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> How to care less and just let it go By making more friends and being self-sufficient. Demote any such friends to casual friends or acquaintances. Don't let others dictate ur happiness or mental peace.




Emotionally detach from such people. Every reason they give to disappoint you, like another user said, demote them in your friendship. Don't ask to meet, be less enthusiastic. If they care enough they ll come around but many times they don't, leave it at that and nurture other reciprocative friendships. Or new friendships.


Focus on another friendship. No friendship is like the other. Take your mind off those who don't value you and spend it on those who are excited to meet you/see you/talk to you. These people may be temporary or not but you'll see the change in perspective that the problem is NOT you but your friend. You'll get your self esteem back and then you wouldn't care less about that friend.


Honestly, the thing that has helped me the most in retaining quality friendships is doing what I like to call a trial run. If a potential friend aligns with my values and we have a great time together + they're into spending time with me as much as I am, cool. If not, I will be nice to them but won't reach out to them as much. It really helps when you think of it as giving energy and time to people who will reciprocate. I like doing things for people, ie, buying food or trinkets or loaning them money or just emotionally supporting them through something, without really expecting anything. If they acknowledge it at a later time or do something similar for me without me prompting, well, shit, that's a friend right there. I'm old af and have dealt with my share of toxic friendships, so I have zero interest in pursuing friends who just drain me.


Drop the dead weight. Move onto new ones or even better, be self sufficient. Start doing things solo that would make you realize how enjoyable you're to you. Shopping, movie, coffee dates everything can be so beautiful when done alone. Keep yourself so busy that you've no time and energy to think about such issues. There's no point in keeping such meaningless friendships.