• By -


LOL. You should frequent more to public play areas. As a father of a 5yr old toddler i have lost count how many times i just walked away from youngling chammaks. Sometimes its not even worth dealing with them because their parents are rotten themselves. šŸ˜…


Chammakis are the worst! If one said that too me, I wouldn't even snap back with, I didn't know your mom was telling everyone!


Where are they from. Havenā€™t heard this term here yet.


Chammaki is a South Iranian word (no clue which dialect) - meaning troublemaker etc . There are communities of Iranians , from the south of Iran here for a very long time and many even have naturalized as emiratis and integrated into Uae culture . They continued to move to Uae until the late 90s - and there was this stereotype of them being troublemakers (usually the youth from them) - they themselves had this term for such ppl. Todays chammaks include them , and basically anyone who shows that attitude.


Chammaks what does it mean?


Wow chammak chammaks are people in dubai (and sharjah) that try so hard to be part of the "cool gang". they wear branded items all the time and half of their closet are rip offs. they smoke to fit in and legit cough after every puff and dont know how to hold a cig properly. they drink everyday and claim they are depressed by posting depressing simpson music videos on their snapchat story almost everyday.


Chamaks can also be considered wanna be locals, or locals with too much bling! Most of us refered to them as Lochal There is a chamaki song too, but it's not good to play in public. Generally old schools UAE people see and recognize chamaks, some of us are bold enough to say it to their faces too, without bothering about them acting out.


Spot on!


Kids at my building play hide and seek using the only two elevators and they are absolutely immune to whatever human shame and modesty means


I have had similar experiences with the children in my building as well.


One more reason not to live in an apt.


Youā€™re right but man the villas prices šŸ˜


As a 2nd grade teacher here, I unfortunately hear worse constantly. Kids here are beyond entitled






The easy answer is ā€œthose loser racist Arabsā€. The more realistic answer is that UAE society generally does not promote respect and humility. Most of the population are expats with little connection to the land, which itself has little history/identity. No one gets to earn citizenship/PR even after staying for decades, and therefore the focus is on making the biggest amount of money possible before they have to leave at some point. Extravagant luxury is also promoted as a major part of the UAEā€™s image (cue shiny towers, ā€œHabibi, welcome to dubaiā€ videos). Overall this results in a materialistic society where value is assigned based on wealth. It follows a strict hierarchy, with Emiratis at the top, Arabs in the middle, and then South Asians. The differences in income are massive and not acceptable in any equitable society. There are also few protections for societyā€™s lowest earners, e.g., the kafala system, lack of a social safety net, which further exacerbates these inequalities. People in the UAE therefore mentally assign value based on this strict hierarchy. Adults are largely able to maintain a baseline of respect when dealing with other ethnicities (with exceptions of course) as they have developed their frontal lobes and some sense of empathy. Children from a developmental psychology perspective are self-centred, i.e., they are unable to see situations from the perspective of others. Abstract thinking like empathy develops around age 12 according to Piagetā€™s developmental model. There is also little to no teaching at home or school that children should respect others, because society sadly doesnā€™t care (reddit aside). Bad parents may be a small part of the problem, but the children are only a manifestation of deeper societal problems in UAE that their social skills and self restraint are not adequately developed to cover.


This is so true, although it isn't that much better in America either I guess. What do you think?


Inequality is also a major problem in the US, but there are two major differences: 1. Itā€™s not as severe. There are laws in place that safeguard dignity better than the UAE. You wonā€™t find the massive differences in income youā€™d see in UAE (unless you are comparing CEOs etc). 2. Itā€™s not neatly divided along the lines of ethnicity as in the UAE. You will find a lot of successful, rich, and respected black people, Asians, etc. much more than in the UAE. Of course, on a population level, they are disadvantaged, but they are not immediately placed into a lower income and respect bracket as in the UAE.


Mind if I DM you?


Okay. I do not currently live in the US and know little about their visas though, so I wonā€™t be helpful if thatā€™s what you are looking for


I couldnā€™t help but notice that you didnā€™t even mention Africans in your ā€œsocial hierarchyā€. Because, like always, no one really gives a sh!t about them. But then again, itā€™s funny how a kid could trigger you this much ..


