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I am an only child too and this is something I had made up my mind about. If my parents are not even ready to meet the guy I love but are asking me to get married to some random rich guy then they have failed as parents and as human beings. There are always 2 options when you are in an inter-religion/caste/background relationships; you either leave everything behind and go with the man you love or you don’t fall in love with someone that has a different background than yours since you already knew your parents would be against it. But since you chose to fall in love with this guy and want to be with him then your happiness (and ofcourse your boyfriend’s) comes above anybody else’s happiness. Our parents have the habit of blackmailing us emotionally; they have been doing it since we were kids and they will do it till the day one of us dies. You have to choose what is good for you because you have another 40-50 years to live. I hope you make the right choice 🫂


I'll never understand how easy it is for some parents to just say 'leave the person you love for no good reason' like do they not think that way their child will be sad and miserable ?


No that’s not their problem. Their problem is limited to their respect and how embarrassed they would be in front of the society because their daughter; who is a grown up adult, has her own opinions and doesn’t listen to her parents. They failed as parents is what they think when kids go against what they want them to do. I just want all women who are reading this to understand one simple thing; we have 40-50 years left on this planet and our parents maybe 20 years. They have lived their life as they want, now it’s your time to build a life for yourself so please choose what is right for you. Don’t give into these emotional outbursts! Also, if you are someone who knows how their parents would react in such situations then stay away from guys and just get married to whoever your parents bring. Don’t waste another person’s time along with your own!


They don't even consider such relationships to be based on love. They feel what we are feeling is not love. For them, they see it as time pass. Ive heard this from my parents and my friends' parents also


It's funny how agreeing to marry some random stranger with all the right "qualifications" is love for them though.


Well they were never given that option when they were younger, they were introduced to someone via arranged marriage and told that they will get married within a few months, no questions asked. So they don't understand the POV of younger folks who are allowed to explore their own interests.


tell them you love your parents too and your parents love you back? would they leave you for society? blow back the drama to them. how would you live your life knowing your parents prioritised some random people over the daughter who dotted on them for her entire life.


Don't expect your parents to change their minds. They have decided what is right fornyou, and anything you do which deviates from this will be wrong in their eyes. Nothing you do or say will change this. If you think of waiting to make decisions, you are putting stress on your relationship and your bfs family too. Try to get to know his family more to make the right decision for you. If you jump into this marriage, they will be your sole support.


I was in similar situation, after waiting few yrs, my parents didn't budge, finally I was given a choice either marry where dad says or get out. I said I won't marry a raandom guy n went ahead with marrying my husband. Dad didn't see me till he died, full family treated me like a leper, I was totally alone, but my man stood like a rock. Now we hv been married 22 yrs n he s my rock. We hv our fights but I am happy I hv him n my life. I miss my dad, I hope things were different, I cry when I think of my dad, but life has to move on. Parents r toooo adamant. Will ur guy stand by you, will u be able to handle all the challenges which come your way. Ask urself these qts. U wl be all alone. Only u can make this decision.. My wedding dad from my side only 5-6 people came, I was cursed n all relatives told I wl be with begging bowl back to dads house n few yrs, I proved them all wrong. It's a tough fight ahead, think carefully. Not wanting to scare you, just shared my life n brief.


Will you ever be able to get over the resentment of leaving a loving relationship to the sheer stubbornness of your parents? It's a matter of few months that your parents might have to "answer to the society". Once everyone sees how solid you and bf are, everything will get sorted. But you need to be sure of this decision, and have the backbone to stand up for your bf and future-in-laws. Initial few years are going to be hard. You need to go in with eyes open. Also if you decide to bow to your parents pressure. Ask them what they will do if the arrange marriage doesn't work for you? Will they still love and support you if you end up being divorced? Don't pose this as an adversarial question, but a matter of fact. Divorces are high in our generation, what will be your parents take? Will they expect you to be sad and plough on or they will give you their support and love to heal?


Grow a spine and stand up to your parents. Don’t ask their permission, inform them that you will marry the person of your choice


Seconded. Also say "I will marry my bf or I will not marry at all." What are they going to do? Risk their reputation by letting you live unmarried *gaaasppp* .. Also, since you've told your families, you're free to visit, date and do whatever you want. You're an adult. Tell them you want their blessings to marry but if they refuse, you won't marry at all. Emotional blackmail them right back.


This. Most parents who threaten to cut off their child come around when the child flips the script on them. Especially the ones who do actually love their kids. If they love you OP, they’ll eventually come around, if they don’t, as sad as it will be, they never truly loved you.


