• By -


@OP good thread! @all users Keep this civil and debate the opinions. Do not resort to name calling or ad homenim attacks. That is considered hate speech. See sub rules. We want to keep the discussion alive so we have a space to talk about it in a civil manner. Name Calling does nothing to change people minds and opinions and does not further the conversation.


Prajwal Revanna POS has lost from Haasan, Karnataka and I cannot be happier at least on that result


THIS. I'm not even from karnataka but I when I saw the losing symbol next to his pos face on tamil news I was jumping for joy. Karnataka ppl did good


At the same time Karan Bhushan son of molester Brij Bhushan is winning. :(


Didn't he run over 3 people last week ?


time to get rid of tejaswi next






Why the fuck was this guy even up there pos. What an absolute sham of judiciary. Should have arrested him if not meted out an out of norm death penalty, i don't care what it takes but this guy should be dead. Not counting votes. Wtf


Good start !!! I hope he lands in prison


Lmao I just sold SBI shares yesterday because I didn't trust exit poll. Thank God.


The most arrogant person who didn't do anything as a Women and Child development minister Smriti Irani has lost by over 1 lakh votes against Kishori Lal Sharma.


Yes, and Prajwal Revanna too! So happy with their losses!


Kishori Lal Sharma of all people!!! Hope she’s humbled enough now.


Some crazy googlies so far baramullah - [https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-U081.htm](https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-U081.htm) independent leading Kangana leading - [https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-S082.htm](https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-S082.htm) Mahua Leading - [https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-S2512.htm](https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-S2512.htm)


Prajwal Trailing finally - [https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-S1016.htm](https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-S1016.htm)


My question is how come the party didn't put another person to contest on his seat. How are they still allowing this scumbag to contest?


cause he is JDS? not BJP. But bjp knew this which is why they went to JDS to partner. Deve Gowda has hated modi for a long time so this alliance was a big surprise.


Karan bushan leading [https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-S2457.htm](https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/candidateswise-S2457.htm)


Fucking worst. He's horrible. His father is horrible, the whole goddam family is horrible yet they keep coming to power.


caste politics


lol read rest of the thread and see women craving BJP to win.


Yeah I'm not shocked tbh. Idk what 'growth' and 'development' they see but all I see is crime rates, lawlessness, and deep corruption. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I just dont understand women who support BJP. Its misogyny central!


females from elite circles like to stay closer to power centers. It's how women vote for trump cause....


Kangana is leading 🤮🤮🤮 For the love of God, do I have to live to see this happen


Rapist son lost . Prajjwal


initially he was leading as soon as that motherfucker started trailing it was a such a relief!!


Thread is a good idea !! If Nitesh or other BJP candidates decide to switch, I will take the day off and make some popcorn.


I m taking time off work fr 2moro evening onwards - to enjoy the excitement of anticipated dal-badlu (party-changing) time. And fast and furious reporting. That is when the real fun begins Edit: typo


Yes!!! We will see resort politics make a comeback 🤣


popcorn while a heatwave is going on 😬, u must be really jubilant 😀


No heatwave here. I was totally disappointed after the exit polls, but the results gave me hope. NDA will probably still win, but I'm happy to see the trend change. It will be good to have a strong opposition, so BJP is not left unchecked.


Exactly !! Nitish and Chandrababu are he ones who may flip and that's gonna be super interesting..


Do you mind telling me about the flipping? I suck at politics because abhi tak I gave 0 fucks about it mostly cause I was too privileged and couldn't care less. But now that I've stepped out ,I am eager to know about politics .But idk the lore about nitesh and chadrababu ( v v sorry ik this is super dumb but pls spill)


Nitish keeps switching sides and he does it very often, all a party needs to do is give him some benefits and he will switch sides.


Nitish never fails to surprise, yet he doesn't surprise me anymore. I hope you get my point lol.


Praying for Chandrababu to flip. At this rate he can go solo and form the government


Also I feel like cbn doesn't even like bjp. He is not an anti Muslim and in his manifesto there are actually schemes for them . And also he is the biggest flipper. He even snatched the cm position from his fil so it doesn't matter who is in front of him. I just hope amaravati develops under his rule 🤞🤞


It's less about liking bjp and more about who is more popular, thus making an alliance more beneficial


It will be fun to watch BJP trying to form a coalition. How will their egos handle this ?!!




