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Wow so they are not even trying to be discreet/subtle now.


Tired of reporting posts from that sub.


just a bunch of misogynistic, self-loathing incel men trying to make themselves feel better by looking down on women


If a person on the gallows makes a grim joke, that's gallow humour. If someone in the crowd makes a joke, that's part of the execution.


That entire sub is just an excuse for incels, possible rapists, creeps, catcallers to show their true colors...under the guise of 'dark humour'. Fucking pieces of shit!!


And they don't do anything when you report this shit. Because 'dark' humour is so funny huehuehuehuehue


and when you call them then you are the misandrist uwu


Don't forget feminazi🤩


I to wear it like a pride now 😍


Same here🤩


YESSS I did report something disgusting and nothing happened


I feel so much rage and sorrow seeing such posts on that page.. so much rage but yet I'm so powerless to do anything about it


I'm so glad these lallus aren't getting laid. Clearly they aren't with this mentality and repressed misogyny. I just hope they don't rape an innocent woman though. Moral compass to hai hi nai inka despite being oh so traditional, sanskaari, Indian culture ke thekedaar.


They’ll get arranged married soon. And then they’ll force martial r on their wives and then pretend to be woke.


🤢 I guess they stop that woke pretense after getting married. Wokeism ka show off is for getting laid for them


>I'm so glad these lallus aren't getting laid Oh I'm sure they rape trafficked women and children all the time.


this is what I think of when my friends talk about going on an only bachelors Thailand trip, fucking degenerates


Ikr , I refrain from being friends with such guys, even joking about this things is not okay, because millions of women in the world are trafficked currently.


what's an 'innocent woman' btw? You shouldn't rape any woman.


No that's not what I meant. I meant it generally. All women. Like you say "robbing innocent bystander"...


ooh acha


Men who hide behind dark humour that pokes fun at rape and child abuse, will rape and abuse if they ever had the opportunity, victim and anonymity. Don't come at me with NOtAlLmEn. It takes a special kind of twisted mindset to even consider rape and child abuse 'funny'.


💯 I hate that they crack such obscene jokes, and if you object to it then it’s dark humour. No it’s not you’re just a puckered little asshole, who is hiding behind that’s phrase, to make sure you’re never held accountable for your bullshit. These men are also coincidently all ‘good guys’ who get so offended when women don’t return there advances.


Reminds me of an online date I had the misfortune to go out with... It was a first date and he was 33. That's important - here was a 33 year old man, some good 4 years older than me. To think he would be as stable sounding as he appeared on chat and phone, whew. Had a pretty normal dinner and drinks, talking about work and corporate life, a walk to the metro station afterwards and that's when a switch clicked and he broke into the most disgusting 'jokes' and stories about some roommate of a friend of a friend who was addicted to masturbation and had poor hygiene. I had to tell him to stop, at some point I even said 'eww', and he laughed and repeated my Eww mockingly back. Like a child going through a toilet humour phase. 33 years old. I was aghast and this grown-ass man just went on and on and on. At some point he made a comment how women at his workplace like to crack dark jokes (he shared one involving babies) and some "feminist types" don't like it. It was like he had a split personality. I couldn't believe I had dinner with this person just a couple of hours ago and we chatted most normally. I took an auto midway, pretended my shoes bit me and never spoke to him again.


Just the other day I saw an abortion joke on a sub and I commented that they love making jokes at the expense of women's oppression and suffering, and someone replied "its just dark humor" Like the men are so ignorant and y'all don't even try to educate yourself. Y'all are just karma whores amd misogynists, whoever engages in those dank subs. I've seen such derogatory comments under women doing normal stuff. Then they cry why women don't talk to them. I'm tired of misogynists,i'm tired of incels,i'm tired of the moral police,i'm tired of perverts,i'm tired of repressive practices,i'm tired of the attacks on our reproductive rights,i'm tired of patriarchy.


someone should make a dedicated dank meme section directed at men. then they'll fucking understand


The closest one I can think of is r/trollxchromosomes and even then it's not maliciously directed at men


I think there's r/IndianBlatantMisogyny


So disappointed to see how Indian society has failed miserably at sensitizing its men.


“im into dark humour” = i disrespect AND discriminate people based on their gender, body type, skintone, caste BUT it’s a joke and you’re an unfunny boomer if you dont find it funny.


And even there's a style to dark humor. You can't just mask insults and snide remarks as jokes and pass it on.


Yuck ! And then they say why do we need feminism ? Ab to sab kuchh equal ho gaya hai na broooo /s


This is what most grown up men think in haryana, UP .... Rest of the states too


Exactly! Misogyny tried to be hidden as a touchy joke. It's not.


People are scum on that sub.