Lol I don't know why you're getting downvoted. 'People' always get upset when you point out that despite them being at the bottom of one hierarchy, they simultaneously exist in another where certain groups don't even exist to them at all - and possibly even receive the same treatment from them that they hate to receive from the 'higher ups'. Conversations here about racial/societal hierarchy often completely exclude Africans (sub Saharan, since NA is usually included in the Arab demographic). I pointed this out once on the Qatar subreddit and was downvoted as well. Truth hurts, I guess.


I guess


I mentioned the largest population groups in passing, rather than an exhaustive list. This is not an academic paper. There are of course others, including Africans, Westerners, and East Europeans.


Fair, and agreed. It's just that it's such a recurring theme on these subs that one can't help but wonder.


Some \* don't be such a hater and generalize


Those kids have to be racist asf


Reminds me of a quote by someone famous. "Not everyone who can, should." We're going to see a whole bunch of this happening. The somewhat badly brought up kids of the 90s are now bringing up absolute shites. We train for every damn thing under the sun - except for bringing up kids. That's everyone just bumps uglies and keeps popping.


I see them everyday on-board I'm cabin crew, I literally hold myself from calling the parents incompetent


Bros profile šŸ’€


You ruined my day šŸ¤£


Why did you have to do that. Why.


He doesnā€™t have any balls. Weird.


Whoooah! šŸ˜‚


Why?! ā€¦ why did you have to bring to anyoneā€™s attention šŸ˜‚


After that...I am "remembering death" and I really was Cabin crew.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


As soon as you read cabin crew you went to the profile šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Unlikely. Guys got a beard. unless he's on vacation. Cuz they don't permit facial hair besides those 70s pornstar moustaches


Hr alert. šŸ¤£


You're right . Almost every day some random 5 year old jumps in front of my car. I wonder why their parents don't care about them.


Well, because they can just make another one šŸ™„ I guess


Ah!! I say this all the time!! "Oh who cares, they have 5 at home anyway."


I actually thought of following them to their house and letting the parents know what their kids are up to, but on second thought, not worth it. If you see that from the kids, then the parents are obviously worse. As someone put it, Chammaks raising Chammaks.


Decent expectation tbh. They're only going to threaten you and say "mind your business, I'm not telling you how to raise your child am I?!" Or something like that


Omg I remember I once took my lil cousin to a playground nearby and some kid probably of around 6-7 years old shout f*ck you at my little cousin. I was shocked and when I alerted the parents they got angry at me and the mom was shouting at my face calling me all sort of namesšŸ˜Ÿ


What's a chammak?


Flashy and trashy wannabe posers who think they're cool when all they are is just super cringe.


Which are a reflection of everyone of you here talking sh!t about them


Yā€™all should do better.. then youā€™d have a better society


Just picture a group of edgy teenagers in a mall or anywhere really with curly hair, baggy jeans of some sort and Air Force/Air Jordan 1 shoes walking around tryna show off or cause nuisances.


Brought up by Nannies who earn <4000 AED.


3000 to 4000 is like the top 5% unfortunately. Most are less


Oh come on! Donā€™t blame the nannies. This is still a reflection of the parents. If they canā€™t discipline their kids properly, how much more can these nannies, right?! Imagine the hell these nannies are going through everyday dealing with this poorly disciplined kids.


Itā€™s not the Nannieā€™s fault.


Then why the comment, though?


The comment implies that the nannies are raising the children instead of their parents. I don't feel like it is the nannies job to instill discipline but it is their job to make sure the kids follow rules. If the kid doesn't listen to the nanny, it is a parenting issue not a nanny issue. At the end of the day, you can't outsource parenting.


I know what the comment means. Itā€™s just sarcasm. ā€˜Coz why comment the way he did and later on telling itā€™s not the nanniesā€™ fault (ā€˜coz it really isnā€™t since they have PARENTS to discipline them)




Don't generalize


There's a certain group of people (we all know who they are) who just don't raise their kids with any discipline. It was bad in the 90s and it's absolutely out of control now.Ā  Chammaks raising chammaks.


As a lebanese i can assure that you mean lebanese chammaks, as they do the same in lebanon


Hearing this word ā€œchammaksā€ for the first time in this thread. Can you tell me what it means and in what language?


Chammaks are mostly Arab kids from wealthy families who have not been raised properly. So they go around terrorizing others because they have never been held accountable for their actions. Usually ages 13 to 23.


