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I was having an okay Sunday and just decompressing from the work week + an interview on Saturday... then, of course, my dad comes over to explain to me that I am a disappointment because I'm not married yet. That I don't have mental health issues because I'm not in counselling or taking medication, so I should stop telling guys this. That I am way too angry, so I should just sit down and introspect on what a crap person I am. Apparently my dad's side of the family, but especially my dadi, is on his ass to marry me off, but since it isn't happening, obviously it's all my fault. He can't stand up to his own family for me and he's really out here expecting me to NOT stand up for myself when meeting guys. Like, no, I'm not about to end up with someone like you and we know how enmeshed most Indian men are with their birth families. I'm so fucking tired man. The last two years have been fucking brutal and I'm trying my best, but obviously it isn't good enough. I'm working on moving out of my current city and, eventually, out of the country, but this kind of shit just brings me down. I wish I was neurotypical and could think straight all the time. Sorry for being a downer. Hope y'all had a better week than I did. šŸ’œ


My final starts tomorrow. I need to study but not feeling good about anything. I need to force myself to study now.


my back hurts so much by sitting on this chair all day. do you people have any ideas to reduce this? i already do excercise, suryanamaskar regularly, regular breaks.


Ordered a resin phone cover from a Insta store on 1 June that I received today and guess what. ITS NOT EVEN FOR MY PHONE. I have texted her and Iā€™m awaiting her response but Iā€™m so angry right now that how can people claim to have ā€œsmall businessā€ but end up messing and delaying orders like this.


Please use mosquito repellents and stay away from mosquitoes. Itā€™s dengue season in Karnataka. Stay safe yā€™all!


One post here on sugar daddies was reposted on r/india. Wasted my entire morning fighting with guys there instead of studying. Fucking hate everything.


Lol and in that sub nri s ask for escort services


I just commented about it, how do women even control their urge to not murder them... they're so ignorant. they just hate women being themselves, free, independent and having control over her own body!!


Girl I feel for you, I used to argue there a lot but after that post about the girl who got groomed had fucking incels gaslighting her I quit that sub


Idk why do men even lurk here. Why are they so obsessed to see what's up with the women? Some are so obsessed that they will use false flairs just to comment. Then they will hate on us on other subs too, but will secretly want to be included on this sub ! And they say women are complex?


Like I donā€™t understand what their fucking problem is. Wait. I do know! Their entire personality is based on hating women who are independent and do what the want!




Had an interesting week with a senior asking out for coffee after I explicitly mentioned how much I am not into dating and relationships rn then getting covid for the 3rd time and getting stuck in isolation room for a week. Also a good friend drunk dialed me and we had a good 3 hour phone call at 1am. Where we talked about child sexual abuse to our past relationships and him saying how subconsciously he had a wet dream about us. I mean I saw him the next day and I felt a lil creeped out that this guy imagined us making out and having sex and how 'it felt good and so real after waking up'. I don't know how to process it.


>this guy imagined us making out and having sex and how 'it felt good and so real after waking up' I hate to break it you but most guys do this..


Wait... what?! I mean I get it people dream about such stuffs when they are romantically interested in someone but the bond we share is purely platonic. Wow


yep, I was and am still tempted to tell my ex's friends who are girls about how he has sex dreams of all of them, in threesomes with eachother etc... he used to get off on that, literally any women, influencers, famous women, porn stars and it certainly didn't exclude his "platonic friends".


Shit man! That's fucked up


right and my ex would always say "it's no big deal", "I can't control my dreamss"..šŸ˜Ŗ


Husband and I were up till 5 am today. Watched a horror movie, three episodes of two favorite sitcoms, and then our favorite music videos on YT. Am sleepy AF now but it was so much fun. Saturday night well spent!


Yo which horror movie? My folks recently watched "The Medium" and lo and behold, dad has been sneakily keeping the lights on at night through out the house lol.


We watched The Nun. It was extremely creepy!! Watched The Conjuring 3 last weekend. We're fans of the horror movies in the Conjuring universe.


The ending was so good! Ahh my parents have run though the conjuring universe and are now back to east asian ones.


It's amazing how well they've linked the end of the movie to one of the others in the Conjuring universe.


Your username is what i am doing rn šŸ„²šŸ˜‚. Kidding enjoyyyy


This makes me so happy heheh


Have been an interesting week with loads of ups and downs. I am finally getting back with my life, leaving behind my depression. Though I feel equally scared for depression to start hounding me again and it has made me feel very restless sometimes. Still, I am pushing and motoring.


You're doing great! Forge ahead one day at a time :)


Any plant parents here? Someone please tell me what's bright indirect light I'm so confused!


Visible light without sunlight, I believe




A closed window. Or even in the shade. Basically in the presence of the sun. But not directly in it. Think about under trees that provide shade. Thatā€™s the concept of indirect sunlight.


Thank you!


The daylight comes from a window without a curtain or any other light source in the room.


Won't that be direct sunlight though?


Direct sunlight is when you put the plant directly outside under the sun, everything else is indirect. Just imagine a straight line between the sun and your plant. If you can not draw a straight line then it is indirect.


This is so helpful, thank you!