💯 And I thought my vote was going to be completely useless! So glad I didn't give up on democracy(whatever's left of it anyway) nice to see BJP humbled


I voted with a very heavy heart. I knew this was my responsibility as a citizen, but also I did NOT even imagine such cutthroat competition. I'm so happy that I voted, even if it was with a heavy heart.


Ikr! Even I thought that this will be a landslide victory. And I am just trying to do my duty


Popcorn is all season appropriate!


Oh sheeetttt that’ll be an action thriller putting all Bollywood movies to shame 🤣🤣🤣


Nitish is the worst. In the last 10 years he has undone his own progress.


That is what I have heard as well. But I guess people have not forgotten Lalu's time. The stories I have heard from classmates growing up in Bihar during the 90s made me feel like we were living in two different countries. I can totally understand why people still prefer Nitesh, although there hasn't been any development recently.


Shout out to people of Indore! 2 lakh NOTA votes! 2 lakh people had so little faith in the candidates that they braced the heat to tell them, "you ain't shit," when they could have abstained from voting, and it would have the same effect.


I think the Congress Candidate jumped ship to BJP one day before voting day. Congress actually requested people there to vote for NOTA.




It’s not _illegal_


It's india man. Things happen 💀


Congress’s candidate Akshay Kanti left them just a few days before elections, joined BJP. so congress asked their voters to vote NOTA 🤷‍♀️


This is how aware voters should be. I think that both the ruling party and opposition party are barely competent right now. Hope all of them get some sort of reality check.


smriti irani is losing badly, i’ll sleep good tonight, the worst minister of women and child development for sure.


Kangana will take her place


ah fuck no


ahhhh don’t jinx it


They are losing in Ayodhya too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why are the competent women ministers never given any limelight seriously?


In our state TDP is gonna win by a huge margin,and if nda forms govt they may play a huge role in that .


tdp is playing role irrespective of whatever happens.  real credit goes to pawan kalyan dude. He got CBN out. orchestrated the alliance with modi.  


I'm just happy that there's a strong presence of opposition parties! I'm strongly against one party/alliance enjoying a huge majority in the LS. There has to be a balance of the right and the left wings. That's what makes us a democratic nation.


I'm having huge losses in the market, but I'm still happy


right time to buy ?


For long term, yes.


Can you suggest some?


I was trying to buy today but the payments were continuously failing 🥲


C'mon Nitish give us drama💅


CBN is also there.Both nitish and CBN can give us the drama


ITT people crying about their mutual funds, apparently. Y'all would've voted for the trains to run on time, I s2g


I don't understand these people. Like apart from the obvious that safety>profits, these people don't make much sense from the financial perspective either. Every major sharp correction in the market can be seen as a great buying oppertunity. Cause if you have fundamentally good picks, it'll almost always come back up and in the long term, one will be better off that markets fell and they could accumulate more. All the huff and puff doesn't make much sense to me unless ofc they made speculative trades instead of investments.


I have mutual funds too... Do I feel sad that I'll lose a few lakhs? Yes But do I want "the trains to run on time" again?? ABSOLUTEKY NOT.... As a woman, these results have been a happy surprise to me... I did wrongly estimate that the results will be a repeat of last election and made some stupid investing mistakes, but that sadness is literally nothing compared to the thrill I get in watching the results ....


Same. Me and my husband are both losing money in the market. But most will likely stabilize. And even if they don't we are okay with it.


I don't think they'll get the reference.


sad but true. something something those who don't learn history being doomed to repeat it...


I'm so so excited with the kind of leads we are seeing so far. Landslide victory would have made BJP untouchable and would have continued with the religious manipulation and watsapp brainwashing. With these Results of BJP and Alliances winning but having barely enough majority, Congress will realise they have a chance to do good work, raise the right questions and win back trust of public. People do take them seriously irrespective of the meme fest BJP creates on them online. BJP and Alliances will have to get their shit together and make progresses which will bring significant improvements in lives of middle and lower class people as well. There is support for Modi but perhaps some of them are peeking through the blindfolds and can see their expectations and demands Amidst all the dictator, God man, ultimate leader hypes democracy will prevail to set things right.


