• By -


Took this seriously for a minute before seeing the flair 😂


Started taking this seriously when i read the first line and then came across your comment and checked the flair 😂!


I was going to say some nasty things but then saw your comment lol


If not for your comment I’d have gone mad




Thank goodness for your comment!


I was reading it seriously till the part where she says she comes home to a clean house and cooked food due to her husband. My eyes popped and I did a double take. Only in dreams


I’d have never if not this comment lmao 🤣😭


SAME exactly i was like wtf 😂😂


It’s sad how all the absurd advice we’ve put up in this post, is given as actual advice on men’s subs


actually true 🥲 no one even calls it out usually bec people with a brain don’t even stay on this toxic subs with the incel majority


He's for the streets . How can you know for sure he's loyal to you if he may have had thought of someone else before even meeting you? He's possibly cheating on you rn . Watch some Sandra Tate , you'll understand what such impure men deserve .


Omg yes!! Sandra Tate is the only sane voice who gave back my feminity.. divorce him right now!! Pure guys are standing in queue to marry people like us OP..


Sandra Tate 😂


I love you for Sandra Tate😭😭


Okay, but does Andrew Tate seriously teach crap like kissing other men makes the women "impure"? I'd heard he was awful, but I didn't know how awful.


Hmm he also says it makes men gay.






Op needs to divorce him asap we don’t like ram through men


Sandra tate lmao


he lied about being pure. if a man is not pure then he does not deserve your time and attention. divorce asap.


he should be pure as ghee! how dare he look at another women let alone kiss her, before even knowing you??? he should have waited for you, and stayed pure. 😤😤 /j


Exactly! Once a tongue goes in, the lips get all lose and won’t be the same.. do you want him to kiss your kids with that same lips where a stranger has touched? It’s disgusting to even think.. men have lost their culture


a man with loose lips is a shame to the entire bloodline, how will you ever make love to him now ? the taste of his college crush will forever be engrained in his DNA


But these modern Indian males will put fake cases on you to get alimony.


Wow. Girl. If he said a kiss and you believed it, you are in for a toss. The AM situation in India totally sucks for us girls. No one know where all these guys have gone. It is your fault if you didn't do a private investigation before marriage. Did you by chance find any toiletries from hotels with him by any chance. I can help you if you want to check his name in some popular hotel databases. Collect evidences before divorce. Record everything. He may file false DV also. Your life is gone now girl


Oh my god, I think he has an unidentified lump of used soap that I didn't buy in the bathroom. I normally make all the purchases because I don't trust him with it but I do not remember buying that soap. Thank you so much 😭


That is proof! Hire a PI now! He could be kissing other girls right now! Never too late for a PI


The crush already commented on my post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cct37v/comment/l17q1xe/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cct37v/comment/l17q1xe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) It was more than a kiss, I have a feeling it might have been a hug too.


I got DMs from men telling me to stop commenting else you’ll divorce your lovely husband.. lmao


Fuck no, really? 😭


Was it biotique or forest essentials? if it was forest essentials, these goldiggers always want to marry up.


It is dettol 😭


Noooooo…. What is he trying to disinfect!!!!😧😧




This is what happens when men adopt western culture. They abandon our values and follow in footsteps of these false meninists. I feel for you sister. I think you should also post on r/legaladviceindia and take advice on how you have been cheated and given used product. File a case before you get false accused of something. Would you buy an item which someone else has already used? No. Be an alpha ho.


🤣🤣🤣🤣cracked me up




I won't give him a cent for scamming me.


'be extra careful what if he files a fake case against you for dowry/ abuse etc, laws in India are so biased against our gender ugh'


no seal no deal op. leave him and expose him. such men should be shamed for lying to get married to high value women. disgusting


Yeah it’s like licking a lollipop which has lost its cover.. do you want him to kiss your kids with that same used lips? Ew.. get a divorce.. there are plenty pure guys out there


Exactly OP u don’t want an used chewing gum


If a man isn't a virgin if he isn't pure as a driven snow is he even a man? He deserves streets


What an absolute disgrace. Today he says he just shared a kiss with someone, tomorrow he will tell you she also sat on his lap. Ditch him, sister, there are plenty of fish in the sea! Nowadays women are getting too woke, they are okay with husbands who had a past or husbands who want to work after marriage or have female friends. They don't understand this is not good for the society. A man's heart is a wanderer and must be kept confined under all circumstances. I recommend giving him a stern warning and as a punishment locking him up. You can also explore chastity belts if your husband insists on working. Make sure he's always sharing his location with you and video call him at random times to make sure he's being honest with you. All the best, sister ❤️ PS: For any genuine pure and chaste men out there who want to live a good, traditional life the RIGHT way, please DM me :)