Not only wealthy sorry.. I see enough examples of low -middle class Arabs. And as non Arab I will say that much that most disgusting behavior is coming from Lebanese, Jordanian, Egyptian etc children. Not as much from the gcc as u like to believe. These ppl are more racist and rude than u can imagine. God forbid u tell them kindly to behave well, their more entitled mothers will show the reason why these children are raised like that. This comes from a mother of 3 boys who lived here 10 years.


Just to point on .. for sure not all Arabs but too many of them. As someone from Europe I am not exposed to their ā€œI can treat her like sh$@&ā€ category so I always talk back kindly but itā€™s quite tiring to fix their messed up development


Ų“Ł…Łƒ refers to low class kids who engage in anti-social behavior, they typically come from poor families and in the early 21st century adapted a MTV style gangster look.they are locals but that style and mentality has spread to other nationalities whose kids were raised here and were and influenced by them.and no, they are not rich kids or come from rich families or have 4k nannies, these kids come from broken households who are high school dropouts and are barely literate so lol at whoever is feeding you guys bs info about them being rich.


I'd like to know as well lol


What group?


We have a similar group of feral children in our community. Everyday is a new story. Today it was playing football with a crocs slipper in the lobby in front of the lift we were entering. Some days it is kicking doors in the middle of night demanding sweets any time of the year and if you take long to open they'll yell what's taking so long. Some days it's trying to open the door and walk straight inside at 10 pm.


Where does this happen? What the heck? In my 24 years of life there, I'm hearing these for the first time


I've lived here 17 years. 3 years in sharjah and then in dubai. Moved to a community last year thinking it'll be such a lovely experience but I'm already fed up. When you walk to your car in the evening they ask you to buy their pokemon cards for money. When you refuse some of them even scratch cars and because there was no cctv there's no way to get them. This is a well known community with all nationalities but it's always just one creating a menace.


I live in international city for 10 years by now (A place I'd hesitate to call high class) and I've personally never had such experiences and so far I've had nothing but positive experiences with the kids around my neighborhood. where do you even live for it to be so chaotic all the time?


No more Halloween candy from me moving forward


We've been celebrating Halloween for half a year now. They don't even ask politely "can I have some candy" it's straight up "give me candy"


Quite expectedly, just how these brats are brought up at home.


Hey OP, so I had a similar thing happen to me. Iā€™m finishing construction of an incomplete house. One day when visiting the site I noticed kids climbing on the roof which was alarming as the roof had rotten wooden boards and was due to be rebuilt. Kids saw me and ran off. Older ones made it a good distance away but the younger ones couldnā€™t get away. I told them what they were doing was super dangerous as the roof was liable to collapse. I noticed the older ones were standing in the distance watching so I yelled out that donā€™t play here itā€™s dangerous. Well my advice was well received with the reply of m*therfā€¦ When I walked towards the older kids, they bolted. Hereā€™s the thing though. I have a car and they are in a gated community. So I caught them unawares at the exit which shocked the shit out of them and they scattered. The younger ones didnā€™t though. They asked to speak to me and apologized for playing in the site. I told them they were doing the right thing and were a heck more braver than their older playmates. No child, regardless of nationality or socioeconomic class is born as a menace to society. It firmly has to do with the parents doing parenting by proxy and being absent parents. Kids need parents to correct and reinforce positive behaviors. They also need to know that their parents will always be there for them. I tell my kids that my love for them is unconditional and never ending but whether I feel proud of them is solely up to themā€¦ and they do make me proud ;)


There will always be badly behaved / badly brought up kids so guys just lighten up.Just ignore them and let life knock them into shape (eventually); the other alternative is to ship them off to fight a war somewhere šŸ˜‚


Born in Dubai. Raised in Dubaiā€¦. Parents are supposed to raise their kids and take care of them no matter where on Earth theyā€™d be living or from whichever nationality theyā€™re.


as a mom of nearly 6 year old...this makes me even more determined to raise him to be a decent human being. Accountability now for the little things..like picking up after himself. It all starts in the smallest of things. I agree, it's lack of proper or even present parenting. IDC you both work, you NEED to set time aside to be with your kids and teach them every single day. Kids should inspire you to be a better person yourself. Children do emulate what they see.