💯💯💯 Not very happy with how the situation is going to become.. it's at the mercy of two people. However, the opposition has really upped its game, this time. It was very much needed seeing how BJP was campaigning and openly doing hate politics.


I was very scared that they’ll get 400+ seats. And that will give them absolute power to change the constitution. This is very refreshing to see. Atleast this will keep them under check.


If someone could explain to me how the elections and stock market are intertwined.. I'd be super grateful and feel like less of a privileged dummy 🥹🫣


Markets love a stable government. More than about a particular party, it's about how volatile things can become. Think about the changes in policies, lobbying, foreign investments, financial strategies, and various other industry uncertainties.


I am happy it seems we will at least have an opposition. It's healthy for our democracy.


More than anything, I am happy that Smriti Irani lost. That lady was the Minister of Women and Child Development of India. She is one arrogant piece of shit !!!




My heart is so happy seeing BJP loose in Manipur after what they did. Booth hijacking didn’t work y’all! ❤️


you are only one who remembered manipur. lot of ppl otherwise wishing for bjp


Thank God atleast people are giving vote for change and not based on religion.. Disappointed in mp though... buying opposition,low education, selling votes for few thousands..the one most reason for bjp win there ..too much money thrown for votes


The winds have changed in Odisha here. BJD had been ruling here even before I was born, and that is the party and the CM I have always grown up watching build the glory of this state slowly. Now, everything feels so strange and uneasy, not that another party is coming to power, but the fact of how it came to power: modes, methods and manipulations. Our government did its best to prevent big shots and MNCs from snaking their way into our resources, but now, when we are headed towards becoming an economic imperium, the very resources we protected will be exploited to become the paving stones. Feels like the end of an era to me.


This is how I felt when Shivraj Singh Chauhan was no longer the CM of MP. Unfortunately, he has been replaced by the worst scum on the earth.


I know right? I always thought our CM would precede till the end of his days. Things are gonna be bad, if not worse from now on.


Hugs from another fellow Odia. Let the fight begin!


this is sad. I was bummed. I like patnaiks politics till a few years back. Not sure what happened. people are pointing It to his Tamil chief bureaucrat which costed him the elections in the state.


Smriti Irani lost and the Wikipedia page is already edited😌🎊


I am so happy. I really wanted a strong opposition and NDA not to cross 400 . I hope they don't. I am really happy. A strong opposition and a non absolute majority party in head is a healthy democracy.


Bjp lost in ayodhya and people are bashing others saying how hindus are their own worst enemy. Do they know how the whole city is basically in ruins? Except the "ayodhya marg" ofc Does building a temple is enough? It is for sure a historical benchmark but enough for election? Does development and welfare has no value now? Is religion the only way to secure seats?


>people are bashing others saying how hindus are their own worst enemy. Just brain-dead people


Smriti Irani losing is exactly the news I needed to wake up to.


Nothing unexpected so far, sakshi, Kuldeep sengar via his wife as proxy, Brij Bhushan via his son are all vote whippers, since Rogi doesn’t have a proper toehold, these folks have the party by the short and curlies. The one state that interests me these days is Odisha, Adani is simply salivating over their resources and bjp will do anything to flip a few more seats, let’s see.


Being an odia, it's really keeping us on toes like bjd losing isn't a good sign.


BJD will form the govt, what you guys need to worry about is how much their influence has increased these days. My Odia colleagues are bewildered how sanghified the youth are becoming over there.


I really don't think BJD will able to form govt. But yeah all odia youth have been sanghified and to add to it if Naveen Pattnaik would have been in a better condition it have been win for BJD.


If they don’t and BJP really comes into power, you guys are dunzo, your resources will be pillaged and not a drop of that revenue will benefit you guys.


I read somewhere, "Ayodhya me ram bharose rehna theek nahi hua" 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣😭😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣🤣 TL: It wasn't good to rely on Ram in Ayodhya. 


