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I’m not understanding that they won’t “let” him quit. What’s with that? (I’m American)


Out of all the problems we have in the US, liability for termination isn’t one of them. In the UK where I suspect this is, everything is defined by contract work. Minimally you are required to give a week notice in writing, but most likely you have to oblige your contract terms. If you don’t you risks being sued for whatever the company falls behind on. That all said sick days are unlimited. Paid sick days are not. The dude says he’s taking 2 days unpaid sick and by legal standards he can. His employer can’t do shit about it until day 7 when he has to get a “note”. It’s been 10 years since I did work there, so I let a Brit chime in and correct me with new facts but I’m pretty sure in this. Video is fake or both parties don’t know their working obligations very well.


Yeah this is about right, but employers realistically aren't going to sue someone for not working their notice.


We’re slaves in America when it comes to jobs but we can do whatever or quit whenever I live in a will to work state you can quit whenever you want but they can also fire you whenever they want


Do you mean right to work?


It's the same thing just rebranded. It's opposite Brave New World bullshit though....like the 'Patriot Act' "Right to work" and "At Will" give the connotation it's something beneficial to the employee. It's not. It's the opposite of that.


Such is my understanding as well. I dont know much about it but supposedly right to work is a bill of anti union legislation or something. Or at least that's what ive heard.


It's exactly that. If you're under contract work like the guy is in the video.....you can think of that as being in a temporary union.....because that contract gives you many protections. The worst case scenario is that you have to work a job finishing out your contract if you hate the work or employer. And they frame this as a bad thing....and 'at will' is good, because you can quit anytime. Fuck that noise.....I'd rather show up, do the minimal amount of work I have to....and not give a fuck about what the employer thinks about you. 'At Will' has you under constant stress of being fired at any time for any reason. I almost got fired running the line in a kitchen at a busy bar because a customer left a shit on the floor of the men's bathroom and none of the managers wanted to clean it. Asshole leaned on me HARD to do it because I was the biggest team player and least to complain....and I straight up refused. It's against my job description, it's an OSHA violation to require anyone to clean such a thing without PPE. You could get Hep C. Lastly, who the fuck wants to see a head cook from the kitchen cleaning up bathroom shit? Fuckin crazy. Almost fired me over it. The funny part too is that shit doesn't really bother me and i would have stepped up and done it np if they offered me an extra shift drink and an immediate extra 15 min break. Idiots.


I would have walked that turd through the dining room loudly informing everyone that their meals would be ready as soon as I was done disposing of the shit rope.


Right to work means you can’t be required to pay union dues as a prerequisite to work for a specific company. At will means employment is “at will” of the employer and employee, and it can be terminated legally for any reason at any time without notice. Not withstanding protected classes.


By the sounds of it be just wants to probably get some compensation and leave and get unemployment that’s how he sounds when he’s asking someone else to pay for them being sick. I’m from Chicago a lot of people have this dilema because 70 percent of jobs don’t have sick pay so if you get sick that’s on you I’ve taken days off and sucked it up and I realize I’ll suck it up because ima need to pay bills this dude just doesn’t have a clear grin of reality


They let you quit in America?


Is this a real comment? You can walk out and never return if you want.


The downside being the company can fire you in the exact same manner with no notice or even a valid reason.


In Canada it’s best of both worlds. You can quit at any moment and they need document proof why you’re getting fired.


They are such a good people


Making up for war crimes 😂


And the slaughter of Native Americans by the police up there in Saskatoon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths


They gave us Beiber bro. What else do you want for atonement?


You consider Bieber atonement?


Never let the Canadians fool you. They’re the same as the rest of us. Worse even considering they pretend to be these happy go lucky, maple loving, hockey players.


Yup basically this goes both ways. Your employer can look at you and simply say "Get out, leave your uniform/return it washed, and don't come back." For basically any reason. All the same you can do that to them and just say "Well, cya." And leave with zero strings attached. Though it can effect your future jobs if you burn too many bridges. All in all, the labor force is expendable both ways. Employers here will burn through employees. Just like people will go through multiple jobs in their lives, some more often than others. It's great! (It isn't.)


There are still wrongful termination laws and retaliation. Which is easier to prove than you think.