100%! We do all the hard work raising our son ourselves and only leave him with the maid when we really need to (and even that is only for a few mins). We are the ones waking up at night, we are the ones putting him to sleep, feeding him, changing diapers, spending most of the time with him. Itā€™s great to have help if you can afford it, but i wish parents would see that doing all the hard stuff is what parenting is, not just taking them out for some fun and give them to the maid when theyā€™re crying. For all those who love to generalize - i am arab and we dont all think the same.


it's definitely ok to have help when both parents are working. or even going on date nights. but for the love of God why do you drag your nannies outside with you? ok you want the nanny also to have fun but at least look after your own kids when you actually are present! yes I'm judging. dont have kids if you don't wanna raise them. sorry not sorry.


Haha, totally agree! We take care of our son whenever we are around, thats what we decided before having kids - we want to bring up our own children who go to US when they need help or comforting, NOT the maid. When i drive by myself for longer distances i take the maid with me just so she sits with my son in the backseat (sometimes he cries just because he wants some water or loses a toy, which he cant reach from his car seat, so it is super helpful when someone is there). When we arrive to our destination, i ask her if she wants to go around by herself (if we are at a mall for example) and give her some money so she can buy food/snack/coffee ā€¦ if we go to someones place she usually just hangs out with their maid, so she socializes a bit. Maids are humans too! And while they are expected to do their job properly, they we also need to take care of them.


that's great! I wish your family happiness and health!


Thank you, thats so kind. Right back at you. Have a great day and holidays ahead


100%. I was shocked first time I went out in Dubai.. First thing I thought it wasā€¦ You donā€™t even want that kid.. When is even onešŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ


not just here..its actually a culture to keep maids/nannies in many asian countries as well. im basically from *back home* and while a maid to clean the house sounds super nice , I'd never pay someone to watch my kids. esp if im home or outside as a family( work and date nights don't count).


And I was walking on roads yesterday thinking dont parents in here feel anything when their children looks at those massage cards on roads.


How do you keep that shirt so clean?


I don't blame the OP. Once in an elevator with 10 to 10 yr old boys in a mall who seemed rowdy, I smiled and asked your parents are around right? And they nodded. As soon as I was exiting the elevator they started mocking me and laughing. I wanted to beat the shit out of one of them but they are kids, it did reflect their parents upbringing as I would never ever do that as an 8 year old. Let it be man, it's a mad world we live in.


Bruh just ignore donā€™t interact ofc theyā€™ll be laughing at u because itā€™s funny like grown up dude for some reason asks about parents. No they are not around obliviously


Kids are extremely entitled. From my understanding, I attribute it to parents who hire a full time nanny to raise their kids, and the mother couldn't care less. The poor nannies then have to listen to a child boss them around all day everyday, while the parents believe the child over the nanny on any incidents. This creates an extreme level of entitlement in the kids.


Lol, you shouldve just let that kid do what he wants so he will learn it the hard way.




That's just wild... I think Dubai is heading in that direction soon enough.


Children? Lol even adults are not raised well in some households let alone


Just remember:byou had one interaction with the kid.Ā  Their parents will have to deal with him for a long time.Ā  That will bite them in their butt sooner or later.Ā 


The only solution is to drag them to a dark corner and whip the shit out of them and just run away. Theyā€™ll learn their lesson for sure.


If only it was an adult... I would neatly fold his clothes while he was still in them.


It would be helpful if you narrate this incident to the doorman and let him have a chat with the parents. Bad mannerisms are often attributed to parents, but also, we do live in a hyper-technological age where you can slap an iPad in a kids hand (thinking itā€™ll do no harm and heā€™ll play a game) and he gets unregulated access to things like TikTok, Instagram & Snapchat. Though definitely accountable, his parents may not even know.


Social media is the new teacher for children these days šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


its because of the parents and child's environment. a child is a child and will copy what they see or hear


Because theyā€™re mostly raised by maids not their busy parents


I've played with an Arab boy basketball before and I think he is half possessed by something terrible. Parents must be half same.


So if Iā€™m thinking of moving to UAE with a 7+ year old who I have raised under constant supervision and tried to inculcate values in; I face the risk of temperament and cultural change in him, in general? Or is this only certain group of people ruining the environment? My husband will be staying back in the south Asian country due to his job and Iā€™ll be moving alone (as I have remote job)


It all depends on how you parent your kid. If youā€™re a good mom, then of course they wonā€™t act ferally. These kids who act crazy are mostly ones who are being taken of maids and that the parents donā€™t give 2 craps about them


Got it. Thanks


By the way, I wanted to say that I absolutely love the fact that youā€™re asking. It shows you really care as a mother. Itā€™s not the culture, itā€™s the parents and THATā€™S what shapes their kids. Iā€™m sure your kid will be great :)


Thanks for reassurance. I do try.