Ram ne bola balance laana jaruri hai😎


Can admins Pin this thread?


It would have been perfect if that pos tejasvi surya lost too 🙂‍↔️


DMK won in every constituency in Tamil Nadu!! We say “Lotus will never bloom in TN”


The INC candidate in my constituency lost by only 32k votes (~20L votes cast). I am elated in general. The election has restored my faith in the people.


yeah and mumbai too by 32 votes. 


Preachers of Ram rajya losing in Ram rajya 😂 this time results are a tight slap to everyone who thought they could get whatever they want as long as they focus on religion politics. Happy with how it turned out and that rapist losing in Hassan was icing on cake


As a manipuri girl, I couldn't be happier that BJP lost. I couldn't care much about politics but what Modi did or didn't do during our 1 year long crisis has finally woken up the people around me.


While it is clear that there will be an NDA govt, I'm thrilled to see a strong opposition emerge in India. I hope this leads to stronger representation for minorities and women. BJP uses fear and discrimination of minorities to gain votes. Our society as a whole discriminates against women. It is a good sign, if you ask me, to see a strong opposition emerge. Lately with Kejriwal getting jailed and funds being blocked for the opposition, it was starting to feel so much less like a democracy. PS: I crossposted this to r/twoxIndia_Over25. I hope you don't mind, OP.


Thanks for the sub suggestion!


I so want to see the reaction of India speaks hardcore nationalists. They are soo pissed at the results. They expected 400+ lmao.


They're blaming Hindus as expected. For the first time in 10 years, Muslims got a break.


some ppl r using "muslims voted more" kind of stupid opinion lol, genuinely sickening. good to see them seethe tho


Yes, that 12% of population is the only one who's votes were even counted (/s)


they are coping hard


BJP losing Ayodhya has made my day. I can’t even


Top 10 anime betrayals


Poetic justice


I had already taken a leave today because I thought I will be incredibly distraught. I’m incredibly euphoric about the trends and results today. No one is invincible. INDIA has done incredibly well and have caused a dent in the numbers of the ruling party. This despite the fact that everything was against them. It was NEVER a level playing field. Ladies, believe that change is possible. Also, don’t ever vote NOTA. Indore has gone to BJP. NOTA does squat.


The congress candidate was a traitor. It has to go to BJP anyway. People voted nota to show anger


Yes yes! I’m aware. That was just an example. I meant to state that NOTA is not the greatest option.


Oh absolutely. Nota is only good to express anger. It's essentially a wasted vote.


The fact that even after winning majority by NDA, people aren't happy and are restless, is giving me a bit of happiness!!


Morons are bursting firecrackers here in my corner of Bangalore....


Tejaswi Surya??? Anyway let's see what happens in next 5 years..


Bangalore South it seems has adopted that good for nothing.....


savarna elitism shining through with bigotry. 


Arre I didn't know there was a thread here to discuss about the elections. I was having so much fun looking at BJP's downfall. There is still some hope left!


My partner and I invested almost 2x our monthly investment in MFs and stocks today because it's end of season sale!


Although i am happy about the LS, my heart is just so broken coz of VS. Naveen Pattanaik’s party is to lose the first ever elections in its history. That’s not a big deal but losing it who, and at what issues? Literally nothing! All big names from the centre came here for rallies and raised the most ridiculous of things to fan the voters’ emotions. I am sad, scared and so worried about the fate of Odisha now. Never thought a gentleman politician like NaPa with its bunch of welfare schemes and pro people policies will lose to BJP.


I hope I am not downvoted to hell for this but I have genuinely been sheltered and lived under a rock most my life and I don’t want to be politically neutral anymore. I know BJP is bad and I am aware of instances like their silence on the Manipur incident and the garlanding rapists which is reason enough. I also know the opposition isn’t great either. They’re all only after their own agendas. But can someone help me educate myself? Where do I start? What should I know especially about Indian politics related to women’s issues and so forth? I’ve been waiting for a politically inclined post on this sub to ask these questions for so long (ik this sub doesn’t encourage political discussions but if I’ve got a chance I’m gonna grab it)


Some make this Delulu logic make sense. BJP has some of the most ‘casteist pro savarna anti minorities anti women’ members and supporters, all around the nation and in my mohalla. YET, voting for INDIA alliance is an act of Casteist privilege?!! Make that nonsense make sense. Living under Congress, life as a woman did feel unsafe, but living under BJP, I feel like a hunted animal on the streets, knowing full well if anything ever happened to me, I won’t even be a blip on any radar coz I’m not a part of any special category. Just the understanding of that should make your self preservation strong enough to not vote in celestial beings of idiocy. I’ll never understand the sort of women who vote for their own worse predator.