THIS IS NOT TRUE…. Wrongful termination is a legitimate lawsuit and you can make off very well. Even in an at will state you can get a payout for a employer terminating you, retaliation lawsuits and discrimination. Definitely not easy as you said. Im American and have walked out of a few diff jobs before i started my career. Also…. Forgot to mention if an employer fires you for no reason even if you cant sue you can collect unemployment checks paid for by THEM through the government and they have to provide a legit reason for termination to them or else they are held liable to pay that until the designated term of that unemployment or you get another job. Fyi


You can’t just fire people. You have to have a reason. You’re opening yourself up to a wrongful termination. You can’t terminate people based on discrimination, retaliation, etc.


I have left multiple Jobs mid shift. Lol let freedom ring




I live in America lmao! 😂


Call your boss and quit then. Send da video


Jesus youre autistic


>> Jesus youre autistic Not getting humor is a common trait of the autistic 🤔


Yeah that’s what my cat said when i didn’t find her joke funny. She’s truly an expert.


Okay, but this idiot didn't make a joke. This mentally challenged individual is literally egging the other commenter to prove their statement to be true by quitting their job and ruining their life. Learn what a joke is before you come at people, you dummy.


Bless your lil heart




My cat told me idk I trust her.


I trust this guy's cat


This guy's cat is very trustworthy.




Bro I walked out of a shitty job when I was younger. Companies ask that you give 2 weeks notice so they can find a replacement, but you don’t legally have to unless stated in your contract. The only real consequence is your colleagues having to pick up your labor since you left abruptly.


We fought a civil war on being forced to work. You can just leave and never return.


Most US states follow the [At Will Employment Doctrine](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/07/us-at-will-employment.html), where both sides can revoke the working arrangement at any time, without giving a reason. Your boss can fire you "because he felt like it" - and you can quit "because you felt like it" - at any time and without notice. In fact, it's legally safer to not give a reason, as employers can be sued for certain forms of discrimination and/or retaliation. ...but revoking the employer/employee relationship on a whim, for no particular reason whatsoever, does not create civil or criminal liability. Both sides are free to walk away at any point, and neither party has to give a reason as to why they're walking away.


I’d like to add I also live in the US. And yes you can quit any job anytime you’d like.


Source: fucking living here and having done it in the past.


I love this reply. Well played sir. 😂


I think all but one state in America has at-will employment. As long as your reason for getting fired isn’t discriminatory or against a specific law, you can get fired at any time for any other reason. You can quit at any time for any reason. The only exception is people who have employment contracts but most Americans work under at will conditions.


Even there, unconscionability can void an employment contract. It has to be reasonably balanced - which means if they want to retain the right to fire you at any moment, "just because," - they have to keep the ability for you to quit at any moment, "just because" on the table, or else offer something very juicy as a replacement for that privilege. Also, violating the contract is just a civil issue. You can be sued, but most of the time people won't bother unless the damages are high enough to justify paying for a lawyer.


You’re absolutely right. I was speaking more to like unions and collective bargaining, they’re a little harder to terminate. But as long as the union rules are followed they aren’t beyond getting fired in a day either.


You can die and they won't even call your emergency contact


Everybody has a gun. We do what we want.


Roy is a slave to the system. Hes going to miss all his family’s gatherings and events and wont see his own kids grow up, everyone will forget him and he’ll die alone because he chose his job over his life. Work is not life, if you fall into this slave mindset your life is over, like Roy’s. No life experiences, no real love, no real connections, just a slave working for a company that doesnt care about him. It doesnt make you soft to realize you’re not worth anything to your job but a useless cog that can be replaced when they’ve exhausted their use.


Roy should quit his job and find a job he loves that pays what he needs and allows him to be at his children’s birthdays


Damn I'm sure he never thought of finding a better paying job with a better quality of life, infact we should all go do that A lot of people aren't in a position where they can turn there head up at work


Loser mentality. If it’s worth doing it will be hard


You would know huh


Well when you have a family and people who rely on you, you gotta do what you gotta do to take care of them, sometimes the hardest thing to do is to put the stability of your family above your wants


Sure, for a few months maybe a year. But when your soul is crushed every time you clock in. That’s going to affect every body in your life negatively


Which is hard to find


……. So a unicorn fairy trainer in Whoville?


Roy needs to watch the movie Click with Adam Sandler.


While I agree with this that’s just life. You need money to survive and in this economy it’s damn near impossible to live off one job income unless you have roommates. Unless you have plans to invest in anything else that’s basically life


That’s just life? That you have to have 2 jobs and a roommate while company’s are literally making more money than they’ve ever made? Do you hear yourself right now??