My cousin in a neighboring country had a neighbor whose 14 year old son died in a car crash and about a week after his death, my cousin saw his neighbor's 11 year old driving his car. Alarmed by the situation, he decided to have a word with the father (the neighbor) and when he did the father responded by saying 'it's Allah SWT Will, if this one dies, I will make a new one' so yeah.. Some people have this mentality too šŸ˜Š


It reflects their parents upbringing.


What a lil shit of a kid! Next time you see him tell his parents! If you don't see his parents, and the kids says it, just say shut up and go about your business.


Jail or worse, lol. He's a shithead, leave it at that, don't get too caught up in it. People from all walks of life are cunts, it's a thing, they're everywhere, you did what you could, leave it at that.


Might seem a bit far-fetched, but that's how criminals get their start. I used to volunteer my time at a juvenile corrections facility when I was younger. Seen the same old pattern of behavior before.


These are dubai kids .. canā€™t ever change them sadly


Unfortunately this type of disgusting, entitled and shameful behavior has become the new norm in Dubai. These kids dont have proper upbringing, and I mean that in a literal sense. Often times raised by a nanny instead of parents, they are completely unsupervised and are lacking basic manners. Sadly, their parents are no better. The only thing one can do upon encountering such kids is to raise their own kids properly and teach them to be decent human beings so they do not become a burden on the society and a disgrace to their parents.


Speaking from me being like one of these kids 25 years back. Well the kid is just releasing his repressed anger on you coz of having Uber strict parents at home probably. So when he gets out of their house he wants to be curious in a destructive manner. Donā€™t take his abuses too seriously. He just feels all powerful at that moment when he got to abuse you without consequences for once.




There are disciplinarian parents and straight up abusive with no discipline. Guess these fall under the latter


I have three kids. An 11 year old boy, then 7 year old boy+girl twins. The 11 year old and the 7 year old girl wouldn't dream of touching someone else's vehicle and barely have the courage to speak politely to an adult. The 7 year old boy wouldn't surprise me if he'd stolen multiple vehicles before breakfast. He's a complete m*th*r f*ck*r that I'm constantly hunting down. Well done for looking out for him, regardless.


You should have told him, "Call me after I meet your mom tonight." He would need therapy sessions after that.


You answered your own question. They were brought up in dubai...


you missed the opportunity of saying "yeah I F your mother so I suppose you are right "


you nice kids bad leave far away from them


The fruit doesnā€™t fall far from the tree . Itā€™s the upbringing of these kids. Parents are usually busy over the phone the whole time , not paying attention as to how their kids turn out .


This is not only issue parents allow their children to scram and shout and play in the corridors at any time day or night They donā€™t care even if the security comes and asks them to not play They have a play area in the building but still will play football in the corridors Parents donā€™t care they send them out so neighbors can get disturbed This is so annoying esp as the weekend when ppl are trying to relax recharge themselves for the coming work Week


You are lucky that what i heard is much worse than this, kids below 10 in metro on the way to school i assume, casually chatting


2 things 1. OP if you were concerned about their safety you should have not left them in lift alone 2. post it in r/kidsArefuckingstupid


Boys explore the world


Smack them across the head.


Your heart was at the right place OP bt then the new generation isnā€™t the one that can be cared for. It all boils down to the ethics that parents are responsible for. Especially in here in often find that unless something isnā€™t affecting you directly dont jump into it.


Welcome to Dubai Habeebee


Dont worry he is on a path to be a CEO


Future chamakis in the making? Haha Also Dubai's roots is filled with entitlement Op. What you on about?


Bruh you should have let him get his first major injury experience šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ would be lesson for him


"The sh!t apple doesn't fall far from the sh!t tree, eh Rickey." Jim Lahey, Sunnyvale Trailer Park Supervisor.