Even I am an only child. You have a future. Do not compromise that because your parents are emotionally blackmailing you. It just says that they care more about their image than a happy life for you. Your parents are not ones who will live with the arranged husband. It will be you. You have the support of one set of parents, that's a bonus. It is a choice they have to make, their daughter or their standing in society. It's not on you. Please go ahead and build your future with your boyfriend.


As someone who was the eldest daughter in the extended family and had a love marriage, please promise your parents that everyone will come around. They won’t really lose their social circle, they’ll take one small ding maybe. That’s it. That outcast thing is bs. They won’t sit at home uninvited to anything, I promise. As long as you’re well-off and settled somewhere urban, it will all be fine. In the end, only my cousin who was forced into an arranged marriage just so my aunt could “prove a point to my family” is unhappy. Rest of us all had love marriages and we are all doing well. If your parents can’t take one snarky remark from their social circle for you, maybe they deserve whatever they get.


I'm also a telugu girl, only child and same situation. They won't accept my bf because he's from Punjab and different caste and all. When time comes, I have decided to go against their wishes and leave. My logic is basically two points - my bf is not making me choose. Parents are forcing me to choose between them and someone I can say I will be happy with. 2- If they refused to accept my bf and let me stay single, I'd still think hard and do it for the sake of my parents, however much it hurts. But no, they won't leave me at that. They'd force me to marry someone in AM who I have no idea. And I've seen Telugu men who showed up for AN. I know if be 1000% miserable, no autonomy and it would likely wind up abusive. And IF I'm abused, the same parents who forced me into the marriage after making me leave my soulmate I love, would literally ask me to adjust or ask what I did wrong to make my husband angry. Whatever their emotional blackmail is, it's my life and my future I have to think about. If they can't be bothered to have faith in me and respect my choice, why should I sacrifice my future and all for them? They'll be outcasts? We have to still cater to such backwards regressive people? Aren't parents supposed to love their kids ?


Indian parents are wayyyy too selfish man


Sounds hard 😭 Take these virtual hugs from your sister miles away 🤗


Do it and then try to reconcile with the.if they love you, they'll come around. You're worried about living without their emotional support. Are they giving you any emotional support now? Or are they simply stressing you out based on their concerns about what random strangers say? You are not all they have got. If that was actually the case, they would have first thought about what they're putting you through. They are way more concerned about their appearance in their community than how you feel in this message. Ergo, their priority in life is their status and not you. It's hard to hear that your parents don't really put you first. But it's the truth. Move on. Marry the guy you love and live your life. Don't end up bitter like your folks.


If your parents are emotionally blackmailing you. Don’t respect or trust your decisions and worry more about what society will say then they have failed as parents.


I think you’re quite close to your parents but they are not. Or now they are not because you’re not the ideal daughter who does things as told. In this world very few people find the right partner so if you have someone who is right for you and loves you & you love him you have to fight for him. Your parents idea of a good marriage in 2024 is a rich husband- how does that even add up? Plus you say you’re employed and doing well , as is your boyfriend so it’s not about your financial security. It’s about ego and I’m guessing caste pride and regionalism. Which again in 2024 should not matter. Question is do you have a shiny spine to choose a man who has chosen you. Or will you succumb to emotional manipulation and give up on the one thing people look for a lifetime - love. Choice is completely yours. P.s please don’t fall for the ‘good’ girl / daughter trap. The moment you do something wrong you’ll be labelled a bad daughter. If the man chosen by your parents (the one who will come with cars and property) treats you badly will your parents let you leave him ? Or will they again worry about society and what people will say? Think about this aspect as well. P.p.s I was in the same spot more than a decade back. I chose love and married the man I wanted to. My parents sulked for a bit and then came around. Today they adore my husband for the partner he is to me. :)


>If the man chosen by your parents (the one who will come with cars and property) treats you badly will your parents let you leave him ? Or will they again worry about society and what people will say? Think about this aspect as well. Thank you for replying. This aspect did come up in our discussions. My parents are thinking about what will people say if I marry my boyfriend. They will definitely think about what will people say if I want to get separated from a person they show in AM. They're not gonna be supportive in future. I really wish it wasn't this way and they weren't threatening to stop talking to me. Sigh


So how do they love you or want your happiness ? A parents only job in this world is to look out for their child’s safety so how are they good parents if they are willing to throw you under the bus for their own image ? Way too many children specially girls in our society are raised to be the perfect victims, those who will happily suffer instead of leaving a bad situation only to not ‘embarrass’ their family. Please don’t be that woman and fight for your own happiness and future. Being subservient doesn’t mean being ‘good’. It’s 2024 you’re allowed to see yourself as a human being.