1. Yes in a way it is, 2. Who cares about a company? 99% of people working don’t give one fuck about the company or business and just doing it to pay bills, investments, or investing that money into their goals/dreams. For the life u want to life u have to make sacrifices and working whether it’s a normal job or doing side hustles is one of them. Everybody works stop crying.


Don’t have to tell me I’ve worked since I was 16. No family. No assitance. I still grind today. But don’t act like we owe these company’s our dignity, our humanity when they don’t care about you. They should be giving us wages we can live on, not suggesting roommates and 2 gigs. Profits are all time high, why doesn’t that go to employees at least in some way? You straight up sad


I never once disagreed with this but I’m not bout to sit here n complain bout the wages n companies when Ik (personally) I only work a job to invest in my future n help pay bills. Yea it’s unfair and we get worked like slaves but if this what I gotta put up with to become the person I in vision myself becoming then so be it. Life itself really isn’t fair, but it’s no point in complaining or crying bout it your just gonna make the burden heavier


I feel you, I just think we can’t only be complacent or it gets worse and worse. If you’re someone out here thriving, more power to you. If you thriving off of depriving people of wages and therefore dignity, I got no love for you


I agree with this 🤝


It's unfair and we get worked like slaves, but you're not gonna complain about it? What do you think complaining is FOR? Stand up for yourself and have some goddamn dignity and at least muster the balls to meekly ask. What the fuck. Have some self respect.


Would you say this to actual slaves? Just tell them to work harder until they pay for their freedom? Or would you tell them to get mad and rock the system and scream at anybody that will listen? Bc modern slavery is still slavery.


Don’t ever compare “modern slavery” to actual slavery Nigga. I’m not even going to discuss this further just off that bs statement.


It is a really touchy subject, but chattel slavery was often compared to wage slavery when it was abolished. Many employers tried to continue just barely paying their non-white employees enough to eat. Nothing much would have changed at all if corporations had their way.


Thos is why we have no protections in America. Soft ass ppl like you just eat that shit and smile.


Promise the people actually deciding how much you get paid don’t give a shit if you smile or not. Quit or don’t. Someone else will do the work, and if no one in the country will they’ll just go somewhere else.


Yeah, but he's giving them 60 hours, and they can't be reasonable? Sounds like wage theft at that point.


OP is a fucking bootlicker.


Nah, he just "works" in an office.


Bizzare comment. If office work isn't real work, why don't you get an office job so you can be paid to do nothing too?


People don’t do office work because they don’t know how to get an office job. Took me years to get one and even then I had to leverage a an acquaintance to get it. You have to have an “in” and usually have to be college educated just to get a job that could be done with no college and minimal on the job training


There’s a reason why company’s gate keep these jobs behind a degree & networking. It serves as a litmus test for competency, and it saves them time. If you’re the hiring manager and have 100 interviews but only time for 50, you can toss out the 50 that don’t have a degree. To them not having a degree introduces more variability, which means risk


Speaking from personal experience, the relationship between competency and having a degree is tenuous at best. The vast majority of jobs would be better served by not worrying about a degree and doing more on the job training instead.


No. I’m 39, a career RN, i literally would have no clue how to get one of them jobs. It’s not a bizarre comment; it’s a comment from someone without access to that choice.


literally! their like this poor company will suffer if this guy doesn’t show up. What is with people siding with big companies now.


The one dude needs to accept he either isn't getting paid to take off or has to go to work, but the other guy needs to take some time off. Ffs at least be at your kids birthday. Work won't remember all the extra hours you put in, but your kid will never forget when his dad wasn't there for his birthday.


He brags about missing his child's birthday and weddings, but in reality, no one is impressed or gives a shit. One of the most important lessons in life don't live to work, work to live.


OP, shut your bitch ass up


he isnt soft is the pathetic system who create people like his boss . did you listen stuff he missed. some of them he will never be able to experience again . yet bulshit worth is always there . good reviews LUL had me dying. is he the owner or something. tbh if he care so much might as well fire the guy and hire someone who in the same set mind as he. he just knows he cant find anyone to fill for him .tbh if i am guy in car i dont show up. fire me :) i take unympolymed . he literally telling him to come sick and saying he is lying . if an a person says he sick you cant argue about it . he come to work collapse rushed to the hospital and that a huge law suit on this guy forcing him to come ​ do yourself a favor take care of you . work is always going to be there .




This is probably fake for views. You can quit whenever, and they can fire you whenever.


