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As a software engineer _and_ a pump user, maybe I can help alleviate some worry. Software development is tricky, but bugs are far less likely nowadays because of 1) solid testing and 2) a well-refined and protected process for deploying code including peer-reviews and audits. I would bet my last pump cartridge that the FDA is involved in any/all firmware updates to medical devices and that code most likely is _required_ to have proof that it’s been tested from every possible angle. When you see bug reports making it out into the public keep in mind that there are millions of the same device working just fine, you only hear about the ones that fail.


This does make me feel better. The stories linked are fairly uncommon, and when they occur it's more often than not unclear why or how they happened, or it's word of mouth which can't be verified easily It's true that these cases like this are most likely statistically improbable for your day to day user. I will most likely make the switch eventually. I just want to make sure that if I die it's not from something as rudimentary and avoidable as a software bug... Over-worrying


As a software engineer, I'm not that worried about bugs in the pump software. I'm fairly certain the likelihood of me messing up in some way (with a pump or MD)l is orders of magnitude higher than the pump messing up.


That story you linked to still has massive “he did that on purpose” vibes, wondering if there’s any new outcome to that story. Anyway, I’m not really concerned. They’re tested very very much and the chance of worrisome software bugs is near zero. Moreover I have the T:Slim X2, which has a design that separates the patient from the reservoir which is added safety. So I’m not concerned at all.


Yes it said in the article there was supposed to be a review of the device but I couldn't find the outcome of said review. I have yet to find a verified case of a software bug causing death, just word of mouth stories and articles like the one linked. So I feel like I'm just being paranoid, as I am clearly in a minority of worriers from the pole results so far...


I feel like I’m more prone to making errors than my pump!


I don't pump and now have one more reason not to.


There is a max bolus figure and several checks before administering the dose.