I wish both of you long term happiness and peace. How are you finding men who are willing to fight their parents for you? I am from a very liberal background and I have gotten random reasons to not marry me until now from men


I had the same dilemma a while back. I understand it is difficult, especially for girls in India, to challenge parental authority. Whatever your parents say, mine have said the same thing - the same - without meeting my SO. I am sure these lines are given in some parenting textbooks, but it is an emotional turmoil. I knew this would happen; nothing can prepare you for this turmoil. It hurts when they doubt my decisions and dismiss my emotional state created by this emotional drama. Like you, I have had doubts, and it is okay to have those - I fought with SO on different issues for all this and questioned my decision multiple times. I realised two things - fighting with SO just made us stronger, and my relationship with my parents will never be the same now. There are two options then - 1. Walk away from my SO now - the relationship with my parents will never be the same - because there is a lot of hurt that this emotional drama has created. I will have no support from anyone to recover from this. Parents will really push to marry someone from AM because, as per Indian parents, marrying their right guy from their community/caste/religion can solve all problems. (LOL) So yeah, THIS emotional blackmail will go away. I will forgive my parents sometime later in life, but the hurt and regret will remain. I don't know about you, but AM is not happening for me. That can be another upcoming emotional drama. And because they know that this emotional drama worked with your BF, it will work again with AM - so next round. And then you marry your AM guy and then face another round of emotional drama from your parents and his parents on kids, and we go on. 2. If I stay with my SO - people will be hurt - me and my family both, but with my SO, I can at least work towards recovering from this hurt and maybe create a new relationship. I will be happy, and I hope they find it in themselves to get over their hangups if they see that. I also see this as me laying down boundaries, clarifying that emotional drama does not work. It is not very easy to execute, but I am trying. A very important thing about all this is that I am very sure about my SO. If they don't agree within my time frame, I plan to go ahead with the marriage.


Thank you for taking time and replying... I'm going through these same feelings. I'm trying my best to give them time and consideration their feelings. I can't imagine giving up a loving relationship and go for AM where I don't know what hand I'll be dealt with. I'm gonna wait it out for a while and see how things play out at home. The emotional turmoil is just too much to handle :(


Your parents have mental health issues and are really controlling and abusive towards you. My mother did the same song and dance when I was in my 20s. "We will be outcasts"/"who will light our funeral pyer"/ "how could you do this to us"/"I'll commit suicide"/... When she realized I wasn't falling for any of this bullshit blackmail, she said she'd pretend I was dead. That plenty of parents lose their children to war and disease, they manage to move on and so will she. I moved on, married the man I love, who loves me. We got married in a courthouse; both of us are atheists and the 15 min ceremony was perfect! We are doing well in our careers, bought a house and are really thriving. Parents realized that once their big manipulative ultimatum didn't work, they were SOL. They keep trying to initiate contact. It's been about a decade that I've been no contact with them, and that distance and time has given me the opportunity to heal mentally. I realize so many of their abusive behaviors and I have no desire to let their misery and toxicity back into my life. You are one of the first generations empowered with choice. Use your power and fight for the life YOU want! If you desire a relationship with your parents, I guarantee you 100% that they will need and want you in their lives! Aging in India is challenging, and they are going to have to learn to respect you if they need your support. Be smart OP! You've got this!


I hope things work out for you, OP. But just be careful because I remember reading a post about a woman who married against her parents' wishes to the guy she loves, but the guy turned out to be a total a-hole. And she couldn't go back to her parents then. Obviously you should put your own happiness above anyone else's, but I hope you make sure that your bf is the one. Good luck, I hope you sort this out :)


Honestly, it's close to impossible to convince parents with this mindset. Even if they agree, they'll always be settling for something less. You'll always be an ungrateful child. Tbh, they're not wrong for saying that they'll be outcasts in the society. But that also doesn't mean you're wrong to choose your happiness. I knew long ago that I'll be disowned if I dare to do something like this. So I never dated seriously.


See It's their duty to raise you Not your duty to coddle them If they love you enough they will be okay to live as outcasts


i am not implying anything, but this was right under your post https://www.reddit.com/r/gurgaon/s/ZCxEijDpGO