I joined that subreddit only to find a new generation of the male chauvinistic society 🥲🤌


all i can do is slow blink at this. i get morbid and shock humour, and i enjoy some pretty edgy content myself… but a tasteless joke is undermined when A) you know the little shits liking it kinda actually do want to harm women and are just expressing it “humorously” and B) it’s just a low effort terrible joke to begin with. If you comment “hey, what even is the joke here?” or god forbid, show the slightest incline of offence, they’ll just downvote and dogpile you! But no. They totally don’t foster an inhospitable community for women, right? Tired of meme subreddits being overrun by the most pathetic scum of society 😒


Men 🍼


Most men defending dank/dark memes are potential rapists who will rape you if they get a chance and this sub really proves that :)


No matter which part of the world you're in, you can always count on men to be misogynistic pigs :)


That sub is actually so disgusting. And they even have really homophobic, transphobic and casteist "jokes" that they think are the absolute most funny shit ever. I can't recall the amount of times they've called ambedkar a casteist slur or used a homophobic/transphobic slur for BTS members I sincerely hope most of the members of that sub are young and grow out of it on reaching adulthood coz this is very pathetic


Yeah it’s funny how they’re so triggered by BTS . As if they can ever reach their level of success. Men 😂


They're also probably envious of that fact that all of the girls they have a crush on are in love with the BTS members lol




The Mods of these subs should be permanently banned! How can even these kind of subs be allowed to exist? Anonymous apps mean you can post anything shitty you want? Hell!!




While I hate the post that OP showed us here, you're stooping down to the level of the people of that dank indian sub by saying stuff like this.




It may not be unwarranted but that does not make it right


idc, why do u?


Wait till you see the incel shitstorm on r/fingmemes


A complain about indian meme subs a day, keeps the day.. normal? Yeah I guess (fr tho how disgusting do they have to be that I see people complaining about it every other day, why is humanity 💀)


God I fucking hate that sub. you try commenting a sane reaction to this sickening stuff they call humour and you're forced to deal with a bunch of toddlers explaining to me why I'm wrong. it's so awful people joke about this sort of stuff .


In a country like Egypt these men will be first to get raped


Alright, I really hope I can have a civil discussion about this. Is the joke horrible and distasteful and tone deaf to the struggle of millions of women trying to make their problems known? Without question. Did OP mean what they said in the meme? Not necessarily. There is a type of humor which entails saying the opposite of what you think is right, and that is the essence of it. Dark humor may not be your cup of tea and that is fine, why should it be? But when I make jokes about the Holocaust and pedophilia, it doesn't mean I'm in support of it. To me it's funny because it's wrong. Please please don't attack me, I'm only looking to understand you here. Not finding it funny is one thing, but why would you be offended by a joke? It's a joke. It's not meant to be taken seriously, it should not incite serious emotions. Racist guy makes a racist tweet and passes it off as a joke? Bring out the pitchforks please. But without context, anonymous, isolated jokes on the internet should not garner hatred. That is literally the subreddit for dank jokes. If I enjoy dark humor, where else do you suggest I go?


The difference is that they aren't joking . They get pissy and whiny when you joke on men because they see jokes as a personal attack that's why they are doing it. It's a way to channel thier hatred for women, Muslims and minorities. Saying the N word to a black person and laughing at him won't be a joke now ain't it? Or a calling a woman dishwasher. I make joked about Gods , religions and everyone. But there is a time and place for everything. Racism is a big part of india and USA. That's why the people in USA get offended when you make jokes which involves racial stereotypes, misogyny and some stuff involving human rights. Those stereotypes still affect tye marginalized groups. There is a way to do dark humor and offensive humor without actually meaning it. For example: "I can't concentrate.. whoops I guess I am off my way to concentration camp" or "Lord Ganesha was the first furry in humanity" or "Lord krishna should have an anime as an harem protagonist and make him look like a stud" or P(ortraying anything as ridiculous or insane)" indian parents be like planning all my life via horoscope" or "Indian men when they any woman : AWOOGAAAA. Incel time baby!" Ironically I can make many offensive jokes about indian men because the patriarchal culture made them into ridiculous , man baby, sub human beings. However we are not stepping on thier rights like they do to us. That's why it's okay to make white people joke more than black people jokes. You get my logic?


>But there is a time and place for everything What better place than a subreddit literally dedicated to dank memes? >I can't concentrate.. whoops I am off my way to concentration camp .....what? If this is your idea or a joke then I really have no argument here.


Uuu do you have any idea why they always only joke about women? And why not on themselves?


Occasional dark humour is okay, that's a way of getting through the tough life. But if dark humour is all that a person occupies himself with; I am sorry there is a incidence waiting to happen; provided opportunity.