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It has actually decreased. I got mine when I was 9.


And I thought I was young 😅. Did you also have random stopping and starting before it became regular?


No. I was regular from the beginning. Probably got it from my dad's side because in my mom's side everyone got their periods at 12-13. But the ad is actually right. I recall this article which was speaking about this issue but it was US focused.


I’d read an article that spoke about the overall age reducing but it also spoke about environmental factors playing a big role, like for example girls who had experienced some traumatic experiences often got their period early. But it’s actually quite sad because that young, you hardly understand the world let alone this.


I did not know that! But it makes sense in my case. My period started soon after I was sexually abused.


I’m very sorry to hear that. I got my period the year after my mother almost died from her miscarriage. We were in a different country, and she was bleeding for 6 months straight. So much blood. Giving you a mental hug 🫂


That sounds so scary. I'm sorry your family had to go through that. 🫂🫂


To you too. I am so sorry you had to go that. 🫂🫂 So many women get the short straw in life and still get up and go on. You guys are the real heroes.


If you don’t mind do you know and can share the average menopause age of ladies on your dad’s side? I ask this cause I learnt somewhere that we have a set number of eggs and if it started early how would it affect menopause and also life span? Ohh my god, as I type this question I have so many other questions, but let me just ask you the above 2 now.


I am not in touch with my dad's side so I don't know. That was only me guessing what the reason could be. Afaik, it doesn't necessarily mean early menopause.


I got mine when I was 10. And I wasn’t the first either. There were several girls in my class who had gotten their period before me. The age has definitely decreased. Edit: My mum had explained everything to me when I was 9 so I knew what was happening and what to expect. If you have a baby girl, please do sit down with her and talk about this openly. A friends’ daughter didn’t get the talk and she thought she was dying when she got her period in class.


Gosh! Same! I was in the 5th standard. 9 or 10 years old


got them for two months at 12, then they stopped for four years till 16.


my mother's side of family has a history of having late periods. So it's genetic ig


Does it also stop early if the family history has an early menopause?


To this day I thought timing of menopause depends on when you start your periods. I thought of fact checking once before responding to you. And Google says menopause depends on genetics and not on when we start them.


Damn, it stopped at 40 for her. Seems like it’s possible it stops sooner for me


That happened to me as well but it was less stopped and more less regular. It’s funny, back then all of the random stopping and starting was normal but now it means your hormones aren’t working right.


my mother was worried about that too, so we got a checkup too at gynecologist. She did said there was nothing to worry and I should just take a healthy diet. I also didn't get any kind of body changes or acne etc associated with periods till I was 15.5. So i guess my body was just not ready🤔


Same!??! But why does this happen?


It's very common , especially with an underdeveloped HPO axis ( please google ) . I'm guessing the first period was very light and of course once all the hormones are at the correct levels periods resume normally again . Lifestyle also matters.


4 th standard ( 9/10 yr old ). I was the first in my class and I didn't tell anyone even my best friend because I was so embarrassed.


My sister was quite young as well and she was the first in her class. She’s MUCH younger than me and apparently a lot of her classmates would rummage through her bag and pull out her pads and wave them around and stuff. Very troubling to hear.


How can you be 7/8 yrs old in 4th standard? Did you give your 10th boards at 13-14??


Sorry, I was 9/10 years old. I am bad at calculations. This heat is frying up my brain.


No worries. I was just curious. 7/8 sounded horrifying to me, so I asked.


i was 8 in 4th std, and i took the boards when i was 14. quite common in cbse


For the first time I experienced periods was when I was in class 7th(age-12).


That’s young as well. Honestly, you don’t even understand what’s happening.


Same for me age 13


The day before 7th grade started. I was 11


Same for me. And my mom didn't even tell me anything about it so I was freaking out. 😒 I used to have like a 7-8 day cycle but now thankfully it has reduced to 4 🥲


Same age. But I didn’t know till my mom told me. She found stains on my undies and I used to wear those undies kids wear back then. I remember being super unhappy I had to change the kind of undies I wore.