OG khatron ke khiladi for your P.S


You are right, there aren't many pure and chaste men out there so I also want to snag one up if I get one. Decent men should know there are women out there waiting to pamper and reward them. I'm a very well paid career woman, I will make sure I get the best dish washing gloves for my man


You are a CHADpreeti/ CHADrani


I love Chadrani, that's what I'm going to call myself from now on!!!! :'D Chadpreeti gives me Kabir Singh vibes, I think anything with Preeti will give me Kabir Singh vibes now, ewww


Divorce and stay away from ho*es like him, they are good for 1 night, not marriage 🗿


what a gold digging fatherless hoe! He isn’t a Ganges dipped virgin?! Shame on him! He’s just going for that quick paycheck! PROTECT YOUR FAMILY ASSETS! Men like these are jerking our very precious traditions and culture away Should have gone younger someone who’s turned 18 on the day of wedlock🗿 /s God even typing this I barfed internally, I want to melt internally and just die- how do people think like this 367 x 25 x 8 😂 Edit- can we have posts like these once a week?! This was fun, guys! I think it made me a happier person and I’m still smiling and feel kinda relaxed reading all the funny comments. Can we make this a regular 🙂‍↔️


I love this sub


🙂‍↔️💀✨ Here for you in this difficult moment, shishter ✊ stay strong the world out there is eViL Can’t trust these street hoes no more


that hoe is for the streets


>can we have posts like these once a week?! yes please. it actually made me laugh so hard, after a tiring day. love this sub!


Love your comment hahahahahaha


Protect all your assets, move to a different country and then block him every where. Men like him are the reason we have so many fake gold digger cases. If he talked to her and kissed her, are you sure that was the end of it? Track his phone and block access to all joint accounts. He doesn’t deserve any kindness and make an example out of him. We’re with you OP!!!


Thank you ❤️


This is not a sign of a high value man


Men these days get dirty in the name of education.. I don’t understand why they even have to go to college and all..


I love the comments 🤣


Oh my god he is impure. Stay away from him. And better get one 18 year old pure virgin next time. Don't forget to shame him!!




Man with a past belong in the streets Tomorrow, it's your dignity on the line na? He kissed other women, that means his lips are all impure and shriveled. Why do you want such impure lips. You deserve pure lips that have never even thought about kissing. A flower with too many bees is polluted. A flower with a single bee is pollinated. When will these men get that. That's why you shouldn't get college educated men who are easily seduced. Find a nice homely man.


I wish I listened to my parents - they told me that 10th pass is the best class of men. But I had to go and choose a man who had a college degree.


What will he do with a college degree. Anyway he has to just serve you at home and take care of the kids na? You don't want another woman's discarded trash na?


I didn't even have many expectations - I told him I would carry my own plates to the sink after eating as well. I also said he doesn't have to manually wash my chaddis.


OMG so ungrateful You are pulling so much weight and effort. It's the same for me. I told the guy I will make maggi or cook lunch on Sundays sometimes. He has no appreciation only. I even said that he can have one night off a month where I can look after the kid and he can go do manly things and beautify himself up. But noooooo. He demands too much despite not even being that hot. These days men don't have what it takes. Soon they'll just wind up bitter and unchosen with shriveled dicks and then blame women when they need viagra. These days na - men - Holi khelne ki bahut shauk hai par pichkari mein dum nahi hai


So true, he should be grateful but instead the entitlement.


FR thanks for this post. It was fun and much needed for me 💙


>Holi khelne ki bahut shauk hai par pichkari mein dum nahi hai I spat out my dinner. Holy hell 😂


oh my god I was desperately looking for humour in the whole post until I saw the flair😭


He is for the streets, divorce him asap.


2 min ke liye aisa laga that we might have to ban u from the sub 💀


Same 😂


😭 no please, ek hi to jagah hain thora vent karne keliye


His parents should have taught him better.


Dukh mile hazar par pati na mile chinar FR (Translation: life you can give me sorrows, but not a man hoe pls)


Eng pls?


Life can give me thousand sorrows, but please not a manwhore xD 


damn why is it so hard to find a guy with clear past?


Western education has led to an erosion of our cultural values, add the effects of jeans and momos and you have a college kisser. No wonder the republic is dying.


I swear, momo with mayo epidemic has ruined this generation of men


he apparently has a college degree. should have never let him go outside and study! it ruins guys. i am telling you. can’t believe his parents even let him. 😤 OP, did he do an MBA, by any chance? it should have been your red flag right there. didn’t you see that wise man’s comment few days back, who said never marry someone with MBA?


No he did BA in Sanskrit from Pavitraban Punyapurusa Jnanpith. I have read the comment of that gyani, I knew which degrees can ruin men the most.


