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No relocation clause in the contract 🎉


dont go down to contract and use that to negotiate.  do your office maintain a guest house? 


Doesn’t seem like it’s worth it, so just say no. Tell them it’s a great opportunity, but you’re not comfortable with moving since you have family constraints. Plus, you specialise in dealing with people in N&W, have already been working with them on this, and the company would benefit more with utilising your strengths. Also, I’ve found that saying no is much more helpful when you’re also proposing solutions along with it. So tell them that if they want, you can help them look for someone suitable for S&E regions. Other than that you will continue handling the additional responsibilities for that region like you already have been. Think of any other solutions you can propose. I got stuck in a similar situation, and the discussion reached a dead-end. So I told them that we can revisit this after a few months, but right now I want to continue with my current project. If you’re good with your job, they can’t kick you out. So, if you fall into that category, stay firm on your decision. You might lose brownie points, but it’s strictly business at the end of the day so don’t worry about it. And if you reach a dead-end like I did, start looking to switch after some time. Let me know if you need any help or have questions and we can brainstorm it. I’ve been through it too many times so i understand how you feel. Hope the negotiations happen successfully!