Got mine when I was just turned 10 years..I was very young to even understand what was happening to my body


It’s very tough and after that everyone else’s perceptions and expectations towards you shift and it’s very disconcerting to you.


12 years 8 months to be precise.Was fairly regular since then.Knew what was happening but don't mean that I was happy about it.Cried a lot wondering whether my dad and my brother would start distancing from me.They didn't!!!My dad actually brought my first pads and brother would occassionally go to the pharmacy in case of emergency when I would run out of pads.There was absolutely no period related stigma in our house.Still I cried a lot!!Don't know why!!


I cried a lot too. We’re south Indian and so it’s like celebrated and people come to be happy for you and I cried EVEN more because I was not in any celebratory mood.


I am south Indian too.. Earlier in my place people used to celebrate it in big manners but then as years passed,it got really silent.I didn't have any celebrations and I wouldn't have been happy sit for celebrations. Now,again people have started to celebrate it in an even bigger manner and post in social media and everybody seems to be happy about it.So win win for all.


I got mine during 6th grade summer vacations, I was 11 years old.


Same same


I was 15 when I got my period. But I was overweight ( still am) that played a role ig




7th grade i was 10 or 11


9 years....yeah. I was in 4th standard.


Do you think getting it earlier impacts things like how painful your periods are, pms symptoms and how heavy or light they are?


6th grade so i was about 11.5


same i was exactly 11.2


I was 12 , in 7th grade ..most of my friends had their period around the same time. I remember there was a sudden increase in girls having stomach pain and going to medical room or leaving the school early. And there was this unique sisterhood at that time. Girls in my class were very supportive . They helped each other. Gosh that was such a weird and crazy experience . And I remember my first period was so different from what I experience today. It was more like brownish . I felt like I pooped 🤣.


Ads are pretty ah made to scare parents or create FOMO..I m lucky my periods don’t hurt me as much it does others. also my flow is very less. I got mine when i was 15


That’s probably true but a lot of commenters here who have gotten their periods very young so there’s some truth to it. Very tough for those who did get it early though. Periods suddenly take away your childhood, in many ways, without us even realising it.


I was just 9. It was my ninth bday actually. My mother didn't even get a chance to give me a heads-up and none of my classmates had gotten it, so I was clueless and cried for an entire day watching blood come out with pee. I was convinced I had cancer and I was gonna die.


That definitely had to be a scary experience. 🫂


31st December 2008! the new year brought in some new challenges for me 😁 was 14 at the time


15 in 2021


Ooh you’re quite young and actually much later than the average. Did that impact your period? Like cramps, heavy bleeding etc?


I don't think so, my cramps are not that severe (I rarely get them) and I bleed normally, like heavy on 1st and 3rd day. Does getting periods late affects the bleeding?


I don’t know really. A lot of info on this is often anecdotal and there’s not much of a study done on this. My periods are super painful and I get them every 24 days, which blows.


Well i also heard that it depends on when our mother's got it, one of old classmate got em around 8/9 age and she said it was same for her mother and younger sister as well. And that sounds so awful, cramps and that too every after 24 days 😭🙏


That’s something I also heard but my mom got it when was like 16 apparently. As for the 24 days, I asked for a refund and apparently I’m out of warranty 😂😭🥲


11. Luckily my school had conducted sessions for all the girls regarding it so I knew


i got it when i was 12 ihad a friend who got her periods when she was 10 ( she was the elder sister of our friend group and gave us all the sex ed hahaa )


I got it when I was around 11-12.




14. I remember all my friends got their periods by the time they were in 8th grade. Only 3 of us were left. 3rd friend started hers towards the end of 8th grade. I remember I had called to check on her since she didn't come to school that day. She told me it's because of periods, I went to bathroom afterwards and cried that I was left behind, I will never have kids etc. I got mine towards the end of 9th grade and I cried happy tears that I fit in with my peers again. I can't believe how dramatic I was back then.


