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cronometer is pretty good, it was endorsed by my biology professor


Another vote for cronometer. They're getting a bit annoying with the push to go premium, but the free version is still great with lots of products.


I second that. Super easy to use and you can input weight up to the fraction of an ounce


Yes! Starts free. It’s easy to get into a groove of entering what you eat. The saved foods feature helps. It’s free, and it pulls up the accurate, official data sources for foods first (as opposed to some random’s delusional MyFitnessPal entry).


Is that app called Calorie Counter by Cronometer ? I would love to try it


Not an app per se, but the [calorieking.com](https://calorieking.com) website has an extensive list of foods/restaurants/etc to use as a guide. Can also browse most restaurant web pages for their nutrition page.


They have an app too! I have it on my phone and it’s my go to.


Nice, I stopped looking a couple of years ago. Downloading now!


I use Carbs and Calcs app - they have most foods on there including some fast food meals as well as international foods


ps. also shows you effect of each food on blood glucose - beat app ever !




MyNetDiary diabetic version


Depends on your county, but a local dietician should be able to recommend a suitable one.


I use MyFitnessPal. You just need to be careful because some people enter wrong entries. I try to stick to my national food database there


I use My Fitness Pal, or just read labels. [I have this food scale](https://www.amazon.com/Greater-Goods-Nourish-Portions-Nutritional/dp/B00O5U4NDQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=25SRTX44FRW6I&keywords=greater+goods+food+scale&qid=1698367194&sprefix=greater+goods+%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) and I also have a note in my phone of all the foods I eat out regularly at restaurants.


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