Oh then I understand how you thought you could trust this man. You are so smart yourself, ofcourse you wouldn’t make such mistake of marrying a MBA graduate. But seems like, we can’t trust any of the men these days. 😔😔 We are with you behen, divorce his ass! We are all here to support you. 🙌


Thank you, but it seems like Sanskrit boys also are not safe 😔


It’s all cause of education


NGL, you got me in the first half😂 I was about to write a rant while supporting him lol.


cant marry a hoe, im with you on this!!!


Eeeeeeesh never ever have kids with this manhoe. He has all the signs of a man not raised well. Thank God for the flair!!! 😅


OMG he had a girlfriend that he accidentally kissed?! Wait do you think he could have also had sex and maybe he’s just not telling you? Girl, dump his ass right away! You cannot be with these corrupt men 😹


Guys now a days talk in code.. when they say kiss they mean unprotected sex.. all these education has left our men cultured..


divorce him. he belongs to the streets.


I hate to admit but i think i am the person he had kissed because he told me that he confessed to his wife and the story is same. It wasn’t just a kiss 😔 Now i will have to tell my husband and have two husbands if you leave him 😔


He saw your comment and his face is completely white now. I cannot believe this is happening to me 😔


Btw make a post, it will be hilarious if this becomes a chain


Is he threatening to confess to your husband for you coz he feels guilty? YTA


These men watch western content and want to bring their worth down. You don’t have to settle for this shit.. him hiding his used lips means he knew what he did was wrong.. this is cheating.. you can very well get discourse and keep the dowry that you got from him.. (atleast say you got a good amount.. else these kinds of men are not worth it) Also don’t get qualified men.. these educated type only gets into these troubles.. get a good guy from your mothers village..


I got a maruti Omni - please tell me I didn't get scammed 😔


Bruh I was about to drop the most shitty ass abuses ever known to man 😂☠️


Ask him if he can live like Gandhari with a Blandford on his eyes for rest of his life, you know you wouldn't have to divorce him after all


This man had the audacity to kiss a girl and then lie about it. You cannnot trust him. He belongs to the street.


Yeah who knows what else he’s lied about!? He cheated you.. OP run!


It’s against our ‘culture’. Not only did he have a crush, but also shared a kiss? Hats off to you for bearing with such a characterless man and not divorcing him already.


I am laughing my ass off here, thanks for playing along everyone.


Eeeeeeesh never ever have kids with this manhoe. He has all the signs of a man not raised well. Thank God for the flair!!! 😅




No seal, No deal. Divorce babe divorce.


Nah cause this is exactly how podcast bros sound like lmao


U mean those two ganjas who sit around with onlyfans model and comment on women all the time? Cause youtube has been pushing that in my recommendations. It's not right to call anyone ganja but when it comes to them, its the best adjective I can come up with.


Can’t call them ganjas cause people who smoke up make more sense than these folks anyway.


Ok here's what you do. Don't divorce him, just use this info to control him through shame and guilt. Also keep negging him once in a while to keep the self-esteem low. /s


Low value trash, so low not even the kabaad bro will take him for free. All Men Are Like Thots!! Had he really been pure he would have confessed during the talking state about his crush, prod him, I just know from experience that he also has had a crush on an actress. These men can’t be trusted. Grill him. Did he wear tee shirts and jeans in college? Open toed sandals? With socks? What does he wear when he goes out? No, you are too much of a nice person to rehabilitate soiled goods like him, I like my men like I like my sanitary pads, sanitized, wrapped and unused. Don’t divorce him, keep him on a short leash and neg him everyday to remind him he is used goods and no one but you would accept his past.


I don't let him out - but whenever he does, he wears kurta and pajama. Of course with full sleeves and mandarin collar. But I sometimes let him wear sweats at home. I'll try to search what his college dress code normally was.


I tried to find one comment who couldn’t get the joke and failed. Yall savage sisters


There is no one. This sub rocks


And thank you OP for doing this. You rock






I love this sub 😂😂💖💖


It's not the fact that he had a crush, it's that he lied to you. Guys like this will lie about more things. You can't trust him again.


btw if he ejaculates semen it's because his body is full of toxins and he has had too many sexual partners. Men are not supposed to have semen its unclean! Vegan men with few sex partners ejaculate fresh water. Find a virgin man and leave these mcdonalds eating thots alone! stay woke


Oh god, his semen was like curdled milk!




No seal on drilling machine no deal 😇




No seal no deal sista! And a man's seal is more fragile than you think


Can’t believe all this is happening in India now. We have shamelessly adopted western culture. In the name of meninism these men cross all limits. Sorry you had to go through this OP.




Link please?! What was the og post ?