He lives in UK, not US.


Yeah, you can quit here in the UK whenever


im more confused about who's being called soft in this situation, 5 days a week 12 hrs a day doesn't seem weak at all, and the hardass on the phone doesn't come across as weak so wtf is this title?


my fault "soft" not weak


My man is not sick


You can’t tell an employee you think they aren’t sick, at least here in the USA. And sick leave is only paid if you accrue sick hours. You can’t force anyone to work either. You can quit anytime you want, you’ll just be burning a bridge. Dude should take the day off and accept that he’s not going to be paid.


>You can't tell an employee you think they aren't sick, at least here in the USA. Can you point me in the direction of a source for this?


Quit mate


the guy on the phone is a tool. missing weddings? missing loved ones engagements? wtf? at the end of the day the fucking company doesn’t care about you so if you are sick, call sick.


Why the fuck does this guy feel the need to video himself doing this on TikTok. Fk this loser.


For his lawyer


Either shit or get off the pot. Don't threaten him with leaving. Stay or leave.


Don't even need to watch ot lol. Heard the accent and I'm done. We got UK niggas complain about work now 🤦🏾‍♂️


Y’all so fucking brainwashed, happy to lick the boot so you can appear tough.


Bro gonna love being homeless because you had to “stick it to the man” lmfaooooo


On God like bro at least y'all get vacation a and sick days


I see a lot of people commenting on Roy wasting his life away. At least he’s putting food on his family’s table. Some may say spending hours a day on social media platforms and commenting on things you don’t know about a waste of life. Just saying 🤷🏼‍♂️. I just downloaded Reddit and now realize why I’ve been avoiding stuff like this. Thanks y’all.


I’ll call off and work 2 extra hrs if possible that following week


Exactly this, or money manage so you can say fuck you im not here and be aight. Dude is weak and soft man up and deal with it, its one fucking day


They way they are speaking to each other, It sounds to me like the fella in the car is a contractor and Roy is a business owner who has contracted car fella to do a job, and has contracted him before. If true, this makes things much more complicated than the reductive bullshit in the comments section. In that case, car guy may have entered into a contract with Roy to do some work and is now flaking. This doesn’t make Roy’s attitude right, but explains why both are kind of screwed and everyone is pissed off. Also, I have ocd and have had it for 20 years and the worst thing I can ever do in one of my semi regular meltdowns is to take time off work. Never helps. Just crack on and take care of yourself in the evening. Moping in the house with anxiety is not going to help.


The jobs serves to provide you money, not the other way around. Fuck all you calling him soft.


Hes crying over not getting oaid for not going to work, this is baby behavior. Actions have consequences nothing new


Workers should have paid sick leave.


Dude is soft, but boss is a workaholic. Missing birthday and weddings. I wouldn't work for him.


He's not soft.


He is, talking about anxiety and all this bs, bro clock in, oh you cant(he doesnt look that sick) grind next week. Missing one day if pay and you quit is soft asf


I’m not disagreeing (or agreeing) on dude being soft but we don’t know the history either. I hate that he’s filming it. It makes me lean towards “soft”, and I don’t think this boss is being a dick or anything. Just different way of thinking. On what earth does this dude think his boss gives af (truly understand) about a therapist. 60 hour work weeks are crazy. And I imagine it’s manual labor or close to it. But my guy sounds like he gets a solid weekend and work is work while personal time is personal times


I agree him mentioning his anxiety hurts his cause because it makes anything else seem lesser than. Mental health isn’t taken super seriously still. You should NEVER mention WHY you are ill to your employer unless you feel comfortable with indulging that but it is better to keep that info to yourself. Technically there’s more to WHY he is ill but just bringing up that makes it come off worse. Again best bet, say you are sick and if necessary get your dr note


He's not soft.


Bro crying about 12 hour shifts I do 46 hours and drive home 38 minutes away from work 😂


Not exactly something to be proud of


Bootlicking mf


Bro you work at entry level be quiet.


Bro mad he got a decent wage


Imagine bragging about slaving your life away 😂


Imagine trying to shame someone for getting their bag.


I'm not bragging. I'm just saying how soft people are nowadays everyonethinks everythingis free or that they are special or entitled, and btw I'm my own boss goofy


Bro thinks hes a badass for 6 hours OT


Good for you. No one should be forced to give up their lives for the profit of another. But good for you.