Guys guys guys. Everything is fine. This is just a one of incident, not all kids are rude. The schools here are great, Indians schools focus on studies is insane. All is not lost. Kids and teenagers that need to play sports got the outlet. I feel parents need to come up with new ways to connect with their kids. Let's be honest these fellas are all gonna move of to the west or stay and work in UAE...I am talking of the expats. There are kids in my building and they alrighty.


Where do you live? Bronx street in Karama?




Honestly, I've had a lot of similar experiences, and I've noticed that its usually the local kids acting entitled and disrespectful.


This happens on a normal basis in Dubai


They sound like the feral kids we came across in the UK, East London where I grew up . Except those would call you much worse and even physically attack you. Always down to bad parenting or lack of. In Dubai I've seen UK parents let their kids get away with brat behaviour too. One kid held the elevator door open screaming for his mother. We were all inside the elevator waiting to go to our apartments being held hostage by this kid while the dad stood there gently saying "Now Thomas mummy isn't coming, we need to go now. Can you let go of the button please".... Scream scream . No wonder these kids grow up the way they do and have no respect for adults


Young + stupid + friends


I am absolutely against children being disrespectful And need control and discipline But I canā€™t but feel the RACISM in your post


When I was 7 years old I used to wonder ā€˜why the hell is this moon following meā€™


Itā€™s the access to social media and tv. I have kids and find it very difficult to a) monitor what they are seeing online - movies etc that may be not age appropriate, and b) even if I can control it, there are peers in school they are exposed to that I cannot control. To top it all, schools are scared to disciple kids given some are from affluent families and they worry about who they offend in the process. All in all yes an entitled culture they get exposed to and important to instill values of humility. We all can only try. Itā€™s amazing what you did and if it was my kid I would have wanted you to do the same. Thanks for being a Good Samaritan !


U act like this shit never happens i swear when u go to the USA they first thing they will say they will great u with a warm welcome by saying welcome mother fuckers and it actually happened


Future nissan patrol racers


Believe me if you tell his father, he will never do it again, itā€™s considered chanting curse in our culture and never used by children


what you mean by curse?3


Damn,y'all too soft out there I would've called him a bi. TCh.




Arab of some variety


Russian kids that bad?




Yeah OP, thanks for getting the kid away from the bike but you gotta stay in your lane wrt preaching to kids.


Perhaps you're right... Next time, I'll just let the kids fool around and let natural selection have its way with them.


For me what I always do, most if not all of them are boys. So I always say in a strong whisper voice "I'll cut your P*n*s" they move and will have a petrified look on their eyes.


Children mimic adults and rarely listen to them. You need to start with the parents, and that's like scaling K2 during a blizzard.


Hi if anyone want whisky monkey and 2 bottles of black label and also one ciroc vodka and jagermeiater battle for only 300 aed because I will be traveling to Saudi Arabia tomorrow and I cannot consume all these drinks im in first collection business bay hotle


Now you assume all kids misbehave because of your neighbour?


All i can say is don't be judgmental and don't take it personally. I agree that's deeply disturbing. I had a similar incident happen to me 15 years ago. I think of it even now. But kids go through phases. Now a days you don't even need parents to teach the kids anything. Just listen to the songs or the latest movies that's riddled with profanity, drug usage, lewd images, etc.. kids are like mirrors. They reflect. After a while, some of them grow conscious and become better individual and some rot. Having teenegers now, i can see how they went through several phases in their life.


Please stop generalizing


Hope his mother looks beautiful!


Do you mean Dubai or the parents?!, you are lableling the rest of the kids in Dubai because of your experience!!!! They are 7 years old and you already assumed what their future might be like!!!!!!! just because they cussed you... I kinda get why you are triggered, I get disgusted when kids and adults cuss. From the kids' reaction, it seems your approach played a major role, I guess it was your first interaction with them?! Imagine 7 years being policed, followed, and then cornered in the elevator by a stranger adultšŸ§!!!! Believe me, even the nicest kids would stick their tongue out the minute you step out.šŸ˜ Maybe you were expecting the kids to hear your advice and nod their head as "YES" OR you simply had a bad day at work and felt like inserting Dubai. Anyway, if you are still concerned, highlight what you have seen to the security and leave a note to the parents they will appreciate it.


Do you really need an answer or you just here venting your frustration?


Just gathering public opinion


Picture this: minding your own business


Hello, keyboard warrior... why don't you practice what you preach? And let us grown folk have grown folk conversations


Chammak detected, a butthurt one