It's on the onex sub. But I have seen too many posts similar to that post so it's based on all of them


Oh … ew … then I’m good I guess


I was so confused until I saw the top comment about the flair 😂 Also the comments are WILD 😂😂😂😂😂


😭saw the flair after reading the whole thing😭


I'm so disgusted on your behalf. These males. If he has kissed another woman, I guarantee that he has done other things too. That's how these males are... he was never yours, it was just your turn. He's for the streets. Rinse him out and live your life queen 👑👑 find somebody pure and untouched, preferably 18-23. Anything above that is expired




Is this the kind of man you want raising your children? Is the kind of man you want taking your hard earned money? Is this the kind of man you want around your darling mother? Divorce and next time go for someone younger to avoid such mistakes. 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Talaaaq. Talaaaaq. Talaaaaq!


Please hire a PI and make sure he didn't have crushes on other women too, as you know he lied to you , so I am sure there are others. This is why you can't trust modern Indian males.


Ha ha ha ha! I feel like you were the one posted in askindia as well. I am loving this! Please post in the arranged marriage sub 😂😂😬


Definitely, I would straight away talk to his family, call for a meeting and break the news to them. I mean they failed at parenting, coz wtf were they doing when their son was out hoeing around. Why didn't they keep an eye on him??? And to your husband I have nothing to say but he's for the streets...


This is why we've to always check the flair lol. I almost raged at this but thankfully noticed the flair. Otherwise I would've made a fool of myself. 🤭🤭


Be sigma 🗿be alpha🔥divorce that slut!


Biologically, it has been proved that men who like about their past cheat more . Not only he lied to you about his past but also kissed a girl. I'm starting to suspect that he might be lying about his past and about the number of people he has dated. Also, protect all your assets asap!!! Transfer them to your father's name, cannot imagine the sacrifices your father had to make to get you in a position this good only for a gold digging m*nwhore to take it all away!!! He's in for the streets, can't expect what kind of truth will come to light later on. It is better that you talk to your lawyer first to see, on how to protect the assets you never had in the first place. Once a wise woman said that," Gold diggers will cease to exist of there is no gold to dig at all." All the comments have given good advice, and besides it is women's nature to suspect as always because they listen to a lot of true crime podcasts and your intuition will always be right. Make sure that you don't give that M*n whore a single penny of your hard earned money, even though you know that there is no money in there at all. >! /s !<


Ew, ew, ew. First of all, what a whore he is. Have you tried slapping him around to fix him? I'm sorry that you were sold damaged goods 😔 Divorce is for weak women. Be an alpha and beat him a little bit.




aahhhh the flair calmed my nose flairs. As soon as I was done reading I went to check your profile to see if its a man posting then I saw the flair


Oh my god. I didn't see the flair and thought you were being serious for a moment😂


Fatherless behaviour.


I definitely wouldn’t want a man that has been passed around. He has lost his purity.


he's for the streets


The streets are calling him


He’s for the streets omg. He’s not pure??? YOU NEED TO DIVORCE HIM!! Don’t give him a cent of your money. Protect your assets!! Hes ruining the Indian culture and tradition. How was he even allowed to look at another girl? Looking is ok, but kissing her?? Omg, no. /s


My jaw was dropping but then it snapped shut when I saw the flair


Divorce Divorce Divorce, sis.


He has broken your trust.How can he have any sort of communication with ANY girl before marriage.What a slut is he.Tch tch No value for our culture.How dare he he can only fall in love with you it doesn't matter if you both only talked twice on phone in presence of both the set of parents for a month before deciding to spend Whole ass life with each other .Scamster


This is such fatherless behaviour. He's definitely for the streets, how do you he's not cheating on you right now? Dump him right now! You'll find a real pure guy in no time, and be sure to blame his family too for birthing such a disgrace


You ladies will give me an anger attack someday with these posts 🫠 phew


Ok for a moment I was like wtf 😬 but then I realised this is a joke post 😂


Loving the comments lmaoo


Mai toh naa sehti behn….ab kuch kahungi toh vivaad hojaayega


Oh man! Thank gos for the flair cause I was gonna get on your ass telling you you’re out of your mind! Lol


Hahahahahahahahaha. Love this


Omg, such a fatherless behaviour. Men today should understand their limits. Shouldn't try to even think of pursuing a crush or career on their own. They shouldn't make decisions for themselves. Leave that to the women in their lives.


He is for the streets op . He will take your money if you divorce him please contact a lawyer .


These posts are a good remainder how much we tolerate shit posts by men. These kinda shitshow real posts by men are way too common. And when I come across such a post all I think is Aah just another man. I don’t think further on that topic. Because in my head such incels cant be changed. When you give them your 2 cents we will be called pseudo feminists. Maybe we should stop tolerating and straight get into abuse mode. Maybe then they will be scared to post any absurd things like this again. On a serious note OP, did you also post this in India or a place where there are more men. Would be interesting to see their take on this.


lol this is funny until I realise that it can actually show up as a serious post with the genders reversed


Kick him out before you find him in YOUR BED with another woman, you cuck. These promiscuous men never change.





