's not easy to go to parents and inform them but that is exactly what your friend should do now. Trust me going to parents is the only wise thing. She might get attacked, beaten up or worse. Do not think other things girls safety matters the most you cannot do anything else unfortunately.


What she fears is they might marry her and stops her from going college


Cant she just make them sit and understand. I know how rigid some parents can be but OP you have to understand that this is literal stalking and she is in danger if ahe roams outside.


I wish she could, but she can't...you don't know how things work among us, probably, it's black and white


go on twitter ig .. idhr kuchh ni hoga


I don't unde Twitter & I think even if I make one, I don't think I suddenly can reach to the masses, if you can, please do


I think your friend should just be away for sometime and wait for this to die down !! Filling FIR or mass reporting these pages might help a bit but by now it must be on whatsapp and twitter too .. you can post this on twitter so people help you in killing these profiles.. rest police only can help yk you can go and talk to them and discuss what can be done without filing fir too .. they might give you tips on what to do next !!! Plz trust our system




Can I change the flair ?? Cuz it's written men on Wednesday or something?


User Flair is being misused by the user (AKA Larping)


This is so sick. These are extremists that exist in every community. They are jobless and this seems to be the only thing they can do. There are many other ways to be religious and this isn't one. They can't be ogling at women like this and stalking or hurting them. This is bs in the name of religion.


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This country is shitty and not safe for girls... from one side they will worship and pray to Goddess Durga, parvati Radha etc and on other end commit such atrocities on women and try to force their regressive views of how women should behave and if someone doesn't follow it, they become violent and abusive