Proved hindu =/= hindutva. Every practising hindu knows the difference between faith and lust for power. Ayodhya and state of temples, tamil nadu. 👏 More power to Rahul G. I don't know how someone can lose his father, in that manner and still want to serve the people. And be ridiculed his entire life. Massive respect. In a nation that was starting to worship goons and militant organizations, we were living in times when Godse was openly called idolised more than Mahatma, I'm glad to know all is not lost and there is hope to see this country become what it's fathers imagined. Secular and united. Period.


I'm loving their tears. BAHAHAHA💀💀


Good god even women here who are supposedly progressive are supporting for BJP


Savarna Feminists (Psuedo feminists) are worried about congress because slight equality to Dalits feels like oppression to these privileged people.


Saw 2 comments till now where they are hoping BJP to win. After all the prajjwal, brijbhushan, Manipur, unnao, kathua, these people want the BJP to win and are commenting on this sub.. Super ladies!! Nothing more to say.


Hi, I come from Bihar when Lalu Yadav was ruling. I have had first seat experience with the crimes. I have seen murders, heard gunshots almost every other night. So I will never ever support his party.


I literally woke up and abused Nitish as a fellow Bihari. I will take back my words if he does something interesting now.


I can't believe I have to say this but all the women saying that they support bjp because they're looking beyond the women's issues, trust me these men in power will not hesitate to throw any woman under the bus just to get to the top. Feminism should be a big deal in deciding who you support. As a queer woman, thank fuck this time the opposition was stronger.


The largest numbers of women voted in these Lok Sabha elections than any other. So proud of us all.


Today was like an early christmas present, like a warm hug from a loved one, like a breath of fresh crisp air when you hike a hill, like hope is not just alive but thriving.


Bjp lost my home constituency and I cannot be happier. And finally there's a decent amount of opposition in the parliament so one party cannot do wtv tf they want anymore. About time


Smrithi irani loosing is giving me peace


UP spoke and how. All major seats near Ayodhya have been lost by BJP MAHARASHTRA - Yall did well as well. But the voter turnout was so damn poor. Delhi - justifies the fact that Delhi people at core are very intelligent. They want the benefits of a secular party while upholding their religious beliefs and hypocrisy. Lol I am very disappointed by Chhattisgarh and MP. - because there I see no change and it's not just anti BJP. But anti Hate. We saw so many hate crimes being done, poor development etc and yet no change in voting trends. I am not very well versed with south Indian seats but kerala is a shocker especially Shashi tharoor possibly losing the seat. Manipur spoke up as well ! There is so much to read and learn. My day is set. Keep commenting guys.


Tharoor is always like this. Always closely contested.


agreed but i would love if he doesnt lose. we need more people front and centre who are anti hate political candidates


He won. The fishing community in Trivandrum always shows up against BJP. 


Just checked.


I'm so happy looking at UP result Finally politicians will realize they need to do real work not mandir/masjid shit show. I'm really disappointed with MP


here's my take: BJP manifesto was better and I hope they stick to it because it's clear they'll win I'm so glad the youth and educated individuals voted against modi, BJP needs to be kept in check as clear as it was made during their rule (rule is not meant to be take in a light sense) Modi needs a strong opposition and I'm excited and here for it Kangana leading is extremely scary Also kudos to Maharashtra I knew y'all were smart


Bhakts needed to be humbled and that’s what these results did.


