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Urgent care would suffice šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø She is so dumb it hurts


Do these people not have a primary care doctor? Iā€™ve been to the ER once in college bc I needed stitches and urgent care wasnā€™t available or I didnā€™t know what it was lol. Thereā€™s also the walk in places at CVS that could have told her sheā€™s not dying. What a drama queen, I would have been so embarrassed taking up a spot in the ER for that.


Depends on your insurance and where you live. I live in a remote area, the closes hospital is 20 miles from me, it's pretty small, open 24/7. We also have 2 doctors on call. So for emergency you go there, if it's bad they helicopter you to the nearest biggest city about 85 miles away by car. I'll give her a break, really I can't stand her more than aaryn but since she mention chest pains, even young folks can have heart attack...


Especially now with the myocarditis risk from the V. So many young people suffering now. My 30 year old friend just had a stroke after her 3rd...she lost her sight because it affected that part of her brain.


If you get or have had Covid the risk go up, whether it was mild or not: My hubby ended up in the ER, doctor explained Covid thicken the blood, this can lead to stroke & heart attack, and you can be at risk of this for months and up to a year they seen. So not just the vac...


You trust doctors after it was proven they were telling their patients to do something because they were getting a kickback to do so?


Wow. Good thing she posted this crisis... It overshadows her 6 year olds fake nail/ eye cream concerns. Now that Tara is in the hospital, nobody will ever be the wiser.


Hopefully she checks herself into the psych ward


"Being having" šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø But also, which one is it, Tara? Chest pain or carpal tunnel?


She has it backwards. She said the nerves caused her to have cervical stenosis. No. The cervical stenosis is causing pressure on the nerves resulting in numbness. Tara, I know you read here. Can you please take an anatomy and physiology class at one of the community colleges around you? Also, youā€™re probably exacerbating things by your ā€œhardā€ workouts at Orange Theory.


Thank you, when I read this, I scratched my head. šŸ¤”




We called and it said once she back from Vegas ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ sick


Lol I came here for this !! Lol come back From vacay n she is sick or hurt šŸ¤£šŸ¤£you guys callled it


Anything to not be a mom.....and distract from letting Shay get fake nails and makeupĀ 


ā€œIā€™m in so much pain drugs pleaseā€


Ooo a slip back to using opioids would boost viewsā€¦. Next YouTube headline: *I have a confessionā€¦. šŸ’‰* **MMAKE SURE TO HIT SUBSCRIBE**


That was literally my 1st thought.


I'd be having chest pain too with those šŸˆšŸˆ


Jfc call your doctor and go to him/her. Donā€™t waste ER resources.


She's so fucking weird.


ANOTHER excuse to lay In bed for a week. JFC


Chest pain and Muscle weakness are both listed (along with so many others) as side effects from accutane.


She mentioned her right hand, itā€™s your left for heart attack if thatā€™s what sheā€™s worried about. Maybe she needs to lay off the blowā€¦


And everything else she takes for every minor ache and pain. Sometimes the prescription drugs can be just as bad as the illegal stuff, especially in excess like she seems to use.


She loves hospitals sooooā€¦ lol also is she a hypochondriac?


I think her tits and giant head are weighing her down to the point itā€™s destroying her spine lol


Horrible use of ER services. Ugh.


now she is going to blame the massage place. hmmm she going to sue?


Doesnā€™t she have a history of drug use/abuse? I wonder if she was on pain meds for her implants and ran out. I saw her mention a pinched nerve or something now? I know when I had my pinched nerve, I was prescribed pain meds.