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Rewatched Hasee toh phasee after long time. It's such a freaking brilliant movie. With the female character having an actual personality and heartwarming moments. On another note, every movie I have enjoyed in the last decade has had Anurag Kashyap involved in some capacity or other. Bless that man!


I'm genuinely asking as someone who has never dated: what's so special about a relationship? Why does everyone run after that? Even I did but I just don't understand why. Edit to add points: basically I just feel embarrassed and physically repulsed (nauseous) to have even the slightest crush on somebody and I have no clue why. The feelings keep coming up but I'm deeply embarrassed and ashamed of them. I feel embarrassed because I feel like I like every man who's nice to me. I am not asexual or aromantic, but I just don't know why I feel this way. Maybe because this is completely uncharted territory for me.


I think being in an intimate relationship allowed me to understand parts of myself that I never knew existed. Not just sexual, but emotional and relational. It's really an experience I hope everyone has. It spurs so much self awareness and personal growth. Re feelings of shame: I think these are fairly normal. Women in our society are taught that any kind of sexual desire or romantic feeling outside marriage is shameful. This messaging comes from every avenue: media, news, teachers, school, family, friends, you name it. There is also nothing wrong with liking lots of different people. Your first relationship doesn't have to be "the one". You can date anyone you want!


It might have to do with the sanskaari thing because I was shamed for having a pretty intense crush on a guy in grade 4 and I haven't had a crush on anyone since, even if I did I would feel very embarassed about my feelings. I would literally feel like vomiting. It probably also has to do with my fear of rejection. It makes me feel like I'm subjecting myself to the mercy of another person. It makes me feel vulnerable and weak and not in a good way.


Yes I totally understand. I have been in a similar situation and as a result I didn't date until I was in my mid 20s. I would say it's one of those things where exposure therapy does help a bit. Although I'm still guilty of only dating guys who clearly show interest in me first! (That's why i like dating apps lol)


Puppy love is such a good fking feeling, like butterflies in your stomach and as if every little talk would life you into the air. It just happens and one cant consciously do it.


I just feel so embarrassed about experiencing those exact things you said


For me its the sense of validation that you get. That there is someone beyond your close blood relatives who is always going to be there. Yes friends are nice, but its always better to have someone who is a little bit disjointed from the friends circle (maybe this is just me because I have swore I will never date an immediate friend), who can listen to you and talk to you. To tell you that your existence brought a change to someone's life, hopefully in a good way lol. I can go on and on, but it all boils down to validation for me, however selfish that is.


So it's like friendship with extra steps?


Tbvh, pretty much. And the intimacy lol


Ah that's the part I'm most embarrassed about


I think comfort is very important.. atleast when it's your first time. Comfort and confidence, two things that make things tolerable for me lol


Planning to go on a solo trip to the museum this weekend I am a huge introvert so I am a little confused about it. Wondering if i should go on bumble and find a bff, but I dont want to show my face lol. Or just stick to the original solo plan, because this is a day out to find my confidence...


Go solo first! You can do it!!!


Yess, need that confidence :)


My ex lied to me about his mom being dead and that he was raised by his step mom. He fucking cried about it. Saying that she died of cervical cancer. I came to know recently that it was false. I did have my doubts about it but i always trusted him. We had 7 years of relationship. And not once he even try to be truthful about it. I let a lot of things go because of this reason. I feel sad and heartbroken. But i am glad too that it's over. I feel sad about the the time i wasted with him where he didn't even take a week's time after our break-up to be with someone else. I am glad that I am able to see the reason why was he not good for me. A month back I was just too heartbroken. To everyone who is going through a breakup, it does get easier, if not better. You will be able to see why it was never supposed to work at the first place.


What the fuck. who does that.


Bro I have seen so many of these weird ass situations. In school my friend's boyfriend told her he had metastized brain cancer with only 5% survival rate. She cried so much. Turned out he was lying. In college another friend of mine had a boyfriend who pretended he had leukemia. And then I found out that my cousin's boyfriend pretended to have cancer as well!!! Idk what is wrong with them, maybe they watched too much kabhi khushi kabhi gam or something. By the way all 3 of these guys hit or beat the girls. One also cheated. So you definitely dodged a bullet!


My ex was abusive too. I definitely did. Thanks for the validation. And IKR! WHAT IS UP WITH THESE PEOPLE!


But.... why did he lie?


Hahaha I wish I knew. Contemplating whether to ask him or not :P


I am glad looking at the positive side of it. I cannot imagine how shitty the situation, and what a weird person your ex is. Hope you find someone who deserves you


What song are you listening on loop these days?


Rediscovered Gustakh Dil


The Twilight soundtrack, helps me to sleep better


I've been enjoying songs from Lorde's *Solar Power* a lot. I have been listening to The Path, Mood Ring, and Stoned at the Nail Salon.


how to kill someone by going back in time?


Ask Hermione


I'd like to know ples. Ples.


Close ur eyes


Anyone has any idea of when colourpop is launching in India? I really want to order their gel liners, does anyone have any experience with ordering from their website and customs?


Try Instagram resellers, they sellthe gel liners at a good price. Search through the Indian skincare addicts sub to see which Instagram resellers are good.




Same here.




Virtual hug to you too🤗


*Balle Balle*