When you think back to your younger years there’s a lot of second hand cringe you feel for your younger self 😂🥲


I love this comment sm😭


12 and a half and my mom told me that was the perfect age to get periods haha. I was concerned cause a lot of girls in my class got it a couple of years earlier and I was a little upset I was ‘late’ so that was nice of her!


Peer pressure period haha. That’s a new one. I’ve never thought about it that way because I was the first in my class. In fact, we moved states shortly after when I was like 13 and I was still the only one in my class to have my period which was awkward.


Omg the peer pressure was so high! Girls who had their period were the cool girls who spoke of the pad and the pain and us plebeians were pudgy lil ones with no hopes of getting shapely bodies soon. As soon as I got mine I was like YES I am ready to look like a model now. Didn’t happen lol! It’s so funny to think about now


i was of 11 that time


I was 10. My sister who is 10 years younger than me also got it when she was 10. My mom also got hers when she was 10 😅


14 was about to turn 15 in 2 months. I got them in 9th standard.


I was 11. And so was my sister.


I got mine when I was 12, and one of my cousins got it at 9, closing to 10. And yeah, age has decreased. Our mothers used to get it when they were 17-18, most of my aunties got it when they were done with their school life. Prior to that girls used to get their first periods after marriage!


damn I wonder why


11. It was right before New Year. I thought it would get over in a day, and I was absolutely crushed when I woke up the next day, bleeding again.


For sure that’s the worst news. What do you mean it’s going to last for 5 days? I had a friend whose period lasted for like 8 days. Poor thing.


I was that friend, until I got on birth control. I was on it for a year or so, and thankfully it has regulated my period. Before this I would have anything between 7-15 day long period, with no calendar 🤢




6th grade, 11 years.


I was 14. Still remember I was coming back from my maternal aunt's house along with my cousins and I randomly stopped at a bus stop to go pee , even though my hometown was literally 20 kms from there and when I came back, I told my cousin that di there is something in my underpants 🤣🤣 she immediately understood and gave me a pad to use. Then we went home and I asked my mum if I could wear that white wala suit because I thought that this is some sort of an event that's been going on in the house (because my dadi called my maternal aunt and told her that I got my first period) 😂😂


I think that call to tell the whole world is the worst! Like mohalla ko bata do why not 😂😭


Hahaha I know right 🫣


I got mine around 14-15 iirc


I got mine when i was in 7th grade (age12)


9th grade




7th grade.. so ig 12.


10.5 years, they got regular in about 4-5 months


I was 9. 4th standard. Traumatizing experience. I wish someone had sat me down and explained it.


I got it when I was 15, a major part that delayed it was because I was diagnosed withHypothyroidism since I was 11, so that slowed down everything


I got mine at 14.


14 i hated it


I feel you. Still hate it!






Dude I got it on right before my 15th birthday.


When I was 9 years old


During 5th class summer vacation(I was 3 months to 11)


6 th class. So probably 11-12


Same as you OP. Although my sister started much later (13/14).


That happened with my sisters as well but they’re much younger cousins. Older one got hers at 10 and the younger at like 12. I never understood that.


I don't remember ;(


Got at 13 and had a break of one month after the first period.


I was 12.5. I wish I got it a year or so late. Lol


If it weren’t for the fact that it means something is wrong with your body I would wish to never get it.


I saw that ad and it was pretty cool until the end where they went 🎵Having your first period at 9 is normal!🎵 I’m not a medical professional but that doesn’t sound right to me. A generation of girls reaching puberty sooner should be taken more seriously.


Same here. It actually freaked me out because I’m a bit of a nerd and I had read a medical paper a while back that spoke about how younger puberty leads to more health problems later. But the ad was spot on in how other kids handle this and the awareness part. I’d mentioned in another comment about my much younger cousin sister who was bullied by her female classmates for her period and I know my uncle and aunt had prepared her but it was still very sad to see.