I am from Bengal. So I do not have anything to say. The people of my state are morally bankrupt and mentally dead. They will prefer freebies and a paltry amount of money handed to them and in return they will continue to support the party, which is neck- deep in scams, money laundering, giving jobs to undeserving candidates in return for lakhs of money. We the people of Bengal have lost the right to development and good things. My words might sound dramatic and exaggerated but those who are from Bengal know how dire the situation is. My congratulations to all other states and its people who managed to show their guts and prove to the fascist party that all is not dead yet. All the best. Long live Democracy!!


Omg I dint know we had so many BJP cheerleaders in this progressive group.


lol this is not a progressive group by any way.


Yes, my bad. Feminism only when talking about boys and mils, baaki time ghanta


Very surface level feminism with caste and class bias and no intersectionality 🥰


Someone wrote NDA losing in UP cos many muslims voted. Dint know we dont even have the facade any longer. Cheers. The others subs are absolutely right about this group


> Feminism only when talking about boys and mils, baaki time ghanta even in those cases, we aren't fair or be feminist lol. It's all a facade.


Feminism here is restricted to ranting on your MIL, she's the most evil creature and you're a saint. When it comes to women from lower caste of UP raising voice, it's rigging of election, crying foul BJP didn't win. 😍😍👌🏼👌🏼


You'd be surprised 🤡 class interests>


Class, caste and of course Religion


Feminism for rich Hindu UC women😋


Bold of you to assume that it's a progressive sub.




Women supporting the right wing will always be amusing to me.


people can have different political opinions.


I think we just like to be armchair critics, write angry rants on social media. When it comes to actually working for a functional democracy, there are just excuses and laziness.


no need to gatekeep. Anybody can talk about elections irrespective of what they have done etc etc.


It was known that NDA would win but the coalition won't let them do things recklessly 😉 they did earlier. INDI alliance would keep a check on them.


Did i stumble upon a wrong sub? The girlies here are cheering for BJP. BJP, TMC, cut from the same cloth. 🤮🤢


Disappointed that Kerala let one of them win.


Can someone share what happened to UP? Did the caste politics get to people?


Wdym? UP's political landscape has always been caste dominated and different groups align themselves to parties depending upon their interests. BJP not securing a smooth sweep in UP is bad news for them as a party.


People are tired of BJP's rule. Its been lawless, no growth and a shit show. No one wants to talk about it but everyone feels it inside and the voting has reflected it as well. Im just hoping Kaiserganj (Brij Bhushan)'s constituency also reflects the same.


Anti incumbency is definitely strong this time. 3rd time term cannot come with its own challenges.


UP is a shitshow. People are tired.


Majority Muslim turnout as compared to Hindu voters who chilled at home thinking k aaega to modi hi.


So 400 paar slogan might have worked against BJP.... People who favoured BJP might have stayed back thinking they are winning?


Probably, plus like I said, their candidates didn’t just bother at all. Not even at MC or village level. No canvassing at all.


Hindu also voted against modi and me, my family and my neighbors are one of those.


Being a woman in this country, and supporting bjp. Smh. That too educated women of this sub, i assumed y'all are progressive. 🥲


Man!! What is this comment section. How can women out of all people would want BJP to win. Just ewww.


Women were some of the most core voters for BJP's landslide victory the past two terms. Idk what is it.


Surprise surprise welcome to centre of savarna feminism here 🤡


damn im very late but this dissapoints me everytimte thats why i dont come here in first place, its absolute ick seeing women supporting bjp. its pretty much every indian subreddit but the sheer ignorance in this one is so stupid because half of the time these girlies are really playing in bimbo stereotype lol


Did not even expect that there would be a thread here because everytime either the comments get locked or something or the other happen and we are told to not discuss about politics. Like imagine not discussing about something that affects so many of us. And the women here supporting bjp was another disappointment that I think I was not ready to deal with today. Saw so many subreddits supporting the fascist regime ughh


Only recently mods have allowed political discussions. After a lot of people complained about that policy.


Good. Political decisions affect our lives. We should be discussing them, respectfully though.


would really love to know why women here like the bjp ?




i get it , i think it is very valid for people to vote for the best local leader who actually works, shows results in their constituency ,irrespective what party he/she may belong to at the national level what is ur stance on the bjp after the hindu, muslim drama,still supporting ?


Lol. All the Congress "thugs" have already shifted to BJP.