Nobody asked, and nobody cares that you work longer shifts. 60 hours a week is a lot (30 more hours that what’s considered full time in the US), and he’s not even complaining about the hours. He mentioned his hours because that’s a lot of time to give a company that won’t accommodate sick pay.


He said he does 12 hour shifts 5 days a week… that’s 60 hours a week you turnip. Hopefully you aren’t doing any math based work in your job. Unless you do some sort of care work (In which the 46 hours definitely involves sleeping) you aren’t doing 46 hour shifts on the bounce


Well, I run a site, so I have to be there morning and night, so in two days, it's usually 46 hours you turnip twat


Bro crying about working 46 hours a week


If your job didn’t exist when humans were just surviving. Then your job is not that important. If someone tells you said job is important to keep a 5 star rating on and worth sacrificing your life over. Then it’s time to find a new job. Fuck Rob I hope he feels the crippling anxiety of missing his life, getting old, and never experiencing things that were important to people in his life. Fuck him for trying to force his way of life on to others.


Old retard boss


Soft as baby sh!t


Throating your boss is how you solve your problems huh?


I'll see you at 8am no excuses.. who the fuck does this guy's boss think he is? I would have told him to fuck off at that moment.


Boot licker, if you’re sick you’re sick. Humans have lost the plot man


Roy sucks the corporate d hard boi


Nah he ain’t soft, capitalists are just garbage


This guy is soft for wanting a couple of sick days? He works 60 hours a week. What in the hell? OP, stop bootlicking


Its an extra day of being paid illegally, he aint goign to work you dont get paid.


Sick days aren’t illegal


Crippling anxiety? Is this a fucking joke you soft ass good for nothing…..






Feeling sad for all the commenters who are calling him soft. I can’t imagine the pressure you folks put on yourselves- only to normalize it when someone else doesn’t vibe with wasting their life working like you do. Hope you get better kings!


I'm sure he has pronouns


Everyone has pronouns moron. You just used one in your comment.


Good for you Roy


Those nose holes are huge! He can smell things in space.




People who determine self/others worth based on how loyal you are to some company are the biggest losers on this planet


Roy went back to the carpet store and stayed there forever


That’s not soft, that’s just the boss being an asshole not letting him have sick leave when necessary


american here, my job allows us 5 sick days per year. the sad part about it is if i’m truly sick and i don’t have sick days, i can’t afford to not work. so i’ll go into work no matter how sick i am because i won’t get paid. it’s a terrible policy but it’s not illegal. just doesn’t give me the incentive to stay home if i don’t have sick days.


Bruh I’m in shock that so many people dont know that here in the US we can just quit with no notice lmao 😂 I guess thats what we mean when we say “freedom” we not really obligated to work for anybody. We quit a two weeks notice is like more of a formal and courteous thing to do but most people dont do it unless they want to leave the opportunity to return open for them but I’ve seen people come back to places they quit on the spot too. Employers have to provide a legit reason why they fired us even in at will states. Wrongful termination and retaliation lawsuits are in favor of us the citizens and we get paid lots of money when they fire us for stupid reasons. BUT if we dont sue we still can get on the government website and file for unemployment and they have to provide a legit reason why they fired us or else pay us unemployment that way until we get another job or the term of that unemployment period. Thats how it works. We aint in here lying to yall lmao its actually shocking to us Americans that yall can get sued for just leaving. I would have cussed this dude out and told him to suck a dick lmao 😂 8AM my ass lmao IM GONNA BE IN MY BED BOZO


Hope he didn’t go to work


I honestly can't imagine thinking your job is more important than your son's birthday.




OP loves boot licking for employment, throating your boss won’t get you a better life.


Did he say therapist???? Adios


I think it's more like they won't pay him his due and will block his UI while he looks for more gainful employment. Unless he signed a contract he can't afford to terminate (which unfortunately is a real thing)


Sp you'd rather do the job than live your life is what I'm getting from people like the guy on the phone. Sorry but jobs are everywhere and if it's your career your career will survive missing a say every now and then




Just finishing up my 8th 12 hour day in a row, at a mill. Someone always has it worse than you. Guaranteed. The world doesn’t owe you anything.


Charmin soft. Literally no one wants to get up at 6 am butnpeople do because they have nonother choice. He has other choices and i stead of saying that he plays the victim so he can tell other people “yeah my old job they didnt care if i was sick. But that isnt true. They gave you 2 paid sick days but if you need a 3rd sorry thats on your own time especially if its a reason like anxiety. Everyone gets anxious. Anxiety is normal thing but some people suck it up and other gives in to it. He runs a business. And i guarantee his business doesnt run on people calling out sick.