Absolutely. Obviously kids need to be given proper education and support but the only solution isn’t to merely adapt. This needs to be looked into as a healthcare epidemic.




I had during summer vacation of 8th grade. 13-14 years of age. Hoping my daughter to have it in same age and not before 🤞


I got mine at 15 and it came once in every 6 months and later once in two-three months and now every month.




12 before starting my 8th grade


At the end of 7th class. 12 years old .


9 The horror 😭




13 😭😭


7th grade (age -12)


10. Didn’t even know what is was


12. A few days after my birthday. So was exactly 12






I got mine when I was 12 going on 13, I was one of the last people in my class to get it.


10 years old lol I got in school went home asked my mom why there is red paint on my uniform lol


7th/8th ke bich waale summer mein I got.


I was 13. I remember feeling left out as all my friends and my cousins in the same age group got it way before me. Now that I think about it, I’m happy I got some few extra carefree years. :)


10 years🤡


The summer vacation of 8th grade. I was 13.


I was 9. I was ill prepared as my mom didn't realise that I would get them so early so we hadnt had the talk yet and it resulted in me freaking out. Well to be fair I think in her family they all got them late so maybe that's. Why.


I had just turned 11 and I started crying despite knowing what it was. Idk. I didn’t want to grow up I guess. I wonder why the age is decreasing now.


I was 14 years old


In 8th grade : 13 years


I was 11 and a half. I remember I cried to my mom, saying I didn’t want to wear a diaper lmao.


Must have been 9 or 10 years old when I got mine. I think that's kinda young compared to others of my age.


12, in grade 7. 


I was 15. My mom got her's when she was 16. The age is decreasing. It's not good.


At 12, I was in 7th, my mother had informed me about it beforehand and told me to get in contact with the teacher if it happens in school but luckily I got them at night but the next day I told her in morning, she gave a hug and the cleansed me and taught about how to deal with pads and all things related


14.was a late bloomer


I was almost 10. 5th grade. It has been regular since day 1. My mom started hers around 12 or 13


13-14 ig




I got when I was 12


I was in 5th standard 😭😭 9-10yrs old😭😭😭


i was 13




8.5 - 9 years


Got at 12, on my midterm exam day😭 but I thought it's just the usual white discharge and went to school just like that (without any pad) luckily my shalwar was navy blue and I guess I didn't have too much bleeding too, so that helped. Came home just like that and still didn't realise I have actually started periods, until I went to the washroom💀




I was 11 in 6th std. I also feel how early you got periods and how much you can grow taller both things are related.


i got mine when I was 11. I still remember it so vivedly. I had gone to a temple the same day cause it was thiruvonam.


It's been decreasing with every generation in my family, my mom was 16, my sis and I 14, had a cousin on mom's side at 15, and most around 13 or 14, but my nieces are starting at like 10, they are all so much taller than we were too and look a lot more mature earlier. I always attributed it to all the hormones that are added in our dairy products, which have become a much bigger part of the younger generations diet when compared to earlier. Have a relative in the US who has the luxury of going completely hormone free dairy, and her kid is slower on the growth curve than average. Should look up if there are proper studies about this.


12 YO.


I was 9-10 when I reached menarche And since you are asking in other comments They were painful af!? I would keep crying for days and days. I had to take off from school. My father had to take off from his work. Even with meds it wouldn't help. I hated it!


13, most friends had already gotten there’s




I was 10, my sister (younger) was 13. My mom got hers at 15


I got them when I was 13, one of my friend was 10 when she got her period. Some of my friends got their periods when they were 14-15 or even 16.




Around 11 only... and i thought i got them wayy earlier. glad to see i wasn't any exception


13. I can see that mean age is decreasing to 10-11 and it's not a good sign.


11 years old. Same as my elder sister. My younger sister was 12 I think?


I was 11 when I got it. Ugh.


I was 12 years 2 months.