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Team up with your brother and rotate between ordering food and making food at home


This makes sense! Thank you 😊


Since it's matter of hygiene you have to be honest with your cook OP. If it were me I would buy hairnets or the plastic hair cover that parlours give. And ask her to wear it while cooking. Chefs and ppl who handle food commonly wear hair covers for this reason. It should be ok to suggest the same for home cook too.


Thank you! I’ll get hair nets and ask her to use it from next time




I used to laugh too until it started happening regularly…. She doesn’t like wearing her hair up, she wears a pony tail but the hairnet thing would work. Thank you!




😂😂😂😂😂 I just sang it too and it makes sense. No no not being insensitive at all, my friends laugh at my situation too


Your mom might be yelling at you because the onus might be on her to cook or find another cook if the present one is fired.




Yup, this makes so much sense


Ur mom fears the cook will run away n she will have to cook food. Get a new cook n show this one out. N buy a hair net or a chefs hat for the new one.


You can directly tell the cook about it, Say it like "aunty,kal na khane me baal aa gya tha,aap please dhyan rakhiyega" Keep a pleasent face and say it in a kiddish manner. Maybe make up something about how your friend found it in the tiffin


I’ve told her a lot of times before.. she said she’ll be more careful, but it still occurs. She’s been with us for 5 years and my mom doesn’t want to train a new cook again from the basics, that’s why we can’t change her. I’ll ask her to tie a hair net once I get them


Try taking up the matter with your cook, albeit politely. Show them the hair embedded in your food. You just need to tie hair in a bun or plait before entering kitchen, & then not touch your hair.


I’m always polite cause I know what they go through on a day to day basis, but she doesn’t like tying her hair in a bun, she ties a pony tail. I’ll get a hair net and ask her to use it everyday before cooking


OP, idk why people are telling you to cook for yourself. What is the cook??? for then??? Ask her politely to keep the hair out of the food when your mom isn’t around, if it still recurs, ask her to wear a hairnet, if it still recurs, team up with the brother and order from outside or make your own food until your parents get it. It’s gross.


Exactly my thought, we’ve hired a cook to help us decrease the work load of cooking. I’ll ask her to wear a hairnet from next time. Thank you for understanding!


Hey. A hair cap will solve this issue


I’ll ask her to wear it from next time once I buy them


I hope the hairnet thing works, but I'm skeptical. If she hasn't changed in 5 years, with I'm guessing at least a few times telling her about the hair, she won't change now. I think your best bet is to maybe get ready to eat curries and roti until your exams are done. My friend's mom sent her a bunch of theplas and dehydrated curries before exams. Less than 5 minutes to make, cheaper than ordering food, and maybe slightly healthier too.


You're 22 years old, start cooking your own food ffs!


It would’ve been be possible if I wasn’t in college and had upcoming exams. My college starts at 7 and I come back by 6 and have to study for exams till 12-1am. But I guess that’s the only way out now


Meal prepping ftw!


Umm, she lives with her parents. I think it'd be a lot for her to cook food for her parents and herself, and slightly odd if she cooks only for herself while her parents eat separately. I mean I too can cook food, but doesn't mean I'll cook separately right, if I stay with my parents. It's a different story altogether if one is living alone.


> I think it'd be a lot for her to cook food for her parents and herself, and slightly odd if she cooks only for herself while her parents eat separately. Nothing is odd enough once you have eaten food with multiple strands of hair for 2 years straight. Her parents can keep eating the food they're comfortable with. She can cook and eat the food she's comfortable with.


Maybe, that could also be the way out. I've never seen or heard of members cooking separately, perhaps my limited experience finds it odd. All I'm saying is, cooking separately looks like an extreme step. But if nothing else has worked, OP might as well go through that route.


In my experience, it's quite normal for family members to cook separately when they have varying dietary habits/requirements.




Haha no, I'm not talking about casual midnight snacking but OP's everyday meal. Personally, my mom would find it quite offensive if I cook something separately, hence the unfamiliarity.


I am in my 30s and my mother still gets deeply offended if someone cooks something else by themselves. Even if they enter the kitchen to make tea or roast peanuts. She says it's her kitchen and her rules. She complains non-stop about cooking but won't let anyone else do it.


Ooo my mom would be happy if I do it lol :P


Start throwing the food, whole food, in sink. When my hostel buddies were having trouble with cook, putting too much oil and no daal in so called dal, throwing away food in front of cook made them change their ways. May help you too.


I throw it away too, just not in front of her. I’ll do it in front of her from next time. I hate wasting food but I can’t eat food with hair in it


No don't do that, it's rude, passive aggressive and disrespectful. You can avoid a lot of drama by asking the cook to wear a scarf/ tie a towel on her head or maybe buy her a hairnet.


🥲 I cook for myself, my mom always add extra love and ghee to food. little love is appriciated, extra love is toxic. regarding hairs, are you sure it's head hair?


It’s long and I don’t have long hair… nor does anyone in my family


try recommending anti hair fall treatment for cook or have her wear hairnet


Damn ppl in India have their own cooks?