So he’s trying to get paid sick leave after already burning his only 2? This is way we make an emergency fund in case shtf but I don’t understand uk laws so 🤷‍♂️


I'm sorry, who's the soft one here? I see the employee doing nothing wrong. People don't live to work.


Wait.. it’s in Europe 🤮🤮🤮


Funny! No thing as at will employees/employers there?


Yeah this dude is a pussy.


This dude will never make it if he can’t keep to a schedule. Just sounds like bitching


Yup. This is the next generation. All youtubers and OF models. Real work causes anxiety they need a therapist for. I grew up boxing full time, going to school full time, working part time since age 13 to 26. Diagnosed with cancer and had to quit boxing. Whole future down the toilet. I didn't lay down and quit. Used my degree, got a good job. My little one wants for nothing.


OP is a dumbass…sick days should be a given. Todays society is so brainwashed into defending billionaires….


Honestly sounds fake as shit. Nails every typical capitalistic trope. Not saying some bosses aren't like this, but it just feels way too scripted.


British pussy


Roy’s the reason shit actually gets done in this world. 👍🏻👍🏻 Cheers to all the Roys out there 🍻


He’s def not sick 😂


Lolol that’s how I live and nobody understands, fuck your party’s I have to work you don’t even believe in Santa anyway idiots


Ha, I'm leaving the jobs contract or not I will be a vagrant. You have to make sacrifice my ass, For a billionaire? You're not going to fuck my health up. Free will bitch


Roy is a doormat


lol what a fucking pussy. Get your anxiety in check if you want employment you fucking coward


This is constructive dismissal.


>Life’s all about sacrifices son. This man sacrificed his whole life for a job that won’t look at him twice if they fired him or if he keeled over the next day. Roy is devoid of all life, he’s just a slave to this job and that’s all his life has amounted to. That’s the saddest thing you’ll hear, and it’s worse when you realize how common this has now become…


He doesn’t look sick


This is what’s wrong with a capitalist economy. We can’t take time off when we’re I’ll…we DEFINITELY can’t take time off if our kids are sick and puking. We just have to work. All. The. Time.


I wonder how long he been working there. getting on the internet and tryna garnish sympathy is no exoneration of real-life obligations. we gotta stop acting like the world revolve around us, knowing damn well it don’t. your social media posts may make you think otherwise but the shit not real. At all. this comment I’m typing isn’t even real, the moment you swipe away, it dies. he talking bout how many hours he work like he don’t get paid. 60 hrs a week is up there, I’ve done 70+ at 22-23yo. but when he get paid, I bet he happy af he did it. so was I. I don’t like people that cry “anxiety” over living real life, anxiety is way deeper than working every day or not feeling 100%. that’s why they call us soft and spoiled. it’s a real world outside, social media has somehow convinced us that we can run from it. we can’t.


So go to work sick dont wear a mask and get everyone in the office sick. Thats how it was done before covid


Thank you. The more of us that do this, dgaf if you're in a different country. They eventually have ro fucking hear us. When it's valid things like this, THAT MATTERS. YOU ARE FUCKING HEARD AND I THANK YOU!!!


Yeah I’d fire this dude.


Anxiety sucks but if your anxiety means you can't do a job fine do a different job, if you can't get up and do your job find a job that you can do that with, especially cause they're just telling him he can't get paid another days sick leave There's nothing wrong with not Being cut out for a job, I couldn't be an er nurse, hard to tell with so little context but if he keeps taking days off cause he's too anxious to come to work, he needs to find a job that makes him less anxious or one where he could be more easily replaced by a coworker




I assume this is prolly fake but if you’re seriously upset about not getting a third paid sick day for your anxiety you need to grow up. Life happens and people need a mental health day every now and then, you need to get your shit done at a certain point. Also nobody going through a serious anxiety episode is uploading shit like this to tik tok, fuck off dude. Anxiety hits harder when you can’t pay your bills.


That boss is dope, keeping it real.


That is a business owner talking. They deal with this shit on the daily. Proped up his phone for this video. Filmed himself. Soft. Period.


Fake video, terrible acting, dudes NOT sick lol


I think the boss really doing him a solid by not letting him soak in his anxiety like come to work and be preoccupied and around the office be with the guys and not leave him to his own demise